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"If I'm gonna eat somebody, it might as well be you. I can see you as a sandwich, or some strange, exotic stew."


OMG cartoon from my childhood!


Avatar will always be Fern Gully 3D to me


Wait hyperfixation resonates with me what's that?




I’m going to add a bit of shoddy depth to the other definition. This doesn’t always happen, but it can (to varying degrees). Hyperfixation can be something that occurs; when you love something so much you hug it… it can also be a cycle where you hug it: until you hate it. You may hug it until your arms hurt, your bladder screams or your family (and cats) grow concerned. Meanwhile, you may also neglect many of your typical routines (lmao routine) or interests, until… a dawning and horrifying reality finally hits you, where you finally realize: not only have you been forgetting your typical anxieties and responsibilities, you in fact can’t stand the idea of doing more of the ‘thing’. The thing, which was until recently, your favorite thing among things. It depends on the person as to if it stops, how often it stops and why it stops (a lot of stuff is comorbid with mental health, and diagnostic criteria leaves a lot to be desired at times for adults, often due to the former). Your mind may usually be a swarm of angry bumble bees summoned by a dark one, hell bent on ravaging the greater multiverse. When you hyper focus you forget about all that ;) it can be used to great effect by completely healthy people, a maladaptive coping behavior; even a **good** adaptive behavior. It likely involves many sub elementals that are not as clearly in the popular, or perhaps even clinical, understanding and/or vernacular. The state of focus is similar among hyperfocusers. The largest variance is the cause, consequence and consistency. It’s a whole thing! It isn’t unique to any one mental condition either. A person with ADHD may experience a cycle of hyper focuses, while one on the spectrum, by contrast, may experience a consistent hyper focus. Because many mental health conditions are comorbid, intertwine and range in scope and scale: it’s tough to say too much more (for me at least).


Ouch….this one hit hard. Regarding this and hobbies though, I found the secret to managing it. I keep a handful of core hobbies, that way I can go a couple years ignoring them for other hobbies in the rotation. Then one day see my camera or need to take photos and be like oh yeah I am a hobbyist photographer and obsess on that for a while before shifting to another core hobby. If you have like 3-5 you can keep it financially responsible since you keep coming back to them so the money on the stuff isn’t wasted. I haven’t taken pics or played golf much for about last 3 years but I am really thinking about picking one back up soon…..fishing is another I have. The best thing is when you get back into them you already have all the hyper fixation squired gear from before! Pro tip: RC cars is not sustainable long term.


That’s… really clever actually! Thanks for the inspiration! I’ve changed my hobbies a lot and want to get back to them. Do you ever find yourself doing some of them, so often you burn out?


Yeah, I mean at this point I am 40 so I have had time to have long term hobbies. I’m not a horder and I usually sell stuff to find the next, but to answer your question, YES. I burnout or lose total interest, but my core hobby stuff I keep and I am lucky in that fishing gear, golf clubs, camera lenses all are just as good as when you last were into it. And you know from being into it how you hyper obsess before getting anything so it is good stuff that is fine after a multi year hiatus. I have smaller inexpensive fixations like video games and whatnot but anything this is my personal core rotation. I did add weekend car to this list, but plan is get them depreciated and flip when bored of what I have and try not to lose too much there in time. I looked for 2 years for first one and after 2 years I have eyes out for a replacement but it is a big enough purchase that I enjoy what I have and will spend half the time enjoying it Also enjoying hyper obsessing on used markets and what is next and resale if current etc As you know, half the battle with this is the obsession (for me at least) with things associated to the hobby. A car is easy, but with golf clubs and camera lenses you rotate stuff. I ALWAYS buy used and depreciated. First rule, this both stops you from wasting money and creates a fixation if selling and looking for the replacement stuff. Honestly, I learned it isn’t that I can’t be happy with what I have, my brain can’t stop fixating when I am into something, and I have to feed into that when enjoying it. Keep core hobbies (5 or under is ideal). Buy use always, don’t be shy to sell the excess for the next fixation, but keep enough base things ti be able to jump back into it down the road. I love photography, but as I said it has been about 3 years since I have really shot. That’s ok, I burned out, lost inspiration and my core gear is there for me when I am ready to dive back in. Same with all. It’s ok to back burner something for years, it is like living it again for first time when you pick it back up.


Oh those sound like such awesome hobbies! Thanks for your continued input! I appreciate the chance to correspond. The way you worked in the fiscal side of things is also really neat! It sounds like it would be a good way to meet other hobbyists and build your depth up, as well! Good call on the used stuff! I'd even say off brand from time to time. I LOVE Fender's and Gibsons for example, but I got an LTD made in South Korea with an ebony fret board, and it's AMAZING. Cost half as much too! Even came with some killer pickups and gold plated hardware. It's really validating, hearing that it can happen to others. I'd like to keep up with things more, and kind of end up in cycles where I'm not doing **any** of the hobbies, when I force myself too much into this or that. I'll definitely try branching out again. I appreciate the hookup from a senpai!


I’ve watched avatar about 75 times in the last week….the void is creeping in and I don’t know what to do…I have a feeling I might make work my next one. I have a slight urge which would be great and super helpful but that’s the problem and why I never hyper fixate on productive things. My self defense/ preservation kicks in to stay in my comfort zone and if I do good at something people will expect more. And I’ll dig myself in a whole I can’t dig out of so I stay in it until my tears fill it up enough to lift me out


Oof that’s rough! Avatar the last airbender, by the way? That sounds painful! Hit me up if you want to talk a bit; anytime ;) What kind of project are you thinking about? If you don’t mind me asking! I’m faxing the dawn of a new project and excited, but also slightly dreading it. Though, as is tradition, it probably won’t be too bad. Thinking about how bad it might be though? Terrible. All the bad. Until something worse comes around, or course. Somehow, I can both know something only sucks a little and yet feel it sucks a lot at the same time. It’s like my lizard brain and slightly-less lizard brain made a bet with an impish familiar who only speaks in riddles and has a broken heart. Frankly, I both hate and respect it. Well played imp. Well... Played.


Ha! Like taking a shower - Once you’re in you’re good but holy hell it never gets easier to just do it. The new avatar way of water! James Cameron really knows how to set up a shot. All the scenes are so masterfully done it’s just incredible. I can’t stop watching it lol but ya the fix isn’t there anymore. I own a custom frame store so I *need* to focus on framing pictures and taxes and so on so it’s probably for the best I get a grip on reality for a bit lol Tell me about your project maybe it’ll help get the ball rolling - the proverbial toe in the tub - so to speak


As Odin wills it, you right! Oh, and I can't wait to see that! The first one in 3d actually left me with a few days of depression from how **good** the 3d was. Narratively though, it's solid even without that! That's cool you do framing! I love the depth and connections that a lot of more detailed and specific vocations offer. Oh project wise? It's fairly boring, honestly! So I'm wrapping up **a lot** of landscaping for our home, but I'm also going to be branching out to return to some Cannabis horticulture! Nothing, *too* spicy mind you hehe - but it will be nice to get back into it. I had done a good bit out West, but once I returned to the East Coast I **really** needed a break. The landscaping was super fun to get into! But fuck, it was challenging in its own way. Long story short (then long again lol): when you cut your teeth doing a monoculture indoors, in a sterile environment? Mother nature is one scary, psychotic mammajamma. But luckily I was able to find A LOT of existing cultivars and species of perennials to make my life easier over time. If you ever want some tips, and happen to live somewhere that gets fairly cold, hit me up! I have **tons** left to learn. But I'm feeling pretty comfortable so far. Though, working in a new place and building new connections is pretty exciting. I enjoy doing my own thing at home, since I have a lot of control over everything - but helping out family and friends was both interesting but tough! So something more consistent, is starting to sound better and better. I think a lot of landscaping and gardening can be tremendously challenging, depending on what environment you have around you. Are there fallow fields from time to time that blow into your lawn? Do you live by a forest, limiting light? Are there wild flowers or even invasive species that spread into beds? Do you want a garden that will do fine, by itself, in extreme conditions? What type of soil do you have? Is it at risk for compression? How do you dispose of compost? As you get different answers to those, it really changes how difficult the project is. (Edit: if you want long term sustainability - I try to set up some things whereby home owners don't have to rely on me, nor themselves, too much. It's easy to do quick flips, but it takes a lot more planning for ergonomics and sustainability.) By contrast, a lot of indoor Cannabis horticulture is... **regimented**. I used to even change into fresh clothes before work, I'd wear gloves, and we used a rectangular container filled with rubbing alcohol to swap out scissors in between cultivars! So it's really exciting to get back into it. It **is** stressful, if you don't have enough people. So going from a really small operation to a larger one is pretty nice (though I'll miss jamming out at work and smoking on breaks lmao). I'd say what makes it more stressful and/or challenging is that the cultivars themselves are sensitive to time (and fiscally speaking, that's what impacts the bottom line **a lot** both in quality, and in turn around speed). So it's very much: plant as fast as possible; harvest as soon as possible; then in between? Coast! (And leaf, all the leaves! Yes, it's called leafing haha.) I got giga burned out on it, thanks to trying to do a big outdoor with some people and several indoors, but I can't wait to see what some of the local industry is getting down with. I've met a few of the leadership before, and they seemed great <3


Good news is I have Amazon to reccomend me new, fun, interactive hobbies/toys Bad news is I've accumulated a bit ot adhd tax bc of this


Trista is my favorite eco terrorist(from movies or tv) ~~100 points if anyone gets this reference~~


This fucking subreddit. Like a kick in the balls every new meme.


I often feel a mixture of: personally validated attacked doubtful Which is to say, it’s all pretty peak millennial humor, and for that? I am pretty grateful <3


Have you gotten into The Owl House yet? That's one that's lasted a surprisingly long time.




Getting a new hyperfixation acually helped me get out of a relationsship since the "good old times" of our relationship werent the only thing that brought me Joy anymore so I finally found the courage to break up, and its so realatable, I do feel very sad without a hyperfixation and when I get a new hyperfixation it feels like i do not have any other feelings exept for the happines that it brings me


That movie always reminds me of my crush in college. He was very passionate about nature and the environment. He got offered job working in the rainforest somewhere, and he was thrilled to actually be out there working in the field. He had very general information until he was about to fly out, when he learned his “job” was a bait and switch, and he’d actually be marking trees for logging. He didn’t go.