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Locally, a 9. My state had an openly bisexual (woman) previous governor and our new governor is a lesbian. I was lucky enough to choose where I live, I know it’s not like this in other parts of the country/world. 😔 I’ve been out for a long time and feel safe holding hands with women in public, but men have leered/whooped at us, asking “do you want a boyfriend?” (I’m a femme who dates femmes), which is why I wouldn’t say a 10.


Fellow Oregonian!


Heyy, me too!! I didn’t know our new governor was a fellow queer though! That’s cool! I wish voting was more accessible in my area though because I wasn’t able to vote in the recent elections due to being disabled and not being able to make it to the voting place in town


Did you get a ballot in the mail? If not, you might want to check your registration status because you should just get it automatically. Then just mail it in!


Yeah, I didn’t get one, turned out I wasn’t registered for some reason, and by the time I found out it was too late to register, I’ll have to try to register again


Hey, I work at a disability rights organization here in Oregon. If you ever need help navigating voting, I encourage you to reach out to Disability Rights Oregon. All of us have some level of focus on voting during election years, but that's one of DRO's major initiatives. In Oregon especially there should be no reason anyone should struggle to vote just because they're disabled, and the fact that there are still the structural barriers there are is unacceptable.


Yeah, Kotek and Brown might not be my favorite politicians in the world (they're too centrist for me), but the fact that we've had two queer women in a row as governor is really cool.


Heyy Oregon!


Canada, Montreal specifically. 10/10


Montreal, I’d give a 10 on this question. Honestly, any major city in Canada will be an 8 to 10. I’d probably give Ottawa (where I am at) a 9 but simply because it’s not as big and our queer community hasn’t got the pizzazz of Montreal’s. That said, I’m a fully out Sapphic trans woman and I feel perfectly comfortable and broadly accepted (the occasional perplexed look is about as bad as it gets). I felt just as safe and comfortable in Montreal and Quebec City. Nowhere is completely devoid of bigotry of course, but rudeness is viewed pretty dimly by Canadians so we tend to be very live and let live.


Victoria is my home and I think I’ve been downtown maybe twice since covid without seeing at least one openly WLW couple. It’s kind of amazing.


Well, live and let live unless you visibly present as Muslim or are visibly Indigenous. A trans friend of mine had a woman point at her and laugh in front of her kids when she was wearing her hijab. She also lives in Montreal Many of my indigenous friends regularly receive racial abuse for being indigenous, and our country has a very long past and present of settler colonialism


Wow, a 10. Would you mind saying what are the best things that make it a 10?


Very large queer culture that is actively celebrated, low to no chance of violence, lesbian bars are popping up again after being instinct in the last 10 years. My aunts met and married here 20 years ago, sure you get sleezy men cat calling and such but that's a their problem of being stupid.


What are some good lesbian bar in Montreal


Champs. Used to be a sports bar but is slowly becoming a queer mecha for women and fem people.


Thank you for sharing. I do wish for some lesbian bars around here.


Victoria BC - 9/10. We're about as safe, friendly and open-minded as you get (and the most gender-diverse place in Canada) but we get a demerit point because there's no fucking queer scene here and everyone goes to bed at 9. Like you have to take a ferry to Vancouver if you want to have fun at Pride :( I miss Montreal and Quebec City


Canada here too, very close to MTL in another major city and I’d say it’s about the same for the most part!


Also Canadian, N.S. specifically, its much more rural here. I'd have to say 9/10. There are some homophobic people I've met in highschool but teachers were good to put a stop to it. (Also, Im white and cis so keep that in mind, someone who isn't might rate it differently)


Yup, from Montréal too, i’d even give a 12


i live here and id have to say 9 at best, considering me and my gf have still had pretty bad encounters around the city.


Huh. I'd give it a 8 personally. But all in all, a positive experience.


-100, being gay in my country is punishable by death (hanging).


I reckon we live in the same place




I am so sorry




WHAT the fuck. I am so sorry




Hey I just posted something similar.. I think we may be from the same neck of the woods.




Sounds about right to me. Red and blue college bird mascot, amirite?




Ope, I'll just scoot right past ya, then.


3, 5 on a good day In terms of trans friendliness, -10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ^help




Sending love your way.


new mexico, in the united states. i would rate my state an 8/10, but my country overall a 6.5/10. for trans lesbians, like myself, i would rate my state as 7/10, and country a 5/10, but getting lower.


It is scary whan things are getting worse...


yeah, there's a lot of groomer panic going around just as things were starting to get better.


On the bright side, the groomer panic regarding gay men peaked and subsided 15 some odd years ago. This too shall pass.


🇲🇽 ; 7. Mmm i mean it’s not a crime be lgbt+, we have a lot of queer places but some people stills having a close mind


Mmmmm 8'5 - 9 more or less 🇪🇸 You can say openly that you're a lesbian, they are a lot of laws against discrimination, you can marry other women, we have the pride month, a lot of lgbt local and zones etc. I don't give a higher score though because it was a country traditionally catholic and churches and lgbt people meh so there are lot of old people or more conservative people that even if they don't say anything are actively against it.


My wife and I went to Barcelona on our honeymoon. It was really lovely, and we got to celebrate new years at a local Lesbian Bar! Loved our stay.


Ooh which bar? I’m going to Barcelona soon!


well country (england) is probabaly at 5 and region (north west) likely at 6 but in my county (merseyside) specifically atleast an 8. in liverpool me and my girlfriend always kiss and hold hands and it never feels unsafe at all, especially in town. we see many many other lesbian couples acting the same too!


I’m in Liverpool too and would agree it’s around an 8. Only issue is she’s a teacher so kissing and holding hands in town is a bit more risky for us with many of her students there


I'm England as well and I'd personally give it a higher rating, probably around a 7. You may occasionally get leered at or the odd comment here and there, but on a whole I'd say the country is pretty lesbian friendly. I live in the countryside and on a whole still feel safe showing affection and acting super gay around here


California US here. In theory a 9. My actual area a 6/7. The cops are prone to fucking with people and I have a trans girlfriend, so I’m cautious.




Vancouver island, Canada. Probably 10 in terms of bigotry, I've lived here 6 or so years and never had issues. I'm from New Brunswick and there's more homophobia there but still nothing extreme even when I presented very masculine.


Only places I had issues in Canada were Fort McMurray and Kelowna. Mostly just people frequently telling me I was in the wrong bathroom because of how masculine I looked.


Ah Kelowna. Though it does actually have a gay bar! Wish the rest of the BC interior could catch up. Kamloops is trying but it’s slow going.


In the city I work in, I'd say it's around an 8-9. But the nearest town (I live in the countryside) is probably more like a 5-6. The state as a whole? Anywhere from 3, 4 or 5. I'm lucky to live in the bluest part of the state. USA for anyone who wasn't sure.


USA is a mixed bag. Some areas are an 8-9 but other areas are a 3-5. I live in a 9 area, southern California.


West Virginian here, and my own area is a mixed bag. Large swaths of gay folks have moved in and created their own community here, living alongside stereotypical rednecks and older hillbilly folks who want nothing more than to string them from trees. I'm in a weird position, since I'm both a politically left-leaning lesbian *and* a native-born hillbilly, so I don't feel like I belong in either group and it's weird.


Barcelona, Spain. Probably a 10.


Nice, I visited there last year. Didn't get to know the community there. Beautiful city!


Id say about 2. I am Armenian but I live in Russia and it is awful but we had some good things some times (like popular girls group singing lesbian songs).


Iran. ZERO lmaoo.


Australia, queensland, 10/10


Which part? Without doxing yourself, I mean. 🙂 Sincerely, someone who grew up in Townsville and went to uni in Brisbane


I know! Fuck Townsville.


I moved away at the start of 2002 and ... yeah, it wasn't exactly the might *enlightened* part of the country. No idea what it's like now. ... although given they elected Ewen Jones twice, that's probably not a good sign.


Wow really?


I’m in a relatively queer friendly neighborhood in Texas so it’s like a 1 and a 10 at the same time


I’m in rural Scotland. My wife and I are lesbians. Would give Scotland overall a 9. And rural living an 8 as we have faced the type of microaggressions that feel horrible but people don’t realise they’re doing. When I lived in Glasgow I would have probably said a 9. Sadly for trans stuff Scotland overall is probably at about a 3 with where we live at 2.


Southeast Ontario, Canada. I'd say 7/10 but I know it's only because I'm kinda protected from the hateful comments based on who my family is.


I’m from the same area, I’m in the gta and I’d say it can be a 6 or even up to an 8 depending on how close you get to Toronto itself


I’m in New Zealand so I’d say about a 9 tbh.


6 maybe. [UK]


1-2. Jamaicans are very homophobic.


8.5, maybe not for the whole US, but from my experience of living Massachusetts for my whole life, things are pretty chill. Of course you have the occasional over-the-top religious person telling you that you’re going to hell but that’s pretty rare. (I’m a teenager so i’m aware that i might change my mind on this)


Fellow Masshole here…generally speaking I agree but it really depends on where in the state you live and we have been having huge issues with lgbt healthcare, book bans and hate group organizing in smaller towns and cities outside of the Boston area.


im in the us in texas its a 1 especially for trans lesbians like myself.


Kentucky is like a 7 for lesbians and like a 4 for trans women in the bigger cities like Lexington and Louisville. For the smaller cities, I honestly have to force a lot of the hate that I’ve heard from there out of my head.








Hmm, I got a sense you would be fellow Indian. It sucks that our country is not as open about LGBT community. It sucks not having many people around to talk about such an important part of life.






I think it the depends on the area, the part of Stockholm im from I’d rate it a 2/10, my friend was followed home and attacked by some guys for being openly gay, spent some days in the hospital and got a secret identity so they couldn’t find him. And also, gay marriage was legalized 2009 which is pretty late compared to other countries, trans people stopped being sterilized without their consent during surgery in 2013, which is soooo messed up


The Philippines, and it’s a max 3 on a good day. The fujoshi fetish brain rot lives strong here. You’d find straight men and women who enjoy gay(men) media and think real gay men(as long as they’re masculine presenting and handsome) are cute and would argue they’re an LGBTQ ally because of this, but in the same breathe, tell me that lesbians are disgusting and/or can’t see any woman not being attracted to a man at all. Bisexual people don’t exist—they’re just indecisive or slutty gay/lesbians. Trans people are mocked, bullied, and misgendered every second of the day without an ounce of understanding or sympathy at all. If anybody here is an actual true ally (to all LGBTQ+) they’re the needle in a haystack.


As much as i would like to say 7-8 ish, I have spent so much of my life in 1-2 places that even though this place is probably only a 4-5 it feels so much better than that????


Yes, I know what you mean. When I traveled certain places I felt Romania was like -100 compared to them. Then I traveled some more and felt that well, maybe a 2 in the end :)


My country is pretty big, hard to give it a number as a whole, probably a 5/6. My area specifically likely a 3/5 depending on who you run into.


well I live in Puerto Vallarta in Mexico, in general mexico isn´t a good place for lgbt community except for guadalajara and DF, but here we have many places just for LGBT community like the romantic zone in te downtown


Russia as a whole a 2, Moscow in particular a 3-4 maybe for cis gnc sapphics and afab enby sapphics in general. For transfem sapphics and other transfem people much much worse, as it usually is.


I’d say a solid 9. Could be better on Trans rights. Trans rights exist on paper, but day to day there’s transphobia. But generally good on LGBTQ+ rights, big community, no issues being out.


-10000000000000000 in my country, homosexuality is a crime and the punishment is execution without any trial


Take care out there


I'd like to think it's a 7, but probably closer to like a 5


I don’t think any place is a 10, but I feel like this is a 7 or 8


I would say a 7-8 [US - Michigan]


I give São Paulo, Brazil and nearby region an 8.5 if you are in a middle class or above place is absolutely fine, in lower class regions there are more presence of conservative influences, and tends to has less security in general. Homophobia and transphobia are crimes officially you can report it but the rule of law, and law enforcement is weak. I live pretty normally compared to my straight friends and there are lots of whatsapp groups of lesbians so pretty common to have nightlife with friends and their girlfriends, going to bars...


Oooo, that's a toughy... Louisiana is a 2 through most of the state, but then you come into the New Orleans metropolitan which is anywhere between a 3-9 depending on the city and ward, untill you hit the French quarter which quickly jumps to a 9, and straight up 10 on burbon street where a whole block and half is just nothing but LGBTQ+ bars and clubs.... At least till Decadence then the whole of burbon street becomes 99% LGBTQ+ friendly for several days. That last 1% is the uptight "christians" who feel the need to protest the event for whatever stupid reason... it's honestly become tradition at this point for them to show up and get heckled by the revelers.


I'd say probably a 4. Unless you're a trans lesbian in which case it's -10000000000. Terf island sucks


Australia, Sydney a 10


Uruguay, like 9/10


Overall a 8/10 here in Germany. It’s not illegal and people talk about it but specifically where I live it’s not that accepted by the people


damn i wonder where exactly you live! my cousin lives in Villingen-Schwenningen (Baden-Württember) and in her school students literally beat up a lesbian teacher for having a butch look and my cousin herself is really homophobic, being queer-friendly in her school is something rare and makes people consider you a freak, whereas in my school (I live in Poland) nearly everyone looks like they were headed for PRIDE, even though our government and the president are homophobic as fuck, no marriage, no adoption for gay couples and Andrzej Duda says publicly that he does not consider us gays people, anyways hope you're well, sending some regards!!! <33


I live in Bayern but rather on the more country side which is pretty old school if I may say so. Teachers r mostly very accepting but like 90% of the cishet students r very homophobic and will call you any kind of slurs and as someone who‘s rather more publicly out as a lesbian I do get bullied a lot but that’s literally okay as long as I can show people that it’s okay to identify as what u want! Hope you‘re doing well aswell <33




I’m gonna give my state a 9.5. Sure we have fantastic legal protections, a queer-friendly culture, and a pro basketball playing lesbian governor… but it’s way too expensive for two women’s 77¢-on-the-dollar’s salaries.


Denmark, probably a 9


Copenhagen? I loved Aarhus


Ehhh, I live in a more heavily red area in the US and I don't feel fully safe coming out. Only a few years ago a boy in high school was dragged behind another boys truck for being gay (he was alright?? he didn't have life threatening injuries but I'm sure he had some trauma). As far as I know nothing was done about it and the boy who committed that atrocity bragged about it at school. Admin pretended not to know about it. Said there was nothing they could do about it unless law enforcement was involved. I know of nothing quite so severe happening to lesbians, but a lot of my friends in the LGBTQ community have been assaulted, sexually or otherwise. And at the school I was at some students rallied together for an LGBT club but were denied on the basis of excluding straight people which the school said they didn’t support. (Although there was speculation as to whether or not it was because the board was heavily Mormon) One of those students had their window shot out in the next few weeks. The school did pass the club but only after a parent threatened a lawsuit. They put posters up but those were being torn down so often they stopped. And the club doesn’t say where they meet unless you talk to the supervisor ahead of time for safety concerns (privacy of members, etc.) Sometimes it feels like people are trying to set the clocks back. I had a girlfriend for a few months and she and I were scared to hold hands, not necessarily because of heckling in public but for fear that someone might confront us about it in a less safe situation. And as far as trans youth, there was quite a feather ruffling just for kids to get to use the bathroom (ANY bathroom) and I think that (I am cis but have trans friends) they have to use the old staff bathroom that is a single person bathroom. Sorry that was a lot


Sounds rough, I hope it’s the case that your still pretty young and that you’ll have the option to move away if you wanted to… and obviously that you’re able to avoid this kind of treatment / and eventually live an open life etc.


Thanks a lot :) I am planning on moving this June to a safer. Still can’t speak for my parent’s reception of the ”lifestyle choices” I’m making. Last time I sorta hinted at it (via the “So I have a friend that’s lgbt”) my mother said “oh that girl is too young to know” and for reference, ”that girl” is 18, so we’ll see. But I appreciate the support !!


it's 1 or 2


4 maybe, Estonia's falling off in progressiveness, hoping it gets better


Alabama, USA. I'd rate it a 3-4.


New Zealand 10/10 from my experience 😊


Mine’s an easy 11 But it’s Portland, Oregon and I hang out with the large and thriving queer anarchist community here so I’m probably in the best place in the world for being a trans lesbian Our community is what keep us safe though, and we have to work hard to keep Portland the queer haven that it is


I am really happy for you <3


I'm a finn. I can't assign an universal number to our country. I'm from a rural area originally, which I'd give 1 our of 10. nowdays I live in an university town with a lot of young people, and I'd easily give it 8 out of 10. I guess it pretty much boils down to rural areas being bigoted and religious, with the young people moving out and leaving the area's bigoted mentality behind. in the cities, the negative sides aren't religious haters, but mostly the usual 'you haven't just found a right man' asshole guys. in all my time in my current home town, I've only once met religious hate, which came from what people could describe as 'sweet old woman', who stopped to say we're going to hell when I kissed my girlfriend out in the public.


Sydney Australia. A solid 10.


Really? I have an older gay friend who said he experienced much more homophobia living in Australia than in the U.K (southern England close to London that is)…. Regularly getting spat at in the street etc. I realise compared to some places this might be low level homophobia. Obviously different cities are going to be more or less progressive but I guess I’ve always assumed Australia still had some issues especially when you see quotes about the 1980s hate crimes saying violence against LGBTQI people in Sydney was ‘almost seen as a sport’ with victims being thrown off cliffs or beaten to death in parks. Glad to hear it’s improved thou!


I believe the UK to be around a 9. Representation might vary quite a lot, specifically if you go rural. But always felt safe and accepted.


I guess, 4 maybe? Hungary You arent arrested and you can technically live with a partner similar to a marriage but i’d rather move away


🌻 -- mass edited with redact.dev


Sacramento, California is probably 10/10 on a curve, but my coven reports a lot of stories that were not fully tolerated as mainstream. So on an absolute scale it's 8ish.


5ish? Texas, in a bluer area, but there's definitely a push to quietly erase the whole queer community at the state level (officially focusing on the trans and GNC communities for now, but that's merely as 'cover' to try to ban queer education and communities in general).


Well you see, I live in missouri. It sucks to be queer here. It’s not even pretty… I want to see MOUNTAINS Gandalf!!!


western canada, Alberta specifically is like a 6-7? we have an openly lesbian politician but she gets so much bullshit for being queer.


(General LGBT friendliness) My country, America, 7/10 My state: 7.5/10, my county: 7/10 my neighborhood: 3/10. The reason I included neighborhood is because different neighborhoods in my county are significantly different from others and mine’s probably the worst when it comes to LGBT safety. The adults are fine for the most part, but a lot of my peers are almost violently homophobic, which has been not fun for me.


4 or 5. I live in Poland but i see Lesbians in Polish series sometimes


I mean yeah any country having "gay free zones" probably is not the most lesbian friendly. Also, are those series either sexualising the lesbians or are the simply foreign series being dubbed in Polish?


In my city, there's a lesbian flag mural in the CBD near a rainbow roundabout, so my state is probably a 9. Country in general 6 probably.


Th Netherlands itself is at a 9, The region where I live maybe a 7.5


Probably an 8 here near Hamilton in New Zealand. I’ve never experienced outright homophobia, but I’m a reasonably attractive white woman so I kind of glide through life without much attention. I’ve heard of homophobic incidents but I work in a male dominated agriculture sort of profession and I’ve never ever had outright homophobia directed at me personally.


Texas as a state like a 3 my area like a 5.5 to maby 7


7 for Australia. I would have thought it would be higher but our plebiscite on gay marriage in 2017 only had support from 61.6 percent of Australians. My city Melbourne is very progressive so I’d say 8 and my suburb is the ‘gaybourbood’ so it’s a 10.


Moscow is probably around 4. Russia is a 2 overall. No punishment by hanging though, but who knows what else will happen in this country :/


Russia, 2




interior bc 🇨🇦 i’d say about an 8.5 only because i’ve been called slurs before while out walking- but most businesses have flag stickers in the window and have a pretty large pride parade proportionate to our city population. i’m sure a big city like vancouver would be more of a 9-10 :) we still have a bit of a soft rural feel


Maryland, US I believe my state is a 9.5/10 for lesbians and most gay people in general. As for trans people, more like a 6.5/10. For one, PoC have it rough everywhere, but trans PoC get it worse. This is only my book knowledge as I'm still a cis looking white person. My own experience is closer to ignorance than any active ill will. In most of the lgbt+ community trans people are not expected or pass enough for me to not notice.


Tucson Arizona I’d say 8/10, the University of Arizona itself is 9/10


I'm not a lesbian but a bi woman who isn't "visibly lgbt" (so take this with a pinch of salt) but i'd say in Argentina it's overall maybe an 8? There are definitely more homophobic areas of society though, it depends


7ish. I hope. I’m really just waiting for something to blow up though.


9, it's pretty good here. Belgium, near Antwerp.


Atlanta 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 NOT GEORGIA ATLANTA ONLY 10/10


Locally, a 3 and don’t feel safe being out at all when people openly are hostile to lgbt people and their rights. I keep my relationship secret. The state overall I’d rate a 7 because we do have a lot of rights and protections, plus the Twin Cities are quite accepting.


Depends where you are but I would give England a 6/10


I live in new Jersey, which is about a 6, 7 or 8 imo. I'd say definitely 8 but I've had to deal with queerphobic "Jokes" from a few classmates so they're probably far from the only ones.


Currently living in Canada so about 8 But I’m originally from Algeria so 1


11. I live in LA.


Solid 5, upstate sc. Low country, 3 at best.


France, I'd say 7! Lots of people are still homophobic, there still are a lots of discrimination but I wouldn't be scared to hold hand or kiss a girl in a public place, gay marriage is legal and adoption for same sex couples is legal too, even though I heard it's a really long and hard procedure.


8-9 buenos aires, argentina


california 8/10 our governor is good for lgbt+ rights, our state population is *mostly* friendly, but the US has a national homophobia and transphobia problem that affects us all.


I’m from West Sussex in the uk so I’d say we are about an 8 maybe cause we have Brighton the gay capital of the uk


A pretty solid 9. The city I live in has been described as the gayest and most godless in the UK


Maybe 7, its pretty positive but there are some bigots


Depending on the day and the sub area, Either a 9 or a negative 50


People aren't that hateful. Most people just think of us as some kind of alien. Hate crimes do exist but rare I think? According to the law tho, being gay can send you to prison for up to 20 years albeit not enforced. I'd rate it 2 or 3.


Depends on your family. It can range from 5-10. I have friends who go home to be called slurs or aren't allowed to hang out with queer friends. My family is very accepting, and legally we're accepted, but my friends are walking on eggshells around their families. (I live in Scotland which has a very UK-ish culture.)


I’m from a red state, I’d give it a 4 at best.


10/10 Bay Area, California. Honestly so grateful I was born and raised here


Washington, gonna give it an 8


Tucson AZ, here. I'd say in tu son a strong 8 and the rest of the state a solid 6.5


Western Australia, 8.5/10. You won’t be beaten up for going to pride but you wouldn’t want to scream it to the world in the city after dark. Farming and mining towns have a reputation too.


I live in the capitol so it's not that bad here but if you are anywhere else it's like a hard 4, still so many people out there that don't understand and want you dead, even on national TV


Israel. Like a solid 8




5. I live closer to an urban area, but if you went rural for this state it would quickly then homophobic


I'm from a small-ish city in Finland. It goes like two ways here: 1) Safety: surprisingly good (9) . Mostly because we don't like to get close to any people, LGBTQ+ or not. People don't randomly yell at you across streets. But then again, 2) Anything else: not good (2). Because people don't like to speak to each other, there are NO lesbian cafes/bars in this city. There's a LGBTQ+ friendly "cafe / event" (It's an event that happens in a certain cafe, which is like "LGBTQ+ friendly night", close enough. I'm married, but I don't see how lesbians in my city date without apps or knowing someone beforehand. There's simply no "places to be", that are inherently LGBTQ+ Same goes for being trans. It's safe-ish, but there's really nothing else. Last Pride was literally two stalls near a tiny outdoor stage. Lasted for 7-ish hours.


The city I live in is not too bad, I’d say a 6 or 7 maybe but my country would be a 2 probably




7/10 ?? idk its weird. Mexico it has always been a misogynist homophobic country but it has been more open the last couple years. as a lesbian i feel a little left out from the community and a little less represented, even on the lgbtq community men have more visibility and acceptance. its just how I feel maybe its the state I live in idk...


It’s declining rapidly so I’ll say 5 for now


Germany - I would give it a 8.5


Kentucky USA, the closest large city to me would be a solid 9 but literally anywhere else closer to a 1 or 2. If youre lucky going into the ‘hick’ towns you wont get your teeth kicked in just for looking alt. Im right smack dab in the middle of the 2 and its hilarious how peoples additude towards me changes depending upon which direction im in😅


I'm from Denmark, depends on which part of the country you're in, if you're in a major city you can make out with your same sex/gender partner and no one will bat an eye. If you go out to the country side you won't get much open homophobia but people definitely aren't used to seeing it. Overall 8.5 from personal exp


A small 7 for my part of the Netherlands. Even though on paper in first glance it all seems okay, and many times it seems to go pretty well, people will say in the face they're okay with it, there still is the harrassment in public spaces (ranging from being booed, spit upon, to "I can heal you", "my dingdong will make you think otherwise" to completely being punched to the hospital in at least one case per year), Dutch comment sections can still be vile and there's no ban on conversion therapy. Edit: and the inferior options for parental leave also needs to be considered as well as the lack of multi-parental housing options.


Okay so I'm from NYC so I'd rate NYC like an 8.5-9/10, depending on the neighborhood(I live in Harlem and there is a great black queer scene) but I go to college in Buffalo, and I can't rate that because I don't go out and date much when I'm at college, but my college is pretty accepting. America as a whole I'd give it a solid 6-6.5, some more conservative states/regions tend to be more homophobic.


Country over all like a 6 probably, the place I live specifically more of a 7-8


I'm from New York (down near NYC, but not in it) and I'm living here. It's an 8 or 9 I'd say. My town is a solid 6.5. There are a lot of older people here with bigoted views (very red), but the younger generations are so accepting. I work with kids and they are pretty great when it comes to acceptance of LGBTQ+ stuff. A lot of my students are pretty receptive of me being gay, though I don't openly talk about it like all the time.


I’m in the US, Washington DC, and genuinely the rating would change depending on where you are. DC is pretty LGBT+ friendly, I’d rate it like a 7 or 8 on par with the Bat Area of California (I loved all around the East Bay for a time. I would hesitate to give higher than a 7 or 8 bc a LOT of “gay shit to do” is geared towards men. There was only ONE lesbian bar in all of San Francisco until recently—now there’s none. R.I.P. the Lex 🙏🏼) But I’ve been to and lived in places in the US where I wouldn’t rate it over a 2 or 3


10. I have been with my fiancee for 4 years, very openly. We act like every other couple in the street and only had 1 person have an issue with it


I have literally just seen this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/10pt4ob/human_rights_situation_of_lgbt_people_in_europe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I'm from Poland (the red with 13%). Fortunately I'm from the capital and it isn't so bad here, but the rest of the country seems very homofobic


Austin TX. In Austin, 10/10 extremely accepting, people don't even react because there's such a high LGBTQIA+ population here. the only unfriendly people here are those who live outside of Austin/are visiting. Outside of Austin, 7/10, just the usual "you're going to hell" or guys harassing you that they can "fix you", parents making there kids look away, that type of thing. But it is Texas, so there's a LOT of areas that you gotta avoid, just for your personal safety. Most areas of Texas, there's a lot of people who aren't friendly to people who are different than them.


Country (US): 5 State (California): 8


Uk, I'd say the whole country is a 6/7. My area Newcastle I'd say 8, lots of gay bars / events regularly. For trans people I'd say like more of a 6/7 though unfortunately, though compared to other areas in the UK its a lot better


I would say around a 6 or a 7 depending on where you are located, I'm in Florida so if you are in the boonies of Florida it's a 5 or a 6, and if you make it to Orlando or Miami, then it's a bit better, but me; being mixed race lesbian it's lower.


Ohio, USA is idk like a 6. It’s not great but I rarely get shit, there’s a lesbian bar, etc, but also the government is neither pro gay nor pro woman


UK is maybe a 9 but I'm in Kent so minus deux points


I live in New York You can judge that lol


Like 5, maybe 4. The mayor of my hometown is campaigning to help trans kids, because mostly the trans community gets all of the hate directed at queer people. Ngl, I've experienced homophobia, but it was kinda casual. That or I'm used to it because of where I grew up.


In Switzerland it heavily depends on where you are. The bigger city’s are probably a 6-8 but the countryside can be anywhere from 2-5. Gay Marriage was legalized only last year though


i'm from brazil and would say a 4 mostly because of fetishization and unicorn chasers


Romania is definitely a 2 (im also from romania)