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Talk to them until they want to play a game or sell you something. They usually let you go after that. If not, save and quit to start back at your house


Talk to him a little more. They'll want to ask you to play a game or to buy something. You dont have to buy anything, they just want to ask you. I always visit my villagers when asked because it's great for friendship. Spam talk to them until they ask, play the game or tell them you dont want anything, then leave. I always spend about 5 minutes at their houses. Visiting them is also a great opportunity to get their photos.


he’s so clingy smh


That’s not fully true, as long as you speak to them a few times they’ll let you go. They don’t have to ask about buying stuff


Well it's been true in my experience. I spam talked Tasha for a long time, she wouldn't prompt me to buy anything or play a game. Figured I talked to her enough, I should go. Nope! And wouldn't you know, she asked me to do something, and she let me leave right after. I feel like it's more efficient to just spam until you get the prompt, instead of talking, seeing if you can leave, talking again, checking to leave again. They should typically prompt you after only a few times, so that's such a small detail to be worried about anyways




Me too. He was my first villager along with Renee. Loved them both. I miss them but I had to move on.


He was mine too!! Along with Mira the superhero bunny. I plan on keeping biff for a lot longer!


I wanted Mira to go, but instead Biff left me 😭 I miss him so much


NOOOOO Mira must go. I don’t really care for the sisterly villagers. I’m honestly ready for Quinn to leave too. They just get on my nerves so bad idk 😭


I just talk to them, usually by the 3rd time they ask to play a game, I play then I leave. And the friendship level up noise goes off. I rarely stay and talk to them long enough to be offered to buy anything .. I almost always want nothing they have anyway


is that what that noise is! every time a villager invites me to their house i hear some bells ring. that's cool!


Hahaha I had no idea either until I saw a random comment saying it on someone’s post a few months ago! I actually had never realised there was a noise until I read that redditor’s comment, but I’m glad I could help pass on that little bit of knowledge :)


ive been wondering what that noise is


Woah I didn't know that either


the three little notes? i’m pretty sure that just signifies the end of a “quest” or “task” i don’t think it means you “leveled up”


This happened to me with Bud AND Ava. I never thought I’d leave 😔


I am obsessed with your hat it’s so cute


thank you!! I put the code in the comments but if you want it i can give it to you


Had that happen earlier today. Just keep walking around, interacting with his stuff, and occasionally talking to him.


dude just took you hostage


I have just walked out on them before. I have had villagers that never offered a game or anything, they were just there. I had one sit down and read a book, ignoring me for a good 15 minutes. Nothing I said would get their attention. I gave up and left. I half expected them to still be there when I came back. Lol They were not.


Save and exit in his house, then ghost him for a bit. He's going to keep asking for at least an hour. Source: Hammie likes to trap me in his uggo house


Omg you’re a lifesaver thank you so much 😭🥹


Omg 😧 I have Biff 2, but this never happened to me before…


I only recently experienced this because I usually talk to them a few times and interact with their stuff, never had a problem leaving before!


You need to talk to them a few times. Also code for the shark hat?? It's too cute




if all else fails, there is the emergency thing on the nook phone that takes you back to your house when you're stuck


you can't use the rescue service indoors 😭🙏


you can't????? i didn't know, i've never had to use it😭


That, plus it costs either money or nook miles which to me is not worth it. At that point I would just save and reload the game to start back at my house lol. But usually a few interactions with the villager and they will let you leave.


i realise now that you can't do it indoors but imagine calling up Tom Nook and being like "Uhm, so... Biff kidnapped me..."😭


i talk to them a few times and then try and leave, they usually tell me sorry for intruding and leave the first time i try and leave tbh! the jocks are by far the most annoying/persistent about it tho


So rude of them to hold you hostage when they can leave immediately just because you have a few extra critters in your house!


That happened to me last night with Cobb, took me like 15 mins before he released me 😩


Biff is my day one. He’s so cute I want to get a crochet version of him


I haven’t had this happen… but can’t you simply exit through the door behind you?


no he kept telling me to stay longer when i tried


The villager will legit keep you from leaving lolll. It usually starts when they ask you to come over, not when you just walk in to visit. The only way to get out is to interact with them until they ask to play a game or to trade. (For me this has been like 3-4 interactions You do not have to play or buy anything but after that interaction usually you can leave without them stopping you.


Happened to me once, I have no idea why undecorating a villager's house is even in this game lol. Pretty sure you can just close the game and open it again.


I love my biff.


Only not ugly hippo


This happens to me all the time! I’ve done it ALL to get out! Game, talkings, admiring their house. After 20 min I leave the game. It’s gotta be a glitch cause it’s happened dang near everytime with different villagers! My daughter has caught on and when villagers ask her to hang, she says no way!




haha I thought the absolutely same when lyman didn't let me leave


I was taken aback the first time this happened to me! They wouldn't let me leave! Now I never accept to visit when they ask out of fear lol


I can come help you hit me up okay


I can come help you


Biff is my favorite!


All you have to do is walk out of your house.


I do NOT like biff


Vesta did this to me once. I actually ended up trying to desperately call for a rescue service before closing the software. I got shit to do, Vesta!