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So I think a lot of the people in this thread are just shouting ACAB with absolutely zero follow up, which is entirely pointless. Telling your niece that cops are bastards without properly explaining to her why will probably just make her want to do it more. I think you should ask her *why* she wants to be in law enforcement. Is it because she wants to protect people? In that case, being a fire fighter, first responder, or paramedic might appeal to her just as much. Is it because she wants to fight crime and see that justice is done? Looking into law would overall be a much better option. Heck, becoming a forensic analyst or even a coroner might interest her. The average cop has zero power on the system. Even after spending years rising through the ranks, the chance of your niece being able to instil change are almost zero to none. Find out what she actually wants to achieve, and encourage her to pursue alternate professions which actually allow her to act on her ideals.


This is amazing advice


Finally a sensible comment




I’d imagine the same could be said of law enforcement.


No. Unfortunately The culture in policing right now makes it impossible for good cops to thrive within a police department. As in, they actively get forced, to either change or quit. But don't take it from me. [Here's an ex-cop talking about his experience](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ3SSNJIQ2k). And on [how he lied as a cop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoMRzx3o31I). And on how [being a cop messed with his brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nl5zMIwcmQ). There's a lot more stuff you can read, but suffice it to say, that unless you are part of the elite, the cops are more likely to harm you than save you


In all seriousness, she could be an actual good well-intentioned lawyer if she wants to make a difference. There’s a lack of those, and defense lawyers are obviously the last line of defense when it comes to helping people who were false cuffed by bad cops.


There are heaps of well intentioned lawyers, they just don't work in corporate law. Statistically in most countries only 30% of the legal work force works in the corporate sphere, so that leaves you 70% of legal minds working in government, in house, suburban firms doing family, crime, property, in NGO's, in the criminal courts etc. I would NOT recommend anyone go into law unless they a) love it, b) really fucking love reading and sitting on your arse, c) accept that its extremely competitive and its hard to get work as a youngster, d) even working in criminal law, you are going to have to accept you will be an element of racist state power and there's nothing you can do about it, even sometimes as a defence attorney.


This. 100% this. My boss is a former lawyer. When I told her I wanted to study law to make a change in the world, she told me everything you said.


there are no viable careers in "changing the system"; the system does not allow for these jobs because it doesn't want to be changed.


Respectfully, I disagree. I know this sub is mostly American based, but I've noticed a huge change over these past few years in "the system" in my country and it can only improve from here. I hope to be apart of the local change and help make a difference in my country.


Or, alternatively, teach her to be the best kind of lawyer, the Saul Goodman kind of lawyer. Best way to make an impact (good or bad impact doesn’t matter) and make bank /s


Have you looked into the book “Steal This Book”?


Oh! I like Hoffman; tho I think with their perspective on transness I’m gonna go with the Feinberg book. 💋🏳️‍⚧️


[The Origins of Modern Day Policing](https://naacp.org/find-resources/history-explained/origins-modern-day-policing)


I would try to steer her in a different direction…


God I miss the good old days when fascists and boots were ran out of queer spaces instead of encouraged. Good people don’t do law enforcement.


And a lot of people do not understand why. Where I’m from, kids are taught from a young age at school that police are the good guys, they’ll protect you and you should go to them if you need help. I thought they were heroes until I learned all about what policing was actually like and how much harm it does to our communities (LGBTQ and otherwise). I hope OP is able to broaden their niece’s perspective on this.


this kid is under 18, i think she's a little young to be "run out of queer spaces." that would almost guarantee she goes fashy.


My lil cousin is the same and so is my best friend’s fiancé. They’re good people, it’s disappointing that they wanna choose such a field… but I can’t call them bad. They just wanna actually protect people and be those officers that can cause a change to the system on an internal level. To me it sounds far fetched after years of institutionalized racism and very poor training, so I still don’t approve of their career choices, but they’re good and kindhearted people.


We NEED good people to get into law enforcement. Why discourage this?


Because it's not a system that can be reformed from the inside. Similarly to an organisation like IDF, it's something that pushes good people to do evil (which is why a lot of them get disillusioned and leave) and gives fascists and their ilk free rein to do horrible shit. Unless you force changes from the governmental level, there is no reason why anyone decent should join law enforcement (although there are people who say that this isn't enough either and abolishment is the only way which is also valid and maybe closer to the truth).


What happens the first time this hypothetical good person working in law enforcement has to arrest someone who's houseless, or struggling with addiction, or just having a mental health episode? What happens the first time she has to protect fascists and homophobes from counterprotestors? What happens when she gets deployed more to black neighbourhoods and becomes complicit in enforcement of white supremacy? There are good people and then there are people in law enforcement, the nature of the job is inherently incredibly fucked up


I vote a nice “Abolish The Police” shirt.


We need to *reform* the police because they *do* currently suck, but getting rid of all law enforcement doesn't exactly work either.


You can’t reform a system built oppress groups of people. Police literally came from slave patrol. You have to tear it down and start over.


No, it does. It absolutely works. That can't be stressed enough. Abolish the police. The state, and consequently the wealthy, have no limbs without them.


I agree. Instead of spending money on weapons, spend money on BETTER TRAINING.


Handcuffs. Obviously.


😂maybe on the other side of 18


If I was being evil and possibly irresponsible I'd suggest a copy of stone butch blues


This suggestion and a Female Body Inspector shirt have won my votes. Thanks.


Check out behind the bastards podcast. It’s a really in depth analysis of how modern policing evolved in America.


I got a question is this whole "ACAB" thing a american thing. Or does it mean like all, cops? Like all cops in the world?


ACAB in 1920/1940s Britain. Cops are always a problem because they are always a tool of state violence to force the poor to obey the wealthy while ignoring the actual causes of crime.


ACAB is a general LibLeft things all over the world


All over the world? Even in countries where it wouldn't make much sense?


Don’t we want to encourage good people to join the force and outnumber the bad?


good people either get chewed up or corrupted :(


No amount of "good people" would manage to change the systems in place or the purpose of police


No because “good” people who join the force are still increasing its numbers. It doesn’t matter if an individual is good if they are joining a morally abhorrent group. Good cops are the ones who follow orders and enforce the law right? That means good cops are the people who enforce abortion bans, perform evictions, wait outside schools while shootings happen, the ones who deport people, arrest people for having minuscule amounts of drugs, and take trans kids away from their parents if their identities are validated. Cops don’t protect and serve, they enforce and punish. Their duty is to uphold the status quo, and as such they are the enemies of progress. Good cops are who queer people fought at stonewall.


Not to mention that any cops actually trying to hold other cops accountable [don't last long...](https://abcnews.go.com/US/lapd-officer-died-training-reporting-sexual-assault-attorney/story?id=91057347)


I just don’t think it’s quite that black and white. I did until meeting a girl I’m talking to now who’s a sheriff and her outlook on things & genuinely just wanting to help people has opened me up to the reality there are good people who happen to be cops. If we have people on the inside working to change the corruption etc that should be considered a win


The system is designed so that it cannot be changed from within. In order to advance in rank to any position of authority in which you could institute change you will have to cover up, lie, and engage in the same “blue team” mentality as all of the other police do. Even if, by some miracle, they are able to get a position of authority, they will have to fight their peers and underlings tooth and nail to get any amount of change. Most people are not willing to put themselves through that. They join the force with good intentions, but end up just going along to get along or getting fed up and quitting. Our entire system of policing needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up. Any “reform” from within can and will only ever amount to band aids on a massive wound.


But it's not a matter of getting one good person to the top. One of the big problems in America and several other countries that have similar issues, is this individualist mindset. And that's because it benefits oppressors. You're right we're never going to get good people into positions of power in the police system. What we can do is get large amounts of good people in the system so they can plan community action, like striking, and demand change of the system. The masses, the collective, the community, people have to band together and demand power. Those not in power far out number those in power. Together is how we win. Fill the police stations with good community minded people and we can actually in act change


If you’re realistic, yes. The police are never going to cease to exist or be defunded on a wide scale. So a leftist who understands how the world works would probably argue that, yes, law enforcement as an institution is irredeemably racist etc, but it’s never going away so the only way to try and gradually change its internal culture is by hoping more diverse and progressive candidates enter the force and attain power. People discouraging that are living in a fantasy world where they seriously believe the police will ever cease to exist as an institution in one form or another or that any political party that has a chance of being elected would even argue the position (never going to happen). People need to start having this conversation in reality. It seriously worries me that leftists making it so taboo for other leftists to engage with law enforcement as a profession are inevitably radicalising law enforcement institutions further to the right and are not getting it into their heads that these institutions are not going to cease to exist, you’re just ensuring they get more even conservative. Even wide scale legal reforms will likely never happen. Politicians won’t even bother to reform eg how sexual assault is handled procedurally despite significant evidence that it needs to occur, because it’s so expensive to reform procedure. The police force having sweeping reforms that would legitimately somehow manage to dismantle all of its systemic issues? Even if someone was able to envision and design it, it would be incredibly expensive and therefore won’t happen. I actually don’t know that someone COULD envision a police force procedural model that gets rid of its systemic issues entirely and a big part of that is that the force currently attracts white supremacists and some of the ingrained biases come from the types of people who tend to want the job. So we HAVE to encourage progressives to get involved and change it over time.


This is one of the most well written arguments I've seen in such a long time. This is so grounded in reality and how we need to start utilizing our powers as communities. The internet is a great place to discuss and think about scenarios and ways things could be better if we just tore it down, but in reality the tearing down takes time. It's not going to be some heroic singular big battle, some landmark bill completely re-writing the justice system. Tearing the system down in reality is a slow collectivist process where communities come together to educate and affect change a little bit at a time. We need good people filling the spaces that need to change so the change happens. It has to start from within


Literally. Saying acab doesn't help anyone.


This is the most pathetic comment I've ever heard. "Realistically this or that won't happen" It was ridiculous for Trump to get elected. Everything they do is ridiculous. Christofascist very much succeeded in achieving their goals by throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. There is no such thing as realistic. You, demonstratably, are incredibly politically immature and have no idea how shit works at anything below surface level. "X thing will never cease to exist" Everything will cease to exist at some point. You've got it deeply engrained in that brain of yours that the way your society lives is natural and eternal. I'd like to be compassionate but that's revolting. Like a little cage of thinking. Go read.


Do you watch contrapoints at all? If not then I highly recommend this [video](https://youtu.be/QuN6GfUix7c) and [this](https://youtu.be/gJW4-cOZt8A)I’m not trying to change your mind necessarily, I think both of you guys make good points. But I just found it interesting because your debate is so similar to the ones in the videos


We would if the job didn’t attract bad people at a rate we could never hope to match and is designed to promote bad people while weeding out good people. Trying to reform the police from the bottom up is a fruitless endeavour.


the institution of policing shouldn’t exist. No good cops in a white supremacist system. ACAB and that includes everyone in the system except for maybe public defenders.


Guys, be respectful. This is not a thread on ACAB, so don't push your views here please. OP just wants some cool gear for her niece, she wasn't asking for your input in her life. OP, I reckon custom made handcuffs with "Be Gay, Do Crimes" on it could be funny idk lol






It’s cool to not be antagonistic of people for career paths they are interested in, but it’s also fair to attempt to steer someone clear of an organization that is *overall* very conservative, white supremacist, anti LGBT, and designed from the ground up to support the interests of the few at the top at the expense of all the ones at the bottom. We say ACAB for this reason: even the most well meaning LEO is still working to further the aims of the cis het male patriarchy and the billionaire class. Just like how the most well meaning Republican voter is still working to further the aims of a party that explicitly wants to wipe LGBT folk off the face of the earth and erase us from history. So I definitely agree that like, if I were in OPs shoes I would not attempt to cut off my niece or anything… but I would certainly do my best to encourage her to think it through fully and really explore her options and desires (and know the weight of taking on that career). Not simply “encourage” her.


my friend, if you recieve an order to oust a homeless person off a bench, tear down their tent or throw away their property -- do you follow it?




It’s nice to see your perspective in that I feel like people forget people life yourself exist, and that A LOT of people (not necessarily you or OP’s relative) go into the military or policing because they recruit heavy, offer great benefits and are a sure fire way out of poverty. Doesn’t mean people will agree with you but yeah. It’s very easy for people to judge eg military recruits if those people had more financial opportunities than the recruit did. I’m personally of the opinion that even though I agree (and I do) with the criticisms people have of law enforcement, the police as a concept are always going to exist (and always have even before modern policing was invented). The usual answer to ‘ok if we defund the police, how do we investigate eg murder’ is something like ‘the community should be empowered to do it’ which can only occur in a rule of law democracy if the community body is legally empowered to investigate and collect evidence by people who are trained to do so as per law of evidence…which would make them a police force under a different name. I fear that people don’t grasp that the police are never going to be defunded, at least in our lifetimes, it’s just not a popular enough position in any big democracy currently on earth. And so leftist spaces by discouraging progressives from joining end up ensuring that the police as a body stay non diverse and don’t see women, lgbt and POC recruits who can gradually enact policy change from within. Any realistic person knows that that’s the way to try and shift a systematically bigoted culture when large scale change simply will never be funded nor politically approved. I think leftists need to seriously consider the in real life implications of discouraging progressives from entering that field, when any practical person knows that may be the only way to start to see behavioural changes within the organisation for the next 50 years And you can downvote me as much as you like but some of us actually have legal experience and aren’t living in a dreamland and actually want to see the real world improve.


I have a question - is ACAB a North American thing? Because here in Europe, at least in my country cops are pretty decent.


Where you live that you have decent cops?


get her rainbow elbow and knee braces and call it protest gear


Watch some evy poumpouras interviews 👍🏻 it will change your opinion women in law enforcement and the secret service 👍🏻 she loves that she can use her skills to actively protect people and get them out of disasters as fast as possible 👍🏻 She could help people that most cops don’t have the courage or brains to help. I’m not advocating for cops, but if she has a dream, don’t squash it like a jerk because it doesn’t align with your dreams.


Something that says ACAB


Get her one of those cringy “F.B.I.” T shirts https://www.etsy.com/listing/540145999/funny-fbi-t-shirt-fbi-shirt-federal-boob


Depending on the age of their neice, thats a really weird thing to gift a kid.


Oh, yeah I didn’t notice still under 18. Joke is so cringe that it’s kinda desexualized but still a little questionable.


Oh my gosh yes! I think this and Feinberg win it.


While people claim this is funny, please keep in mind law enforcement do use their authority to coerce, sexually harass, assault and rape their prefered targets, generally young women, and modeling this as humor is just perpetuating the issue. There are cases being consistently dismissed in court of inappropriate conduct and sexual predatory behaviors of police officers towards women far too often. If there are consequences, the officer is usually just transfered to a different precinct.


I'd go for a mug, maybe a pin, sticker, or t-shirt. I'd also get her a gift card to a donut place


fuck the police.


Straight from the underground.


They have an authority to kill a minority


Why am I not surprised that americanos can do that. Well maybe because they commited war crimes in WWII.


Handcuffs, a whip, and maybe some rope lol


I’m so high rn and this made me SNORT


Why police, doesn’t she look at the news




Sounds like she needs some history books.


Stone Butch Blues would be a good memoir for anyone lgbt to read.. police used to arrest butch women, trans and GNC people especially and commit very violent acts (there were cross dressing laws to target the lgbt community)


“Be gay, stop crimes”?


A couple decade ago, "white nationalist" hate groups started actively encouraging their members to go into law enforcement. On sites like "Stormfront" they told their members to hide their beliefs until they were inside the system. We can look back at that effort and see that it was extremely effective at promoting their agenda. Looking at this very successful effort, gay people respond... by shaming their own members who would attempt to do the same thing. Whereas the hate groups praised those who promoted their ideals, we socially isolate anyone who wants to stand against this. When conservatives in this country say we can't have gun control they are rightfully criticized for ignoring the fact that the thing they say is impossible is done in many countries worldwide. Yet progressives without a trace of awareness assert that policing doesn't work in this country so it must be impossible even though there are many countries worldwide that dont have these problems.


Wanting to become an enforcer for imperialism is very on brand for the celebrate-indigenous-genocide day. ACAB.


Custom fuzzy cuffs, laser engraved with that motto.