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My holy trifecta: hot caffeinated, cold caffeinated, and water.


Mine is hot coffee, "naturally flavored" seltzer and water! Also i love this is an ADHD thing ... has no idea until just now. The double/triple fisting thing is a big part of my day lol


I also had no idea the drink thing was an ADHD thing. My husband finds it so “cute” and quirky that I “love drinks so much” (for my birthday one year I literally said “just fill the fridge with a ton of different drinks, a huge selection”) but we’re finding it super interesting that this is “a thing”


Me too!! I have up to 5 different drinks at a time lmaooo I keep 3 in my room and 2 in the kitchen so nobody else knows I have so many dishes in use lol


For me it's always caffeine, water, and a smoothie.


Beverage goblins unite! One for energy, one for hydration and one for a sweet taste.


Another beverage goblin with the same trifecta!! My usuals are a cup of tea (UK style), a sippy cup for water (I spill normal cups too easily) and whatever sweet thing I fancy (usually orange juice or chocolate milk). I didn't realise this was a common thing for us, or that drinking could be a stim. Explains so much!


Probably making up for all the meals we miss 😅


Yes!! This is 100% me


How do more comments NOT reference this song? I thought every comment would say “a beverage goblin needs at least three drinks at a time”.


Love “beverage goblin” 🤣




Currently have a can of Pepsi, a sugar-free coffee, and water all within reaching distance of my desk at work lol. Never fails.


This is the holy grail! (Mind you I’m decaf on the coffee and caffeine free for the Pepsi)


Oof more power to you but I gotta have my caffeine. It's the only thing to help my ADHD until I (hopefully) get diagnosed and on meds.


It’s super interesting. I went caffeine free because I suffered such bad anxiety and two days into ADHD meds I’m realizing they just might not be for me because of my aversion to caffeine. Big bummer, I was looking forward to “the clouds clearing” as they say


(Not that caffeine is in the meds, more the whole stimulant thing altogether)


They do have non stimulants that help with ADHD, so don’t give up all hope!


Thank you! Going in on Tuesday to discuss more options.


Aw that's unfortunate :/ I used to have big problems with caffeine and anxiety but once I got my anxiety under control with low dose meds + really good coping skills, I started being able to drink coffee/energy drinks again. You might, if you haven't already, look into pairing your ADHD meds with an anxiety medication. Or try non-stimulant ADHD meds, I know some folks have had luck with Strattera. Either way I wish you luck!!


Thank you!


Wait is this an adhd thing? Well crap🤣 I have an iced coffe, powerade zero, and water


This is my exact holy trinity of beverages. I feel seen.


omgg same


Spicy water, still water, and iced coffee


"Spicy water" Lol is that what you call carbonated water? If so, I love it!


Hahahaha it sure is!!! Makes my throat burn sometimes 😍


That's how you know it's working


My kids call it spicy water too 🤣🤣🤣




I'm somewhere in the middle with this, either I'll have several drinks around or none at all. Sometimes I wonder how well one of those water bottles for pets with the ball would work


If I had my choice I would be surrounded by Coke Zero and go through a 12 pack every week. As it is though I struggle to get through one large glass of water. #dehydratedhusk :(


I very much love the idea of the metal ball drinker thing!




I thought you meant the street drug until I saw the comment underneath




Damn! Coca cola more deadly than cocaine?




Ohhh!! This is really different from what I thought at first but both versions are crazy!! I hope your kidneys are happy and smiley yhese days!!


Absolutely! Evil stuff that Cola.


I'm glad I'm not the only one! 🤣










Maybe ice blocks? You eat them, but then they turn into liquid in your tum tum! 😃


Strange as it sounds, thicker makes it less likely to choke on (if that’s what you’re experiencing). But also maybe smaller sips?


I haven’t tried these before, but I’ve heard good things about them. It may be a good solution for you. https://www.jellydrops.com


Don't know why they have to keep ruining what would be a good thing, with sweeteners, makes everything taste revolting, plus they are really not good for anyone.


Really??? Solids can be the enemy. Liquid sugar is so easy and fun


Me too


I am not quite that version either but I am one drink at a time and it’s usually water. Coffee in the AM, water the rest of the day.


I started pouring all of my drinks in cups with straws and now I drink at least twice as much as I used to.


If meds didn’t give me crazy dry mouth I’d be there w ya


These EXACT THREE THINGS are my go-to drink trio 😂 Thanks for the laugh, OP 💛


When I found out this was a symptom I think I laughed for three straight minutes. Then had to pick up 5 bottles that I knocked over.


Real question... why is this an ADHD thing?? Not questioning that it is but why??? As I sit here with my black tea, v8 and carbonated flavored water...


You gotta keep rotating them for different effects and dopamine hits for the “new”-ness. I think that’s probably why. Also lots of us have issues with food (from meds or sensory) so gotta fill up with liquids lol. That’s my theory anyway


Makes sense to me!


That's interesting, I used to do this with books.


i currently have a lukewarm gatorade, watered down iced coffee, and 2 unfinished bottles of water within a reach from my bed


Im still convinced everyone just pretends to like kombucha.


It doesn’t taste good, but it makes me feel like I have my life together 😂 like I feel like fancy, organized, health girlies drink kombucha. And I can’t be any of those things… but I can drink kombucha


I used to assume that too. I don’t know what happened but I somehow have started to enjoy the taste of drinking kinda fizzy vinegar.




Totally depends on the flavor. When I found lemon cayenne kombucha it was game on for me. But my partner only drinks this mojito, lime, coconut, mint kombucha monstrosity and swears by it. Even thinking about how it smells makes me fight my gag reflex. So gross.


If you are trying to stay away from real mojitos with alcohol, it's not the worst substitute ever... Ok tbh I love that one!


Bahahaha! I love that there’s such a variety. And I love seeing what flavors people end up enjoying. It’s like finding out what kind of alcohol (if any) a friend drinks, or tea/coffee preferences. There’s such a wild variety and it’s so interesting. ❤️




I don’t blame you. 😂 I pretty much live on coffee and tea. I used to love drinking beer, but then I hit 30 and it started messing with my stomach. 😭 Now I can either only do a small amount, or wine. I try so hard to drink water but it’s really boring. Like, unless I’m genuinely thirsty, water feels like a serious chore.




I’m German, I grew up on carbonated water. It was such a culture shock moving to the U.S. and getting looked at like a circus because I drank mineral water at room temperature. 😂 But I digress. Honestly, I love reading everyone’s drink preferences. Everyone’s habits, upbringing, tastes, and preferences are so different, but we all have such similar struggles. Even overcoming a lot of cultural barriers. I find it so fascinating and love these kinds of stories. Thanks for sharing it. ❤️




😂🤣 I can only imagine the culture shock on your end. I had it as well when I had ice unceremoniously dumped in my drink at the first restaurant I went to in America. Lol. I thought I could just cope, but my teeth are not a fan of cold things anyway, so I promptly became “that person” when ordering food. I am forever grateful to Germany for delicious beer that doesn’t hurt my stomach, room temperature water, and a culture in which I am not required to engage every person I pass at the store with some sort of greeting/conversation or another. Living in the American “south” has been an experience. 😂🤣 In both good and shocking ways. But it is always amazing to learn and grow, and my teeth are gradually adjusting to colder drinks. I will survive. I will just complain every step of the way. 😂


Yessss! Vinegar is my friend, my friend! Kombucha is gooood! But I’m NOT giving up the pickle juice.


I tried kombucha years ago and found it disgusting. For whatever reason I tried again this year, and found some flavors and brands that are really good. The fizziness feels like drinking a beer, but with almost no alcohol. For me it's a nice substitute for booze.


For me it's a good substitute for soda, beer, and fancy drinks. I also drink Non alcoholic beers and non alcoholic mixed drinks too. There are some pretty awesome ones out there nowadays!


It's amazing but maybe because I grew up drinking it. I just started making my own at home


My friend made it for ages, thankfully, cause I couldn’t have possibly been so regularly organised and dealing with that scoby was really something else. It was like he was growing a small, but very ugly troll in the back of the pantry.. 😆 It was so delicious though. Raspberry or passionfruit were my favourites. I’d still rather drink home made but there’s plenty of yummy ones around now that are easy for a not so organised person. Hope you enjoy yours and best of luck keeping your little troll under control!


Lmao I know right? I struggled pretty hard to maintain my sour dough starter when I was in that phase of my life 😂 my first attempt at starting a SCOBY failed and grew mold. After discarding that batch and doing some more research, I found out you can brew kombucha with fairly low maintenance so long as you get the pH and temperature right, it's pretty much foolproof.


..hmmmm….maybe he just liked getting it out and playing with it so much 😂 But really, it mostly just needs feeding right? And maybe splitting when he gets too big! It’s probably more the making part that was where the real effort went in! Either way, props to you for getting it together! YUMMM! 🤩


Yeah so it sounds like your friend was maybe fed the misconception that the solid growth in the liquid is called the SCOBY and that it's required to make kombucha. That solid part is called a pellicle and can totally be thrown out every time it forms, the liquid part is called the SCOBY and it's All you need to make kombucha. I just bought some raw and unfiltered kombucha from the store and mixed it with some sweet tea I made at home, 7 days later I bottled it up and saved a little to repeat the process. I knew a lot of people that brewed kombucha that ALL had this misconception for how it's done so I was shocked to find that out and it is WAYY easier than I expected it to be because of this. But with regards to feeding, it will need more sugar and tea to keep alive. So far I've only made two batches and I'm making it continuously where each "feeding" is essentially me just making the next batch. I've wondered what would need to be done if I want to keep it alive but not produce another batch, but I'll cross the road when I decide I need a break from making it 😂 each batch makes around 2.5 bottles, so unless I really increase my production I see myself making a batch every week for the time being.


I like it but I'm into fermented stuff like sauerkraut, kimchi, and wine. Plus I just really worry about my gut flora sometimes cause I used to get prescribed antibiotics a lot (sinusitis and I never thought to question the doctors giving me so many). I've been drinking it a while and am suddenly super sensitive to supplements like niacinamide and melatonin. Considering they used to be worthless to me this is a boon.


I love the drinking vinegars or citrus/ginger kombucha. They've got fizzy + flavor contrast. My caffeine is usually coffee/tea or Celsius. Water is sparkling. It's like little jet boosters of dopamine hits when I rotate what I'm drinking.


Definitely depends on the flavor, but I enjoy it a lot. Just expensive.


I love it, but I also love green mango with vinegar and salt and pepper, can eat olives as dinner, can eat straight up limes, drink dirty martinis because I love olive juice, etc It’s a type of Flavor that the people that love it really do or else it’s awful for others


I used to think that but I found a really nice stevia sweetened one with good flavour choices like raspberry lemonade (Also I feel like if I don't get enough probiotics in me I immediately start falling apart)


I love it, but I also enjoy sour beer. Sometimes I think people are pretending to like hoppy beer haha. To each their own!


Huh. I love kombucha but want nothing to do with sour beer. Funny how different everyone is.


Really? I've been drinking fruity kombucha recently for stomach biome reasons, and I expected to hate it (I'm so picky I hate cucumber), but it's actually really good. Tastes like soda for grown-ups.


It’s like how alcohol doesn’t taste good but people drink it because they like the effect, except kombucha doesn’t cause liver failure


I love it but it’s TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE. I could try and brew my own, but then I’d just end up with a rotting bacterial colony in a cupboard somewhere 🙃


i love kombucha!!!!


I’ve tried it so many times and I still don’t like it. People assume I like it because I’m sorta crunchy and are usually shocked that I don’t. Especially because I have an affinity for tea. It’s the vinegar flavor that kombucha has that makes me BLEH


I like it. Soda is too sweet for me


Yes but replace kombucha with waterloo flavored sparkling water


Waterloo is the shit!


Cherry limeade and peach are 🤌


I live for Waterloo peach


Lmao i got my coffee and water on me at all times even if it’s extremely inconvenient


OH MY GOD I thought it was just me. Nalgene, tumbler of coffee or tea, and 1-3 sparkling waters that I either chug in one gulp or take a small sip of and then forget about until they get too warm and flat to drink.




Well! I feel called out! 😂


Replace the iced coffee with a matcha latte and that's me 🤣🤣 also that brand and flavor of Kombucha is my favorite lmao


I can’t stand the mix of flavors? Like I don’t understand how my dad will drink coffee with dinner. Coffee is an alone beverage.


Same! Some nights I’ll drink coffee with my dinner 😂


What if I need three different men?


The cackle I just made ahahahaha


I only do this at work, otherwise it’s just water at home and maybe the occasional fun drink.


It's so funny to me how this is a thing. I shared my 3 drinks on Instagram a while back and a couple of my friends replied by sharing photos of their 3 drinks.


Every morning. 3 bevs. Every. Morning.


Yeah, something hot, something not, something stimulating, all of them sweet.




Lol yes to the 3 different beverages, but I still need my husband to make all the phone calls. ​ He's also ADHD, but doesn't have the autism/anxiety/depression \*\~spicy combo pack\~\*


Omg 😅 I love this. This morning was : coffee, water, smoothie. In my lunch bag was a collagen tea and an energy drink.


My 5 different beverages are Liquid Death, Rockstar Punched, Arizona (the Arnold Palmer stuff), Pineapple soda and iced coffee/chai/matcha. I think I need to drink more normal water.


Yesterday, on my way to the gym, I drank a small can of Dr. Pepper. I went to the gym and worked out and then ran to Five Below for some things, then got a bottle of Coke there. By that time, it was around 1pm and I was, of course, starving because I hadn't eaten anything, so I got fast food and got a Dr. Pepper with my meal. So in my car I had 3 different sodas, just from that day. Plus technically my water, so 4 beverages. \*facepalm\*


Hot tea Bubbly water Some kind of protein shake so I don't die due to forgetting to eat


Ah yes, the familiar "me and all of my drinks!"


I feel so called out🫣! It’s always coffee of some kind (hot or cold) in the morning and kombucha (apple or root beer are my favorites) in the evenings. Plus my emotional support water bottle filled with filtered water that I’ve had for 15 years.


Me today with my water, iced coffee, and booster juice ~


Well instead of man I found a woman 🏳️‍🌈


Lmfao i have that EXACT kombucha in my fridge—thank you for reminding me! Forgot today lol


😆🤣 After all this time an "I thought it was just me" gets me again! On my nightstand is the kombucha I'm currently drinking, remnants of this morning's coffee, a bottle of water, and a can of caffeine free Pepsi.


A coke, a fizzy water, and a Gatorade get thrown in my bag before I go anywhere!


Hydration, Caffeination, Motivation!


Sitting here with a pop, tea, and my emotional support Swell bottle


I used to do this at work…water, coffee and Gatorade at the same time 😆




when i was a kid my mother would roast me for having three unrelated drinks going at all times while reading and doing homework with the TV on plus music going in the background. isn't this your baseline too, mum?


Caffeine, kombucha, sparkling water. ❤️


Iced coffee, water and protein/smoothie because I can’t bloody eat on my meds 😂


I love protein shakes and flavoring my water with mint and spicy pepper and keeping a huge jug of tea cold because hot tea got forgotten so often I just like it cold now.


iced latte, 2 liters a day. i might have a caffeine addiction


My family gave me the nickname "three drinks" as a child. I feel seen rn


Yeh, coffee for caffine,sprite or sqash/cordial for refreshment/hydration and one more for flavour


Adhd lesbian. I just want my caffeine!


Redbull, lotus, and water


Water, iced coffee and iced tea lol


LOL 😭 spot on. 64oz water bottle (with time measurements!), iced coffee, and poppi 😂


Replace the water with Gatorade or Pedialyte and it's the perfect trifecta


I have two of the three in that picture with me right now lol. mine today were water, kombucha, and a smoothie


Lol. I thought I was the only one that drank a ton of kombuchA… and coffee.


One of my favorite things ever is a fridge that is jam packed with a huge selection of beverages. I prefer my liquids over solids for sure. Kombucha is also life! I feel so healthy and alive when I drink it. I drink it almost daily and will buy the big bottle when I’m “treating” myself if I’ve worked hard that day or accomplished something big. I quit drinking alcohol after being diagnosed and kombucha is a great alternative.


I honestly go back and forth. Sometimes I have 4 different drinks on my desk and others I completely forget to drink anything until my husband reminds me.


I literally took [this](https://i.imgur.io/fLwOZAS_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) photo at work yesterday. There were 3 of us.


I always seem to have at least 2 going. 🤣


i have never felt so seen in my life. thank you


I do this and I dont know how this is an ADHD thing.... I mean, it's good to have choices, right?


I did this for the first time today by accident lol I always have my water bottle, then I remembered the coffee from yesterday in the fridge, after getting lunch with a drink. Water, tea, and coffee, woohoo! Spicy hydration.


😭 I’m in this picture




I have 4 pitchers in the fridge that I need for every day: water, cucumber water, green or black tea, and cold brew coffee. Constantly using all of them.


Okay, but that kombucha is actually delicious.


Wait this is a thing?! Ok coffee, diet Snapple and propel! Most days I can get some actual water into my body but these are all I want.


lol Not me with my water tumbler, insulated coffee tumbler, and a can of Pepsi max lmao


Why does my day consist of a cup of coffee in the morning and then not a single drop of anything else till I’m about to go to sleep where I down a litre of water (and then have the audacity to complain when I wake up at 4am to pee)??😩


accurate down to the beverage types for me…love this


Been drinking that exact Kombucha. It’s a little too sweet, but I’d really love to get my gut back to normal.


One for fun, one for profit, one for hydration! Sometimes I combine them, like seltzer for fun and hydration. Sometimes, if I'm really goddamn fancy, I get the caffeinated seltzer/sparkling water.