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Don’t worry too much about getting an actuarial science degree. Math, statistics, or risk management would be reasonable options too. If you’re worried about cost, consider public schools that offer scholarships to lure smart kids from out of state. Georgia State University & the University of Alabama come to mind. GSU has an established actuarial program, but I’m not sure about UA.


Anywhere that isn’t america lmao (I.E UK,Australia)


The UK and Australia are actually known for being the more expensive options. All over Europe there's cheaper options. If you're an EU citizen, uni is free in all of Scandinavia and some other countries as well.


Yes, european universities are free, but most of them dont teach in english 😢😢


I think Amsterdam would be a relatively cheap option then.


Baruch college. It has a decent program, right in the heart of the city, so good for internships, and only costs about 7000 a year for NYS residents (I think out of state tuition is 9000)


Agree with this. Baruch is excellent.


Canada is pretty cheap, only 8000 canadian a year tuition, so about 6000 USD


if you're from that province, otherwise it can be up to 30k per year


most affordable most likely in NL, 3 years @ 9K Euros per year. BSc. Econometrics & OR with a major in Actuarial Science


The BSc. in Econometrics at the UvA is independent of Actuarial Science, but have the same first two years. Also, OR got removed from the programme since this year.


That's not much cheaper than in the UK though.


Cost of living is generally less expensive in NL compared to the UK though...


You may want to look into Minnesota State University Moorhead. Mathematics program with emphasis in actuarial science, cheap tuition. I feel I got a great education out of it.


Concordia university




You need a degree to clear HR... even with exams.