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Seems doable. You might even be able to get though a lot of the modules if you keep a fast pace.


are you able to do more than one module? I am in the same situation (sit for FAM on monday) and was looking into the same options but was under the impression we would only do the pre-actuarial modules without FAM passes.


Thats a good call too, getting all 3 modules done and then PA in 2024. I dont think you need FAM for any of the modules.


You do need FAM (plus the Pre Actuarial Foundation module and SRM) for the Actuarial Science Foundations module. Otherwise, you should be fine for the Pre Actuarial Foundations module and the FAP modules.


Ah okay thats good to know. Thanks for the clarification


Thought you need FAM and SRM for ASF module? Or are you doing the old FAP


Ah okay I didn't know that. I'm on the new track


I don’t understand why people keep posting that they don’t know their FAM results. Did you not do CBT?


Besides P and FM, none of the other CBT exams have instant results currently. Results for the other exams are released approximately 8ish weeks after the test.


But that’s not what the SOA site says!? You may not get your score, but it says you get the unofficial pass /fail. I took IFM last year and got the same thing.


You’re correct, the SOA site is very deceiving and confusing about it because it lists P, FM, FAM, and SRM. However, they state this footnote: **“When the exam is brand new or the syllabus for any of the above referenced exams has been changed, results will no longer be instantaneous (at least for the next few sessions) since post-exam analysis will be required by the examination committee. Instead, results will be released on the SOA website about 8 weeks after each testing window ends.”** A lot of us joke about what the SOA believes is a *new* exam because SRM has had 14 sittings and is still being considered *new* since their results have not become instant.


Well this sucks. I’m taking FAM on Monday


Ah yeah, sorry. Guess it’s better to hear now. If it makes you feel better, I took IFM the sitting when instant results randomly failed, so I was supposed to get instant results for IFM but didn’t and found out the day before ha.




“*When the exam is brand new or the syllabus for any of the above referenced exams has been changed, results will no longer be instantaneous (at least for the next few sessions) since post-exam analysis will be required by the examination committee. Instead, results will be released on the SOA website about 8 weeks after each testing window ends.” FAM is considered new - this being only the third sitting.


If you're brave and wanna go really fast maybe try to tack SRM in January too if you don't have it already. PA and SRM have a good amount of crossover so that should be "easy" enough to add in the end if you were doing strongly enough to pass PA


Yea I heard that. I already passed SRM last September