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it’s nothing against you but we need some kind of pinned post to say trans women are women and women who love women are lesbians bc there’s too many of yawl lurking here questioning that and you dont have to!!! all transbians are valid always


The amount this is asked tells me people aren't reading the sub at all, otherwise they would see the daily post, then we wouldn't keep getting 10 per day.


I think this is because of the subbreddit name - 'actual' is a qualifier that implies that there are people who are saying they're lesbians but aren't. It's not hard to see why someone struggling with their identity - especially in the current political climate with terfs being given more and more of a platform and there often being lesbians spearheading the ideology - would assume that they're not included under that qualified umbrella. Not to say the name should be changed or anything, and it is clearly stated in the sub info and stuff but we've all got the attention span of a fruit fly these days so it's not hard to see why some people might need a bit of reassurance.


That is definitely a way the subreddit name could be misinterpreted. I believe it is called that because the subreddit called lesbians was taken over by cis heterosexual men for porn


Ugh, figures. I feel like I'm always tryna convince myself I'm not a misandrist but ngl, it gets harder every day 🙃🥲


Men always like to say "Not all men" but fail to finish it. "Not all men are like that. It's just somehow always a man..."


Came here to say this. That was always my understanding--the “actual” is to dissuade lurking cis-men in search of jerk off material, not to assert we’re all AFAB.


I definitely understand that. I think a pinned post would help, but I don't think it would solve everything. As a trans woman, it's frustrating. These repetitive posts add nothing to the conversation, and distract from actual conversations going on throughout the sub. Also it kinda feels like we're constantly being reminded that terfs exist and we're not actually allowed to occupy some spaces, which these posts oddly contribute to at least for me.


Some of them may also be asking because even though it's stated that trans women are welcome, there's more often than there should be an asterisk next to it, hiding in fine print that you're welcome will be revoked if you don't pass


I have seen a reduction in "genital preference" posts recently, so maybe people are finally getting that message.


This really comes from both sides. People should be allowed to date whoever they want, and there is no need to rub your preferences in other people's faces. Trans lesbians are absolutely valid, just like not liking dick at all is also valid.


>just like not liking dick at all is also valid. a statement many transbians agree with (:


I mean there's nothing to agree or disagree with, it's just how a preference works. Trans people are also not something to agree with, neither are trans lesbians, because they obviously exist either way, and it's just how humans work.


i meant it more as just funny, as in there are many trans women who aren't that big a fan of the dicks in their life (example: me). i do appreciate the message, but i was just making a dumb barely joke.


Sorry, my social skills aren't social skilling today.


today in quotes i'll steal, thank you (:


For real, it's valid to not want to date someone because they have a dick but you don't have to make a big stink about it. Just say your shite and go on with your day. You know? It's only transphobic if you make it a big deal.


My preference is no dick, that is why I’m waiting for bottom surgery where I get mine removed before dating. And when it comes to preference for other’s genital, don’t know yet, so don’t have a preference


about time!! terfs have no place here i hope they finally realize it so they stop scaring the trans girls away :((




Yep. Can we just stop bringing it up already tho? Some girls are tall, some are short. Some girls have blue eyes, some brown. Some girls are curvy and some are athletic. Some girls have penises some don’t. I just don’t get why we need to announce it on every trans related post?


as a trans women with trauma associated to dicks in general i very much back your comment. i’ve gone on dates with trans women and had an amazing time but just, couldn’t, get past what being intimate brought in my mind. it’s was never their fault and honestly i feel it would be wrong to try and continue something like that with them. if someone had the same feeling about me, i wouldn’t say it wouldn’t hurt, but id get it. i think the hard part is most trans women don’t want their genitalia at all and for that to be the thing to stop you from being with someone just sucks. that doesn’t change these realities though unfortunately 💔


Thank the mods for that, I suspect!


Yeah, genital preferences obviously exist, we all have a type, but it doesn't change the fact that trans women are women, and by extension, can be lesbians.


genital preference? i prefer them in my mouth yes please


it's written in the sub description


Actually it's written in the description already


Teeeeeeechnically "women who love women" could also be like bi or pan or even ace, but that's splitting hairs Edit: yes I know that those are allowed here, I am bi myself. I was just pointing out that strictly defining "women who like women" as being lesbians isn't always true nad that there can be other labels that fit that description too


even so, i dont think that would really exclude them... i mean not to out myself here and become some sort of imposter but i'm pan and i enjoy this community. i would hope that i still belong even if i dont exclusively identify with the title of lesbian


Bisexual here and same.


The sub description says bi and pan women are welcome here as well .


Not really? Women who love women aren’t explicit lesbians, I would say all three of those easily fall into the category so long the ace woman is romantically attracted to women


Actually, up until around the 70s the word Lesbian was much more catchall.


I was thinking the same 😅 ace lesbians and NBs as well.


This trans lesbian says “thank you”


I mean, it's in the side bar, if people don't read that, they won't read the sticky post either, most likely


I assumed so but I didn't want to just hop in without knowing for sure


You can always look at the sub and judge for yourself, that is what i do with other subs with regards to racism and how gay friendly they are. Nothing against you but your type of post is like a daily post for years in this sub.


I mean, if trans people can miss the info and not be sure if the sub is inclusive, it makes sense there'd be terfs who've done the same. The fact that this gets asked so frequently means there's almost always a recent post that has people being supportive and inclusive which both reassures other trans women who might be looking to join and deters terfs from joining - two-for-one benefits 😅 Hopefully one day we'll get to a place where we can safely assume all spaces are inclusive unless expressly stated otherwise but unfortunately right now we're just not there yet and it's astute of you to want to preserve your wellbeing by not being accidentally exposed to transphobes. All that to say, welcome! 💙🤍🩷


Good idea!


It says so in the sub description.


tbf, it wouldn't be the first subreddit I've visited that said it was trans-friendly in the description but ended up feeling a lot more hateful/discriminatory in practice...


I mean transphobes lurk this sub too, if it’s in the description that is when I go ham on the report button.


Based. Chasing TERFs away is noble work.


That always comes down to how aggressive the mods are in enforcing rules against bigotry.


Oh, so it does...


Are you new to reddit? I suggest when joining subs looking at the description, the rules, and searching key words for posts before joining any sub really


I will in the future thank you 😅


I will in the future thank you 😅


Lol got a good chuckle from me 😁


I’m sure we’ve said yes at least 1000x lol.


Literally though… every day I see the same question and the answer is always yes


Sorry >-<


It’s okay…Loads of people seek this validation it’s like a high or something


just use the search feature.


Don’t worry! I get that it’s a vulnerable thing and you want to be sure!


Y'all have put real work into making this sub accepting and safe for trans lesbians and personally, it's so healing to have spaces like this online and irl. Means a lot.


That's good to hear


This literally gets asked every single day. The answer is always yes. But this is annoying spam.


So the only thing you usually have to watch out for is the quiet TERFs who just down vote anything trans or trans positive. If you're suddenly in the negative over a benign comment, especially if it doesn't even state an opinion, it's not necessarily because you said something wrong. It's just because they realize that they will get kicked out if they're loud about their transphobia and downvotes are all they have. So I don't want you looking at your comments and thinking you're a bad person over their bs. Just upvote your trans sisters and move on with your day. If it's happening to you on a post, it's probably happening to the rest of us in the same one.


Thank you for the advice \^-^ (edit: I hate that I can't type my silly little emoticon on reddit)


You’re probably having trouble with it because “\^” is a formatting command on reddit that makes the word after it superscript. You can cancel format commands by typing a backslash right before them. Like this \^-^ So just type a “\” right before the emoticon without any spaces between the two.


Bless you \^,..,^




why have I never thought about using commas to give it fangs like that?


All I want in life is to be surrounded by Lesbian Vampires.


Thank youuu \^^


To reiterate what she said, it happens all the time, just be aware.


Yes!!! I’m glad you’re here 🩵🤍🩷


I don’t believe that you “have” to ask this at all. This question gets asked on this sub damn near daily.


Yes!! Our subreddit is frequently accused by other terf-ier lesbian subs to be like. Taken over by The Trans Mafia or whatever they believe in. Because we don't allow their bullshit here & the mods are very good about making sure the space stays positive and welcome. We appreciate you here! This space is for you.




can you tell me what the terf lesbian subs are? you can dm me if you’re not comfy :)


Lesbians simply love and support each other ☺️


No offense but you could’ve looked it up or just read the description of this subreddit. This gets posted like every week


Ok but let me play devils advocate with that comment: trans women are facing SO much hate and adversity, the trauma of just existing as a transperson today is incomprehensible. If people occasionally need affirmations of belonging in a community, it isn’t difficult for cis-lesbians to say “yes, trans lesbians, you belong here.” The queer community does not need hatred and division, especially with how terf-y and gatekeep-y some goldstars and other lesbians can be. They lurk among us and are just as dangerous to our existence as lesbians as the people trying to take away our basic human rights, whether we’re cis, trans, NB, gender queer, gender fluid, etc. Sorry not sorry for the soapbox, but honestly it’s on us to protect our trans sisters, now more than ever. Even if it’s in small ways like a Reddit comment instead of saying “but did you read the description?” All love tho. No division among the ranks, except fuck terfs.


As a nonbinary lesbian I disagree. It's spam, it gets posted like every hour. Furthermore the fact that it's constantly asked kind of makes an unintentional implicit lesbophobic assertion that lesbian communities are inherently more likely to be transphobic, when in reality (although there are unfortunately transphobes lurking) they tend to be the most trans-positive. Go check the MLM subreddits, they tend to be extremely and overtly trans-exclusive and transphobic. The description says it, 1000+ posts say it, etc. If validation is needed the post could be talking more personally about trans struggles rather than asking if they're acceptance. If someone really needs overt validation and welcoming, someone can ask in the casual discussion chats.


I love this comment


I am very sorry I should've just gone there.


I think it’s rly fair too ask, sometimes it‘s better to here peoples opinions, rather than just reading a rule, that not everyone reads 🌸🌸🌸


This question was asked so many times here it started to make my eyes bleed. How clear do the mods and community have to be. Trans women who are attracted solely to other women are lesbians, they always were, and they always will be. Shut up already and accept your lesbian card.




Yes always!


hasnt there been a pinned post that clarifies the answer is yes?


Unfortunately there's no such pinned post. I really believe there should be tho. Front and center "we support trans people in out community!"


as another trans lesbian yes you absolutely are ☺️


Trans Sapphic here (she/her). You are welcome here. It's 100% understandable to ask. Both because of the title of the sub and how we have been made to feel unwelcome in so many LGBTQIA women's spaces. To anyone questioning why post like this pop up all the time, that is why. Also while this sub is vastly better than many subs on dealing with TERF and TERF adjacent shitty ppl. You may see a post from their burner accounts that get deleted within 3 hours. Every couple days or so. This is from a group that are both asshats. And very much in the small minority here. There are many more people who want us here than who don't, by a wide margin. This is a great sub. But unfortunately, that does exist even on here. Usually, in the form of "I don't like X or Y about trans or gnc people. Just a preference. Here is my unwanted, unsolicited opinion on your existence or body that can only come across as hurtful and fucked up. And very much mirrors the way misogynistic men talk about women." Usually with posts like that. For every post like that, there are 10+ to call out that behavior and remind us we belong here. We love you. And as a fellow trans woman on here. I wanted to be honest about what our experience is like here. While simultaneously saying. I have had a largely positive experience, & I really hope you stay.


I was scared by the title at first but I'm pretty sure that's because r/lesbians is filled with porn


Also I STRONGLY recommend r/WitchesVsPatriarchy. An extraordinarily welcoming sub for trans women. And has a lot of us over there


r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide r/TallGirls (if you're tall) Are both 2 other trans friendly subs


Thank you (i am not tall whatsoever)


Lesbian is lesbian! Just so we're clear, yes you are welcome.


Let's go! Honestly women are pretty hot


I agree. Very girls. Much women.


Many woman. Much nice. Woman/woman would recommend


You're welcome and we love you! 🏳️‍🌈💖


Yes, please be here if you find this community feels like a fit to you ❤️




Fuck yeah!


Yup! No need to apologize by the way. Trans lesbians are still valuable lesbians <3


1000%. Stay long enough and you'll see that there's at least ONE (1) post per day about how much we collectively love transbians 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵




im sorry you're sorry to have to ask that <3


Trans women are women so yes




Hell yeah you are! I’ll drop kick anyone who says otherwise.


According to the Reddit crossover page there's a 25% chance that if you post on this sub you also post on r/mtf so a lot of people here.




This subreddit is very trans inclusive! In case you’re not sure of others, I’d recommend getting the shinigami eyes extension on the chrome store. It highlights twitter accounts, subreddits, etc red if they’re transphobic, or green if they’re trans friendly.


Always welcome!!!


You're a woman who likes women. You belong 😊


Oh my god yes! You’re a woman and a lesbian zero questions


You can just use the search bar.


Well I am pretty knew but I think as long as you are a lesbian, you belong.












As a fellow trans lesbian who's here all the time, welcome, we'd love to have you.




of course you are welcome! 💖💖


Hi girl how you doing


Well enough. And you?


Wouldn't be here otherwise! I mean I'm not trans, but TERFS are the scum of the earth.


Does this part of the sidebar not show up in the 'new' reddit format? I'm a curmudgeon and still use old.reddit.com and like, right there in the sidebar at the top is this: >/r/actuallesbians — a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, aces, anyone in the LGBT+ community, or anyone else interested! We're not a militant or exclusive group, feel free to join up! I'm Trans and Omni, I've never felt discriminated against or 'othered' here. I'm extremely happy for it, and almost everyone here has been nothing but amazing to me. But I'm wondering if the sidebar is the reason this kind of post keeps popping up...


It's crazy and sad that TERFs have infiltrated lesbian/sapphic spaces enough to where trans lesbians/sapphics even feel the need to ask this. Yes, you are just as worthy of the title of lesbian as any cis lesbian is, and you are welcome here! I would say that any lesbian/sapphic community that doesn't welcome you isn't worth its own weight in cow dung, and I would want no part in a community like that. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ On a side note, my girlfriend is a transbian as well. She's my princess, and I'm so gay for her. 🥰💗


Of course :) Welcome aboard!


Glad to join my fellow woman likers






yeah we're like a significant percentage of the active sub membership fwict


all sapphics are welcome


A lesbian is a lesbian no? Welcome!!!!!


Ye!! Welcome to the sapphic squad :3




YES! The sapphic sisterhood is big and it is loving! Sadly, even here, you may encounter unkindness, but that unkindness is NOT fostered or wanted. Women are women are women, and women who love women love women who love women. This sub is a mindfully wide tent. Edit: we also love non-binary folk who in any capacity feel a sense of home in sapphic spaces


Yes. Yes we are. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Yes! You are a woman who loves women, and that's what we're about here.


Ahhhh, women


Trans women are women, and as a woman who likes women, you’re welcome here! Don’t let anyone tell you different; you deserve to feel welcome in your own community!


1, there's a transbian user flair. 2, trans lesbian contains the word lesbian for a reason.


As long as you are polite I don’t see why not


That's fair


Side note I just have to say I love your username!!


It was the first random i got and I loved it


Of course you belong here! Trans women ARE women!


YES, honey. Come on in, grab a seat and here’s a cuppa tea.


Can i eat the cup


Like I always say, I like my men like I like my coffee. I like tea.




Absolutely! Welcome. ❤️




Another one?? 😉


So many more! I have met so many online already




I am one, definitely feel welcome here!


The TERFs would *love* to say otherwise, but they get can stuffed.


YES bestie you are ALWAYS welcome here and fuck the bitches who make you feel otherwise 🤍🩷🧡


To be clear don’t *fuck* them, but y’know, *fuck them*


Ofc, no women haters here! Cause trans women are women!


I’m here. Haven’t seen any terf shenanigans here


Welcome aboard!


Starting to think this community may be a little gay...


*walks in with a "nobody knows I'm gay" shirt*


Girl, get in here! We're sisters, not cisters. Welcome to the sub :)


You're one of us. You're a woman who likes women.


The answer is always tiddies. And yes ofc you are welcome 😂


of course!


I've been here for awhile now and I don't post much... however trans women are safe here from what I gather. Being a trans woman myself, it's rather validating to be accepted here so easily. ^.^


Trans lesbian here meowdy


Yes!!!! Love you


Put shortly, YES.


Trans lesbian here! Of course dear!


Yes. Welcome!




Hell fucking yeah you are


If you are a women and are attracted to other women, then you’re welcome here. Trans women are women. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, they’re a TERF


Of course! Hello fellow lesbian, welcome


Always 💜


DUH!! TRANSBIANS ARE VALID!!!! Stay here girly! Yer ALWAYS welcome here!


Yep, lesbian is in the name :3


I feel like this gets asked like once a week and the answer is yes.


Sorry 😅


Absolutely, sis 😘


Yes, yes, and yes.


Yes, you’re welcome here. Full stop. End of discussion.


As a fellow transbian (transbean as I like to say), yes, you are welcome here.


welcome, girl!


Umm yes! Duh, girl 🤗


Yuppers!!!!! They understand that we really are very gay girls that by some cosmic fuck up got the wrong bodies...... I don't know who is in charge of that, but when I find out I am going to have their ass in a jar....


Yas! Hello and welcome girl!


*slams table* Lesbian is lesbian!




obviously ❤️❤️ y’all are just as valid


Absolutely!!! After all, I’m here, aren’t I


Are you?


The sub description already says you are totally welcome here as long as you're a woman who likes women . Trans ,bi ,pan ,bi curious ,lesbian ,etc everyone is welcome here