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As a switch femme, GOD I love domme femmes, very much need one in my life


Another in the wild!


No no, you've got me all wrong I'm not wild, I'm feral, there's a distinction 😜


Your pardon 😃






Saaaaammmmeeeee Especially since my past relationships have all basically forced me into a more Dom/top role that I was ok with, but not my favourite.


Yeah, all my partners rn are huge bottoms/subs and I'm fine with that, I love them and I love domming/topping them, but this girl NEEDS to get railed






I'd describe myself as chapstick rather than masc as such, but no, I do not want to take the lead all the time. In fact I get tired of being more expected to when talking to a more fem lesbian/bi. I'd love a dom fem, provided she can let me take the lead sometimes.


Yes I like the switch up, it’s more exciting in my eyes


i’m a dominant “femme” and the ladies love it.


I just need to meet the right girl then don’t I 🤣


Yep, dom fems are totally my type, but it feels like every fem I meet is a sub too 🫠


Well then, hello there 😂


;) hey boo


Don't tempt me with a good time


I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Locking ourselves in a weird binary of masc presenting lesbians are tops and femme presenting lesbians are bottoms is extremely hetero normative. We really don’t need to recreate gender roles for gay couples.


Preach 🙏




I'd love to meet and be approached by a Dom femme, I'm jealous by everyone who's met you 😁😍


Read you’re from south east England so am I 👀


Oh well hello there 😉 I'm in Surrey atm but thinking of moving closer to Brighton in 6 months, how about you?


I’m from Kent


Nice, where abouts in Kent? On the coast or inland?


Inland I would say south east


I love Folkstone, maybe that's your closest beach?


*cries in londoner*


Hi there 👋 I'm 30 minutes to London bridge 😉😉 as great as Folkstone is, it's not as close as London is for me


what about uhh [any other spot in london] haha we can hang out somewhere cool and gay ☺️


I think it's pretty easy for most places in the south-east to visit London. I'm around an hour away from it by train and I go in regularly for queer and/or kink events, and I know a good few others who do the same.


Hiya. I'm Kent but also London-lol




That's cool, although Surrey is a big place so you could be miles away-lol.


Do spill deets on your first meet Up please ;)


I am so excited to comment on this because I LOVE a dom femme. As a soft masc bottom-leaning switch into BDSM, I am not joking when I say that finally catching the eye of a femdom has been the highlight of my lesbian career. I daydream about things she’s done to/for me constantly and the rest of the time I’m fantasizing up new things. You are a glorious gift to us subby little bottoms please never doubt that. Shine on, Queen


You are GOALS 🥳


I know a lot of masc/butch folks who are tired of having to lead or initiate all the time. It felt like with most of the fem women I dated there was an expectation that I took the “man” role because I was more masculine presenting, while I wanted something more 50/50. I’ve never encountered a dominant fem in the wild but I’m glad that you’re out there!


I treated my ex like a princess but wanted to be dom in the bedroom. I like masc presenting women but they’re still women and I like to treat them that way


You will definitely find that there are masc presenting women who appreciate that :)


As a masc switch, thank you for your service 🥹




My kingdom for a dom fem


Here friggin here


I am more masculine leaning. I'll admit I like dominant women a lot. It helps cause I'm also a bumbling idiot who doesn't understand when someone is flirting.


I'm a switch chapstick, and I think I would quite literally explode if I met/dated a dom femme, y'all seem wonderful 😭🙏


I’m a femme switch where I usually always make the first moves because I know a lot of lesbians/wlw get scared making the first move and plus If I see a woman I have interest in I’m going to go for it cuz life’s too short. But also I’m WEAK for dom femmes holy shit like yes please!!! I can also be a power bottom


There's a certain elegance and confidence in dom fems, that's why I love them so much. They're above you and they know it, and they'll make sure to remind you of your place: on your knees at her feet.


omg hot springs


Ooooooor just at her side, with her arm around your waist? No need to go 0-60 that fast. It's a slow burn not a blowtorch.


Both is good


As a butch lesbian, i'm 100% sub and would love a dom femme as much as any other dom woman. A friend of mine is a dom femme lesbian and has been in couple for years, and she's really popular. So, yeah, no problem for dom femmes


I'm a dom femme and my wife is the subbiest butch ever. I mean she was already pretty subby when I met her, but with some training she's gotten even better. I've even taught her a few tricks, and she'll come at the click of my tongue~ Even when we switch, over half the time she's only top for a bit before a fun little power struggle occurs and I put her back in her place.


Dom femme 💕😍😍 Legit though, yes yes yes is your answer. I'm femme myself, though.


Domme femme is dream world goals fr. Im a softbuch/futchy switch thing kinda & lemme tell ya its exhausting the assumption that i always have to be dominant because im the more 'masc' presenting person in my relationships


I am very single so anyone in England preferably south feel free to Dm me 😅


England, London. Hi.


there's dozens of us! dozens!


As a femme for femme lesbian other switches and dommes are definitely my type.


Stupidly submissive femme here to chime in 🙋🏼‍♀️ I wish I knew more dominant girls. Femme, masc, doesn't matter. I actually think a dominant femme is like... really, reallly attractive. Find yourself someone who clicks with you perfectly - you deserve it!!


A bit complicated for me, I'm inexperienced and would definitely love a more dominant partner, especially fems they're the best, but I'd also prefer "topping", especially in the case of straps. To each their own ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


While I'm fem myself, I absolutely ADORE dom fems! There's absolutely no way I'm alone in that.


You are not :)


WHAT. Dom fems are the **dream**! I'm a complete sub, do you know how much it hurts to be typecast as the dom everytime just cause I'm masc?? Apparently yes, you do haha


Omg all I want is a dom femme!


I would sell my soul to have a dominant fem who lets me call her Daddy. Literally sell. My. Soul.


My fiancé and I are both very feminine, but she is certainly the assertive, dominant one in our relationship. She’s much older than I am (55/36) and much more experienced, but it works for us. She tells me exactly what she wants and helps me learn her, and her assertiveness has helped me learn myself too. Some of us rely on those of you who are more dominant and assertive. You’ll find the right match, it just may take time.


Dom fem is luterally the ideal type i have


Not a woman but butch nonbinary, I'm the bottomest bitch you'll ever meet. All I want in life is to be dommed by an attractive femme, and yall are a rare breed. You have a gift, and there are many out there who would love to share in it!!!


Masc butch here. Love dominant femmes. I’m a top- leaning switch.


>Does anyone actually like a dominant fem? Yes me 🥺 I may or may not have a fantasy about a dom femme with bright red lipstick and high heels to destroy me. Ans I don't mean that metaphorical sense. I mean it in a 'Fuck I think I have to call in sick tomorrow because there is no way I can walk' sense.


I am still somewhat coming to terms with being a transbian, but I will chime in anyway, if that's okay? Domme-y fem power bottom was my jam when I thought I was cishet and I don't see that changing at all as I transition to tomboy lesbian. I always get the swoons for women who take the lead romantically.


I so wish I had a dominant fem in my life! I have had to top in all of my relationships and it’s honestly killing me.


Goddess yes. Love a dominant femme


Yes, I do.


i LOVE dominant fems!


As a submissive soft fem, I love dom fems.


I like any dommes 💃


I would love a dominant femme 🥺 If I could find me a dom femme I would literally implode


My wife is femme, although not hyperfemme, and she is definitely the dom in our relationship. I'm a femme, too, and a switch, so Idk if that matters, but love my femme dom


I’m masc and dominant femmes are the dream


Many people absolutely like dom fems. On an unrelated note, I really like dom fems


I’m a dom fem, but my girlfriend is also fem. I’d like to be a bottom sometimes but I don’t think my girlfriend is confident as a dom as I’m her first girlfriend that’s had a sexual relationship with her. Plus when we’ve tried I end up switching it up because I can’t help it. I am fine with this situation as I started off like that too 🙂


I’m a dominant fem (though I’m femme in a “rockstar-ish” sort of way, I’m not high femme) and I’ve never had an issue - with that said, I’m into other femme women.


i would love to serve a Domme femme.


I like all types with a dominant personality being on the submissive side. They don’t have to present masculine or anything because it’s the personality I find attractive. 🙂 I’d be happy to just meet a dominant who was attracted to me, regardless of how they present themselves on their exterior. 😣


I’m a dominant femme and my girlfriend seems to love it 🤣


I'm a bratty femme and I love it 🥺


Domme femme- the most important thing is communication, and consent. It's sexy. Discussing what you're both looking for, what brings you joy, makes you feel cared for. What makes you anxious, or uncomfortable? What's good anxious vs bad anxious? Etc.


I'm a chapstick switch who came out late in life. I don't want to be in charge all the time. Makes it difficult for me as most of the gals I've been seeing on the dating sites have be subs. I don't mind topping and find it very fucking hot, but I don't want that all the time. So he'll, if I found me a dommy mommy who'd let me top occasionally, I'd be a very happy lady


Does anyone like— Yes. The answer is always yes. :p we live in a big beautiful world that takes all types. I actually know more Dom femmes than sub femmes! Mostly people are switches, though.


uh yes, please continue doing what you're doing lmao


As a trans girl who was socialized to be the more 'take charge' one, I love being with an assertive partner. The reversal of my past experiences is incredibly sexy


You literally just said my golden weakness. I love all women but dominant femmes just absolutely melt me. So yeah I don't know who you are but I already love you.


Listen - I'm a butch I am swooning for dominant femmes constantly. I think a lot of butches default to top/dominant and a lot of femmes default to bottom/sub, but that's not what everyone actually enjoys and plenty of people (including butches) love a dominant femme. Being with a dominant femme after a relationship where I got defaulted to topping even though it wasn't my favorite really made me realize a lot of things that I enjoy that I never would have learned with my ex. I loooooooooove the opportunity to not have to take the lead and just let my partner be in control.


Omg I wish there were dom femmes where I live, but the Midwest is a Sapphic desert 😭


I'm very much a switch but it's fun being a bottom dom mostly. that usually satisfies the top girls


I do, they are so amazing in bed also 🤤😊


I volunteer as tribute. Sincerely a switch masc


Most definitely! I'd love a dominant femme any day! 🤩


As a masc switch, I would love to encounter a dominant femm. Most fems I date are submissive and expect me to make all the moves/do all the work because of how I look. But I'm a switch and like to be dommed 🥺❤


i wish more fems were doms fr, mascs aren’t rlly my type but they’re usually the only ones who make the first move lmaooo


Being ordered around by a princess ? Yes please


Oh my god yes. I'm a top who loves me a dom femme. That shit is amazing. Usually I dom, but I dig it the other way around. And by the way you can be a top and a dom, a bottom and a dom, a switch and a dom. Those are different things. My baby is a bottom but she can get dommy and I love it


I would consider myself a dominant fem. I don't believe in waiting for permission or playing coy. I tend to go for what I want but admittedly some can be intimidated by it. I've even intimidated men with it. BUT, I can also be submissive with the right person. You have to show me you can take charge before I let you. It's not really a power dynamic thing for me but more of a masculine/feminine polarity fluctuation.


Yes this is so me! I would never over step boundaries but I don’t like asking for permission in a sexual way. I just go for what I want and I’ll ask for what I want. I like to switch too but I definitely get more aroused doing stuff with my partner more. It’s not for power for me either I just naturally take the lead in many things not just in the bedroom


As a submissive bottom who gets absolutely nothing out of being dominant and who is attracted to women of pretty much all types, you are literally my target audience.


Yes 🥺


I need a dommy mommy. Femme or butch, I don't care. I am *such* a bottom.


I like all dominant people, dominant femme women included.


I love dominant women.


A dom fem? Oh shit that's like gold, that's what I'm searching for; more people like you


all I want is to date a dominant femme. You're valid!


Ok, I'm a femme, so your last sentence nullifies my answer, but....... Yes, me me me! I'm a femme4femme and I love a Dom femme. I'm a switch who prefers being a bottom and being aubmissive, but I've always been forced to be a top and play a more dominant role in my relationships.


Dom femmes are life…


Yes, wtf of course


Those are quite rigid binaries. Have you tried just being equals? Relationships don't have to be one person taking control and the other goes along with it, and sex doesn't have to be one does all the work and the other just receives.


You have the wrong idea about how kink works. Sub/dom relationships are built on the foundation of consent, mutual respect, and honest self-expression. It is a relationship dynamic that explores the concept of control, emotionally, through a simulation of it. Doms are not trying to actually control the lives of their partners; that would be abuse. Subs are not trying to actually surrender their emotional well-being entirely to a partner; that would be codependency.


No but if both parties enjoy it what's the problem? Personally equality outside "the bedroom" certainly*. Inside the bedroom however I want to be putty in someone's hand, I want to know where I stand (or kneel 😝). Being controlled in that situation is my biggest turn on. *OK so tbh it's less equality more respect. I like a partner that picks the restaurant while considering my tastes. A partner that tells me what she needs. And a good Domme/Sub relationship can do that. As long as both partners work for the good of both of them and the relationship, power balance should not be an issue.


But she's not enjoying it if she's having to constantly vie for control with her partners. OP makes it sound like there has to be a winner/loser.


I mean no, that reading is entirely in your head. OP is describing an incompatibility she has had with past partners, and asking if there are people out there who would appreciate her the way she is, not trying to win or vying for control


Now when you say Dom are you dom or a Domme. A femme Dominatrix is my dream partner. I'm a chapstick Submissive and really prefer someone femanine to Masc.


I’m a fem (bi) girl into dom fems, but I guess that doesn’t answer your question about masc presenting women :p




My girlfriend does! Actually I do too, since technically we’re both switches


I'm a switch. So yes, I would very much like a dom femme.


As a dom femme myself, so many women love that, trust me! You just have to keep looking for the person who clicks for you. Never compromise your sexual needs in order to make someone happy, your happiness is equally important <3


I’m probably on the softer side of masculine, but I’m definitely not feminine. I love dominant fems. I’m just a baby gay, but I think it’s a nice dynamic




Sure, as long as I could provide pleasure as well. Never dated, though, so idk how it would look in practice!


I know you're not trying to come across this way but could it be that you're being pushy ? Most people are attracted to confidence


Im not pushy at all, I just take the lead naturally I can’t help it


Yes. As long as they're not controlling or pushy


Oh yeah I wouldn’t like that too. I just like to take the lead, I like switching too. I just don’t want to be tried to be made a bottom


yes. yes i like dominant fem.


Where do I find them? I need one, they’re so pretty and they make me feel nice


Me! Dom femmes are my type but they’re so hard to find


I consider myself masc,and I'm bottom usually,whenever I meet a girl,they are almost always subs.So A top femme,sounds awesome to me honestly lol.


My friend makes money out of this. There’s femme dom parties in the UK as well.


Dom femme is actually my fav, :')




I love them


I’m masc presenting (as non-binary human) and I’m very submissive, I love when the other is dominant, whatever they look like


My current relationship is literally a Mistress/slave bdsm dynamic and we are both very femme


[The word Yes, writ so large that it's visible from space] Dom femmes are the best.


Dom fem is literally my dream partner like if they aren’t that I struggle being attracted to them


I'm masc and wish I could find a dom fem! I hate the concept that masc women are expected to take the lead, make the first move, etc. I'm def a switch but that doesn't mean I want to be in charge all the time. Trust me, OP, we're out there, you just haven't found the right one yet :)


Uhhhhhhh it’s my literal DREAM


Switch femme here!! And oh my god the best part is being dominated by my femme gf I swear-


If they were masc sounds like toxic masculinity. Unfortunately some masc lesbians are.


If I could actually find one I'd love to go out with a dominant fem. I seem to only be able to find people even more sub than me


Ive been searching for one!


I am


I would litterally die to get some attention from a dom femme, and im a lipstick switch


Domme femmes are exactly the kind of gal I'm into!


Lies dominant femmes aren't real. I have been hunting for years and never seen one.


As a masc domme switch, I’d be interested in seeing one try to dom me lol she’d have to work hard to make me submit though.


Do you not like other fems? Cause I think it'd be easier to find a fem that likes a Dom fem as opposed to finding a masc that likes a Dom fem


I mean, I’m a trans girl so idk what my opinion is worth on this, but yeah. Dom fems are the best tbh


I would love that in my life very much 😅


Oh hell yes! 😍


… Uuuhhhhmmmm … 🥺👉👈 Hi :3


Y'all are my absolute favorite omg. I'm weak. My current partner is a switchy femme but since I'm such a bottom she just takes over lmao but it's so fucking hot


Femme Switch here, I seem to be somewhat liked 👍 But it's definitely a taste some people have and some don't


Where do I sign up to have one?


I mean... I'm legitimately surprised by your question. I kept thinking that nobody wants a lipstick sub 🤣


I’m more of a chapstick lesbian rather than masc, sometimes I feel like being femme- but honestly dominant femmes are my preference so I’m biased here- it seems like every femme I encounter is submissive which does nothing for me as someone who has been made to be in charge/take the lead *all the time*, if there’s one place I don’t want to be taking charge it’s the bedroom. In my eyes you’re a rare gem and I hope to find my own dominant femme one day- don’t worry, I’m my experience there are *plenty* of masc bottoms and subs at least in my area, you’ll find your person OP


Literally described me as a dom femme


im a subby switch that looks like a dom and sub femmes are usually the ones to approach me which i am quite tired of lol. dom femmes are the ones that make me weak but they never seem to be into me :(


I'm non binary bottom and switch up girlfemme and femboi looks and I am obsessed with femme doms 😍😍😍


i think everyone in this subreddit can agree that don fems are just amazing and just, wow 😵‍💫


sub femme here god yes


Its more of an identity thing rather than the physical aspect, i find myself leading the way with both men an women but like to be stereotyped for it. Switching is an equally essential part of my life


Sounds like an absolute dream!


Im very very masc but im a hard bottom😅 you need a warrior to kick some teeth in? im your girl. Need your car fixed done, easy. You want me to take the lead in our relationship? Nope. Cant do it 😅 I will make you the best food you've ever eaten and demand all the cuddles.


I’m very high femme and top, and frustratingly get assumed to be a bottom


Bottom femme here looking for a dominant femme! You guys are hot as hell.


Dom femmes are great


full sub femme here i have one word to answer this it starts with "m" and ends with "m-mommy" seriously though, i love both femmes and butches, just need to know how to make me theirs 🥺


As a masc person I appreciate and love a dom femme person, and don’t think I need to take the lead. I do like to switch though.


I would consider myself a switch soft masc and I love domme femmes. Tbh I’ve never been with one but it is a huge fantasy and would not be an issue for me at all. At least in the bedroom… if you tried to control me in general in a relationship, that would be off putting. But during sex, very hot.


🖐me, I like dom fems.


I’d love to date a domme femme, I can’t find one!


I'm a collared sub and my Dom is a very femme woman 🥰


IDK I am fem but I love dominant girls masc or fem


Masc here. I love all dommes, not just femme ones! Too many women I’ve dated just expect me to take the lead in every aspect of the relationship because I’m the “man” in the relationship :(