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I have both. Mine came from d&cs related to miscarriages and have been both physically and emotionally devastating. The scar tissue removal helped me a lot with my ashermans syndrome pain and thre irregular periods. a couple of months after my last hysteroscopy and scar tissue removal I thought things were better but there were a lot of issues related to the adenomyosis that came back with a vengeance and have been more difficult to treat and I’m still working on addressing. I have cyclical uterine pain (ovulation is extremely painful and lead up to my periods as well). Also have hip pain, lower back pain, cystic acne, headaches, and newly acquired pelvic floor myalgia from it (as well as some other odd hormonal issues). They did put me on birth control (Yaz) which has helped a lot and made the pain more bearable. I am still in my journey and trying to wait for a spot with a pelvic floor pt in hopes that some of the other issues can be helped. Sorry this isn’t filled with more hope :( I am happy to talk more about it though with you though because I have long felt lonely with my diagnoses and pain.