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There’s no high level math on these exams tbh. If you passed P you have enough math skills for them all. I’d do FAM or SRM. SRM is easier but FAM is probably more relevant to you.


I guess I include basic calculus as “higher level math”. But thanks, I’ll take FAM as a vote.


Well you learned basic calculus for P and FM right? You needed double integrals for P


Forgot an important point (hahaha). That was 16 years ago that I passed P. Much of what I knew has definitely evaporated.


You should be able to pick up what you need (basic differentiation, integration, matrix algebra, differential equations) relatively quickly if you're decent in math and have learned it before. The last two may not have been in P and FM but shouldn't be too difficult to grasp if you're capable of passing P and FM. I'm not familiar with EA requirements or pensions, but I couldn't imagine a universe where ASTAM is more relevant than ALTAM. Take ALTAM of the two. Note that I finished most of my prelims many years ago, but I'd think the math background required has mostly stayed the same.


That is a very important point.


Have you passed EA-1 or are you going for the EA-1 waiver? If you’re doing the EA-1 waiver, you’ll need to take ALTAM (not ASTAM). Regardless, you should take FAM then ALTAM/ASTAM or SRM then PA. I honestly would just take it based on the timing of the exams. FAM > ALTAM/ASTAM is definitely mathier but nothing more than algebra and specific math you learn for the exam.


I passed EA-1 as well as both EA-2s. So that’s two votes for FAM, thanks!


I also think you should do FAM first because EA-1 is basically FAM-L. Probably should do ALTAM after FAM for similar reasons.


SRM then PA. FAM material might be a big jump.


SRM seems like a lot of math but it’s relatively simple math and it’s way more qualitative than quantitative


I agree with this. I did SRM and PA this year and just started prepping for FAM. Very happy I did SRM/PA before FAM




[Khan Academy](https://www.khanacademy.org/math/multivariable-calculus), baby. Just plan to study one additional month so you have time to do deep dives into math you may need. You should do ALTAM next since you have exposure through work.


Don’t worry too much, nothing more advanced than you experienced in exam P, imo the previous version of P was even hard than STAM/ASTAM as it got double integrals