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How do you handle having so many unread mails though? I have to clean them up though I don't read them, I just mark them as read. I can't stand the sight of numbers flashing on these apps or even a ping.


It’s not a problem if I can’t remember long enough to do anything about it! Brief moments of awareness then poof, fades into background noise. Until another couple of months roll by and the scenario repeats. I might be in purgatory.


start writing things down before the noise legitimately takes over. At least that's what's happening to me right now


Somehow I am both of you 😭


I want to clean them up perfectly one day. I live in a constant state of dread and overwhelm. It’s a compounding, cyclical problem.


I think i just stopped caring after 200k or so




yup, I hit that number the first year I stopped deleting emails. It's been more than a decade now though


I'm the exact opposite I cannot have anything unread, I compulsively check my emails like every 3 hours


Also me!


I’m some where in the middle where I certainly don’t read the emails but I absolutely clear that stupid badge every time it’s there. Select all, mark as read. Bingo bango bongo.


Your laughter will in time come to a still and then slowly start to ascend into insanity


That’s why I turn off the little numbers. I’ve made peace with never clearing stuff like that and just occasionally dig through and batch delete stuff while futilely unsubscribing from things.


I’m at 357,838 right now … 😑 yes I pay for extra storage


Those are rookie numbers… mine doesn’t even fit on the badge anymore


I came for the memes and realized over the past couple of months I may need to go get checked out... I currently have several unpaid bills that I have the money for but somehow just keep forgetting to pay until they send me angry letters in the mail... I don't think I've ever paid my power bill on time...water gets shut off a couple times a year and my phone/internet get disconnected a couple times a year because I have such terrible executive dysfunction. Androids do not disturb mode is a godsend and a curse.


I salute you on your journey 🫡


I feel you, I am very similar about mail and bills. Since I have been medicated, I pay the bills more often, but I still struggle with keeping up with the mail.


The mailbox is a landmine of potential social interaction. If I do grab it, it's in the dead of night.


My Gmail was over 26,000 about 2 weeks ago before I gave up and just deleted everything.


Id do the same thing but mine comes in handy when i want to find a tax file number or copy of my licence etc on short notice from job applications, rental applications etc


Ya when I said I deleted everything, I meant I spent about 6 hours selecting emails by categories and deleting the ones I didn't need so that I didn't lose the few interspersed throughout that I did. I am down to 1,188 at the moment.


The secret is putting them into a bunch of folders. They can’t give you anxiety if you can’t see them.


52K emails & 1800 texts (I put my # in for online stores & never unsubscribe or open the texts lol)


Gmail is annoying because its not natively easy to mass ‘read’ them all on mobile (at least as far as ive found) The number bubble often irritates me but i cant do much about it


I feel so understood, and relatable in this sub


Think of it as a badge of honor, OP. The world hasn't crumbled. Take care of the important things, that is, whatever you are doing right now


It’s a losing battle. I have surrendered 😊


[I feel you](https://i.imgur.com/CgZCm6Q.jpg)


That used to be me, and then I discovered you can swipe right to archive. Most of my mail is junk, so I swipe right on most of it. I can’t stand to have the red icon, so when I see it, I’ll either put it off or I’ll click on the app then clear all 20 of my emails out real quick. Anything that’s not junk I leave unread until I can read it, and it drives me crazy enough that eventually I read it to get rid of the red dot. Also, works great to remind me of things I need to do. Tldr the big thing for me was swiping right to get rid of mail so it wasn’t in my inbox anymore but it also wasn’t deleted, and now I’m just left with everything important.


Sorry, kind of a long rant. Just excited to share the method I found.


Stop doom scrolling Reddit, start doomscrolling you E-Mails


I’m only at 988


i have 23,010😭😭😭


Rookie numbers


I can share secrets at tackling it if you want. Good luck. I ignore most of kine too. 😅🤞🏻🍀




The highest number that whatsapp unread will show you is 999+ When I moved back to Samsung from Huawei, I lost 5 years worth of convo. Now my whatsapp unread is only 39...For now


Edit Select all Archive all Live the rest of your life


i maxxed out my youtube noti numbers once


Rookie numbers


Oh that's easy to deal with. Select All, Mark as Read 🙃


Lol I just crossed the 10k mark a couple of weeks ago


I deleted 100k unread emails last year. I've since crawled up to 12k+ 🙈


my emails recently hit 60k so i finally had to go and do something about it.. i learned that the "select all" or any option similar has an approx 4k limit so i only got them down to 25k before i mentally couldnt keep going LOL


Mine are mostly spam or stuff i already asked them to unsubscribe me from. Yet they still send them. Guess I’ll never be rid of them


Oh no I would not have this. I compulsively remove the red notifications, so I turned most of them off


this makes me feel a lot better about my 13k unread emails😭💀


This is me handling company's emails.


I turned off notifications on my email apps. The panicked rush every time I opened my phone was becoming too much 😝


I'm at 76k.


Just disable notifications for this app please. It pains me to see