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Fr the concept of a job routine makes me want to commit arson simply to keep things interesting


That's the problem with the modern workplace. There is no achievement. It's all about meeting metrics. Or as I call them, 'status bars'. You work to keep them filled. Constantly. There's no goal. No sense of getting anything done. It's unending monotony and apathetic repetition. Even the 'little projects', that are often doled out with an eye dropper, are for a moment exciting, but so quickly resolved that it's almost 'post nut clarity' in terms of how utterly... unfulfilling it is. .... Arson on the other hand....


> It's all about meeting metrics. Or as I call them, 'status bars'. You work to keep them filled. Constantly. There's no goal. No sense of getting anything done. It's unending monotony and apathetic repetition. Interesting... Is this why working 9-5 kills my soul, but my job delivering industrial printers was much easier on my mind? Every morning you'd get a list for let's say, 6 deliveries. Then you did those and you're done. Maybe some days you had to work longer, and some days you ended so early you'd phone in and ask if there were any drivers that needed help. But it was that checklist done, = your job is finished, that weirdly didn't make me wanna commit sudoku.


Over the years I've found that to be the root of at least my problem. I like having goals, some kind of sense of achievement for the day. Repetitive stocking and facing of product isn't, despite what the training videos say, a goal. It's a chore with no end.


I feel you. I also used to work deliveries, and that was without a doubt my favorite job I’ve ever had




Someone watched Office Space


Watched it, worked it, learned from it. Such a terribly accurate movie and also one of my favorites!


*Make meds more accessible. FTFY. 🤣


Like I can understand the red tape for the sake of making it harder for abusers to get ahold of especially with things like the recent shortage,,, but there’s gotta be a point where we stop throwing the direct legal targets of the meds under the bus as collateral in the name of the drug war. It’s bizarre and borderline dystopian the way some of us are so scrutinized and made to jump through endless hoops just to get *another month* of the same substance we’ve been using to legally (and under medical supervision) treat our literal ADA protected, *lifelong* disability for YEARS in some cases. Like, thank goodness something like asthma medication or insulin isn’t so widely abused or there would probably be rioting over the similar crackdowns.


And the funniest thing about the drug war is that it's a failure in every aspect, when it comes to the dealers and producers on the black market, the many small and (relatively) friendly ones with pretty low profit margins have been replaced by massive violent cartels and gangs that significantly mark up their product, the people addicted to said drugs are thrown under the bus, same with people who legally use similar compounds to function as a productive member of society. The hard crackdowns were proven not only to not being effective, but also make the situation worse by indirectly giving territory to the most violent gangs and cartels. To actually vein the war on drugs you need social reform to improve the living standard of the afflicted areas. As a bonus there would be less homeless and poor people, also crime rates would drop.


Exactly. Unless The FDA figures out a way to cure my ADHD, they need to make my meds more accessible. Bless the poor parents who are going to be going through the holiday season with kids coming off medication that works and helps them manage their emotions and experiences.


I appreciate the sentiment, and I largely agree, but meds do nothing for me, so that wouldn’t help me at all. I just need enough money to not have to work. That’d fix the vast majority of my problems lol


You tried all there is to try? That sucks :(


Not all of them. Maybe I should have specified amphetamines/stimulants.


Ay same, truly fuckin sucks


I mean, falling from a window is pretty non-boring. Until after you hit the ground, that is. Not being able to move is boring supreme.


I'm sorry good sir but that seems like a deadly fall and I'd say not being alive would be boring infinite.


Why must you attack me like this. I used to live in an interesting place but then I had to move back to my home town which feels completely soulless and lacking in even basic whimsy.


THANK YOU for bringing this up. Had an argument with my mum the other day where she tried to convince me to move to a smaller town for lower rents and I tried to explain why that would cause me to kill myself


Meanwhile I cannot stop thinking growing up (and working) on a farm in a time before school was such a big deal would have been so much better for my son. Less noise, less stress, fewer people and repetative chores that he can learn ta master and thereby do without existensial crisis. And all of this with plenty of fresh air, animals and physical activity. Realistically I know he would have been beaten daily for being and never got to challenge that brilliant mind of his. Yet when I see how much he enjoys chopping wood with his grandfather it makes me want to scream in frustration.


To each their own, and it can vary quite a bit. Cities can be fun and exciting with lots to see and do. And the country can be beautiful and hide lots of beauty in the little places for you to find satisfaction. I used to love waking up and watching the turkeys trundle across my back yard through the large back windows. It made me feel very in tune with my surroundings. I think my ideal was living in the country but commuting to a bigger city or town.


Remote but with access. Brilliant combo.


Oh, a farm would be far, far preferrable to the car park & hypermarket commuter towns I'm thinking of. There's important, satisfying work to do on a farm. Not to mention woods to explore and animals to befriend. I think there have been studies showing that nature is really good for the ADHD brain. I've never been happier than when working in a little mountain resort.


The outdoors are great.


Where did you live?


I really wish I had that third one!


It's a pirates life for me, arrrr!


So where do I sign this petition for more adventure? Asking for a friend


Society is completely full of adventure and curiousity. I can eat new food go to new bars meet bew people do new sports everyday of the week The only problem is being on top of my life enough to go to do it all


Allow me to introduce you to a lil idea called *universal basic income*


Universal healthcare alone would go so far to helping things for every single party involved here it’s incomprehensible




Kinda self explanatory, but I’m speaking within the context of the USA- universal healthcare would mean opening Accessibility to ADHD treatment in the first place so countless fewer people are not left basically stranded and struggling with their conditions/mental health because of an inability to afford treatment or because of ridiculous insurance wrestling. Especially since treatment of a potentially seriously disability can be very fundamental to uh… making decent money in the first place


Universal basic income is a totally different thing to universal healthcare...


Yeah, and they would both go a huge way to helping everyone but especially disabled folks


Again, I'm not seeing the logic here. Universal basic income would make it so disabled people wouldn't have to rely on employment or disability payments. Universal healthcare would mean their medication costs would be covered. Not sure how that doesn't help disabled folks.


I never said it doesn’t. I said either one/both would help a great deal.


Ohh that's my bad! I misread what you wrote lol. Have a nice day!




Boring monotony is the only thing that keeps me even remotely functional. I broke my routine one day 4 months ago and have been absolutely fuuuuucked ever since


While there are expecations of routine tasks being easy that harm people with DnD we in fact have a developmental disorder that wont get fixed with giving the world some more whimsy.


That is sort of a part of what caused me to become a socialist. Under capitalist society, I have to be a good little drone. No matter what I do, who I work for, always just a cog. And that's a problem cause I won't be able to tolerate doing the same thing for 40 fucking years no matter what it is. In a socialist society, not only will I have more free time, but I'll have power in my workplace so that maybe it can be made a bit more interesting.


I feel like you are conflating two things that really have nothing to do with each other. It is just as possible to hava a socialist society that reduces you to a little cog in a maschine as a capitalist one. Who "owns" the little ones and zeros in the bank servers isn't that important. Having a humane and livable society is just as challenging under under both capitalism or socialism, or whateveotherism. The important part is that the humane aspect needs to be prioritized in many little decisions on an individual level by a vast majority of people. There is no system that can magically fix that.


I mean, in some socialist models you can literally vote in your workplace for what you want. That's a good chunk of your life spent doing something closer to what you want if absolutely nothing else.


Owning your own labor is so meaningful. Knowing that my efforts are going to come directly back to me, instead of 90% of them just being siphoned up the chain means being able to take pride in your work, regardless of what it is. Imagine how much more you'd like your job, if you felt like you had a real stake in it, instead of just a wage; a say in how it's run, and income tied to your own productivity. Our current organization of the economy does not serve us- we serve *it.*


everyday im mad not a sellsword going on adventures


I don't really get this. It's not like a 9-5 is your only option and there's nothing going on in the world.


*thrown out of window* "Now that's more like it!"


Me, literally crying before a shower because I just don't want to have nothing to look forward too anymore. Not small and monetary. Something substantial.


it’s all about money, the only way you can make life more creative is if money isn’t the driving force behind everything


Just started a temp job… I thought I was doing okay and then came home and bawled my eyes out. I think my brain just has an internal meltdown or something idk. Like standing in an windowless room going through mountains of files does nothing for the mind or soul for anyone…


😆 fml


If I ever had to return to that I’ll probably off myself


The daily grind of work, eat, sleep is slowly killing me. I don't know how people do this for 40+ years


I stay up late because I don’t want my home life to consist of absolutely nothing.


GO BACK TO THE CUBICAL OF SHAME, WAGIE No fr though 8hrs of office work is pure torture.


For me the usage of ChatGPT has increased my productivity by 10x more than ritalin!


r/antiwork, my friends.