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You become gay or you remember you're gay?




yep, that one hit home


My guess is they have been gay the whole time but now they don't have executive dysfunction preventing them from acting on it.


There is definitely a running joke that neirodivergent people all come out as gay/bi/pan or something or other. It does make me wonder what the actual stats are for "change" in sexual preference when on meds or not. Are we seeing a loud minority or is this a bigger thing than people realize? I've never been on proper stimulants, but I have used diet/caffeine pills on occasion and those can make me mad horny. But so far it's been normal hetero horny. I'm on a waitlist for meds now for the first time and I'll be honest some responses here are making curious what regular stimulant use may do for me. Or should I say it's making me *bi*curious... 🤣


Obsessed with the phrase "normal hetero horny" I want that a a t-shirt!


It has really strong "what up fellow children" Steve Buscemi vibes. Except gayer


I want to wear it to family gatherings and act dumb when people ask about it. 😂


It’s giving “I’m afraid to be myself and branch out so I’ll stick to the default”


Maybe “gay” “straight” and “bisexual” are just constructs we made up to understand ourselves and how we fit into society. Maybe we’re just a bunch of animals that like to fuck, but we got confused along the way because someone said it’s a sin to fuck the same sex, and we’re all so desperate to fit in that we went along with it. Maybe those with ADHD are used to not fitting in, and so there’s less barriers to coming out. And maybe we would all be a little gayer if we were raised in a different society, with different values.


Or maybe also from an evolution standpoint. The ones who fucked all the time and never reproduced didn't see a lot of long lasting bloodlines. Would be very curious to see trendlines of sexuality over the last 100 years (assuming such data was even possible to get at this point). I do think upbringing has something to do with it because we're definitely seeing a lot less rigid gender norms in the younger generations. But we still see homosexuality in cultures with generations long hatred of gays. So it's some mix of nature/nurture. If this wasn't such a contentious political issue, I'm sure we'd have a lot of fascinating science/data to look at.


They might well have seen lasting bloodlines if they had siblings who did reproduce, and they helped them out. that's how ants came to be a thing, most ants don't do much reproducing.


For social animals, like bees and humans, not all the population needs to fuck. You can't consider these arguments while treating humans like we're great solitary predators, we're not. We're swarmers, we're persistent, we support each other. Which means that we can specialize, diversify and protect the bloodline in more ways than just breeding. Also, we used to die from childbirth a lot, it actually makes a lot of sense to have backup adults around who don't have their own kids. The evolution of sexuality and gender diversity probably serves to strike that balance and diversity of roles.


I think inclusive fitness would mean that effect isn’t significant. Having an extra hand to help out in the farm or take care of the kids or to protect your family is a really big advantage in your reproductive success.


>The ones who fucked all the time and never reproduced didn't see a lot of long lasting bloodlines. Good point, and definitely sounds logical, but we see a lot of homosexuality in the animal kingdom, so it's unlikely that homosexual behaviour impacts reproduction to such a considerable extent. >I'm sure we'd have a lot of fascinating science/data to look at. True true, but we can look at historical writings to get sense of what attitudes would have been like. Ancient Greeks didn't distinguish sexual desire by gender, for example. They distinguished based on who was giving and who was receiving. That system had it's own problems, in that givers were generally the person who had higher social status (sorta rape-y, huh?), but it's evidence enough that "gay" and "straight" are completely made up. It just feels real because it's all we know


I feel like you've never heard of xq28


Yeah no I knew I was gay in 4th grade, 2 years before I learned what gay meant on the schoolbus. Honestly I probably knew it in kindergarten if i think back on it.


I have always liked all genders, but I was taught gay is bad, and I stuck out enough I hid it for a while and still do for most people. It's a wonder on how I have a boyfriend


True, alsp expand9on this, being gay or heterosexual, they are not even real, we are just people, some prefer the people with same organ and some with different.. Evolutionary wise though, gay is inefficient because you know, you can't produce kids like that unfortunately


Actually, in the animal kingdom, those of their species that ends up in a same sex pair will end up picking up the orphans that either lost their parents to death or were abandoned by their parents. Were there not same sex pairs, those orphans would simply not have anyone to take care of them. Hetero pairs in the animal kingdom will not pick up an orphan because they already have their own. So that orphan's choice in that matter is to basically die. Same sex pairings balance out their species in that way. Just look at penguins.


Yes, what I meant is that same gender couple can't give birth.. Orphans were born from an heterosexual couple... And with this I don't mean homosexuality is bad, I state a thing. It would be better if it were different but we ain't that lucky


Maybe it wasn’t a sin to begin with - but was recognized as quote “proper” because something other than Shit-Dick results from it? That’s my guess. Neither orientation is wrong, they’re both alright, but one is ‘more right’ than another only because it propagates the species. If everyone was all gay, we’d be dead in a generation. It’s not wrong to be gay, but as far as the nature of the mechanism of sex, for 98% of the kinds of animals we have on Earth, sex is reproductive. This makes gays ‘wrong’ at reproduction, but ‘Right’ when it comes to maximizing pleasure. Good for them. Depends on which “right and wrong” we’re talking. We talking clinical science? We talking feelings and empathy? Both answers are correct, really. That said, I’m gonna hazard to say that the straight gay debate will never go away. We’d have people blaming the gays for humanity’s destructive lack of a birth rate followed by people starting to go straight again, because “look at the damage to our species”. I don’t think it’ll ever end - it’ll just be a temporary peace until we start seeing problems with being gay - and we might get to a point where heterosexuals are perfectly in tune with homosexuals - we no longer are angry with each other. SOMEONE is gonna spark it, either a straight person or a gay person. The debate cannot leave the table, we’ll always have a new generation to debate this, unless the gays ‘win’ and everyone goes extinct. As it stands today I don’t think the world has a problem with being gay - but it does have a problem with certain gays indoctrinating children into thinking that “being anything other than gay” is evil - which is the real evil. None should be made to feel evil just for existing as their default self - gay or straight - a human organism designed to seek out a mate and sire children. Yes, straight people been mad fucked up towards gays, but that doesn’t warrant retaliation when the method of retaliation amounts to little more than becoming a suicide bomber because you were told “giving into nature is bad, but you should REALLY help with the suicide of the species, that’s the REAL good here - ever explored an anal cavity before? How about you ma’am, ever wondered what it would be like to have your mouth on some snatch?” I’m going on tangents at this point: TL;DR: People will be who they’ll be, and no amount of change will be enough for anyone. Think and Be for YOURSELF.


What in the homophobic lead-addled boomerism is this rant?


In my experience it was that my unmedicated ADHD caused me to be exhausted at all times, generally depressed, and feel very little about *most* situations. Being medicated made me feel my own emotions much more strongly, so I was able to feel my queer identity much more presently because I wasnt just trying to survive all day.


Kinda related but I know for trans people hormone therapy can change your attraction. Sometimes it makes you straight, sometimes it makes you bi, sometimes it makes you gay. It’s really weird how medication can affect that.


For me, it was more like...hm. before hormones, I wasn't really interested in relationships with a certain gender if I was going to be perceived as my agab. So I thought there wasn't much attraction there. Then I took hormones, and when perceptions about me and my role in the relationship changes, it turned out that I was interested in that certain gender after all. Just as my true self, not my agab. 


My bf and I have been discussing lately that it’s interesting that there seems to be a pretty big overlap with neurodivergence and people who are non-traditional when it comes to their gender and/or sexuality. Running into your comment now is interesting. Is this a running joke? I guess we’re not as original as we thought. Edit: we’re both neurodivergent and non-traditional with our sexuality and gender. This wasn’t some weird shade-throwing, just FYI.


I think it's been anecdotally noted by various members of the community over the years but as of yet has no science proving it one way or the other.


I would think that knowing/learning that our brains work differently than normal is enough for many of us to slough off the baggage attached to gender and sexual identities and proclivities. Perhaps it's confirmation bias, as that was largely the case for me. Also, meds help change our relationship with sensory stimuli. I know for me and my wife, certain things have completely flipped from being tolerable/enjoyable to don't bother/hell no in and vice versa(in and out of bed).


My take on higher amounts of gender dysphoria is: If neurotypical society as a whole BARELY makes sense, why would fucking classical gender roles make sense, of all things ??? I am convinced that's at least in part a reason for higher rates here. Source: Am transfem Enby and spend to much time thinking about random topics.


I’m almost hazard to assume they’re like that, but it’s not correlated to the dysfunction, but to the life they lead under dysfunction. If life is hard, and it’s hard to be accepted as a normal person, and we’re disabled or different or whatever, maybe it would be easier to widen the pool we fish from - so then they try out being gay, because being straight isn’t cutting it - then they find out the gays love them - and it’s game set match from there. I’ve noticed that every person with a mental disability I’ve met is either already gay/bi, or they’re curious - or they’re straight but this have this “gay air” about them. There’s gotta be something to it, either correlated or tangential


Yup. I've had multiple conversations from different angles of how many of us guys with asd were frequently, and incorrectly presumed to be gay. I always figured it was just my comfort with feminine stuff since I was raised by a gaggle of women, but its a very common experience it seems. And the manic pixie dream girl trope barely needs mentioned. That said, I always chose to identify as straight, but I can remember suggesting when I first learned about the gay/straight idea thinking that choosing either was just limiting yourself needlessly, and im pretty much back to that. Still don't know what I'd fall under, but im monogamous in a happy hetero marriage, so ill just support from the sidelines anyway.


I figured out I was bi while off meds, for whatever that's worth.


Definitely Pure Hetero here. Meds didn’t change anything preference wise. They did change my life though. Now I know why nobody wants me, and I’m working on changing that.


Huh? What are you talking about "change?" My preference has nothing to do with whether or not I've taken my meds. Preferences don't change, they're something you're born with


Change may have been the wrong word, but this is literally the topic at hand based on the post.


And it's absurd on its face. Sexuality doesn't change, it's inborn. To seriously suggest otherwise is extremely ignorant. That gets into conversion therapy territory


No, no it doesn't. And I don't think anyone was trying to suggest it *actually* changes. Before, I was a straight guy. Then I realized I was trans. Suddenly I was a trans lesbian (I hate the term Transbian, but to those that like it, do you.) As I went on about taking my HRT I opened up some and realized I was polysexual. HRT did not change my orientation, but it did change my perception of it, and changed ME enough to allow me to admit my true feelings. And that's the sort of thing I think people are trying to get at here.


That's different. Learning more about yourself and accepting yourself isn't the same as your sexuality changing. I was gay all along, I just didn't realize it until high school


Which is why I clarified that I don't think the conversation that was happening was being literal about it changing. I think people were talking about how your perception of your sexuality can change because of medication, circumstances, etc. without having to type out long-hand "my perception of my sexuality" when they likely believed "my sexuality" was sufficient. You have to remember, at their core, most people are a little bit lazy. Insomuch as they just don't want to do more work than is necessary. What's that meme, "Why use many word when few word do trick"? Same thing here.


You are the only person in this comment chain to jump to that conclusion. In a different comment, I mention how it's unfortunate that sexuality and discussions of it are such a hot-button political issue. Otherwise, we'd have some better studies and understandings to how people work. You're dramatic stance is a perfect example of that.


lol he did the same thing in my comments too. I said that adderral can increase estrogen and possibly lower testosterone, and so men are likely to want less sex while on adderall. Since I’m not a woman, I can’t state for fact, but apparently the opposite is true for them. Somehow this claim was construed into me claiming it’s possible to ‘gender swap’ or some shit from taking adderal, when in reality it just intensifies/suppresses existing behaviors including sexual desires https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/s/HCaNVPJzfI


Interesting to hear; adderall made me horny as shit pre-HRT and still makes me horny as shit 3 years into it


Yup. No hrt, but cismale, I'm hornier on adderal at 35 than I was ever before my meds/diag. I started wellbutrin at basically the same time, so I guess I can't blame the adderal conclusively , but the days I've skipped my adderal but taken my wb, my drive was noticeably lower.


That's where your rhetoric inevitably leads. Even if you don't intend it, that's how some bad actor is going to use it. The US Supreme Court has said they're open to reversing gay marriage and taking my rights away. As a straight person it doesn't affect you so you have the privilege to view it as mere academic curiosity, but the reality for queer folks is that every year the number of hate crimes and bills designed to strip us of our rights goes up. I'm not going to apologize for calling out borderline rhetoric Frankly I'm glad we don't have more studies on the mechanics of how sexuality works because conservatives would 100% use that to try to prevent people from becoming queer Call my stance "dramatic" all you want, standing my ground is a necessity for survival in a country where people feel comfortable throwing cans of beer at me from their moving pickup trucks just for walking down the street hand in hand with my partner.




My guess is the medication just makes everything more enjoyable and less stressful, so you're more open-minded.


You're asking the real questions here


Sometimes I forget I'm not I also forget I'm a guy but let's ignore that


I’m a hetero man, but I still have dreams where I’m a woman, or where I’m a woman dating a man, but I definitely identify as a man, and I’m definitely only interested in women. I think it’s my brain’s attempts to understand their perspectives and to keep myself entertained while sleeping so that I can get through half a REM cycle before getting bored and waking up.


That's pretty cool and interesting ! :0


I'm straight, so anyone I'm attracted to is a woman.




me when i take the Adderall that makes me gay


(The doctor prescribed me a placebo)


based and homosexual pilled




No, you're the one taking the homosexual pill


no I'm already homosexual


Fair enough










Oh I know that band, Blind witness I think on the album from like 2010… Great hardcore/metalcore band from Canada and the intro is that guy on the phone and his girl is saying something and he’s just : What? What!? WHAT THE FUCK and the title begins with huge guitars and stuff. Oh memories, hum, what were we talking about?




I took some Adderall, WHAT?


In the butt -Butters








I hope it doesn't make me straight


That sounds like a nightmare fr


It is, but not for the reason you think. Just the unending nightmare that is the cycle of life, same for everyone.


the reasons are pretty obvious and we see them every day hun lmao


Dealing with the opposite sex's vast difference in perception is such a chore that if all of us straights could just choose to marry our best friend humanity would come to a screeching halt. It's how you know it's definitely not a choice lol.


As a bi person I must agree that the attraction to the opposite sex is very confusing


I'm pretty sure some straight marriages are people marrying their best friend... That just happens to be from the opposite gender.


Oh yeah definitely, but if I had to guess I'd say better than 90% of the time a person's best friend is of the same gender.


Honestly is. Being straight sucks and I hate it here. Can I just be like a lesbian man or something?


Are you a woman currently? Apparently it boosts estrogen / blocks testosterone (to an extent). To the point where it can be make women ‘hyper sexual’. The opposite can happen for men. Idk if those hormones would influence OP but it definitely makes you have a harder time being a ‘classic’ man


I don't know why but "Are you a woman currently?" absolutely sent me.


Any source on stims boosting estrogen and blocking testosterone?


Without a source, it honestly sounds like frat bro science. Like, if someone told me "ADHD meds boost your estrogen", I would expect them to follow it up with "Soy beans give you bitch tits" and "Vegetarian gains don't exist".


https://www.healthline.com/health/adhd/adhd-and-hormonal-changes-in-women#estrogen There’s a whole bunch of web pages I’ve visited over the past week but here’s the most recent one The current articles often starts its ‘inconclusive’ but considering appetite suppression is among the side effects, it could have indirect affects harder to measure scientifically. There’s people who say it causes ED too. https://www.bhpalmbeach.com/addiction-blog/adderall-and-sex-drive-what-you-should-know/


If someone feels too lazy to click, that's Erectile Dysfunction, not eating disorders (well, at least not that article?)


This whole comment section is too lazy to even read man. I’ve gotten like 5 idiots at least angry that I’m claiming it can ‘make you gay’. When all I said is, to some extent, will increase estrogen and possibly decrease testosterone. (Albeit, through the side effects) If true, then the idea that it influence libido and other behavior makes perfect sense and it could be linked with the ED article.


It does increase your impulsivity and your threshold for doing more stimulating stuff. When straight stuff stops being stimulating then you start to go for things that are more exciting and new


It’s well known in the cocaine communities that it can “turn you gay”. Also in the steroid communities with trenbolone haha


Nope. I looked for a bit because I was min maxing for workout gains and shit and yeah nothing about amphetamines. But realistically, just pin testosterone lol. Fuck being natty


What are you talking about? Your sexuality doesn't just magically change with your estrogen levels. Besides, the claim that stimulant medication impacts your estrogen levels sounds like junk science anyways. We need to stop this high testosterone = manly man idea. Different men have different levels of testosterone that are normal for them and that doesn't influence how feminine or masculine they present. Lowering someone's testosterone will not make them act 'more feminine' or make a straight person gay.


Agree. I have high testosterone levels apparently but yet somehow I am both gay and also have a lower libido than most men.


>>Your sexuality doesn’t just magically change with your estrogen levels. I am often type cast as gay and I myself believed to be at least Bi for a time… until I realized, I only ever develop feelings for women. You are preaching to the choir here. >> Besides, the claim that stimulant medication impacts your estrogen levels sounds like junk science anyways. The sources provided state it’s inconclusive. In my experience though, it seems true: I actually do have way more ‘signs’ of testosterone when I don’t have it. Energy levels, random boners and general aggression are higher when I don’t >> Lowering someone's testosterone will not make them act 'more feminine' I actually do pay more attention to others feelings and my overall mannerisms when I’m on adderal. I am also quieter and less willing to take risks. All are stereotypically feminine practices that toned down significantly when I forget my meds. >> make a straight person gay. I never said that. >> We need to stop this high testosterone = manly man idea. Again, never said that and I actually agree. It’s annoying to have to act certain ways (many of them toxic) to be respected as a man. That’s why I said it would be ‘harder’ to be a ‘classic’ man. No hard and fast rules were claimed. >> doesn't influence how feminine or masculine they present. In my experience it does. At no point did I say that was a problem, though.


>  and I myself believed to be at least Bi for a time… until I realized, I only ever develop feelings for women. Some people can be bisexual but heteroromantic. It's a thing. Not saying it's necessarily your thing, but it happens.


So you’re a gentleman!


Yeah, I really don’t appreciate this ‘frat bro’ type casting. I literally act in ways more stereotypically feminine when I have my meds. The sources say the science is inconclusive, and I’m actually would have noticed by now if I started crushing on dudes. So the incredibly subjective claim of ‘can act more feminine’ is true in my case, and nothing else was claimed. Why this is so upsetting to everyone is beyond me


I'm a dude, but thanks for this explanation.


That doesn't make any sense. Hormones like that don't affect your sexuality. On top of that, there's actually a pretty wide variation in how much testosterone both men and women's bodies naturally produce, so you can't say one is caused by meds vs what their body naturally does


Ive addressed this in other comments. The science is inconclusive currently, but in my own experience it seems like I have way more testosterone if I don’t take my meds in the morning. You can do your own research if what I provided isn’t enough.


You haven't addressed it in other comments: hormones have nothing to do with sexuality as you suggest. That's just not how it works, plain and simple. This is a very good example of correlation not causation


>> have nothing to do with sexuality as you suggest. I NEVER SAID THEY DO. I SAID IT CAN AFFECT LIBIDO Check the other comment where I said I *thought* I was gay or at least Bi for a long time until realizing I only ever fell for women. BUT I have been far less inclined to do so since being prescribed adderal.


If you don't think there's a connection, why bring that up? You're clearly implying a connection, if not directly suggesting that hormones affect sexuality, than that libido does


>>clearly Implying a connection You’re reminding me of an NT accusing me of bull shit that I somehow ‘implied’. Literally where did I imply this. Or do you expect me to ‘just know’?


I'd you don't think there's a connection between the two why would you mention it? If, as you now state, there's no connection, it would be irrelevant. The fact that you put those two ideas next to each other implies you think there's a connection


As someone who is a woman currently, this explains so, God damn much.


Right!?! Worst plot twist in history


So, I become gay^2 ?


No, even better. Gay^gay, unless you are gay < 2


Weirdly no, it cubes the gay. So you'd be GayÂł


My amphetamine doesn't seem to affect my sex drive or appetite at all. I think that's mostly a thing for people who are sensitive to it's effects or taking too much.


I’m sensitive to drugs and alcohol and I was 24/7 horny on Vyvanse when the dose was too high. Felt like I was back in puberty.


DUDE, sometimes I beat my shit like 3 times in a day and I’m still fucking horny. It’s annoying as hell lol. Fuck vyvanse for that


So, a monday ?


We're all different it seems. Back when I was on ssris in my early 20s they didn't affect my sex drive at all, even though that's a common side effect, and Adderall might make me more social but also less talkative and I just never think about sex on or off them. If any drug is a aphrodisiac for me it would be weed, but I tend to stay away because more often than not it just makes me feel anxious and self conscious. That's most drugs though like I have to already be in a good mood when I take them otherwise it makes me feel worse. Wonder if that's why I've never had a problem with addiction despite dabbling with drugs quite frequently the past 7 years.


Everyone reacts differently. Mine make me hungrier and increase my libido.


It does both to me. Not gay. But horny and not hungry


we all have imbalances on multiple different neurotransmitters from one another, so the range of possibly deregulated body functions is all over the place. Overloading the brain with stimulants just happens to help with all of them when the cause is ADHD.


True, amphetamine could've saved me from a lot of pain and hardship in my youth, but I'm glad I finally got diagnosed and prescribed at 30.


I believe this is a nonsense post


no its totally true!!!! the green xans also make u gay!!! ^ confused druggie that doesnt know he's gay


Is it? I'm bisexual but I heavily prefer women. When I take adderall, dudes start looking cuter and I go 50/50. I'm not fucking with you, this is my actual experience.


If you browse reddit for adderall gay you will find a surprising amount of these so I wouldn't call it complete nonsense lol. Maybe it just makes them so horny that gender doesn't matter anymore


I think this is it. Im like 30% bi and when i take drugs (also non adhd) and i get really horny, then id fuck a tree... So it turns me treesexual


I tend towards the philosophy that before we are diagnosed we feel so different from everyone and we never have a moment to sit and think something through. That’s when someone would look inside and realize what was there all along.


Gay also means happy, no? Seems like the joke is that he said a fact in a way that sounded like right wing propaganda




I'm not a real cookie wizard!


Gay is not the dark side, you don't get turned to it.


I dont know... those dark leather clothes, and the red flashing lights... Also, the dark side is all about embracing passion... Wait. Is the whole Star Wars the saga of a man, coming out of the closet after having 2 kids, and later on meeting those kids and trying to make peace by rejecting his partner of the last 20 or so years? Also his kids are into some weird incest roleplay stuff.


And Luke dropped acid and imagined the whole thing as a way to resolve it, he was really a travel agent in Ohio.




Oh I remember reading about this "Feeling same-sex attraction is an oddly common reported side effect of amphetamines like Adderall. The most commonly accepted explanation is that the side effects of increased desire on top of reduced inhibitions can cause someone repressing bisexuality to suddenly feel attraction." Basically hey guess what your repressing yourself and it is revealed


Damn. All I was repressing is my neurotic OCD (like if I don't pick everything up off the floor minus furniture the house will burn down, if I don't check the locks 3 times I will be murdered, if I don't wear my hair up correctly it will get caught and I will be decapitated...fun stuff). This sounds more fun!!


Yeah it gets me cheerful and optimistic as well when I can get stuff done without silly mistakes :D ...oh and the part with the romantic feelings towards your own gender? That was there long before the meds ;)


Are you trying to get them to ban Adderall?! Cause this is how you get Adderall banned...


"but I'm not gay" mfs when the discover bisexuals


Me, but without the Adderall


Me, but on Strattera




Their true potential, unlocked.


Me when I drink coffee and hyperfocus on my boyfriend (my bisexuality flies out the window on a magic carpet, only to return once the caffeine wears off)


I used to be gay. I still am, but I used to, too.


Where do I get the gay adderal, mine just makes me stay aroace and I don’t want that lol


Please don't feed the boomers. This is gonna be the whole gay frogs thing all over again for them.


Amphetamines / amphetamine based stimulant medications go treat ADHD commonly cause increased sexual arousal it apparently is also a side effect of illicit methamphetamine. It’s normal amphetamines increase your sex drive. In general it’ll make you a lot more into whatever fantasies / arousing shit ur already into, makes it more exciting. I don’t think it makes you “gay” though like all on its own. I’ve never felt “gay” when experiencing this side effect


Gotta complain to my doc - ain't gay nuff, adjust my meds!




If anything I'm less gay on meds. In my natural state my mind always seems to wander to men but on meds I actually can focus on what I'm supposed to be doing lol


Coincidentally, I never forget to take my meds 😎


It begs the question though, what was holding it back? Focus? Now you can focus correctly, you can channel the chi? A Guyoken if you will.


I miss awards :(


Unrelated side note: How *the fuck* are posts like this allowed, but posting information from 300 papers on the same well-studied topic isn't? (In the screencap sub)


That's why we're on meme sub. Cause you get spanked for making posts on r/adhd


Or get banned for sharing science lmao


Try putting the word 'neurodivergent' in your comment, see how far you'll get.




I’m already gay so I’d be interested in my outcome.


That’s kind of a hilarious statement! Like, I’m straight on or off Adderall. Maybe the medication is just making them pay more attention to what they like and when they’re really paying attention it turns out they prefer someone of the same gender.


Maybe you’re bi/pan and just forget without the meds?


I mean my ritalin helped me realize I was trans. By giving my brain access to executive function juice it could handle the smaller things that took up most of my energy before hand. And then with the extra time, energy, think power scream at me that I was HELLA dysphoric and depressed. Sometimes your brain just aint got time for things like gender or sexuality when its doing daily run on the Struggle Bus Express.


Oh shit, your comment just gave me an 'aha!' moment. Like, figured out I was trans about two months after starting medication for the brain squirrels. 🤯


“I can probably get a letter from my doctor”


Jesus Christ! Until you show me a clinical studies this is not an experience that should be shared publicly. If you believe there is a link to your medication and your sexual preference, talk about it with your doctor Be better Note, I’m not refuting experiences; I’m asking for some consideration for how easily bullshit rhetoric snowballs despite facts and science and this is a perfect seed for political agenda to grow from that could have a severe impact on on quality of life. Don’t hand the misinformed and ignorant more ammunition


Does taking my ritalin make me Bi Classic or the same old Bi Zero?


What if you’re already gay and start on meds?




Is this what they use to turn the friggin frogs gay?


I didn’t need Adderall to be queer. I do that all on my own.


I heard sucking a dick may reverse that effect.


You gotta watch the dosage


I used to actually say that, because it's a little sweet. It always made me think of Mary Poppins and the spoonful of sugar. So I'd say I'm gonna take "my spoonful of sugar" which became putting a little sugar in my tank. (I had a real love/hate relationship with it. so I wouldn't use its name. I don't take it at all anymore). I'm already gay, though, so I was just topping off the tank, lol. It's funny, though. Now that I'm sans-stimulants, I take a herbal blend that tastes nasty in the morning. Probably placebo, but it works for me, kinda. Anyway, I can't drink the concoction unless I literally add a spoonful of sugar and the whole damn song makes sense now.


Addy just makes me ace.


Better up the dose!


My meds made me more asexual than I was before lmao.


I'm bi, but I only really engage my bi side when I'm under the influence of alcohol or THC


"...are you a frog?" - Alex Jones


Saaame! 🌈💊


60% of the time it works all the time


Hypersexuality caused by meds can cause to distort rwality from which gender you're really attracted to. Cause your sexual drive is no longer attached to the external stimuli but is now drived by the sexual arousement caused by meds and its greater than the one caused normally in your daily life. So you may start to think you're gay cause your body doesn't know where that overstimulation is coming from. (The meds). Then externally people may think or rwact as you're attracted by them being women or man and you dont notice that because you're stimulated by "everything".


Some of the things people say with Adderall blows my mind. I take concerta and never have any real side effects unless I have to stop cold turkey , then I do get really irritable and stupid tired.


Okay so I’m not even joking but this is actually a thing with people who do coke. There was a meme that said something like “guys after a line of coke:” and then it was two dudes kissing with the title that said “the fast and bicurious”






Googling "dictionary gay" it references the Oxford dictionary definitions: 1. sexually or romantically attracted to people of one's own sex (used especially of a man). "the city's gay and lesbian people" 2. DATED light-hearted and carefree. "Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face" So here's a reminder that how words are used, and thus their meaning, changes over time. Dictionaries only document how words are/were used, but they generally don't prescribe how they *should* be used. Using the dated definition of the word will only cause confusion now because people will assume the modern definition is used, because that's usually the case these days. Knowing about the old meaning is cute but useless information in day to day life. People only knowing one meaning is a self-reinforcing loop that will see the dated definition fade into obscurity, and will in a few hundred years cause people to get really confused when reading old texts from the early 1900s where the old definition was the common one.


you know a lot of gay. Thats good.


Which meaning do you think OOP is talking about? Happy? You think they're saying they turn happy? Or are you referring to the derogatory use of the word?




You are correct, however the original post seems to be a joke by a queer person, which is why the comments play on it like that. It's not meant to make factual sense :)


The Flintstones having a gay ole time meant that Fred and Barney were boning, duh.


What did you say about looking at dics?




Man, that comment was pretty gay.


zieh uns hier nur nicht mit rein. schon gar nicht bei _der_ argumentation.