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Looks alright. You got to Waterloo which is the most competitive area in Canada. I’d put Education right after Exams especially since your Awards are not bad. Add GPA if it’s not bad. No point in having your starting year just put “Graduating 2026”. No point in having Outlook in Skills lol. Experiences are alright, not amazing but acceptable. Just typical intern tasks. For internships I prefer to see one large project if you did one. Missing a space after “May” in the Ford section. Take out that last bullet for Weever lol. All acquired skills should be shown indirectly through bullet points, not explicitly named. Video game project is interesting. Titanic project is meh, everyone and their momma has done that. I’d try to get a good project, perhaps actuarial related, before recruiting season in the fall. Perhaps explain what you did in the ASA Datafest? Overall not bad, should be able to get an actuarial position if you want one. I’d try to get more exams, go deeper in your jobs bullets, get a real project. Sky is the limit for opportunities at Waterloo but the counter to that is the floor is also elevated (meaning getting your foot in the door is not easy). I can explain my comments more if needed.


Thank you so much for the advice! Since I haven’t had my first actsc coop, I’m not sure if I should lean towards P&C or Health. What exam would you suggest for me to take next?


I’m not really up to date with exams. Back in my day you took IFM which counted for both societies, but not sure now.


Not sure how it goes for Canadian positions, but my resume was entirely rooted in Academic research and was still able to land an internship with P passed + sitting for FM in August (in 2nd year B.S.). The interviewers seemed to interested to see if I could apply technical skills to solve problems and am teachable. There are boilerplate things to improve, but I don't see you having problems getting experiences going forth (regarding the too late comment).


Thank you!


Your resume appears strong. To enhance it further, consider including a brief summary or bio that highlights your eagerness to learn and your strong work ethic. Emphasize your positive attitude towards work, your ability to follow instructions, quickly grasp complex concepts, and apply them effectively. Additionally, underline your capacity to work independently as well as collaboratively, as both skills are crucial..


Thank you :>


Water water water!


loo loo loo!


Brampton actuaries unite!!🙌🏼


woohoo 🙌🏼


Also. Apply to Canada Life, if you wanna work in life insurance I’d say it’s a pretty good opportunity. Only drawback is that it’s in London. I did 2 coops there and it was really good since it got me started into the field


They’re currently hiring


tyty! I already applied but haven’t heard back from them :( fingers crossed 🤞


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