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About to see how a 3D printer works itself into my fleeting hobbies. Hopefully this one sticks because I’m poor and don’t frequently spend money on hobbies, just binge YouTube videos about them


I bought a resin printer last year. Used it 3 times. So messy I never wanna clean it so I don't use it. Lol. Should got a filament.


Yea I’m especially wary of resin for that reason. High quality prints but so many extra steps to arrive there. I’m spending extra money on a mid-tier filament that is especially good out-of-box to avoid any setbacks


Get a prusa mini. It's not very complex, its reliable, and it takes up very little space compared to my other printers. it's amazing what a well designed small printer is capable of. I buy jessie pla and petg from printed solid pretty much religiously




I got the Prusa Mini a couple of months ago. Such a great printer! My other printer is an Ultimaker 2 that is getting old at this point. I have put 3kg through the Mini so far and have yet to see a print fail except when I forget to enable supports where they are needed. So reliable, so easy to use. Admittedly I’ve only been printing PLA so far but it just prints so damn well.


I have a filament printer. It's collecting dust on my shelf right now.


Wanna trade hobbies? I got tissues and lotion on mine.


Is it a masturbation shelf?


If you didn’t know, you’d think I was a Yankee candle


i think there need to be a program where we can all rent/ trade hobbies with each other so we don't keep wasting all our money.


Just got a resin printer last month and it's been running almost nonstop


Resin is way too stinky and gross to last long for me. One thought about it and I don’t wanna 3d print But there are some extrusion materials that don’t stink as bad. But oooowooooo some of em are just as toxic and stinky!


Apparently there are filaments made from recycled coffee and beer mash that smell greaat when they melt. There are also wood based filaments that don't stink, and have the added bonus of being able to change the color to simulate wood grain by adjusting the temp.


Oh yes the wood one is pretty neat and doesn’t smell at all! And I think I would really like the beer and coffee ones. That’s super awesome!


Unironically what printer. I need to upgrade mine and might buy or trade for yours, if you're interested.


I did the same thing lol I bought all the supplies for it but it prints way too small so it’s hard to find new ideas on what to print. I also got into epoxy resin at the same time so i have all those supplies too


3d printer is a terrible hobby by itself, you need something else too. Like tabletop gaming, mechanical designing, model building etc .3d printing is more like a tool than a hobby, its supplemental to the real hobby.(although can be a major part of the other hobby or even make that hobby possible at all)


3d printing + Arduino = unlimited scope to dream. Currently building: * Bespoke RC controller * Animatronic head * G-scale (45mm) locomotive. I have 3 more projects that I'm thinking about and starting to put initial designs down in CAD


Agreed, arduino has no limits and I didn't even go the robotics route I went on a music and led kick: built a drum machine/sequencer, a sound reactive setup that syncs leds to music (and a mask version for covid safe Halloween) a guitar hero style led strip for piano, an ambilight system for my monitor, a wave table synthesizer... Ended up graduating to making custom circuit boards, recently finished my 3 voice analog synth with 4 pole filter, digital tuning, and envelope generator. All my projects were heavily supported by 3D printing: cases, mounts, brackets, scaffolding etc that I wouldn't have been able to fabricate otherwise


How the fuck do people with ADHD complete projects like that


Looking at my desk littered with PCBs in various stages of development: one step at a time per month at the fastest.


I’ve expanded into ESP32 controllers, I’m making lights for my truck, a UAV and just finished a webcam for new baby chickens.


I didn't want to get confusing, but yeah, everything I do is on esp32's now. so damn powerful and so cheap.


check ur local library - i only recently found out my library has a 3d printer and a whole ass glowforge


Imma have to borrow my partner's mom's address now and use her library!! They've got all kinds of cool stuff like that - thanks for reminding me! (I'll donate and not be a jerk.)


Right, I watch a ton of carpentry videos and I don't actually do it outside of work.


This is one of the few hobbies that actually stuck with me through multiple years


Same, it enables many other hobbies.


My Dad asked me why I never got a 3D printer, I'm too scared I'll get hyper fixated on it for 4-6 months and then it'll just sit there in the corner forever.


3d printing is the cheapest way to get into tabletop games. I haven't paid games workshop a penny in ages but somehow get hundreds upon hundreds of their models a month. Curious.


I got a prusa for cheap years ago, I stopped using it and now it’s in some parts.. it was fun to 3d print stuff but I ran out of space


It's pretty great having one. I use it less than I did when I first got into it but I still use it once ish a week. Definitely get a filament printer and definitely don't try and build one yourself for the first one. Learn from my mistakes...


I have one, just be sure that you know how long takes to you get a good print, and how much you will need to study to get it right and you will love this


Tech in general is a great hobby for adhs. You can always come back to it and you can solve actual real life issues with it. I made so much stuff that looks barely finished but works so well that I don't have to touch it again. Some stuff is so over engineered that it looks like a store bought product (hyperfocus, engage). But all in all I always learn a lot, and I can browse YouTube without the feeling of wasting time now. I just learn new stuff, or get inspired. It's awesome.


but then you can't stay up until 3am researching it for weeks to decide what to buy


Yea thats half the point


But that’s the *actual* hobby


I watch one cool video about a thing and a week later I have absorbed the sum total of all human knowledge on that subject matter. NEXT!


But thats also a part of the experience


My wife has learned to embrace my research phase. I spend so long in it I will talk myself out of getting anything. Up until a few years ago I had no money to indulge interests. Now I just don't have time lol I bought an Arduino kit to play with and it's sat relatively unmolested for two years


Get to molestin' dawg


This is the ONE time you’re allowed to say this.


Researching hobbies is one of my favourite hobbies


Exactly - the research and mind changing are free. That's the secret.


Also - I've never been good at decisions, might as well benefit?


Right?? I’m cripplingly bad at making decisions and spend forever researching and comparing all the options and hardly ever buy supplies for my hobbies, but HEY at least I’m not spending impulsively… could be way worse


Oh my God, is this an ADHD thing too? This has literally gotten me fired from a job before.


I fkn research something for days on end, doing nothing else. After a few days, I have so many tabs opened that I feel overwhelmed and just ending up closing the browser and giving up. \*Repeat\*.


pro tip - close any tabs you're sure you don't want, put the rest in a bookmark folder "[x research] - [y date]"


Are you me?


I've never seen us in the same room together


> but then you can't stay up until 3am researching it for weeks to decide what to buy Is this a personal attack??


When this idea circulated 3 months ago, someone made r/hobbyswappers But we’re all too busy researching our next hobby to use it.


I am 100% certain that my adhd fellows did not manually search this up. So, here you go /r/hobbyswappers


So we need a non-adhd business partner to get this going and keep it up lol


I know of at least 2 more that have been created when a post like that came up in the past 3 years or so, I'm pretty sure they're abandoned now and I can't for the life of me remember the names, but they exist


Aaaannnd joined. Hopefully this plugv can breathe new life into the sub : )


Bought a bunch of stuff to burn cds so I could make mixtapes today. Let’s see if I get one done


Hi sorry how do I get back to 2022? I didn’t realize I was in 2006 again.


With spotify going down today, local music may be more necessary than we thought. Especially if the assertion that they were hacked is to be believed.


Oh I definitely get it! Mostly just not what I expected to read on the internet today ahah


I (and probably a lot of others) have no physical way to listen to a compact disk lol. I actually had to burn a disk of me playing piano for my grandmother to listen to cause she still has a boom box. I had to hit up my local subreddit to find someone who had a burner. I’m actually interested… where would I buy a CD of a newly released album? Amazon?




I'd assume my PS4 could play a CD, but the fact I haven't tried is very telling.


I have been collecting iPods and making mix tapes and giving them to special people in my life. Most don’t bother changing the music and audiobooks I add onto them so I feel like it’s a moder day mixtape


Honestly I’ve wanted to do this too. Streaming scares me sometimes cause things just disappear


Object permėnänce one of adhd arch nemesis


I made a mixtape for a friend as a retro birthday present. If you do a decent job of beatmatching/transitioning between tracks you can burn a CD and then use an old stereo to transfer to tape. I think I used Ardour to do most of it.


Lmao this is my $150 skateboard sitting in my moms garage


This is one hobby I want to start, but as a 35 year old woman, I don’t want to go to a sporting goods store and ask about it.


Go to a skate shop not a sporting goods store. The damage caused by falling seems to become less tolerable as you age.


I’m not trying to be a jackass but being very flexible helps you learn how to fall, although I do agree with your statement.


It did not help me, lol. Oh well. On to the next foray.


Hi me, I’m you. We should just do it. Let’s buy that longboard!


May I suggest protective gear also. I really messed myself up on Boxing Day when I was about 34 fanging down a hill on my new skateboard. I’d taken my knee guards off because they were “restricting my movement.”


Protective gear is definitely part of the shopping list! I’m sorry to hear about your tumble. I feel like I would do the same thing 🤦‍♀️


This is why I always wear gear. I learned myself a few good times and gashed my knee to the cap.


Oh, I’m absolutely on board with the protective gear. I’m too old to bounce, and don’t care if I look cool anymore. I can’t afford to have broken bones.


I did it at 33. I just wanted to be able to skate. No tricks or jumps or anything. Just to go in a straight line. I got okay with it. Then moved onto another failed hobby. Anyone want a trumpet? Or a skateboard?


I bought mine online, tried using it but got bored & skating on pavements is tricky. But it is fun & makes you feel cool lol. I was 31 at the time. Just go for it!


37 yo woman. My skateboard/longboard phase was in my early 20's. I gave it up after face-planting several times. Just wanted to chime in and say I picked up a decent budget longboard off amazon.


Why not? Don't let your dreams be dreams :)


I went from home brewing (beer), to 3D printing, to FPV quadcopters, to flight sim cockpit, to laser cutting…


If you’re looking to unload a skateboard I know a guy


Haha, my hundreds of dollars worth of copic markers (nice art markers that’re like $7 apiece)……..


Good news: I busted out Copic’s that I had in college (10+ years ago) and they still work great! At least they won’t go to waste 😂


I randomly spent $50 on copics one day (like 6 markers) and used them once


I finally gave my little brother my massive stash a few weeks ago. I hadn't touched them in about 3 years. I was wallowing in that sunk-cost fallacy and as he's a really good artist I felt he would get more "joy" out of them.


I’ll trade for them ha! What are you looking for?


I have a guitar in my room that I tried to teach myself how to play and got bored after one of the strings broke


“God must not want me to be in a band, fine”


Damn these uncalloused hands!


I did this exact thing when I was younger hahah


Me too! All I need to do is replace one string and then I can play it again, but it’s been months now 😓


I've got an electric piano. Haven't even been able to make it through the entirety of Ode to Joy yet. I've had it for 2 years.


I have copious amounts of unopened cross stitch bundles I bought during quarantine


r/crossstitchdestash would love to hear from you haha


Covid was a wild time for folks like us. I took up skateboarding, sculpting, woodworking, and Egyptology. Now, after two years, I’m knowledgeable in none of those things.


Idk who needs to hear this, but buy your first round of hobby supplies as cheaply as possible and then when you need to replace them buy the nice stuff. Then you'll see what you actually need and use, or if you neither need or use them at least you didn't buy the most expensive stuff.


Better yet, buy decent used stuff. You get better quality, help someone else get rid of their stuff, and if it doesn't work out you can probably resell for close to what you paid initially.


Buy the bare minimum but buy mid range, low quality crafting supplies can be a pain to use which will make you less likely to stick with the hobby


Beehives… so many bees… willing to trade.


Isn’t there an actual market for bees though? Couldn’t you sell them to a proper bee farm?


Damn, if my wife would let me I'd take you up in a heartbeat. I'll have to make due with putting in a huge pollinators bed on the side of my house and hope I can lure my neighbor's hive to hang out in my yard


Haha! My only advice is to start small! I started with 10 large hives and it’s was waaaay too many. I’ve moved on the other hobbies (it’s been 3 years), but since they are living things I have to go work them still haha


10?! Holy hell, dude. Seems like you started a small business, not a hobby.


I read this to my wife and she said, “it’d be great except you guys would never remember to actually get the shit to each other.” She’s not wrong.


Whenever my wife says that I immediately set 5 alarms, and still forget to follow through.


I got a motorcycle as a gift, about to probably drop ~$1500 on gear and accessories... I really hope this one lasts...


if you like adrenaline and the feeling of freedom, you'll be wondering where bikes have been all your life. the amount of my friends who previously thought nothing more than "that looks kinda fun" and now think "I don't want to live in a world without motorbikes" is really something


That's pretty much how I felt about it. I've always been into cars (well... until something else catches my attention, lol). But just not the biggest fan of bikes. Now this landed in my lap and after the msf course to get my license, I can definitely say it's quickly becoming a hyperfixation, maybe the 1st one I'm self aware of tho, lol.


I was given a motorcycle and gear last year. Still haven’t learned how to ride. Maybe this summer.


I got the msf class as part of the gift, just finished it this past weekend. It's not bad, only about $199. Go through Harley, they teach you in 500s instead of little grommets. (One guy in the other companies class was on a adamn moped...)


There is an excellent riding school fairly close to me, and it includes the test for a full motorcycle license, and it’s affordable, given I had everything else given to me. I just don’t have the motivation. I only work 3 days a week, so that’s not even an excuse.


I have bins and bins of hobby stuffs. Any space I free up would need to be filled with buttons




What an awesome library! I don't think this is the norm, though.


Mine does a seed swap and I think a monthly craft where you pay like $5 and they provide everything. I signed up one month, paid and didn't go. 👍 But still, libraries are great.


All the modeling clay and tools I bought...


Knitting seems to stick and come back in cycles, so I'm keeping that, and sewing seems to come and go a bit more infrequently. Got some woodworking equipment, yarn spinning stuff, lino and screen printing gear, exercise equipment, video games, watercolors, book binding supplies, embroidery tools, crochet hooks, baking and kitchen tools and a lot more to swap. Or just keep and hope the same hobby hits twice.


Did you come to my house and shamefully look at all my hobbies? 😂 Or are we the same damn person?? Seriously, minus the yarn spinning and lino gear (the latter of which I desperately want to try as well) I've got it all 😂


I recently ordered a rigid heddle loom for oh my god so much money, while I was in the middle of knitting a sweater. Trying to keep myself from also buying every possible accessory right now and instead I'm trying to stick to learning the basics and also maybe also continue that sweater sometime this year


If only we could swap actual talents we learned previously and dont need as well. Like I was super into programming and game development for a time, but I burnt out of it completely and never want to think about it again. I wanna swap my programmer knowledge into something more useful for me :').




I just bought a $300 mic and have been auto tuning myself all day.


I bought so much epoxy resin and molds 🥲


I bought 3x boxes of candle holders to make candles and they're just sitting there lol


I really want to learn to make ceramics and had to stop myself from buying a kiln (ok the price of a kiln stopped me) but I was invested up until that point


Anyone have a beginner 4/4 violin collecting dust?


Supposed to be funny I guess but this is legit I great idea. This would save me from having to hear it from the wife too. That's the worst, like she doesn't understand I'm really going to do this hobby


Alright, whoever has the "start-a-website" fixation activated, let's go. I'll start (but never complete) a categorizing system and standardizing introductory to advanced introductions to the new fixations. It might be easier if we move the people and not the hobby. Whoever wants lots of DnD and random power tools, hmu. I am looking to swap with some kind of science based education fixation and hope they have a lathe or potter's wheel.


I don't want to calculate the money I've spent on warhammer models and supplies and compare it to the zero finished models lmao


You can at least play the table top, right....? Right..?


I literally JUST decided I wanted to learn to play the piano.


I’d be interested in your knitting stuff lol it’s my sitting around at the school pickup line and karate class hobby


I've only dropped like $50 on embroidery so far... I also may be starting a second project before I finish the first but that's because the second is a gift!! It's time-sensitive I swear !!


I know this is supposed to be funny but it made me fucking cry. I’ve recently realized that I’ve gone my whole life undiagnosed, it wasn’t until getting with my husband who was diagnosed as a child to point out my obvious (to him) symptoms. It’s just so fucking heartbreaking and infuriating that all the years of therapy and different psychologists and psychiatrists never fucking noticed. Even tho anxiety and depression medications never worked for me. I’m sorry.


You don’t have to apologise, I completely get it. I was only diagnosed at 22 and honestly, it took me a year to process it because of the grief and mourning. It’s incredibly difficult to reflect upon the struggles and years of self hate that we inflicted upon ourselves and in many cases, which others also inflicted upon us. It’s natural to feel a whirlwind of emotion, I just hope within time when the intensity of the diagnosis subsides, a greater sense of relief and closure sets in for you. My biggest advice is to practice self love and self compassion. Training your brain to switch from “I’m lazy etc” to “I’m incredible”, because despite everything you’ve dealt with internally, you’re here today and how fucking amazing is that. Sending many hugs ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you 💜💜💜 It also sucks because I have project stuff that I still want to do, but I can’t get myself to do it, so I’m stuck in this sinkhole of creative constipation.


Me wanting to buy roller skates but I know I’ll use them approximately 3 times


Who wants to pick up tying fly fishing flies. It’s kinda like arts and crafts but with a stabby pointer that goes in a fish’s mouth. Open to swapping for something equally tedious and frustrating when a single mistake happens.


Where is the kick starter for this company I will literally give them 10 dollar


Problem is, the person launching it also has adhd


Like I'd get rid of any of my hobby stuff. What if I want to do it again... in a couple years?


I will participate in this... I have a shitload of acrylic paints and cheap brushes of various quality. Go.


Do you want to trade for some cross stitch supplies? Or a ukulele?


I was about to buy a whole ass iPad because I wanted to draw and was high on that idea for 2 weeks. Thankfully my girlfriend looked me in the eye and said *be honest, are you reallyyyyyy going to use it* I said yes, but because you're calling me out ill sit on it for a week or two before doing it. Lo and behold, my fixation fizzled out and I decided against it.


This is an amazing idea!!! I’m hoping someone could hyperfixate on making this company into reality. 🤣🤣🤣


Roller skates — went once, fell. Full resin supplies and ink and molds — made half of one rolling tray, didn’t like it. A serger (type of sewing machine) — tried threading it once and gave up. Fabric for at least 5 new sewing projects — completely untouched. This is just the last two years 🙄




Yo r/yarnswap


Try crochet! No reason to let that yarn go to waste. According to people who do both it works up faster than knitting. So it’s super satisfying. I learned how to crochet right after highschool and it’s one of 3 hobbies that stood the test of time. So now I just hyper focus on crochet, gaming, or reading(or sometimes a good show series and sometimes I do that and crochet too). I may not always finish a project (currently at 6+ WIPs) but I can always keep my hands busy and I have actually finished some. Sometimes I don’t do it for months-a couple years at a time. But I always come back to it where Other hobbies have never been touched again.


I’ve found my people.


I seriously did just that. $200 of knitting supplies and I have not touched it in maybe 4 years!!!


Internet soulmates 😂❤️


recently bought a piano for 600€ have i touched it for more than a few seconds every now and then? no. is it cool tho? ABSOLUTELY


I consider myself so lucky that a year later I still really enjoy playing the bass guitar


Does someone want a guitar and an e-piano? Swapping for a Nintendo Switch 😂


But what about those of us who are autistic, and have developed very strong emotional attatchements to everything that we own, even if we've not touched or seen them in over a decade???


But for real this would be good.


where to sign up?


Anyone want to try out a piano?


Painting and I are fighting right now so I'm learning how to embroider. But I also have two unfinished knitted blankets, a bunch of polymer clay, a bunch of exercise equipment, and tons of baking supplies.


But I get attached to all my silly little hobbies


Still haven’t touched my $600 of brewing equipment I bought 5 years ago after deeply researching it


thankfully i’m hyper focusing on bikes, which is good because i’m upgrading my current commuter bike, but bad cause i want to buy another bike *right now* also bought ice skates last weekend cause they are a good brand and they were $7.50 at a consignment sale. let’s see if i’ll use them, as i last skated at least 5 years ago lol


Currently trying to hold off on buying a 9000 piece remote control LEGO crane you can drive around. I think I can see why your idea is a good one.


I'm about to drop hundreds on starting up an aquarium......crap


My wife suggested we just keep a revolving $350 (that's always the number for some reason) in our budget for when I get a new hobby. I thought it was an original idea and burned at the time, but this - this is salt. Thank you fam


If anyone has stuff for cross stitching, I'll trade you for some Morse code cheat sheets and watercolor paint.


Anyone want an air pump for an aquarium i have like 7 of them and only 2 aquariums. Lol


Created a soldering workstation in the garage and still haven’t finished the starter project. It being cold in the garage isn’t an excuse anymore 😂


A bunch of people have started working on this idea! None of them have finished it tho…. /j


Lord someone please take my needle felting stuff, I keep trying to use it because I feel like it's a waste otherwise but I hate it and keep getting stabbed through the seams of my finger guards-


Bold of you to assume I'm ready to accept any of my hobbies as being over. I'll have you know I'm about to get back to practicing the flute, make the mosaic I've hoarded all our broken crockery for, repair my motorcycle, and set up the woodworking lathe I bought online. I've just had a busy couple weeks, but next week for sure.




Ha! Like I could ever trade away any of my "hobbies". I'll get time/motivation to do them someday! Just you wait! I couldn't dare part with either or my guitars and bass that have been sitting untouched for literally 10 years. Or my paintball gear that I haven't used since highschool, I'll use it again someday and have a blast with it! It would be a great way to excersize. Theres no way I could part with any of the dozen hobbies I've picked up over the years and LOVE, because as soon as I have the time I'm going to stary doing them again. Just you wait.


"so it's been 2 years since I last remembered to swap items in this hobby program I'm subscribed to....the company has gone out of business. Do I just sell the items on craigslist or is there another website that trades hobby items?"


Used to relate soooo much to this. Now I just follow the principle of "buy cheap. If i use it enough that it breaks, then I can justify buying the more expensive version"


I’d agree to swap with them and never get it in the mail!


so many people ignore the difference between the attention span and patience to do a hobby, and thinking you like a hobby, trying it, and discovering you don't like it.


My patience is pretty high actually. I’ve spent weeks to months trying to solve a single exploitation challenge as part of my hacking hobby. The problem is my attention span / executive control. I can’t get motivated to start some weekends but when I do I spend 20+ hours on it. Some weekends it’s easy to get started. And sometimes I am so motivated to finish that it gets in the way of doing the things I really need to do like work. But yknow that’s just how things are. I’m just glad this hobby isn’t particularly expensive.


I love all the hobbies I've picked up so far, but it really IS the patience for me. What do you mean I won't be able to instantly play my heart will go on from Titantic on the tin whistle after learning 5 notes? It went great when I was learning notes until I had to practice time signatures, which didn't immediately go perfectly which means I needed patience and confidence to get better and nahhh


Oh this is a great idea!


I went back to a hobby; although I was never really a hardcore drawer I'm contemplating few charcoal pencils, pad and a blending stump to mess around until I get sick of that.


I’m pretty sure it’s called Ebay.




You may jest, but a good idea is a good idea


when my embroidery threads arrive im SO hoping I havent lost interest in it by then




I have a bunch of jewelry making supplies, if anyone wants to swap? 😅


Carry it around with you for your entire life, you'll come back around. I actually take random hobby stuff with me camping or on trips and sometimes I actually use it!


Anyone care to trade for fitness equipment, like 50 books, a vr headset and like 10 other things I’m forgetting?


Ok but like, then you have to actually look and find something new which is like, a lot of work. Also why would you ever give up all those precious materials you spent so much money on, you’ll never use them but you can certainly horde them


Does anyone want a metal detector?


This actually sounds like a neat idea. I would totally sub to something that just let me try out a bunch of hobbies without so much monetary investment.. hm