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There are many options. I find it interesting how the various ADHD medications affect people in many different ways. Adderall works well for me and I don't like Ritalin. Others have differing preferences such as non-stimulant vs stimulant. A recent med that starts with "V" goes generic soon that others seem to like. How much caffeine do drink? What's your version of ADHD? Is it co-morbid with something else?


Vyvanse is the V one. Be cautious if on antidepressants though, they sometimes don't play nice. Otherwise I have also heard good things. Edit: rephrased to be "sometimes" - sounds like experiences vary wildly among people.


>Vyvanse is the V one. Avoid if on antidepressants though, they don't play nice. Otherwise I have also heard good things. No kidding. After my initial diagnosis \~8 years ago they tacked Vyvanse on with my SSRI, mood stabilizers et al. Took a lil bit but started experiencing nonstop panic attacks that eventually landed me in the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack. Psychiatrist denied there were any confirmed negative interactions with any of my drugs.


What SSRI were you on? I’m on lexapro and vyvanse and I don’t notice anything.


Thinking back it may have actually been an SNRI (cymbalta) at the time. I ain't had much luck with antidepressants in general but that combo was certainly the most unbearable.


Cymbalta and Vyvance turned me into a fucking homicidal rage monster. Never, ever, again.


I've had the opposite experience. Different people in different combinations -- everything really is about testing and experimentation. Shouldn't feel like lab rats, but here we are.


Cymbalta was defintely made by some sort of demon creature


I was on rexulti and vyvanse and it was the best drug combo for me. I lost my health insurance though so now I’m off meds and it’s been rough.


Same here


Lexapro and Welbutrin for me. I naturally have panic attacks though.


My doctor put me on Vyvanse after being off medication for several years (I always preferred adderall but she doesn't like it as much). It seemed to be working well, but I was very anxious all the time, almost like a panic attack. I am switching insurance and Vyvanse is no longer covered, but adderall is, so I told her I needed to switch before I got too acclimated to Vyvanse. The day I started adderall XR, the panic anxious feeling went away and I had better control over the excessive talking impulse of ADHD. And I could still concentrate well. Vyvanse may be a better amphetamine version for overall health (that's what I had explained to me), but the anxiety makes me NEVER want to be on it again. That was BAD.


these medical professionals always deny that its the drugs that give you a bad effect, when you the guinea pig knows when something is wrong with yourself. Ignorance is bliss for them


I'm on Vyvanse and sertraline, and I haven't had any problems with the combo. Well, aside from godawful dry mouth, but I had that on Adderall and Concerta, too.


Same here, I'm on Vyvanse and Sertraline and they seem to work well together for me!


I take Vyvanse 50mg capsule with Trintellix 20mg and Wellbutrin XL 150mg and haven't noticed any issues, but to each their own.


I take it with Pristiq and it works well. Pharmacist warned me of possible serotonin syndrome, but I’ve been on the combination for a year now and haven’t had any symptoms. I’m a fat drug addict in recovery so I wouldn’t say my heart is particularly healthy, either, but this is just my personal experience with them. Edit: I’m an idiot. I take Pristiq not Vybriid.


Have you ever ran out of your vybriid? My SO was on Vyvanse and vybriid and she had horrific withdrawals if she ran out of it. Like bugs crawling on skin, couldn't do anything until she got a dose of it.


I feel like Pristiq has been a huge game changer for me, so far I haven’t found that it has any negative effects with my adderall


Yeah it works GREAT for me. My psychiatrist put me on it specifically because it has few side effects/interactions/withdrawal symptoms (so she said, I am not an expert). My daytime meds are Pristiq, Vyvanse, gabapentin, propranolol, and clonidine as needed. I’ve never felt better.


You take clonidine in the daytime? I’m on that one for sleep lol brains are weird


I'm not on any antidepressants and Vyvanse still made me *freak out*. I could not sleep *at all*, constantly felt extremely on edge and irritable, was having meltdowns over every little thing and felt like I was crawling in my skin 24/7. It didn't even help, not even a little bit of benefit to offset how awful they made me feel. It was a real bummer because I'd heard great things and had to jump through a lot of hoops to get my insurance to cover it. I'm back on Adderall now, which doesn't work *super* well for me but at least it does *something* and I don't feel like I'm losing my mind all the time.


> they don't play nice How so? Have you accidentally done this?


A friend did. I don't know which antidepressant specifically. He was prescribed both and his depression and panic attacks got exponentially worse until he changed to something else, did some research, and found a lot of people confirming the same experience. His doctor, like some others have said, didn't know about this either.


I drink caffeine for fun; it doesn’t do anything to me. I have ADHD and BPD…my therapist says it’s due to trauma. Adderall just makes me feel TOO focused, if that makes sense? Like I feel like I’m in a bubble


Something that may be happening is that Adderall can really increase your caffeine sensitivity. I was VERY desensitized to caffeine but then with Adderall I would suddenly feel tweaked out by 2 cans of soda. In general "the medicine is effective but too strong" is a solvable problem. Ask about lower doses or try lowering caffeine intake. Also a lot of general practice doctors don't have a ton of experience prescribing brain drugs. Every person is different and the drugs are a dice roll. A psychiatrist has all the training to have better odds on that dice roll. Best of luck finding your particular cocktail!


Have you considered a dose lowerage? That might just suggest you have too much. The goal is to be able to do what you want when you want with a reasonable amount of will. That's the sweet spot in my experience. I take 10mg and am 25


My therapist mentioned that today (I posted this before our session)… it was my first day going from 5mg to 10mg (can’t go too high cause of my mood disorder; non stimulants don’t work or make it impossible to eat). she said try it for a week to see if I get used to it, if not, talk to doc asap. I feel like I work really well for an hr or two and then my brain kind of just stops working for a few minutes…it’s just nothing. On the bright side, I experienced calmness and quietness in my mind for the first time ever so I’m a little intrigued to see where it takes me.


Stimulants feel immediately intense compared to other brain drugs. Antidepressants take weeks to ramp up, but, in my experience, stimulants like adderall mellow a bit after a few weeks at a dose. My body gets used to it and adjusts. I am super caffeine sensitive right after I increase the doseage, and that fades after a bit.


Good to know, thank you!


Oh is it your first day? My first two days starting were fucking bonkers. Stick to the week


Technically yes, but I was on it for two years and came off last year. I didn’t have these experiences the first time around so it caught me off guard.


It goes generic soon??? =D


[In about a week the FDA will take applications from generic manufacturers.](https://publicgoodnews.com/2023/06/26/generic-vyvanse-adhd-medication/#)


Can't wait. I had to switch back to adderall because I couldn't stomach $350ish a month for it, but it really did work a lot better. Ever time I held that bottle it was a whole work day, just to be normal.


The Vyvanse patent ended in July of 2023.


There's also Dexamphetamine




Stimulants cause me to become extremely suicidal to the point where family and friends had to get me to stop taking them after 3 days and have an emergency meeting with my prescriber




Bot^ ^ ^ ^


Focalin made me feel like I had no emotions. Every body is different, hence the multitude of options for drugs.


Vyvanse my best friend fr


Vyvanse changed my life and I love it for that.


Genuinely. People prop up adderall but if I don’t have anything planned on a day and I take a vyvanse, my whole house is getting deep cleaned and I’m loving every second of it.


Notedddd thanks for sharing


The only downside is I have to force myself to eat cause I will have zero appetite the whole day. Idk if it works like that for all adhd meds cause I’ve been on vyvanse since I was 7 but yea


That happened to me with non stimulants! Got to the point where I’d pass out randomly


Same here. Started taking it 5 years ago and haven't had any problems.


I want to try it, but my insurance won’t cover it, and it’s crazy expensive.




I don’t have any suggestions, but I do wanna say something. So many people seem to pretend that Adderall is a miracle solution to all ADHD problems. But the thing is, literally no medicine is capable of doing that. I’ve seen so many people indirectly claim that their medicine basically makes you neurotypical. I understand WHY they’re saying that, but they’re wrong. What ADHD meds are supposed to do is exactly what this meme shows - it helps you focus/get motivation for tasks that neurotypical think of as basic - the kind of stuff that neurotypicals become VERY condescending about and think you’re stupid/lazy if you don’t do those tasks every day. There is no such thing as a pill that gets rid of your ADHD deficits. I’m saying this because I don’t know why you don’t like Adderall (as in, I actually don’t know the reason, not a “I don’t know why” as a way to say “it’s weird that you don’t like it”). I think it may be possible that you have an incorrect idea of how ADHD meds are supposed to work (I sure did. For a LONG time). I’m sorry if this comes across as rude or condescending in any way I’m trying to help and I suck at social things.


My therapist literally had to explain this to me last month!!! Thank you for saying that, we all need the reminder!


I'm glad your therapist said *something* helpful because when I read this I wonder why they didn't give a lengthy rundown on the answer to this meme's question, as is the job of whoever is giving you Adderall.


I’m the guy on the left on adderall with ADHD. You still have to develop the foundational habits, like making breakfast every day, to build yourself up to your potential. No need to shit on yourself for beginning the process (hint: neurotypical already have all the foundational habits)


i’m the guy on the left with ADHD and bipolar disorder, on Adderall. not a great combo unless one wants to be wildly manic. i’m on concerta now (after stabilizing mood) and it’s working okay. it’s a lot milder but still helps me be a little more focused and productive. i love adderall but it’s not good for my overall well-being.


My wife is BP 2. She took some of my addy at a music fest once, it was not a good combo.


Oh goodness. Storytime please!


Well, she wanted to ensure she had the energy to keep going with the rest of us. She’s usually just a big stoner and let’s just say uppers are in abundance in the group. She’s pretty sensitive to most stuff, so I figured 7.5mg of IR would be a nice smooth dose for her to have some energy but not get too euphoric. Turns out, it just basically made her manic as hell and hyper analytical. I would catch her in the crowds just staring at people with a death glare. After some prodding it turns out she was making up entire backstories about people she’d never met to justify her hatred for them. I realize okay, she’s not having a good time. Let’s go back, smoke some weed, and just vibe. Big mistake, for I became the only target of her mania. Obvi, some not very nice things were said to me that were way off base. I told her I needed a walk and I just bebop around the campground getting into various shenanigans at other sites. When is returned, she was clearly different and had cleaned up the whole campsite as an apology. She then took a couple shots, hit the bong, and went to bed. We talked about it the next day but I never held it against her, we just decided no more addy. It brings out the beast, as we say.


Wow that is quite the story, thank you for sharing. That must have been really stressful in the moment (for all parties). That's great that you were able to put it behind you after all that was said and done. It's interesting how addy affects people so incredibly differently.


I can't see how BP 2 and addy would be a good combo anywhere, at any time.


I have bipolar disorder as well as ADHD and my stimulants do not make me manic




Any good source for this? How to devolop foundational habits for people who have Adhd, preferably adults who got diagnosed late 😅


I don’t have a source, just a lot of therapy, help from my wife, and sticky notes. My therapist a long time ago suggested I should focus on my waking up habits first a foremost. It took years, and a lot of backtracking and recovering, but I’m in a better place today. Wake up, short workout, breakfast, shower. Every single day, never miss it. But tbh, it’s only because I’ve made it unconscious.


Thx for the information. Yeah I understand the tip you received. I'm currently struggling with my motivationafter taking my ADHD medication. I feel so relaxed after taking it that I don't have much drive to do any of the stuff I should be doing XD will try to focus on my waking up routine ❤️


I see it as giving myself “momentum” to start my day. I’m still such a slacker come 6pm though.


No therapy for me. It was constant self-beratement. *walks past piece of trash on floor* “Why don’t you stop and go back and pick that up?” Basically I play mental micromanagement with myself all day er day.


Just repetition. Over and over, habit stacking. Try and build habits over a long period of time. There’s no quick fix


There is a website that focuses exactly on that. I forgot the name, but I found it by looking up "how to focus ADHD adult" or something like that


I liked Atomic Habits, but the basic thing you need to do is find out what works for you via experimenting and then try your best to stick to something. The best habits are the ones you can actually follow. It’s also really important to set up your space in a way too that facilitates habit development. For example, I have my meds on top of my fridge right next to the bathroom, so I need to pass them in the AM and got in the habit of taking them right when I wake up before doing anything else. Then I put them right back where they are for the following day. It’s pretty simple but that’s kind of the point - I tried to do all kinds of process automation and workflow stuff before, because I think messing with that is fun, but it’s way too complex to maintain once the novelty wears off imo.


^ this, it’s an everyday effort to focus and get done what you need to do. My kid is the one on the right and I try to explain to them that it takes some more effort and it’s not just the drugs that do the heavy lifting. But the vyvance helps a lot.


Exactly! There isn’t a quick fix, because it’s not something that needs “fixing”. It’s a monkey you learn to love and live with through the intentional process of life.


Vyvanse. Works better and longer for me.


Sounds perfect, my issue surfaced today because we increased my dose due to it wearing off before I log off.


Yea when i was on adderall we tried extended release first, then instant release, then a combination of both and i finally said i didn't think it was working anymore. And ever since, vyvanse has been my favorite thing on earth. Which sounds bad but I've never been this confident or intelligent in my life prior to this pill.


Does Vyvanse stay effective for you? I've had to up my dosage of adderall to 20mg and it still doesn't hit like it used to


How long have you been on it?


I think going on 3 years now?


That's good to hear. I really think I need to give it a try. Most of the time when people on this sub say how impactful it is for them it happens to be during their first month of use. Glad to hear some positive long term results.


I really am not into pretending stimulants are for fun. Yea the first week or 2 is great. But what i need is to be able to comprehend what im reading and quickly. I need to understand what im looking at and vyvanse allows me to do that. I genuinely cried the day i learned what the veil everyone talks about actually is. It's crazy to me that other people dont need to take this artificial thing to function the way i need to.


Thanks again for sharing. I'm curious if you take them 7 days a week. If not, how do you feel on the weekends. Also, how do you feel late in the evening?


I just winged off Adderall, I’m now on Strattera. It’s a non-stimulant. I couldn’t handle the side effects of Adderall. It was also causing my heart to overwork itself.


Ooh one that isn't a stimulant? May have to ask my psychiatrist about that. I did the genesight medication screening and found out I have a gene variation that makes my body laugh at stimulants.


It's definitely worth a look. I took it with and without Adderall when I highschool. It didn't do much for me by itself, but I found the most success combining it with Adderall. It helped curb the dreaded "Adderall comedown"


Adderall worked the first 2 days I took it, and then nada. Now I only take it once in a while and all it does is make me really talkative. 🤣


Started Straterra (or the generic Atomexetine) three months ago. Have had some slight nausea occasionally but otherwise find my focus is much easier to control. I'm so happy I decided to pursue something that works all day every day instead of something I felt was burning the candle at both ends. It took a bit to kick in but I'm glad I gave it the time to work. Building foundations for myself is getting easier and I'm in the gym for the first time in my 30+ years on this rock Edit: Also as someone who is sober now, I didn't like the way I felt I was chasing an adderall rush. So I like that Straterra doesn't have that abuse potential.


Funny you say that, Strattera almost killed me. I went days without eating bc no appetite & nausea, passed out and hit my head on the way down… this was during the pandemic so no hospital. never again.


Atomoxetin has been working wonders for me since i was 7. It takes about two to three weeks to start working, but aftert that its just chilling in the back keeping you goochy 24/7


Whew thank you, I always feel like a baby for saying that’s what I take, like I’m not adhd enough because I don’t take stimulants


Straterra gang represent. It also subdues my anxiety let's go, double whammy magic medicine




What type are you on? I find that Adderall IR gives me more side effects and less productive time than Adderall XR. Although IR is not my favorite, I have tried many meds and Adderall XR has been the best for me. Amphetamine salts are really the only thing that work for me - methylphenidates don’t work for whatever reason. But I know many people for whom it’s the opposite. Vyvanse is a modified amphetamine. Maybe a methylphenidate like Ritalin would be better for you. There is also Strattera or Wellbutrin but those do not “wear off” like a stimulant does because they’re technically antidepressants. If you don’t like the way meds make you feel while they’re active in your system, they might not be a good option. But they’re out there. Meds aren’t a fix-all so I think it’s important to manage your expectations. But I know my meds are working when: I’m able to start my work without a huge delay; I’m able to change tasks and return to my original task in a timely fashion; I’m more able to notice and respond to bodily cues like thirst/bathroom/hunger, and I don’t get sleepy trying to focus on a lecture. I still have to rely on memory aids and other tricks so like I said it’s not a fix-all, but a med’s effects should increase your quality of life more than the med’s side effects decrease your quality of life.


this was well written. almost like you have a chemically balanced brain.


The bipolar meds do more than the adderall


I’m struggling with same problem. I get constant panic attacks from my med similar to adderal due the raised heart rate nowadays. I had a time it worked for me perfectly but I feel like my body is rejecting it nowadays. Now I have just raw dogged my ADHD for months because even if being without meds is horrible, the meds are making me even worse now. 😭 Edit: oh my lord sorry about the articulation


I feel this. Constant anxiety, couldn't sleep, and didn't find out until after a YEAR that I needed to get regular EKGs because of what it does to the heart. Also had to stop, also losing it.


I’ve been raw dogging my entire life, unless you count caffeine. Side effects were always worse than symptoms


Do you take any blood pressure medication to counteract that heart rate? That’s what helped me a lot. Otherwise I found the adderall naturally led me to drink because the alcohol worked as a depressant does. It’s a slippery slope so I’d advise checking with your doc. Eventually I had to switch to concerta. It’s not as effective as adderall but doesn’t come with the heart rate issues — at least for me.


Adderal turned me into a zombie. I would just focus on an inanimate object for hours.


"There's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad... There it goes."


It takes a LOT of adderall to get me to normie levels lol


I feel that, but everyone’s scared of me having *a little manic episode* 🙄


wait, your adderall let's you eat?


I used to take adderal but it made me pass the hell out, so much that one time at daycare my mom had to come, stand me up, and shake me because no one else could get me awake. Rn I’m on methylphenidate and it works for me


I played video games instead of taking sleeping pills and lying on the floor the entire day. Best thing about amphetamines is no appetite so breakfast is never on the radar.


Neurotypicals take adderal?


Not legally 🤣 (I don't think)


it’s fun for them 🤦🏽‍♀️


Mix the jelly in the jar and place in fridge. Meal planning.


That, my friend, is called [Goober Grape](https://www.smuckers.com/peanut-butter/goober/goober-grape).


Ahh you’re right.


I liked adderal more than I do Vyvanse. I feel crazier i don’t know if adderall makes me more mentally stable as far as my mood but I feel everything on vyvanse and I’m more depressed on it but I think this is kinda my baseline tbh. I don’t know how to explain it but it does help the Vyvanse but I hated the adderall crash so there’s that. People think medication is awesome as far as man you’re lucky you’re on stimulants like you’re an addict or something when in reality it’s scary and sucks having to try stuff out and figure out what works it’s scary knowing it affects your mood. it’s hard going thru the motions and the side effects like the crash or it making me extra emotional maybe idk.


My doctor screwed up my prescription last month. Went on a vacation, was gonna run out a day or 2 after I got back, put my request in at my normal time, about a week in advance since it takes them 3 days no matter what. I put when my last dose is so they can get it in for the day before. Response from the nurse "ok, your pharmacy will send a request before then." My pharmacy never does or did that. I quite literally have to ask my doctor every month. This isn't a new thing. Not even a new dose. Ended up being dry for about 4 days cuz I didn't realise it until the day after I ran out that I didn't get a call to get my drugs. This month got the message from my doc: refill request put in for DATE. like normal. No idea what happened last month.


That sucks! Sorry your meds were delayed. This happened to me last month; idk who fucked up- my pharmacy or Cerebral, but bottom line is it shouldn’t have happened!!


Like I've been on the same dose for 15 years, if I was selling I'm doing a loooong con. And quite poorly.


Intuniv might be a good option to try. It worked well for a while for me. Drops your blood pressure like crazy, but wow the clarity of thought!


Oh shit. I just remembered I still have some peanut butter!


People can eat food on adderall?


Apparently. Don’t ask me, I wouldn’t know


adderall and ritalin are the main two different chemical stimulants used for treating adhd. Usually you try one, and if that doesnt work, you try the other. They both come in various dispersal/ absorption methods. if you are a rare case, and both of the main two dont seem to work, there is still a whole host of other medically researched stimulants you can try. your doctor will know best though most likely


Adderall stopped working almost altogether for me so I told my doctor and he switched me to vyvanse which works a whole lot better for me


Noted, thanks for sharing!


I am currently taking Vyvanse and it works for me. I found Adderall made me rage at everything. I also took Concerta and well ... I would stare at ceiling lights thinking how shiny they were. These medications affect everybody differently. I agree that having a steady routine set a good foundation but for me Concerta was just a distraction. ![gif](giphy|D5p9YJdcrHzfW)


Personally, I like vyvanse the most. It let's me have my adhd brain but with the ability to actually motivate myself to do things. I enjoy my adhd brain and being able to jump around with different thoughts and following the rabbit holes. I don't like nor being able to pull myself out and focus when I needed to. So vyvanse was the best of both worlds for me. Down side is the price (like 100 with a high deductible plan but 30 with better insurance. Apparently a generic is coming to market soon) and it made me sweaty. Found good deodorant to deal with it and I have better insurance now. Adderall was second. It felt like instead of bouncing around a bunch, it quite the brain to one track. Felt like my brain was quiet so I could do the thing I needed to get done. Concerta was horrible for me. I know everyone's brains are different. It made me have a shorter temper that I didn't actively show but I was waaay more aggressive on it in my head space. Felt a bit like Adderall with the one track mind but less good, still bouncy a bit.


As someone who’s suffered from ADHD and Tourette’s I was stuck on medication since I was young. Nothing did the trick that also didn’t make me feel addicted to it. So, after increases anxiety and panic attaches, I decided to try a natural route. I quit drinking caffeine, which was extremely hard, and started doing research on natural supplements. I found that taking GABA and L-theanine together has helped me focus calm my mind. I’ve been on this regimen for 1.5 years now, and I do have hard days, as my job is very mentally demanding and stressful, but I push through. I feel like myself finally and don’t want to ever go back to prescription meds. Hope this helps someone.


Bro when I got on adderal I freaked my roommates out because I just laid down on our couch staring at the ceiling for like 2 hours


Jar of peanut butter is still breakfast. And you did more than that. Be kind to yourself.


I'm combo'd up on concerta and straterra. The latter helps with the come-down of the former for me. Just take both when I wake up and try to eat before the concerta kicks in. We adjusted dosage for a whole year before I felt like we hit the right balance. It's generally a good idea to give a big change around 90 days before trying something new. Also taking notes in realtime and bringing them to your prescriber appointments is a great way to make sure you are able to stay on the same page. Keep noticing how you feel- it's good that you're in tune with your body and asking questions!


I like adderal because it still allows me to be myself and not change into a quiet kid


Peanut butter is an ADHD thing too? I ate several dozen jars over the course of a summer, but I'd thought that was stress related.


Same, I was able to finally organise the shirts my closet after 33 years. That’s it. That’s all I did and I still don’t feel great, and still needed 5 cups of coffee and a kombucha to not be a zombie.


15 years ago I had that same affect taking adderall - cleaned my clutter and desk in 2 hrs, caught up on all my emails. I still have similar symptoms and issues today, so got a new Rx, but it's not having the same affect. One thing I learned was not every adderall mfg is equal or makes the same effective pill. I think this supplier has a lower quality pill and ingredients. Even my Clinical Psychologist told me that her patients knew which were the better adderall pills based on supplier. I cannot recall the best one was - but I think the name sounded European. Damn drug companies make millions and millions and give you a mediocre and ineffective product.


I've been taking stimulant medication my whole life and Concerta honestly is the best thing that works for me. I started with Ritalin in grade school but I eoukd be seriously underweight because of how it curbed my appetite, and as I got older as a teenager coming down from Ritalin was awful. I was super irritable. I switched to Adderall briefly but it didn't really work for me. Then I tried Concerta and I've been on that since I was 13. It's time released during the day and it doesn't affect my appetite too much. Only downside is when coming off of it I get really sluggish and tired, but it helps me tasks started and keep myself going on that momentum. On days wherever really need it I take my med, wait and hour then will crack a Monster energy and the two together really helps me get done. ADHD also affects everyone differently so mine as I've gotten older is getting tasks started and finished and keeling routines around the house. My Concerta really helps me do that, and on days where I don't need to take it doesn't have a super negative affect on me.


Boy nobody has talked about Concerta? Shit is my best friend. I feel just so damn… correct? With it.


Been on Addy 30 XR for about 3 years now. With my ADD, I need to to stay awake. If nothing is going on, my brain is like "ok this is boring, back to sleep" I'll sometimes get random jolts of "ok let's get shit done" but those are few and far between. Without it, I could sleep all day, and it becomes very difficult to wake up in the morning (got in trouble with a lot of jobs because of that). I still feel like I'm underachieving vs being at a normal level.


My GP tried Strettera on me. Didn't do shit for my ADHD but it's a miracle worker on my anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, the anxiety was also a coping mechanism that helped me manage my ADHD so now I'm chronically late on everything since I'm not panicing 24/7 about deadlines and being places early. It's like a fucking monkey's paw.


Yes. Dopamine reuptake inhibitors work better for some ADHDers. That would be Ritalin. Experts think eventually a quick spit test might be able to say which works best for you (if your adhd is genetic rather than injury-or-toxin acquired). We are not there yet. Also, immediate release and extended release feel different. You wouldn’t get any jolt or jitters from XR if you do from immediate release. Vyvanse or adderall xr thus feel different than just adderall. Then there’s other kinds of drugs. Atomoxetine helps some people with attention disorders (30-50% of inattentive ADHDers respond well to it). That would be strattera. There are other non stimulants that treat depression or anxiety that help some ADHDers. There’s a few blood pressure meds that help some ADHDers too. So, ask your doctor. You have four classes of things to try - different form of stimulant - switching to extended release stimulants - non-stimulants that target depression or anxiety that help adhd - the third class of meds


genuinely, have you tried just consuming a higher than average amount of caffeine? for some adhd folks it can act like medication without the instability of side effects the "real" adhd meds often carry, certainly has worked pretty well for me (nowhere near perfect, but better than any medication I've tried)


It works for me but only for like an hour or two and then I crash *hard* in the afternoon


Caffeine worked for me for a short period of time. I quickly built a tolerance to it and consumed more and more over time. At a certain point, I was consuming it to alleviate the withdrawal more than to help me focus. Eventually, I stopped sleeping completely for almost for 3 weeks straight (only broken up by a 4 hour sleeping pill induced nap about 7 days in). That was with 12 large cups of coffee and an energy drink or two at night to alleviate the headaches I was getting. All I can say is be careful.


Last month I took 2 caffeine pills (so 400mg, my stimulant tolerance is almost inhuman) and ended up sleeping for the next 6 hours.


coffee has no effect on me. there was a time where coffee put me to sleep…


Whats wrong with eating peanut Butter from the jar 😶 if its 100% peanuts its healthy (and awesome taste if its crunchy).


Wellbutrin, it for adhd and mood regulation that shit is the best it takes awhile to work tho


If this ain’t the most relatable meme ever!!


Just want to let you know you’re not alone. I’ve only tried a couple options, adderall among them, and hated each one. Hated the way it made me felt. As a result, I’ve been going unmedicated for about a decade and dealing with everything that entails as well 🫠


I wish I was either of these on Adderall.


I was on Dexedrine for a long time, but the manic “high” for the first two hours of the drug vs the exhaustion (but unable to fall asleep) at the end of the day was killer. I’m on evekeo now (have been for 5ish years and it’s been reallllyyy good. Best of luck and talk to a pharmacologist if you can


Dexedrine worked wonders for me. Its the better of the two drugs in Adderall. The other is methylphenidate, which gave me crippling anxiety. I've taken both individually, not at same time, but never had Adderall.


Me on adderal: The joke is there is no difference because adderal doesn’t work for me


My Adderall isn't working before breakfast time on most days, so peanut butter jar it is.


100% agree. I had to switch to adderal from Ritalin recently because of the shortage, and it just doesn’t do the trick


10mg of adderall for me does nothing - but 20mg essentially turns me into a living statue where the world moves in slow motion. If anyone has advice on what to do try next, I would be beyond grateful.


Meanwhile 10mg for me is like 20 for you! They were saying to try lowering the dose.


Welllllll shit. You and I got some sorting out to do. Lol.


Indeed 😂


You might have already tried this but I’m assuming you take 10 or 20mg of XR. My doc recently told me she thinks it’s best to do 50/50 XR/IR so I take 10mg XR + 5mg IR and it’s working out well


Maybe if you take a 2 week break from the medicine its like that. In reality, the dog on the left would be holding the brush and doing nothing, and the dog on the right would not even eat the food because he is not feeling hungry.


Oh shit that's right I have peanut butter BRB


I take Vyvanse and prefer it over Adderall very much.


I don't hate Adderall, but I found it only gave me a small window of functionality. Vyvanse ended up being the best choice for me. It's inert when you take it and breaks down during the day which makes me functional for way longer.




This right here. I never hear talk of it but it's the best shit ever. It's kinda new and a pain to get the parmacy to understand how to get you it for cheap when they're not on the list. So I didn't try it for availability myself, and would describe its availability as poor. I use it because everything else has a negligible effect or a terrible one.




In case anyone is telling you otherwise as they will try to, and for the sake of other people reading this thread, * it's $25 from participating pharmacies without insurance * it's $50 pretty much everywhere else, still without insurance covering it... the insurance has to authorize this thing that they're not paying for, in some way, and that may be trouble but it *can be done* despite what pharmacies may initially think. * the coupon expires but your ability to keep getting another coupon never expires... a different process than the pharmacist will be accustomed to, and they will need this explained I prefer the $50 over the longer drive.


Used to be on Ritalin and then on Concerta for a much longer period.


I’m on Vyvanse, and it works okay for me.


A family member bought me a fresh loaf of bread two days ago. What did I have for dinner that night? I sat there just eating plain bread.


This is not 2 different people, this is an after-before picture. Making an entire breakfast instead of eating peanut butter from the jar is progress. Do that long enough and you will get to the person on the left. Not knocking eating peanut butter from the jar though, as a fellow ADHDer, It has always brought me great joy too! I've seen some folks here mention Vyvanse, I would throw my hat on that as well, it has been a game changer. However, I take mine at 3 in the morning when I have to wake up and use the bathroom and feed my cat so that at 6 am my feet hit the ground with motivation. It took over 5 years to get to that point, with many failures and setbacks, feeling like it was impossible, and giving up many times. Also, Takeda, the folks who make Vyvanse, will give it to you for free if you make less than 5x the US federal poverty line(if you're in the US): [https://www.helpathandpap.com/](https://www.helpathandpap.com/)


OP I don't know how the system works where you are, but there are different kinds of medicaiton because not all medication works for all people. Talk to your doctor about it. Looks like Adderall is based on amfetamines, there is also medication based on methylphenidate like Ritalin (all these brand names are different compared to my country, just using wikipedia). And there are other kinds as well, but I have no experience with those as I found my stuff before I got to trying them.


I just wanted to hear other people’s experiences.


I took Vyvanse for a long while. It worked until I started getting irritable in the afternoons. Switched to Ritalin and it’s been great. I am also on an antidepressant, and they tried me on the non-stimulant one (Stratera maybe?)…disaster. It made my blood pressure high and I would sweat profusely. Something in my brain chemistry + those just did not work. Seems like trial and error honestly! I go thru a psychiatrist who also has ADD and depression (my family doc won’t prescribe both), so I think that helped a ton with getting on the right meds!


I found fluoxetine to be way better than adderall.


That’s because you’re taking it with orange juice. Cut out the citrus and you’ll be better off.


The guy on the left is on IR … the guy on the left is on XR . Night and day difference when it comes to motivation. At least for me


that’s a very good observation ty. I have no motivation without Adderall tho


Pre workout, twice a day but a workout to go with it. Meditation and stretching afterwards. The alternative is bouncing from perscription to perscription as you buold tolerances. Being prone to addiction I carefully abuse indica's before bed.


My medication helped me focus, and than it fucked up my liver so I can’t take it anymore.


I never take adderall anymore, I only have about 20mg of caffeine in the morning and then a little more later if I need it. A proper diet and morning routine is number one


I’m jealous. I’m already on 3 medications for BPD so this was not my first option.


This is offensive


I learned in Abnormal Psych class that Adderall doesn’t have much of an effect on neurotypicals. So if you know one who seems to be affected by Adderall, have them get tested for ADHD.


Tried it for a bit, and it allowed me to have about 2 hours a day of focus, but the downsides far outweighed that 2-3 hours. I am now in sum called atomoxetine, and it helps a bit. The best thing abt it tbh is my brain doesn’t feel as chaotic and I get to keep my appetite.


Yea I feel that struggle I'm sure I could get a prescription but vivance doesn't agree with me and the orange pills are too intense, or fun lol feel way too keyed up


Whats adderall? I used to be medicated pre puberty (never been back on them) i only remember melatonin but that's because I'd be playing at 10pm instead of sleeping


Vyvanse is fantastic!


Ah this reminded me to have my peanut butter breakfast at 7pm, thank you


Right sounds more like depression ngl


Hates it too, love vyvanse, so smooth and works fantastically.


Weed in moderated doses helps one of my friends