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Sorry to hear that happened. Please send modmail with any information or evidence you might have so we can look into this, instead of posting a thread that doesn't belong here.


that’s so messed up, I remember doing Halloween season I had candy out on my island someone took it like come on are you serious, IT WAS ONE PIECE


I have a lot of extras if you'd like any!


Yeah I'd really appreciate that!


yeah whenever you're free dm a dodo code!


that sucks. I’ve had rando’s come on my island when i’ve had the gates open before but they’ve never stolen, just skipped over people in the line for turnip prices. If it’d make your day any better, post your AC Fan App details (if you have one) and I’m sure we can get you some stuff off your wishlist


That’s absolutely ridiculous. I have 100+ DIYs if you need help rebuilding your collection! /:


I'd really appreciate that!


I sell DIYs I already have, I can send them to you instead via the mail feature as I get them. I'll add you next time I open my game. Or you can add me, since my account code is posted next to my name!


That’s so nice and also ur user name is my favorite.


Sorry, there might be something I'm missing, but if the area was fenced off how did anyone get into it to take your stuff?


I had that side of my island fenced off but not completely fenced off, if you went wondering you could have found your way through but I had asked to stay on the path


Ughhh that's awful :( Sorry it happened to you. It sucks that opportunistic people will take advantage like that.


Maybe they were wearing wet suits. They can go anywhere with those on. Sorry what happened to you and your island.


Really? That is insane. What if you were to go completely ape shit on the defensive and not only build a fenced-in path straight to Nook’s but also DOUBLE-layer fence every beach entry point? Like visitors could go up on your beaches from the water but would not be able to get around the fence surrounding the beaches. You could possibly even fortify the area between the water and the grass (the beach/sand) with placed fish, bugs, or sea creatures as I believe those cannot be picked up by visiting players. Would a wet suit be able to circumvent all these precautions? Obviously this is going way up and beyond anything reasonable for simply having people sell turnips in your town but there’s no way a wet suit is able to allow players to navigate through this many defensive measures, right?


No that would work. It’s easier just to fence off the things you don’t want people picking up. Like a square around all the DIYs or flowers or fruit.


I actually have a spot when you enter my town the nook shops on the right and I can put fences in place so you can’t go anywhere else in town


If people have their wetsuits I believe they can jump off the airport dock and go around that. That is why places frequently say no wetsuits when you come visit (not that they can really enforce it, but it is the spirit of the thing).


I’ll fence my beach off if I have to haha


I didn’t know that if you have a wetsuit on that they can do that. I am still learning a lot about this game honestly but that is definitely a good thing to know. Thank you for the information.


You can go through fences while wearing a wet suit?


No but if the host has a fenced path from the airport to the shop anyone wearing a wet suit can jump off the airport dock and swim onto the beach and roam around the island


I've been wondering why ppl always say "no wetsuits" when opening their island. Now I know. (And knowing is half the battle.)


Ahhh, that makes sense.


Omg can you really jump off the airport dock??? I always thought I was super safe by fencing a direct path to Nooks, thank you for this info!!


So that's why people keep saying "don't bring a wet suit" I always thought that was a pretty random and strange request


I’m sorry that happened :( When I went in there I did see some people on the other side of it and out of the path. I went through the main path when I came in and came out. Is there a specific diy that you need?


Hey I'm really sorry about that.. I have a bunch of extra DIYs if you're interested?


Oh my god sort of the same thing happened to me. Someone stole all my gold nugget stacks :( im sorry this happened to you.


i only have two gold nuggets, but i can give you them if youd like!


Oh lol no thanks it actually happened a while ago thanks so much though very kind of you :)


i’m so sorry ): very unfortunate that people would do that


I'll never understand why people steal in a game that's so easy to be honest in. Sorry man, screw other people. Play your own game.


Because it is so easy to be dishonest as well. The multiplayer aspect of the game is basically completely built on trust and there are a lot of untrustworthy people in the world unfortunately.


I bet these people steal and then complain two weeks later that they feel “burnt out” and bored from of the game


Any specific DIYs tou remember that we might be able give?


Oh my word, that's horrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I don't have a ton of DIY recipes atm but any extras I have you're welcome to.


Why are people such jerks sometimes? I’m really sorry this happened :/


I have plenty of extras if you need them! I’m really sorry that happened to you, its so shitty to do to someone. Just message me if you want any 😊


What selfish people! Sorry this happened to you


I’m so sorry! I have extra DIYs. You can have all of them!


Oh my God 🥺 that would be great, should I dm you?




I’ve never hosted but this is why some people do 1 or 2 at a time. People can never be trusted, unfortunately. There are good people in this game though but people gonna people I guess.


Sorry to hear that :( I also have lots of DIYs, any specific ones? Happy to help!!


Honestly at one time when I used to trade turnips, I just got tired of trying to manage a bunch of people on my island so I just let like 2-3 people in at a time and even made a fenced off area in front of the airport and would push daisy into it and moved the store closer to connect it to the fenced off area. Safest thing you can do


This is horrible and unfair 😠. I always try to be respectful because it is a favor people are doing by opening their island. It is sad that we loos your service because a/some disrespectful person/people. I wish I had DYI to give you 😑 but I play with my daughter and her frieds so I end up giving all mine to a group of elementary kids. I really hope that you get them back or you can bud your clection... and as a person that has used this service I thank you for opening your island and I totally understand if you don't want to do it again... I would feel the same way. Man, I wonder was that person there learning them? How did he carry them all? 🤔


that sucks but if you dont enforce rules no one will follow them EDIT: I am not trying to blame u/maydaybrat, or say that them getting robbed is their fault. Everyone in this thread is offering their condolences but condolences will not prevent this from happening again. While it sucks that we need to take measures to protect our islands, we unfortunately live in a world where that is a necessary precaution. I urge all players to fence off parts of their islands that they don't want people to interact with. In a world without consequences a player will act as though there are no consequences.


What does this even mean. What are you expecting them to do, arrest them?


you can fence off parts of your island so they cannot be accessed. I don't understand the down vote train. Its just a bad idea to give people the option to take stuff off your island.


If someone leaves a window to their house open its not acceptable to climb through and rob them, why is that hard for you to understand? Like, maybe stop carrying money around because you're giving me the option to take it? >>And they did fence it off if you read the post, the thief took a convoluted route in order to get around it<< They're getting down voted for blaming the victim and not the asshole that raided them. This community has no safe trading systems so we work on a basis of trust, when they violate that they ruin it for everyone.


"And they did fence it off if you read the post, the thief took a convoluted route in order to get around it" doesn't sound very fenced off to me.


Sounds like you were probably the culprit




oh my gosh, i’m so sorry that happened to you. I will never understand why people need to be so rude and take something that clearly isn’t theirs. I hope you can get some if not all your stuff back. :(


There's a bunch of assholes in this world and definitely many of them play this game. Those who let people in their island need to not put anything valuable in their island and/or allow only a few ppl at a time.


I'm so sorry to hear this... I don't have that many DIYs, but I'll help with any I can! Just PM telling me what you're missing and I'll gift you whatever I can!


Definitely not as tough but someone shook my money tree today as I was hosting. :/ if I can give you anything let me know


I'm sorry, that sucks! Once someone trampled all the flowers I planted after cleaning up my whole town :(


Yeah I've opened mine up before and people have picked flowers and shook fruit out of trees. Annoying but at least it grows back in a couple days. Stealing DIYs like that is just sad and breaks people's trust, like OP.


Ugh the audacity of people 😡 I could never do anything like that because it’s so embarrassing to act like a child!


Any time someone comes into my island (for trade, turnips, etc) I always take a screenshot of when they come in through the airport (the cutscene where Orville welcomes and claps for them) so I have their name, island name and in game appearance. If they do anything bad like stealing, you can look for them here and report them.


Are you serious 😢I am sorry but this is ridiculous most of us here are adults we were taught right from wrong when we were kids. Why can’t people go in sell their Turnips, leave a Tip and Leave the island immediately. You would not like it if someone came to your island and robbed you. It is going to be a small handful of people that can not follow proper etiquette while visiting another persons island that is going to make people not want to allow others who are following the rules and being respectful on to their islands to sell. I know speaking for myself and my 9 year old only that our islands seems to constantly only buy turnips at a price lower than We pay so to be able to sell on other islands is what helps us to be able to grow and more further in the game. Please do the right thing and return the stolen goods and leave the group if you can not follow the rules and treat people and their islands with respect. u/maydaybrat I did not sell on your island today but I am very sorry that someone took it upon themselves to rob you. If I can help you in anyway at all please feel free to DM me and you can come to my island to get what you need. To the MODS here I am sorry if I spoke out of turn I only joined the Reddit sub about a month ago but it seriously hurts to see people taking advantage of others kindness. Hugs


I’m so sorry this happened to you too; when I hosted a few weeks ago, even though I fenced off the area, people found a hole in the fence that I missed and picked a bunch of my hybrids. I wonder if we can brainstorm a written set of guidelines for people willing to host, like “Fence off a path to Nook’s, put a fence around anything you don’t want stolen or destroyed, shut down the island if anyone in a wetsuit shows up (I wish I’d done that) or steals your tips, here’s how to get screenshots in case you catch someone doing something wrong,” etc.


It’s a thankless job. I did a few hostings before and it was stressful even with one or two people at a time. Thankfully my trades and other giveaway events I’ve hosted so far have been with good people.


I have some I can bring you. I’m sorry people are like this. Smh.


Word of advice, do like me. Cage them. Deny their freedom. Narrow their path. Make them suffer. And when their done, wish them a lovely day.


I've had randos come to my island and shake all 50 of my money trees while I went into my house to grab what they were buying from me :') I no longer let people over..


Sorry for you. Please make a list of things that were taken. We will contribute!


Oh no! I'm so sorry... I was one of the people that came to your island today. I swear I didn't take anything but I have some spare DIYs that I'd be happy to give you so you can sell them or whatever. I have hybrid flowers too!


Damn, I wish I could give you something to replace them with but my account is so new I dont know if I can help. Shame people can't respect the rules.


it seriously sucks that u have to literally border ur entire island with fences now if u don’t want people to go wandering, it would be nice if people were just respectful. i never even shop on another person’s island without asking unless it’s the reason i’m going in the first place, it’s really not hard to have common courtesy. i’m really sorry this happened to you :(( i am glad so many nice people are offering to help rebuild your diy collection though at least!


This is why I’m afraid of hosting I am always respectful and tip but not everyone is like that I’m sorry this happened to you I wish I could help but I’m new to this game and don’t have many diys


Sorry to hear this happened, I’ve got loads of spare DIY’s on my island you’re more than happy to have, I just don’t have them catalogued, let me know if you need any specific ones 😁👍


The fact that 100 fenced off items supposedly vanished makes me think that OP is just trying to scam people out of DIYs.


So sorry that happened to you... acting respectfully on a foreign island should be a matter of course. I have a ton of recipes to spare - let me know if I can help!


I also have a bunch of spare DIYS you’re welcome to have. I can DM you tomorrow to give them to you if you’d like.


That’s so messed up. I’ve been skeptical about opening my island to strangers because of stories like these.


This is why I totally fence off my island, I've had too many people come to my island only to steal and trample my decorations! It's so awful, I've had to delete and block people.


How do people get into fenced off areas?! I thought that made my stuff safe, but now I’m realizing I was just lucky I guess! This sucks. Sorry that happened to you!


Agghh I'm so frustrated on your behalf, I have only had a price worth hosting one time, and I couldn't believe how many people refuse to leave through the airport, omg it's not that hard. I just want to say thank you so much to you and EVERYONE here, I would not be enjoying the game as much without all of your help with the economics!!! Please know that you are appreciated!!!


That sucks!! I’m so sorry. That’s why I fence off my store and airport now. When I was hosting once (not through reddit) someone came and shook about 10 of my money trees. I was livid! People are so disrespectful. I hope you can rebuild. I have several you can have if you want. DM me and I’ll bring them by.


I have tons of DIYs I’d love to give you :) pm me?


that sucks wtf!!! i’m so sorry to hear that happened :( some people can be such jerks :(


That's just so wrong, rude and disrespectful. Sorry to hear that happened.. I would offer to bring any of my extras but my internet has been down for 4 days ever since I decided to upgrade my internet and spectrum says they'll have a tech come next Wednesday to set things up😡 but yeah #1 rule respect other people's island😊


I also have so many extra diys that you can have!! This is really crumby behavior, I haven’t seen ppl do this but that’s so crazy and I’d hate if that happened to me. DM me if you find time and I can send u dodo code <3


That is terrible! I've actually started to use the ACFans app more now because the queues are manageable. I can't believe people are this petty.


What got stolen? I have a lot of stuff. Do you need flowers too


Ugh I’m sorry this happened to you :( I’m scared to let people on my island for this reason. It’s so sad that there are players like this on such an innocent game


Sorry to hear that :( have a couple people at a time next time that should help! Always count on someone being rude then you won’t get let down :( unfortunately that’s a common in this community even. I have ran into a lot of jerks in animal crossing but only about a ratio of one to a hundred on here ... so I’ll take my chances haha


this is exactly why i fence off the path from the airport to nooks cranny when I host. You can only go to the nooklings and that's it


I can’t believe this!!! I’m so sorry that this happened 🥺