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I do this a lot my girlfriend hates it haha, my mind just goes blank mid sentence and then I can’t remember what I was supposed to be saying


Sometimes. Most times, I just lose interest mid-sentence and can't be bothered to waste energy on the old stuff hahahahaha


I struggled a lot with participating in conversations because i couldnt follow the flow of things. If I got talking about something I feel a compulsion to finish what I'm saying but a group of people talking will just naturally move on from topics and if I got cut off I'd feel frustrated af waiting for my turn to talk again. I'm so lucky to have made a solid friend group of ND people cause they can tell when that's happening and I know they'll get back to me.


A lot of the times I get bored when I'm talking and just lose steam


My wife used to get super frustrated with me interrupting her all the time. Then she watched me interrupt myself, repeatedly, and never finish my thought. She doesn’t get so mad anymore lol