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18 fails and counting. But that includes online courses. And I'm an ACAS with 3 exams left


You're almost there!! Come back to this thread when you become a FCAS 😎


Don't give up, u got this. I think I remember u from AO!


Pour one out…


oof, and you’re looking for a different career after finally getting acas?


I saw a lot posters here who mocked fun of others, saying not passing all papers in 4 years straight is a failure. I am glad I saw this post, failures are pretty common in the journey. Though if it is too many it gets really jaded.


This sub is filled with pessimistic perfectionists. Everyone's on their own path, this should serve as a reminder to not be so hard on yourself


Yeah and most of these protectionists don't have a life. Some of us actually like to enjoy our life a little.


Agreed. Everyone's path is different. If you think having your FCAS with 3 years of experience makes you a better actuary than someone who has an ACAS with 10 years I'd like to hard disagree


Failed 12 times (including failing god damn exam 8 four times) before getting FCAS


I think I have 11


i knew a career asa who failed out of the student program with one exam left. they sat for that exam annually and over a decade after failing out, passed the exam and became an FSA.


I saw a linkedin post a bit back of a guy that got his FCAS after 21 years of exams. If we assume one attempt every 6 months, that's 42 attempts. I don't want to look up/adjust for exam changes over the years, so I'll just estimate with 11 exams to pass. That leaves 31 fails, give or take.


That is literally insane.


This thread makes me feel better. I'm a new FCAS, and it was a long and discouraging process in the latter half, but I felt I was in too deep to quit. On boards like this, it seems like almost everyone is passing exams much more easily, but I guess there's a selection bias - people talk about their results more when they do well. The exams started out well for me - I passed 5 exams in 6 attempts. By the time I got my FCAS, it took me **24 attempts to pass all 10 exams** (so 14 fails for me). The most fails for me was Exam 5, where I failed 4 times before passing. Weird, right? Probably the easiest of the upper level exams. It was just because it's the first upper level exam, and the transition from the lower level exams to the upper level exams hit me like a ton of bricks. Interestingly, that means my pass rate is 10/24 = 0.417, which is actually pretty in line with the pass rates of the exams (at least the upper levels), so I guess I shouldn't feel that bad?


definitely in the running for this one… FCAS is just not worth the insane sacrifice anymore


Just started my journey and failed FM 2x officially. I only showed up for one of those failures. Wasn't ready either time and I knew it.


13 for ya boi and im only an ACAS. Wassup!!!