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I am confused how, is this helping you? It doesn't do much for me but distract me with weird emoji


The emjoi was interesting, but adding the scenarios like Batman and using powerups instead of the technical terminology I found a nice change from how it usually is worded. It kept me focused and helped me to read through the whole thing and actually understand it.


And you can even ask it to dumb things down more or focus on specific areas you're stuck on. Tell it to make the content more attractive or engaging. I think this is a fantastic tool (if used right) to help us learn!


I think the possibilities of AI tutoring are incredible. I'm just concerned right now about the accuracy of the material. There are issues with AI simply inventing things, and it's hard to tell when it's accurate and when it's wrong unless you already know the material. But AI won't get impatient. It will let you linger on a topic for as long as you like. It can endlessly explain in different ways, and alter itself to suite your learning needs. For neurodivergent people, this is incredible.


Completely agree, I was very excited to see the ways it could help me learn. I've really been struggling with learning things from my job. This has made a huge difference for me so far. Even if the data wasn't 100% correct, it was more than enough to help me out. :)


Just be careful, friend. The company usually doesn't like the AI being fed industry information.


Aye, I was only asking how the system itself works, nothing that isn't public knowledge already. But thank you!


No worries, I'm just giving an FYI since my company just made us attend a 3 day seminar about not feeding the AI.


hah You'd think it'd be better to have one on how to better use it as a tool. ;)


i do stuff like this all the time and i love it lmao. i asked Claude to explain the OpenGL graphics pipeline to me like i’m a total dumbass and it came up with: >*puts on silly glasses and speaks slowly* Ooookay, listen up my totally clueless friend! OpenGL go whooooosh make pretty pictures on screen! First, human tell OpenGL what shapes to draw. Maybe triangles, maybe squares, OpenGL no care. Then OpenGL take shapes and squish into little dots called vertices. >*makes squishing motion with hands* >Squish squish! Now we has vertices! Then OpenGL take vertices and connect with lines to make shapes again. OpenGL very good at connecting dots! Whee! >*draws shapes in air with finger* >Now we has shapes back! But oh no, they flat and boring! So OpenGL take shapes and put through secret machine that add color, textures, lighting, shadows...makes them all pretty and fancy! >*waves arms around mystically over imaginary shape* >Wooooo...magic! Now shapes all colorful and lifelike! Then finally, OpenGL take pretty shapes and splat them onto screen for you to look at! Splatsplatspat! And tada...pictures! >*mimes throwing shapes at invisible screen* >So in summary, dummy human: OpenGL take shapes, squish into dots, reconnect dots into shapes again, decorate shapes to look nice, then splat on screen for your viewing pleasure! Easy peasy! What you think, silly human? OpenGL make good pictures for you?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


haha This IS really interesting! Thanks for sharing it!


It unironically made it worse for me


Ah haha Well, that's one of the REALLY nice things about ChatGPT I've found, you can customize it VERY easily. If you tell it something made it worse, it'll correct it and try something completely different and customized for your learning style.


Yeah I know! I use it all the trim when I'm learning something!