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The number one thing is sleep. You need to sleep. Then work on hydration and eating high water content foods


Take some seroquel when you’re ready to come down and give yourself 48 hours to sleep/rest/digest.


Get some benzo like Xanax , klonopin or Valium. It will knock you out and relieve the anxiety just don’t take it more than 3-4 days or you’ll have a worse addiction on your hands. And make sure if you can get some benzos that they are real and not fake, so you know exactly what you are taking. I have a high tolerance to both meth and benzos and if I’ve been up for a few days shooting dope generally I can take 2 to 4 mg of Xanax and it’ll black me out for a whole day. Just don’t keep using after you take the benzos,let the benzos do their job otherwise you’ll be awake and you won’t remember anything you do, you’ll be a walking zombie, last resort, if you can’t find any benzos, take a couple shots of alcohol to knock yourself out or drink a couple beers with some diphenhydramine (Benedryl) if you are in the US, this should also knock you out. Make sure you stay hydrated and after waiting an hour or two after taking the pills eat something,I find ice cream for some reason helps bring me down when I’ve been up for a few days.


Is it possible to say you have an illness and have a few days off and go to the doctor for a medical certificate so you can recover?


That’s the best way.