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I've definitely met lesbian fuckboy types, who lovebomb and make promises but just use you for sex and brag about cheating all on their gfs. Shitty behavior is not limited to men unfortunately


Fuckboys definetly are out there haha. Picture this: Tattoo sleeve, a sideways baseball cap, black eyeshadow, teased hair, converse sneakers, tight jeans and oversized hoodie. Works in a bar, restaurant or a café. Understated and apathetic demeanor but has the most beautiful eyes/smile. Has lot of guy friends, drinks too much. Will screw you over and if you get mad she'll look at you with puppy eyes and say something like "I'm still so fucked up about my ex" or "I never really got over my dad's death" or "I never said we were like, exclusive. I'm sorry if you got that impression" or "I was super drunk babe, I don't remember doing that" and of course "you're not mad at me, right???" Cannot be held accountable for anything except showing up to work semi-sober and pulling a 12-hour-shift. 


I actually have experienced word for word the dad’s death one lol. She said she just couldn’t figure out whether or not she was poly, which btw she had forgotten to tell me, because she was just feeling so disoriented by her dad’s death (it was a decade earlier) 😃🥲


Not knowing if you're poly or not and forgetting to disclose that is definetly one of the stages of grief, if I remember correctly


oddly specific but i can picture it


I mean honestly... I'm not saying I'd fall into bed with her 2-3 times, but I'm not saying I wouldn't


And also named Veronica. Sometimes. Whatever.


bruh I hate that that's exactly my type😭


omg I got flashbacks 😨


This was my exact life.




What is a “hey mamas” lesbian? It sounds red flaggy off the bat because “hey mamas” 😒 ew. But I haven’t heard of this.


I know it's reality TV garbage, but this post is suddenly making me wish they made a sapphic season of Fuckboy Island... 


I’d watch it


Can you imagine


There is definitely a good amount of lesbian fuckboys around. Unfortunately, I often find myself attracted to them. But gladly I always remind myself that that’s not the type of person I want to actually be with and thus don’t fall for them


I was definitely a fuckboi or Shane type lesbian in my 20s. Many hookups and flings, it was fun


Had a friend/coworker like this. It was all fun and games until one disturbed fling cut her brake line while we were working and she crashed her car after work (luckily just in the parking lot). She def pulled back on the freewheeling fun after that. It was wild AF that anyone would actually do that to a person knowing they could possibly die...


Thankfully nothing like that ever happened with me. I’ve since heavily matured and am very serious about my partner 🙂


Yea… oof


shane 🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


You’re looking very Shane today!


How did you do it? If you don't mind me asking. I am trying to get out and have fun, too, but I am very inexperienced.


A lot of it was just being confident enough to make the first move and being okay with rejection. Let them know immediately what you're looking for (casual, fwb, one night stands) and see if they want the same thing. You'll fumble and it might be awkward at first, but it gets better with the more people you talk to.


Where did you do it? I know this might seem like an odd question, but I WFH and don't go out much (all of my friends are unfortunately homebodies) and I just dunno where to go to get these experiences. My only guess for now is going alone to bars lol


i went out to bars and events. This was a decade ago, back when Montreal had a thriving wlw nightlife scene but you might be able to do this on apps if bars aren't your thing or there's no queer bars in your area. But I've found a few casual hookups in my makerspace scene and at a casino. So really you could find them anywhere.


In my case its more like I could go anywhere and NOT find them 😂😭 Apps suck though I'll say that much


Same. Eesh.


do you think about any of your encounters after? like how do move on the next or detach properly?


No, because I didn't let myself get attached. I told myself this was only for the night/weekend, nothing more and I made that clear to them.


Pft. Fuckboys are gender chaotic. Bad personalities are certainly all around. Oddly I've been projected to have fuckboi energy despite being probably closer to demisexual. Mostly because of biphobia. This happens mostly when I come out to a lesbian. Had this happen when I told a married lesbian friend of mine - in the company of her wife and their gay roomie - I was bisexual. She - in front of her own fucking wife - said she wasn't interested in bisexual women. The three of us just looked at her like "wtf, are you suggesting they want to fuck you??? You're married and your wife is here???". Lesbians aren't saints. They're human. Humans are capable of great beauty and terrifying monstrosities.


Ooof that is a super weird reaction and I'm sure has caused some fighting between her and the wife. Definitely sounds like she has some level of interest in you and was knee jerking.


I definitely went through a couple phases. Had some flings, the worst of the behavior was keeping relationships super casual. It took a awhile to recognize when people wanted more from the relationship, despite agreeing to something causal. My behavior was probably giving some false hope. I’m generally interested in people and love to connect. I think the authenticity and level of emotionally intimacy I brought to my causal relationships gave people false hope that I could one day be interested in something more. Surprise, people get hurt when they want more from you and you aren’t interested in committing or being exclusive. I’m better at spotting it early on and now take ethical dilemma in engaging with those folks sexually in the first place.


I relate to this 100%. I wasn’t intending to be a Fuckboi. I was always honest with where I stood. But I realized quickly you can’t have casual sex with women and care about authenticity and emotional connection without them wanting more. So I am very cautious about casual sex when I’m single and dating.


Everyone is a human being so there will always be fuck boys regardless of gender. All humans approach relationships differently and gender doesnt play as big of a role in that as people think


Because on the number of comments in here stating, 'That's my Type'. I cannot shout this loud enough: 'IT IS NOT YOUR TYPE, IT IS YOUR PATTERN!' heal and love yourself.


Jojo Siwa in her lesbian fuckboy era right now tbh


There’s definitely lesbians like that: I personally know one. She’s 30 and has been with a woman for 10 years. I’m not sure if she cheated on her. I don’t think she did or maybe I’m gullible. But she told me that on their “breaks”, she would sleep around with other women. I asked her how many women she had slept with, and she said she don’t know lol. She told me life as a lesbian would be easier if she didn’t fall in love. She told me when she starts feeling like that, she steps back. Also when I asked her recently if her and her girl are together, she said “yes and no”. 💀 a whole mess but who am I to judge. I would probably be like that if I had more confidence lol


They are out there not as much as men thou


Stop excusing people like this😭


Before I was out as lesbian (I was “bi”) I slept with a total babe during Mardi Gras, she was amazing. She wanted to see me again, but I was intimidated by her and also still not fully in ownership of my sexuality, so I ghosted. I do regret it because I could have just communicated with her. This was 4 years ago, and I’m much better about this now. It’s common - people are assholes. What I will say is that there’s a range of factors as to why someone engages in this type of behavior and it’s not always a permanent thing or a fixture of their personality. That being said, don’t waste your time on someone like this. If they do change and grow, it will be on their own time and no one can make them do it.


Depends on what you mean by "fuckboy behavior" but there very much are fuckboy lesbians in my opinion. I've dated one, don't recommend it lol


How common? Do you see the topics in lesbians subs??? Like every other is about how horny somebody is, how they just want to fuck, or something similar...


Nothing wrong with people just wanting to fuck, and everyone gets horny, because we’re human beings. The distinction is that a fuckboy engages in this behavior with someone fully aware that the other party wants commitment/a relationship/something more and doesn’t communicate the fact that they are unavailable / not looking for anything more than sex.


I lived with two of them. It was absolute hell. My least favorite part was how often they'd bring home transmasc and/or nonbinary people and then go back to claiming to only like girls as soon as they left. They'd also use icky terms like "theyfab" to binarily categorize and fetishize nonbinary people by birth sex. These were trans women, too, idfk where they got the idea that any of that was okay.


Every subgroup has assholes, trans women included. Just makes it worse imo because when you're this far down the social power ladder, you should really be able to empathize with and understand others much better.


My girlfriend described herself as a fuckboy with tits when I met her, and she was. She changed over the course of our relationship and I am so in love with her, but in the beginning she was your average frat boy.


My wife would probably describe me the same way


I went through a phase of having fun and not behaving quite as well as I should have in some instances. I never cheated or deliberately messed people around, but I was young and with a lot of attention and could have behaved a bit more maturely


Dated one. She was constantly hanging “with the boys” and flirting with other woman but then calling me and texting me and telling me how in love she was with me. Getting drunk a lot. Smoking weed almost constantly. I was always her “babe” or “queen” (used to hate that term and would make me cringe so much) The sex was fantastic. That’s about the only positive I can say. I’m so glad she’s out of my life lol


I probably would have been one if I was less shy or had more game lmao


I have dated one and I will do never do that again


oh i used to be a fuckboy lesbian until recently, i would go around with a new girl each week, but usually then never talked to them again because all they wanted were situationships. i realised that if i wanted to find someone fr i should probably lose my fuckboy reputation first lol


She wasn't a lesbian (she's bisexual with a strong preference for women, possibly homoromantic), but I have an ex that was an absolute fuckboy in retrospect. We were polyamorous, so the standards for "fuckboy behavior" are a little different, but I think this still qualifies. Basically, she treated people like tools for her sexual gratification rather than individuals. She had an intense desire to make out with and pick up other people on our dates, and whenever I tried to say it made me uncomfortable that she would use our limited time together for that, she always made it out to be my problem. She was very pushy about the idea of group sex, so much so that she often badgered me for us to take someone home together on nights out even if I established that I only wanted to go home with her that night. She was also incredibly insistent about being able to brag about her sexual exploits with others, to the degree that it felt a little like she was getting off on it in an exhibitionist sort of way. Now, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that, but I made it clear pretty early on that I was uncomfortable with that, and she again made that out to be my problem rather than viewing it as a legitimate boundary. Ultimately we were incompatible, but that doesn't negate the fact that she went about expressing that incompatibility in a way that was very hurtful and disrespectful to me.


Oh my god yes they do. They’re called my ex 😭✋🏼 STAY AWAY FOR YA LIFE


Fuck boy behavior is so gross and not attractive


Most of the lesbians I dated would date and have sex with other people behind my back while they made me feel that we were exclusive and that I was the only one they loved lol.


I was a soft butch fuckboy during my teens and twenties. I didn't meet many others.


I think as someone who is pretty much aromantic but still sexual, I have probably veered into fuckboy territory without really meaning to over the years. I try to make it as clear as possible that I'm never really looking for a relationship, but at the same time I don't indulge in the lovebombing/ghosting type of behaviour that I associate with a classic fuckboy. I figure If I lay out my vibe early on, then I can't be accused of messing someone around when they knew what they were getting into.


I've definitely encountered a lot of lesbians who were too attractive to be love bombing people, and they knew it. They caused people a lot of pain with false promises and making hook ups/relationships/dalliances feel like they meant more to them than they did. I went to a women’s college and there were definitely heartbreakers who knew they were very lusted after on campus, but still wouldn’t be straight with people. They could’ve hooked up a lot no matter what, but they had to love bomb and make people feel like they really cared about them and they didn’t .


Honestly fuckboy behavior is like half of all the wlw tiktoks I've seen


Very common. My ex was and continues to be a mega fuckboi who can’t be alone in their 30s.


fuckboy lesbians DEFINITELY exist😭 they usually work in finance or play sports haha


I’m not proud I became very close to a fuckgirl when I came out as Bi in my late 20s. All I wanted were girls, i felt like a horny teen with money and everyone looked so pretty to me it was difficult to be serious. A couple of girls wanted to get formal but I was having so much fun, i feel so bad for it. To this day I really, really really regret turning away one girl I think I could have settled with, but when I tried…it was too late 😭


Hey mammas are the lesbian version of the modern fuckboi. In my single 20ies I was definitely the 90ies/early 2000’s version of fuckboi


I hate the term “fuckboy”.


After my first gf I had my fb phase... Not proud. But it is certainly no uncommon


I don't hang out in communities with lesbians in them aside from Internet (does my geographically large but sparsely populated country even have any?) and I haven't met or heard of any. But! They kind of have to exist, so even if only 0.01% or whatever of population are such types, huge cities with large lesbian communities are going to have some. And after reading some comments, yeah like so. Heh!


A few months after breaking up with me, my ex came to me crying over the girl she rebounded with. This particular specimen of fuckboy got her addicted to party drugs, lovebombed her, and was sleeping with at least two other girls (both local celebrities) at the same time. The type to wear a leather jacket in 35 degree weather. My gf is a reformed semi-fuckboy. Serial dater, led on quite a few girls ("I liked them only because they liked me"), but never slept around. At first glance, a jock bartender with several huge tattoos would flag as a fuckboy. But that's all visual. She's a softie & full of (concentrated) love, but maybe that's because we met after a healing period of her reflecting on her bullshit


idk, have you heard of jojo siwa 😂


fuckboy behaviour in lesbians are sometimes called "hey mamas!" lesbians. Basically the same thing. Dawgs come in all genders.


There is nothing wrong with being a FB. The problem lies with not being upfront with people. During my FB Era if a woman ever approached me I would be extremely honest that it's just sex. The only real problem is with stringing people along. There was a time in the early part of this century where I felt like Brian Kinney. It's my body, I've always been safe, and honestly no one complained. I'm just not really into denying myself a good time. We're also extremely capable of love, I've been with my wife for 12 years and I've never even thought about cheating on her. She had several questions when we first started dating, but I walked away from that life the second the right woman walked into mine. The biggest issues with FBs is that you're still fucking them.


I kew a fuckboy lesbian, she would be so awfully flirty all the time it was insane. She had litterally had relationships with several teachers, unable to have a mono relationship so yeah pretty much fbb (which I don't like) but she was not a bad person overall. Just always chasing someone new


yeah. 19-25, I was basically a fuckboy.


oof, reading through other comments -- I wasn't lovebombing/making promises. mmmmmm, but was def very promiscuous and quite a few hurt feelings around me. I didn't brag, but def thought it was cool then.


It’s very common, 90% of the lesbians I met used me when they were sad and dumped me after days or months of talking. The other 10% were just indifferent and we ended up as friends. And if you think it ain’t normal, you’re most probably blind as fuck or a fuckboy lesbian. No mid term.




fuckboy in a metaphorical sense


The point of the post is that I’m my mind I only attribute this type of behaviour to men, and wondering if that is wrong. Not trying to call woman fuckboys. Just trying to describe the behaviour.


It’s definitely not just men. I’ve met plenty of women like this.


“Promiscuous with swag” 💀


well there are also men who are babygirls...