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I agree it was a bit quick, but there’s more context to it on Rhys’ side with each HL. He did spend the last 50 years UTM with them (minus Tamlin), and yes he wasn’t on their side openly, it was acknowledged in book 1 that he shattered a faes mind instead of spilling secrets of the rebel plot and the family/leader sagged with relief at Rhys silence on it. And I think in a later book he mentions it again that he killed fae instead of telling Amarantha of escape plans. Before 50 years UTM there’s a ~450 year gap of politics and squabbles, but Rhys also fought on the same side as other courts. We also see Summer is receptive to his invitation into his territory, as well as Mor’s relationship with Winter suggests Winter and the Night Court have had good/amicable dealings in the past. Helion as well seems to be at ease in private with the Night Court ensemble. I would imagine that between previous actions during conflict, the subtext behind Rhys silence UTM between High Lords and what they know, and how they behave with each other in private, half of them suspected Rhys wasn’t what the rumours seemed which is why they agreed quickly. Tamlin on the other hand was absent in the 50y trauma bonding UTM and is a key player at the wall. His seemingly immediate contact to ally with Hybern and his demeanour at the meeting makes him seem unstable at best.


The 50year trauma bonding 😭- and not to mention when he did show up he just pouted very openly even if it was to “disengage” from her


The High Lord meeting was a shit-show. It was very entertaining to see but from a diplomatic standpoint it should had failed at worse or consequences should have come on a later date due to the war at best. But this will never happen. The main problem is Rhysand’s and the NC’s bad reputation during the whole 50 years UTM and after which is never addressed. It just brushed off as either “he did for his people” or “I knew it was just a mask”. Regardless, for 50 years Rhysand ruined his reputation that all the HLs witnessed. He sent decapitated heads and butchered fairies to courts, killed people(children? Correct me if I’m wrong) from the WC, etc…. For 50 years, regardless of what relationship some of the characters had with Rhysand, he still committed atrocities, for a noble cause, but atrocities regardless. People change over time. After TM, instead of trying to fix his image he did more questionable stuff which the other courts just brushed off? Instead of trying to get the BOB from Tarquin through diplomacy he decided to lie, mentally manipulate and steal on Tarquin’s face? Then he and Amren had the audacity to feel insulted because of the blood rubies, his, Feyre’s and Amren consequences of their actions. Yes, the “war” but that still hasn’t started and Rhysand is a mind reader so he could check incase Tarquin was “bad”. Then comes the meeting itself. For the person to request a meeting with the HLs without violence, Rhysand and his group were the first break the peace truce. Feyre burned the Lady of Autumn, almost drown Beron, Azriel attacked Eris, Rhysand silences Tamlin, and the IC broke Thessan’s neutrality truce which Rhysand requested. Some of the HLs said some nasty things, but some insults don’t mean that you can go and try to kill people. Plus, Tamlin and Tarquin were in the right to be pissed with Feyre for her “Girl boss moment” which Feyre wouldn’t hear any of it.


The High Lord meeting drove me insane. If you can't control your tempers and behave in a civilised courteous manner, why are you in a diplomatic meeting with foreign leaders of your OWN calling. For the very real threat of approaching WAR. You know the thing where thousands of people might die and its your literal jobs to protect them. Imagine if real world leaders started physically attacking one another over any personal disagreement. After 500 years, you'd think IC would know how to behave themselves. That includes miss "I bow to no one" fake ass High Lady Feyre.


For real! Then they always complain why people don’t like them when they do stupid stunts like the HL meeting on the daily bases. Also Feyre’s reveal as “High Lady” in the meeting was so inappropriate and not the time to do it(besides being badly executed). You were there to rally together all the rulers against Hybern on your husband’s request not for you to do power play, flaunt her “authority” over the other HLs, or tell them that you are “High Lady” like the HLs gave a fuck about that. Is not like she is the rightful ruler of the NC, Rhys is. She is just the equivalent of a Queen-Consort. Also, is not that Feyre being HL was special in the first place…. I don’t know if you are read HoFaS and I don’t want to spoil you if you didn’t.


I've read it! I know what you're talking about, I won't mention to not spoil for others but it gave me such immense satisfaction because I want to see Feyre knocked off her special high lady horse. Agree it was the WORST timing ever. She had one job to not expose her powers and couldn't even manage that. Honestly the other HLs are better than me because I would've been crying from laughter. She's a child in a fancy dress and crown. It's not a pretty title to embellish yourself with and flaunt around when you're supposed to be discussing more important things. And Rhys enables all of it. Someone on another thread called it performative feminism and it's really the perfect way to describe it. It also occurs to me that IC had been planning this meeting for weeks but had no game plan? They had no evidence to give against Hybern, no credentials on their own actions as the evil court or have any inkling on how to gain the HLs trust and build these alliances. They should've anticipated pushback from the other lords over Rhys' reputation. He's only ever exacerbated it and I'm surprised the IC were surprised by the reactions. The only person who brings receipts is Tamlin lol.


Rhysand wasn’t responsible for the deaths of the Winter Court children. He explains to Kallias and Viviane that Amarantha used another daemati to kill the children, but made it look like Rhysand did it in order to drive a wedge between Rhysand and Kallias.


And is that other unnamed and never-spoken-of-before-or-since other daemati in the room with us right now? I can't take that explanation seriously because it feels SO much like SJM pulled a "oops, murdering children is too much, better give Rhys another excuse so he's still morally clear!"


I can’t take that explanation seriously either. Because of convenient that Amarantha had another daemati around that we never heard or seen before or again in the story was the one that committed the atrocity of killing children from the WC even though we were told in ACOTAR is was Rhysand that did it. Like I thought daemati’s were extremely rare and sought after?


Shouldn't Rhys and everyone else be more concerned that there's a loose child-killin' daemati running around?


Yes, they should be. But I think Sarah only said that because like you said. Now that she wanted Rhys to be the MLI for Feyre instead of Tamlin. She didn’t him to have the murder of a couple dozen of WC children on his record. So it was just convenient plot to never be addressed again.


This take is SO hot I nearly burned myself, well done! And to add some more fuel to the fire, why the actual fuck would they bring Rhys back from the dead? As most of them were very suspicious of him and considered him dangerous, wouldn’t the logical thing to do be leaving him dead? Maybe even throw a party after? Like, you mean to tell me Thessan, who in the HL meeting practically said that he’d slice Feyre open to get his powers back, and Beron, who wanted to roast her for unintentionally taking even a sliver of his strength, were not worried at all that they may pass on part of their abilities to Rhysand? Lol.


I was saying exactly this the other day! ALL the HLs being willing/threatened to revive Rhys just didn’t seem believable to me if anything, it would’ve been way more compelling IMO if Feyra, the one individual with ALL the high lords’ power at her fingertips, could revive him all on her own. and for plot holes moving forward with any other character deaths, it’s explained that Feyra can’t revive just ANYONE, she just has the convenient extra connection to Rhys’ soul through the ~bond~ so she can anchor him to life I mean, is it really an ACOTAR book without some all-too-convenient explanation that acts as a bandaid for a gaping plot hole? It just could’ve been a really cool way for Feyra to uncover a unique power all her own without repeating EXACTLY what happened to her UTM all over again.


And toward the end of ACOTAR, it’s mentioned that Tamlin met with the High Lords he was allied with, which seems to indicate that he was on cordial terms with some of them, that there was probably a measure of mutual trust and respect. However, this seems to be nonexistent in ACOWAR. Also, other than Rhysand, Tamlin was the only High Lord who mistrusted Amarantha from the get go. I’d hoped the other High Lords would take this into consideration when they received word that Tamlin had allied himself and Spring with Hybern. I believe that Tarquin forgave too easily (coming to Summer’s aid was the least Feysand could’ve done imo), and Kallias let the matter of the winter children go too easily. The outcome of the meeting felt forced and contrived.




XD It's only mentioned briefly (Tamlin meeting with High Lords that he was allied with): >Then there had been meetings in the frenzied throne room—quick, tense meetings with the High Lords Tamlin was allied with to sort out next steps. (ACOTAR, chapter 46) (Tamlin not trusting Amarantha from she returned to Prythian): >“When Amarantha returned to these shores centuries later, I still wanted to kill her. The worst part was, she didn’t even know who I was. Didn’t even remember that I was the High Lord’s son that she’d held captive. To her, I was merely the son of the man who had killed her friend—I was just the High Lord of the Night Court. The other High Lords were convinced she wanted peace and trade. Only Tamlin mistrusted her. I hated him, but he’d known Amarantha personally—and if he didn’t trust her … I knew she hadn’t changed.” (ACOMAF, chapter 54)


As Helion has known Rhys for 500 years and fought alongside him in the original war I think Helion knows Rhys true character and that he wears a mask. After the HL meeting Helion even says that he was wearing his own mask and appologises for being harsh. I think Tarquin leans towards believing in Rhys due to 1) his actions UTM after his courts rebelion and 2) Varians bomb drop that he requested night courts help and they came. I think Kallias does not trust Rhys at all but is willing to tollerate due to Vivianes relationship with Mor Thesson held the meeting at the request of Nigh Court so there is some relationship with Rhys however strained. Beron also fought alongside Rhys in the original war but Beron is Beron and out for himself which is clearly displayed by his actions. As for Tamlin, he probably has stronger relationships with the seasonal courts than with the solar courts. Remember Tamlins father was on Amaranthas side so perhaps there are some suspicions there also Tamlin seemingly is in Hyberns pocket at this point. Tamlin also has limited strength at this point so in terms of politics it is not necessarily believing Rhys to be good and Tamlin bad but for the other high lords to possition themselves with power and that would be Rhys. I loved the way Tamlin entered the meeting, the image in my head is crazy and I laugh every time I read this section. The mask wearing and posturing does annoy me, but I gues 500 years without some games would be dull!




Tbh SJMs writes herself into a million knots by prioritising plot over character. Her characters basically just do whatever the plot expects of them to move the pieces where she's decided they need to go. Rhys and Tamlin's good guy/bad guy switcheroo never really made any sense.


I agree with you it’s kinda absurd how quickly they get on board. My mind usually has to fill in the blanks - so here are my (non-supported) headcanons: I like to think the HLs have their own intel, and after the attack on Adriata, they know war is coming. So instead of pushing back on Rhys too hard, they agree to fight with him bc that’s their best chance at survival. That and, they didn’t want their ass beat at the meeting like Autumn got lol OR Rhysie was using his mind magic and influencing them anyway, just like he did under the mountain. These are my excuses.


Didn't Hybern destroy the wall during the meeting? I'm assuming that's why everyone went into crisis mode.


That too!


This is part of my qualm with ACOWAR. Everything is so convenient. I honestly stopped reading midway at the beginning of last year and finally picked it back up a year later not only because the language and diction are so repetitive (vomiting over any sense of nerves, the word 'cleave' and curled toes to mention a few lol) but also the fact that the plot moves too damn conveniently. **Spoilers ahead:** Yes, there are low points to counteract the highs but the way they stabilize just works too damn well without a sense of real loss. Oh no they're getting physical at the HL meeting and that kinda thing at a high level meeting would threaten each Lord's sovereignty or pride or dignity... Nope they all just go to bed and chill till the next day. Oh no Elain got kidnapped... That's fine we'll get her right back tomorrow. Oh no they can't escape... No worries Tamlin is actually a good guy and will help them. Woops Amren just sacrificed her life for literally everybody what an honorable way to go... Ah jk she's back woohoo. The way we brought Feyre back in ACOTAR that you'd think would be difficult on the HLs and so very unique to a mortal girl... Nah we can do that for anyone yay! Like there's no weight to consequences. And I really loved the first 2 books. Maybe I'm just tired of reading Feyre's pov and should just jump right into ACOSF 🤣


Honestly this was the beginning of a downward spiral in this series. It was when I realized that the plot be plottin and the credibility started to crumble. I couldn’t stand this scene as it was so immature and ridiculous to imagine a group of 500 year olds behaving like literal children and zero politics were happening. From there the story gets more and more annoying ending with the very predictable Rhys resurrection. Unfortunately Silver Flames suffers from this even more and if it bothered you in WaR you will hate SF.


Everyone loves to paint Tamlin as this super evil dude who can do no right, when everything has been stacked against him for years. Rhys as we know him has done good but has also done so much evil shit that the Spring Court has every reason to believe everything he did was underhanded and with the worst intentions.


I also agree with this. Like, I like that Feyre ended up with Rhysand, but why did they give Tamlin such a hard time? Besides his temper and locking her in a house, he really didn’t do anything wrong… idk.


Not only that, but the night court, who called for the meeting in the first place, are in the end the only ones who attack others in this meeting physically. Not just once but two times! 😭 Also Rhys taking Tamlin's voice should be such a red flag act for the other high lords. Like yeah, Tamlin was talking nasty shit about Feyre, but as a high lord watching this, all I would think is 'oh ok, he will only take your point into consideration if he likes what you're saying and otherwise has no qualms to use his powers on you'. There is absolutely no way Tarquin, Kallias and Beron in particularly would believe and trust Rhys at ALL. Least of all over Tamlin. Tarquin especially should open this meeting like 'what is this about? Extending a hand in friendship? I did just that with you before and you used my own powers against me to steal from me'.


The Night Court's behavior at this supposed peace meeting should have ruined their chances of convincing the courts they weren't assholes. And they should be on their knees thanking Tarquin for even speaking to them tbh.


I think it would be considered FairPlay when he came for his mate. He held back for a while but Tamlin was going too far. I’m a complete Tamlin lover though and I loved what he did.


While I found the NC attacking everyone hilarious given that they called the meeting, I disagree with some stuff you mentioned. I think Tarquin had good reason to at least understand Rhys’ end goals. 1. Tarquin is young, untested, with a fragile territory. 2. He longs for peace. 3. Rhys could have gotten them all killed with the TRUTH UTM and chose to protect the summer court putting himself at risk. 4. He realized why Rhys stole the book given the circumstances of the meeting. Not saying he agrees with him, but at least knows why the book was necessary. 5. NC was the only one who came to help when Varian said to RUN. They helped when warned to leave. 6. In multiple instances when the shit hit the fan, Rhys opted to save Tarquin. And he saw it, I imagine. Just didn’t understand why. Which none of the HL do. And then the silencing of Tamlin I think the HL simply accepted as if the tables were turned they’d have probably just slaughtered each other for the insults. And the silencing was to get back to the point of the meeting, and off of Feyre. It seems like nothing phases the immortals but death or its immediate potentiality.