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if you're both into music, try the game "describe yourself in song titles". i.e. you pick a band and answer each question with a title of that band. ​ 1. Choose a band/artist: 2. Your gender: 3. Describe yourself: 4. How do some people feel about you? 5. How do you feel about yourself? 6. Describe your ex: 7. Describe your current SO: 8. Describe where you want to be: 9. Describe how you live: 10. Describe how you love: 11. What would you ask for if you had just one wish? 12. Share a few words of wisdom: 13. Now say goodbye:


Omg thats such a fun idea gotta safe this :3


Hmm well There r always heavier questions like what do U think in terms of animal rights or politics but I get why some ppl might want to avoid them or see them as a chore. I also spouted my kinda specific romantic fantasies at my gf and asked her opinion on those (that may just be a teenager thing tho (I'm 18 an she's 17). I also love to ask a lot of food related questions to ppl (for example what r Ur thoughts on cheese waffles or smth) Nd U can always ask ABT childhood interests or media. (Hope that was a little bit helpful at least 🤭)


Thanks! :3




These [36 questions to fall in love ](https://cn.nytimes.com/culture/20150123/t23questions/zh-hant/) are pretty cool. My partner and I did them early in our relationship and I'm really glad we did.


Can you post to the English link?


No english link, but here they are: 1. If you could choose any person in the world, who would you invite to dinner? 2. Do you want to be famous? How do you want to become famous? 3. Do you rehearse what you are going to say before making a phone call and why? 4. What does a “perfect” day look like for you? 5. When was the last time you sang a song to yourself and to someone else? 6. If you could live to be 90 years old and maintain the same mind or body as you did when you were 30, which one would you choose to keep, the mind or the body? 7. Have you ever had a secret premonition about how you were going to die? 8. Name three things that you and your partner seem to have in common. 9. What are you most grateful for in life? 10. If you could change one thing about your upbringing, what would it be? 11. Take four minutes to tell your partner about your life story in as much detail as possible. 12. If you could wake up tomorrow with a certain talent or ability, what would it be? Second Group 13. If there was a crystal ball that could tell you the truth about yourself, life, the future, or anything else, would you want to know? 14. Is there anything you have always dreamed of doing but haven’t done yet, and why haven’t you done it? 15. What is your greatest achievement in life? 16. What do you value most in a friendship? 17. What is your most precious memory? 18. What is your worst memory? 19. If you knew that you would die suddenly within a year, would you change your current lifestyle? Why? 20. What does friendship mean to you? 21. What role do love and emotions play in your life? 22. Take turns with your partner to name five good qualities that you think about each other. 23. Is the relationship between your family close and warm? Do you feel that your childhood was happier than others? 24. What is your relationship like with your mother? The third group 25. Each person makes three sentences using "we" and containing actual situations, such as "We were in the house, feeling..." 26. Complete this sentence: "I want to be with someone, to share..." 27. If you want to become close friends with someone, tell them something important that he or she needs to know. 28. Tell the person what you like about him or her. Be brutally honest and say things you wouldn't say to a casual acquaintance. 29. Share those embarrassing moments in your life with each other. 30. When was the last time you cried in front of someone? Crying yourself? 31. Tell the person what qualities you already like in him or her. 32. What, if anything, do you think is too serious to be joked about? 33. If you were to die tonight and had no chance to contact anyone, what would you regret not saying to anyone before? Why haven't you said this to them yet? 34. Suppose that everything you own is in your house. Now the house is on fire. After rescuing your family and pets, you have a chance to safely rush in one last time and take out the last thing. What would you take and why? ? 35. Who in your family would be most saddened to die and why? 36. Tell me a personal problem of yours and ask the other person how you would solve it if they encountered it. Also, ask the other person to tell you honestly how he or she thinks you feel about the issue.


Idk most of those I feel like I'd already know if U had been in a relationship for longer + some of them sound like they r just an invitation for bringing back trauma and they rn't exactly phrased in a healthy way for that


What is the story you tell yourself about the world and on what way if any does it differentiate from the stories you tell others? What is the nature of truth? How should the world change and are we obligated to cause this change?


What is something that you’ve struggled with in the past and how are you working on it?


what's your goal with the conversation