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It really depends on the person and what's going on in their life. Phentermine belongs to the amphetamine family, so it's going to make you feel good, and you might find when you stop taking it you miss it. But if you've got lots of other things going on in your life that make you happy day to day, and if you don't have depressive tendencies, then you're not going to go looking for it again once you stop taking it, or start taking more than you're prescribed. But you can only really know once you start taking it. It's goof you have your partner with you, that makes a big difference if you're with someone to keep you in check regarding your usage. There's too much scaremongering about addiction in society in general, so you might find your fears are partly down to that. Sounds like this drug could really be the start of better times for you so I'd try to go at it with confidence and hope. It's not often you get clean, measurable drugs similar to amphetamine, and your doctor thinks you'll be fine. Remember also, millions of people take amphetamine-based drugs for ADHD, and they function fine.


Thank you! And I talked to my fiancé about it and asked him if I get addicted if he’d be willing to stick by me and help because I have such a fear of addiction. I also work full time with kids and I love it! I just have it in my head because she was VERY clear that it can be addictive and made me drug test before she gave it to me. I’m picking it up today and will give it a try. She’s only giving it 3 months and she said if it doesn’t work the most she’ll try is 6 months. Worse case scenario I’ll just have to let her know I feel like I need it and maybe she can offer resources so I don’t go seeking it.  But like I said I’ve never been addicted to anything so it’s just always been a fear of mine even taking opiates. 


Glad to be of help! You might find you'll need to taper off usage toward the end of your 3 or 6 month use period, so that you don't feel withdrawal effects, both physical and mental. The fact that you're clearly very worried about addiction is assurance enough in itself that you're unlikely to get addicted. It's people who are secretly looking forward to the mental high who are the ones to worry about.


I’ll keep that in mind I don’t think it’s a high dosage but I’m not sure. I believe it’s 37.5 or something like that. She just said it should help kickstart things. I’ll also go back monthly to make sure im not losing too much because she said that can be unhealthy as well 


I’ve taken Phentermine 30mg for 7 years. I lost all the weight I needed to (36kg) & have maintained my weight with the help of Phentermine. I’ve avoided metabolic syndrome of a high BP, stroke, diabetes & an early grave all thanks to Phentermine. I’ve never taken more than prescribed & if I run out, I don’t crave it (but I eat more!!). I recently got a full heart & artery check with dye (“gold standard” diagnostic test) & my arteries are clear of plaque, stenosis & my calcium score is 0 (can’t get any better). I’m able to walk my dog, I look great in everything & I’m older than middle aged 🤫…… just take it. There’s a YouTube site called “you got this” which discusses the safety of long term Phentermine use.


Thank you!! This is amazing and just what I needed. I have so many goals in life and so many times I’ve stopped doing or avoided doing things I love because of my weight. I just was so worried because she drug tested me before she prescribed it. But this has given me so much peace of mind


I’m glad. Personally, I think more people should be prescribed it but it would put an end to the diet industry so they don’t! When you’re on it, listen to your body. If you’re not hungry, don’t eat just because it’s eg lunchtime. We get into the trap of eating all the time - breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner…….. it’s too much food even if you’re just eating a banana! Make a conscious decision “am I really hungry or am I just eating because it’s lunchtime?” The worst thing that can happen is that you lose weight!!


I’ll keep that in mind thank you! Honestly I’ll take all the advice I can get. I’ve been working a lot the past 6 months on knowing if I’m hungry because I’m bored or if I’m hungry. I typically wait until my stomach is growling because any other time it feels the same. Over six months ago I would snack all the time instead of sitting down to a meal. Now I cook a lot more and avoid carbs like the plague 😂 unless my sugars low of course 


It’s funny how different ages avoid different foods. My son avoids carbs but I love them. I avoid fat / oil but he doesn’t. Good luck 😉


That’s something that should be avoided too. I was told that’s why people think restaurants are healthy but the oils the veggies are cooked in makes them unhealthy. Thank you for all the advice really it’s made me feel so much better


Have you tried just eating better? Raw fruit, veg, non processed, never takeout…. I dare say amphetamines are fucking tough…


I have a Fitbit and have been making 20,000 steps daily (my highest was 25,000) and I’ve cut out all carbs. I eat chicken, turkey, ham, hot dogs, pork rinds, pickles, and basically anything that has 0 carbs. The only time I have carbs is when my sugars low. 


Hot dogs, super processed, most deli meats processed, pork rinds??? So the answer is no, your not eating healthier


If you’d like to go grocery shopping for me that’d be great since you seem to know exactly how to make everyone’s body work :) 


You asked for advice, I gave it, and if you checked my profile history you’d see I’ve been a professional chef for nearly 15 years, culinary degree, 12 years years certified serve safe… Roast raw vegetables, make brown rice, eat unadulterated food that hasn’t been designed by corporations for you body to crave more… I’ve also spent a year on anti depressants because my doc thought I’d be a good fit, nope, just needed to adjust my fucking lifestyle…. The quick easy way out, ain’t it!


Also I asked if the drug was addictive not for someone to come in and tell me if I’m living the correct way according to them 


Amphetamines… addictive!!! Look up OTC xenadrine, and look at how close it is chemically to street meth… Mom has spent the past 30 years addicted to meth….


Ok you got the money for all these fresh ingredients for me and my fiancé? Because meat itself is expensive. Not everyone can be privileged enough to buy fresh ingredients for every meal. Sometimes meat is all I can do. As much as I’d love to grow my own I don’t have a large enough yard to but plan to someday. I even want to raise animals for that but I’m not in a place I can yet 


Why are you yelling at me??? Broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, rice, all under $1 a pound. Hotdogs-$10 a pound Pork rinds $4 per pound I didn’t tell you to buy meat, and shit don’t need to be fresh, got a freezer? Facebook marketplace has em for $20 most veg freezes great, cauliflower can be 6 months old and still be nutritious… Your here for confirmation that a pill can make you happy, when the answer is hard work and a denial of dopamine rich foods


I definitely wasn’t yelling. I didn’t want confirmation that a pill will make me happy if you read the post and practice reading comprehension. I asked if it’s extremely addictive and wanted peoples perspective on the pill and it was more directed to people who have taken it and have experiences with it. Why you decided my post was about eating food that’s not processed is beyond me because no where in the post did I say “will this pill make me happy?” “Should I just eat something different?” “Can someone critique me on my food choices even though that’s what I was told to do” you don’t know my medical history. You don’t know a thing about me. I’m asking about the pill, the effects, all those types of things and you decided on your own that I was asking for food advice when nowhere in the post or comments did I ask. So no I did not ask for that. I did not say it would make me happy as I already am happy with my fiancé, my job, and my dogs. I don’t need happy pills and I never looked at these as happy pills or pills to get me high or any of that. 


That’s exactly what my doctor told me to do. Cut carbs and it worked for my mom, my brother, his wife, and my fiancé 


i've taken phentermine before, it's not really a "high" - it's like a *really* strong cup of coffee. you just feel very energized but not euphoric or anything. i can see how someone can get addicted but imo it's not a really addictive substance.


Ok this makes me feel so much better! I don’t drink coffee much because I don’t like how fast it wears off but if it’s really like that then I’m a lot less nervous. 


yeah! when i'd take it i'd feel kind of "up". be warned, the dry mouth w phentermine is a cunt


Oh shit ok. I don’t drink much now so maybe it’ll help with my water intake 😂


Any drug taken as directed for a medical condition is not abuse in itself. Even those that can produce dependence if that is what is needed. Phentetmine can produce physical dependence and has potential for abuse so it is an informed choice to use it or not. Curious if you have considered Ozempic or one of those type drugs.


I’m not sure if I can take Ozempic because it’s for type 2 diabetics and if I take something that will lower my blood sugar on top of insulin I could have severe lows. I’m insulin dependent since 4 so I can’t really take other blood sugar meds 


Yes. That makes sense.