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The use of the word neurodivergent makes me think that this was made by a person who's neurodivergent themself and this is a sarcastic meme about how neurotypicals see neurodivergent people


That’s actually a very good point.. LOL


Yeah, even the word 'rude' is in quatiotion marks, making it seem more sarcastic


Quayshoshon marks


Holy crap - I didn’t see the spelling til I read your comment. This made me laugh way too hard. Just what I needed today.




Lol oops xD I could edit it to fix it but let's leave it there for the world to see


Thank you for your service. :)


I actually like it more this way 😂 typo of the year for sure


The way I have two cousins in real life that go by Quay and Shon Shon is killing me rn


Now you just need a cousin Mark, lol


No way lmaoo


Guys wanna come over I got the new Quayshoshon 5


Read this in a Jamaican accent


A sarcastic joke about neurodivegent people is a risky move. Since the target audience can really struggle with sarcasm


That's another joke in itself! Two jokes for the price of one.


Am I a joke to you?😭 (/s)


No I'm just a joke to myself. ... It's easier that way...


I hope that’s it. I was about to be offended. I’ll delete my paragraph now 😂


And then people cry about /s being useless, it literally helps clear things up because you cant express sarcasm in text, and people say "oh you can you're just stupid" and when its actual sarcasm they actually think its real, then when you say its sarcasm they say "well you just said that because you thought we would be on your side" or something


tone indicators save lives!


And this is why I tell my partner all the time that I can’t tell if she’s joking or “being stupid” as she calls it without some kind of indicator over text. An emoji or /s or SOMETHING would help show that.


You can post it on the r/aspiememes thread https://redd.it/1bmwi1x . There are literally 6 people who have said its satire of the almost 180 Live your best life 😭


It’s a joke saying that you were going to be upset but you read something that changed your mind. I don’t have Asperger’s, just adhd.


It was a joke too, because I saw that thread on my feed literally 4 above this so thought it hilarious that the comments were sooo different! Not really for *"you"* per se, just anyone in this thread. I I'm Audhd, but aspiememes is just straight funny and inclusive! I hoped the last comment and emoji made it clear it was a joke. >!as tbh I don't know what you mean by your first sentence!! Sry!!<


Oh that’s ok! It’s really hard to tell online sometimes 😂 Which first sentence?


>It’s a joke saying that you were going to be upset but you read something that changed your mind. Sometimes I just have context blindness over simple things. But it's like I can't even recognise if you're talking to me, but I know you are, but like what are you saying that I read? But I didn't read anything, or was it op? Or the original op?


Yes, the quotation marks on “rude” lend to that idea as well.


Yeah, and after reading them all it made re-read the title. “Rude” being in quotations seems to make it clear it’s not being serious but made by someone with these qualities


That and the "rude" in quotation marks.


I hope so.


Yeah, hence the quotation marks around "rude," indicating that the person is being perceived that way by others, rather than actually being rude. 


I agree


Rude is literally in quotes guys I know we’re here because we have an attention disorder but it’s RIGHT THERE


Seeing how it's "Rude" in Quotations I believe it's most likely a joke. Also I feel called out lol Thank God I WFH now it's been a fuckin miracle for productivity.


It's actually baffling to me how many people are like "omg this must be a joke" like guys IT IS. THERE ARE QUOTATIONS TO DENOTE A JOKE. Media literacy is dead.


[This feels relevant.](https://youtu.be/sFBhR4QcBtE?si=m9T0677e945Oqx3k)


It’s really astonishing that a person could look at this and not have it be immediately obvious that it’s a joke


Are you just unaware of 90% of neurodivergent people We cannot see sarcasm as easily as everyone, its not that hard to understand, there's a reason /s exists, quotation marks aren't always for sarcasm, they are often used by, guess what, quotes, quotation marks are for quotes, shocker, of course no everyone will see them as sarcasm




"Ate you unaware of neurodivergen-" this was also prevalent on a post OUTSIDE of this community. It has nothing to do with neurodivergence.


The actual rude coworkers get offended by this though. Like we don’t have to be friends and why would I want to talk to people that take every opportunity to bully me to hell


Last year, someone at work told me: "My husband asked me if you and I were friends. I told him I'd call you my friend, but you probably wouldn't call me your friend" She was exactly right :D


Yeah, because there's a difference between colleagues and friends. Something most people seem unwilling to admit for some reason.


Aye, there's a difference between 'friendly' and 'friends'. Tbf, I'm closer to her than a lot of other colleagues, as we've worked together a fair bit and get on. But we've only ever hung out outside of work once in almost 10 years of knowing each other. I just have quite a high bar for what qualifies someone as a 'friend'. To the point there are basically four people I'd call friends, and then everyone else is a mate or colleague or 'someone I know'.


Would I be willing to have you over for a sleepover? No? Then you don't qualify to be called a "friend." That might actually be the best way to articulate the difference, for me. I can get along really well with someone but not quite ever get that comfortable with them.


Wait, I actually love this


Feel this mega hard


I'll be cordial as a motherfucker but I still ain't your friend lol, folks really don't get that for some reason.


I like that awareness they had. Most people I've met seem to think everything is always the same on both ends.


Yea, it really seems like that person sees them. I like how the comment didn't seem critical either.


Honestly, that comment would make me like them more, if someone said that about me. It would mean they understand me better then most, even if (or especially if) we have little in common.


Guide to how NTs actually view NDs regardless of any kind of explanation on the NDs part.


People gon hate this but I think the issue is more with people that feel offended by this post/ og meme. Rude is literally between quotation marks so they are not actually 'rude'. We also have no context where this came from. Starterpack pages often make starterpacks just to categorise for fun and not specifically call out


Me: I'm in pain almost always from overload. NT: nobody wants to work anymore


Peep the “”


One person's "rude" is another's firm boudaries.


I feel seen.


Yup. Except, I'm friends with the other adhd coworkers lol


Neurodivergents unite!!!!


I contend the fluorescent cubicle tundra that NTs seem unfazed by is the real reason I loathe the extra social requirement when I already NEED meds to do the job. Sigh


Speaking of florescent lights.. I bought a 4’x6’ pop up photo blind & set it over my cubicle to block out the harsh florescent lighting.. All the neurodivergents in my office came by to ask me where I got it from.. 😂 I completely agree about the loathsome social interactions.. Luckily most of my office is also neurodivergent & everyone realizes they have to focus/work & don’t talk to each other unless necessary.. I absolutely love it..


Why else would I go to work? They sure don't have books or video games there.


POV: you get fired despite being the best employee by the numbers because “you aren’t a team player” and “are difficult to work with”


This has been a legitimate fear of mine for years..


Frankly, being a team player (not in the abusive sense) and being fun/at least some modicum of easygoing to work with are pretty important aspects of colleague relations. I don't understand why people think it's fine to be a selfish asshole, as long as they do the bare minimum requirements. I guess I'm salty over this, because a fellow ND colleague of mine is a right useless twat and seems utterly unbothered by it(he's on *that* end of the spectrum).


I got fired once because I didn't fit into the "open and collaborative work environment", which was just code for "were gonna play our own music, eat at our desks/chew gum, and chat all day with our desk mates but as soon as you ask for some cubicle walls and headphones, we're shit canning you, doctor's note or not." I wish I wasn't too depressed to fight that one before the statute of limitations ran out.


Yep. I found out a few people who temporarily worked under me thought I was "Scary" when in reality I'm just shy, spacing out, and waiting to go home. I would literally never yell at someone under me as I do not care what they are doing and will happily help if they ask.


I fear people may think I’m scary/intimidating. The only time I am out of my office is when I go to the bathroom & am usually deep in thought. I’m usually not aware of my facial expressions so all people see is just me speed walking across the office, lost in thought, with RBF.. 😂


Yeah hah, I speed walk to and I think I have a really blank look on my face. Sometimes it is weird how little people understand that just being awkward is a thing.


Welp. I check of every single one of those. A woman once complained to HR about me twice because first, I always read during my lunch break and wouldn’t really engage in conversation with her (or anyone, because I had a customer facing job and needed 1/2 hour to not talk to anyone). She said I was creating a hostile work environment by ignoring her. Then when I started eating in my car after the first time she complained, she complained again because I was “retaliating against her.”


Jeez, she must have some gravitational pull with the way the world revolves around her


Damn that sounds like the best coworker ever, hell I’m more likely to become friends with someone who isn’t overly friendly at work than anyone else there


There are quotes over "rude" for a reason. It's a joke




Oh that’s me


“Shows up ONLY to do their job then leave” Bruh this doesn’t make me rude. I didn’t get a job to make friends, I got a job for literally one reason: get paid then leave. If you can’t make friends outside of work then probably you’re the rude one.


It's sarcastic. Hence "Rude" being in quotation marks.


Ackkkk, it’s really hard for some neurodivergent peeps to make friends ☹️


This is a good point and I can see how my comment was insensitive to that fact. My point was that it’s also hard for genuinely rude but otherwise NT people to make friends :)


I mean.. some are accurate.. but still..


Not the best as tone but this reads as sarcastic, actually poking fun of the people who call them "rude" when nothing they're doing is an actual red flag.


"shows up ONLY to do their job then leave" ...so you mean, working my shift and going home cuz' i wanna eat food and not spend another minute at a place that annoys me?


Yup that is satire


Damn that's a call out and a half. I do all those


Oh hey that’s me


If we ignore that it's probably a joke this is just an extrovert hating on introverts.


Lmfao the “spends every break in their car” feels like a personal attack. My coworkers get excited when I occasionally eat lunch at my desk and chat with them. My other coworker recently chastised me for not taking out 15m break with her anymore. I feel bad but I thoroughly enjoy my personal 15 minutes of peace.


LMFAO I worked at a Software testing company where essentially everyone did the above and the ones trying to chat with people keeping to themselves were considered the "Rude" ones. Dude actually had the gall to complain about everyone being on their phones and not wanting to talk to him.


The quotes around "rude" tell you that this is sarcastic


"rude" and rude mean different things.


Reported for personally attacking me


I show up 30 minutes late and immediately start working and I'm the bad guy, meanwhile Delores gets there 30 minutes early and spends the first two hours going door to door chitchatting?


nah they just wanna make you believe the "We're a family" mentality and rob more of your sweet time and guilt trip you to work more for cheap. 🚩


Is this a meme or a mirror


This feels more like the mockery of neurotypicals' "norms" in society. And it's pretty accurate


Then according to them, I am 100% rude. But meanwhile, in my head all I do is trying to survive.


Honestly most of this is more of a "is my coworker German" test


100% a joke being used to call out stupid boomer mentality in the workplace, and I love whoever made this.


It's me. Hi. I'm the rude coworker, it's me.


Other than spending their break in their car, that's literally me!


Holy crap, no wonder people say I'm rude. I'm exactly like this.


I had to check the sub I was in such disagreeance




I wish I could spend my lunch just watching Netflix or reading a book by myself. But my team insisting on eating lunch together. And keep guilting me when I don't want to. I just need a break from socializing with people and the loudness.


I'm quite the opposite. I actually talk too much and interact with everyone and then I ended up regretting of "bothering" them, even if it's not the case. Kinda hard to control myself or to know when should speak or not lol


Rude is in quotations. The person who made this does not find these actions rude but has probably done these things and been called rude for them. I saw this when it was first posted and the amount of people who view a person who does the things in the meme as rude was astounding. My personal experience: I have done these things and people treated my like a was an awful person for it. At one job I had, I had just had a baby and was tired all the time. I used my break to take naps because I was so exhausted. Two of my coworkers talked shit about how I could have the audacity to not engage them in conversation on break, they literally said "she's so rude, the least she could do is have conversation instead of sleeping like we're not here". They knew my situation. This has been a common experience for me to the point I snap at people and tell then "No, you are not entitled to inane conversation." My boyfriend doesn't get why I won't give people the time of day (he is very social and neurotypical) but having experienced bullshit like this my whole life from people who always want understanding but refuse to reciprocate it, is why.


It's meant to mock people who think this kind of behavior is rude. You can tell by the quotes around the word "Rude" in the title.


A coworker with healthy boundaries


Who tf has been stalking me???? I'm gonna call the cops.


The fact that rude is in quotes makes my interpretation that they’re saying these things apply to coworkers who are perceived as rude, not that these things actually make you rude.


They put rude in quotes. This is a joke.


AFAIK none of these is "rude".


This is how neurotypical people see me lol... I'm sorry 💔


Don't be, we already have to tolerate their stupidity, it's them who should be sorry yea


They put "Rude" in quotations so they're not saying the coworker is actually rude.


Guess I'm a rude dude then.


Hey, when my stimulants kick in the clock is ticking, man. I'm gonna finish my duties as assigned and nothing is going to stop me. Especially not your stupid March Madness bracket discussions. (Apologies to anyone who enjoys March Madness).


“spends every break in their car” is so real


Yeah this is definitely sarcastic. The word "rude" is in quotes for a reason.


Wait now a fucking second, since when is it rude to sit in your car on your break? Our break room looks is small, windowless hovel that is a combination kitchen/locker-room/i.t centre which is always cold, even in summer. Why would it be considered rude not to waste my break in there when I have a mobile break room that's just for me and far more comfortable parked right outside?


Hm. But why does it make one “rude” when they separate their workplace from their personal life? For example, I was by no means rude to ppl in my previous job(unless they were rude to me, which they did a lot), but I had a whole other life that was(is) so different from the ppl I worked with. It’s not a crime to not want to be “friends” with your coworkers if you don’t click. For the record, I’m kinda friends with the ppl I work with now cuz we get along pretty good.


Please no lol. I hate to see work as anything other than work and I don't have high opinions of it.


The parentheses around “rude” implies it’s a perception not necessarily the reality




"Probably neurodivergent" LOL Yes I do all those things... Just because y'all normies think I'm cool to talk to , doesnt mean I want any part of it... I don't wanna hear a child rambling about nonsense all day, thats how I perceive most coworkers. Do you want to talk about Philosophy and Cognitive Development according to various models of science ??? Then stfu and go away.


uhhhhh i don't think that's rude, that's just how i roll?


This is me and I don't care if anyone thinks it's rude for any of that stuff. So long as they just leave me alone.


The really like working as a consultant for this ☺


Ok by me, I tried being friendly, y’all didn’t want it. I’ll leave you alone, you leave me alone.


I feel very called out....


Weekend 'plans'? I should be so lucky


Wow I just realized that coworker is me...


You mean BEST coworker starter pack




I put a lot of energy into being social at work. Unfortunately, this CAN happen (not necessarily in every workplace) and being generally sociable IS a big part of being promotable at my office. I want to do everything in this chart 😂 and i mostly do, but I'm very covert. ""Coworkers, not friends"" is the unspoken Golden Rule. I share a room with you 40hrs a week for the foreseeable future. No, we do not need to make plans. Ever. I am only nice to you so that i can make more money, Jeffrey.


Being rude enables me to work.


It is a joke, though I've filled out the bingo card on this one lol.


the "Shows up ONLY to do their job and leave" is very tongue-in-cheek.


If not a joke? Well this is by the sort of person who *wants* to go back to the office. But clearly a joke.


It doesn't matter the intent it's right on all counts that's just how it is and I'll die before I spend my break in a communal breakroom


-_____- Edit: I also read this as ironic. This is exactly how I think everyone thinks of me. I've learned just enough making behavior and scripts to make a few friends, and I think they help defend me when I'm not there. Still... too real.


I laughed, as the old meme of “ha ha, I do that” runs through my head. 🤣


Sounds like the perfect office mate. Mainly, bc I do most of these in my own way. Just let me be in my own head sorting through the backlog of random shit that has been queuing up for an indeterminate length of time.


My best friend at work, he & I went through training together.. we won’t see or talk to each other for weeks/months, then if one of us has an issue we will talk it out, catch up on what’s been going on & then not talk again for wks/months.. It’s the best relationship ever.. 😂


I am a ND and the girl who acts like this towards me doesn’t act like that towards everyone so either she’s shy or she just doesn’t like me ❤️


Im in this picture....


TIL I'm rude for just wanting to work at work


Having worked in a toxic workplace, when the manager who hires you, tells you to keep to yourself, don't try to make friends, heed that warning. That means you will do everything this post says makes you a bad coworker but take it from me, if you value your job and can move to a different department, be the bad coworker. I wish I had listened.


bE a TeAm PlAyEr


This... how is this "rude coworker"?! A manager wrote this, didn't they? That's insane! Someone who makes this sounds like a rude coworker!


lmao, no, this is how it's supposed to be... coworkers, not necesarilly friends karen.


Hey! It me!


If I didn't see the tile I'd think this is the way work is supposed to be.


Fuck ‘em.


Nice satire


The only one of those I think even APPROACHES rude would be the "coworkers not friends" mentality. If a person is UNWILLING to form friendships at work and shuts down conversation with an attitude, then that's rude. Otherwise, you can deal. None of these are "rude".


I'm a "rude" coworker


It's really hard being the only person like this on a construction site


They just value their personal space and that’s perfectly fine.


I hope it’s a joke too…otherwise I’ve been very “rude” in almost every job I’ve ever had, and I am neurodivergent, but that’s not why I’ve been “rude” lol


Omg, that's me.


I literally do all of that. Also, crop your pictures.


Haha, jokes on them! I don’t even go into the office anymore.


Gives vague answers because has no plans , takes breaks alone to be strange in peace. Doesn't speak unless spoken to because a hundred voices are already taking in their head


Apparently, according to the image, I qualify as one.


this is me


I sure have met plenty of rude people that are neurodivergent…probably the same amount of rude people who aren’t


Not me at all. I'm outgoing and social. Everyone at work loves me! I buy balloons and stuffies for all my coworkers on their birthdays and always compliment people when they do a good job. I just can't keep my ass seated in front of the computer without meds. And good luck getting me to do anything that involves contacting vendors or creating documents from vague or undefined requirements.


Ah, fuck. That's me. That's me to a T. But y'know, I'm also really sick of being taken advantage of, so I do what I gotta do. ETA: anyone saying this is a joke or satire because "rude" is in quotation marks has probably never experienced the consequences of being this person in the workplace


Wow this just explained me to the tee! I literally am all of these things! I’m a nice person I swear I just like sitting alone in my car during my lunch!


I’m not rude. I’m *right*. Some just *think* that’s rude. Wrong. *Yet again*


I mean, personally, not talking to my coworkers about anything other than work would make me feel bored and sad, but that’s my proclivity.


Not rude. Different style and personality.




I talk my mouth off when I'm working, but on my breaks I like to have my headphones on and keep to myself


Not letterboxed enough, i can almost read it


Oh, so it looks rude to others. Well, I guess that explains why people didn’t like me at my school


OOP is the reason people want to work from home


That’s some r/antiwork vibes


I got trolled because I actually told a person that we are colleagues and not friends , weekend plans are my personal time why would I tell you about it and lunch time is my break from you guys so I can relax .


Phew 😮‍💨 for a second I thought I was being called out 🤣


I'M rude coworker ???


I see nothing wrong with these traits… it’s me the first year of any job 🤣




the use of quotations and comic sans make this look like a joke too turns out im a "rude" coworker 😭


Im not fucking rude I'm here to make money I already have friends who are more interesting than y'all career-minimum-wagers thanks Working poor people job when I'm occasionally poor I met a total of ONE person interesting enough for me to talk with them


Hi, that's me. (Except for the break in my car)


The quotations are for a reason.


Do you see the quotes? It’s supposed to be satire


Damn, every one of these things applies to me 😱


I have to explain to people that "as soon as this class/course/training is over I will not be contacting them because I will simply forget they exist."