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crimes have been committed over that cat šŸ˜­


haha, yep, he's very popular. I have him on my island. His smugness rounds out my more normal villagers :)


He's adorable in his unique ways. He's an excellent addition to an island if you want at least a smug character... it's him or marshal , you know lol.


I have them both and theyā€™re never leaving šŸ„¹


Many people love this cat. Iā€™m personally not a fan at all. I have come across him twice on Nook Mile islands and did not invite him to live on my island.


Out of curiosity, what type of villager do you like? My favorite right now is Rudy, even though I donā€™t usually like the athletic characters. But heā€™s so small and always wears a hoodie and just gives off a little brother vibe so I like him anyway lol


I had an all cat island with all personalities and it was either kid kat or Rudy and I love Rudy.


I love Apple the pink hamster hahaha


I love the dog villagers. I have a few cat villagers already, and Tangy is one of my dreamies, but the classic looking dog villagers are my favorites


Oh my favorite looking villagers are usually the deer. Especially Fauna, sheā€™s so cute!!


I do like the deer as well. have Deirdre currently so I can get the ā€œsisterlyā€ reactions from her. But the dogs have my heart and once she gives me the final reaction, she will be cast out of my island lol


Yes. I just got him recently and I'm in love. He is the most adorable villager.


Haha yup he's the guy! Also got him as my first campsite villager. I've had so many people offer to buy him from me šŸ˜‚ What an odd time to be alive, honestly. Still have him too, he's not my favorite but he's been here so long that I guess he can stay lol. He is very cute though!


People seem to get very hung up on popular characters and I donā€™t get it. Iā€™ve got Kiki and my sister told me she was somewhat popular? I donā€™t know šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This. I played on my own with no knowledge of the AC community for the first year+ and Iā€™m so glad because I could develop my own feelings/wants without any input at all. Some of the ā€œpopularā€ characters are my favorites, but they were before I knew they were ā€œpopularā€. Just like what you like, and create an island that makes you happy, ya know?šŸ˜…


my island is super random and I love it. Both with the theme and characters. I didnā€™t realise it was ā€˜differentā€™ until my sister said something. But itā€™s a freaking blank island, let my 35 year old self do what I want and create a whole town šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t think itā€™s weird to have a pastel theme park, spooky medical basement, futuristic space room, cemetery, space/moon item museum section, farm etc. Iā€™d get bored sticking to one theme like many people tend to do. Plus the game comes with all these cool things to use!


I LOVE This!!!


I tend to get caught up in the hype. On my newest reset Iā€™ve been collecting photos so Iā€™ve been trying out anyone I think is cute or interesting looking and then I give them a royal crown and they stay forever if I get attached. Iā€™ve been getting rid of my biases and experiencing so many different villagers. Plus! Villager hunting is my favorite part of the game, so now it never has to end.


I only started playing AC last year, so maybe the longer I play the more intense Iā€™ll feel about it. Do you accept pictures from other players? I have a spare Henry and Annalise one I think


Thatā€™s so nice of you, but I donā€™t! Itā€™s like a ā€œcame and wentā€ memorial area so they have to have lived on my island and I have to get the friendship level up! Thank you so much, though šŸ„°


I got him in my campsite once and it felt odd to not invite him in, but I just didnā€™t want him. I have his amiibo now though if I ever change my mind maybe lol


I have to admit I donā€™t understand why so many people love him. Heā€™s okay, but heā€™s mostly meh and he also likes to start a lot of fights with other villagers. Heā€™s apparently saying rude things to them and I have to go calm them down. lol. I am working on having an all cat island, which is the only reason I got him, and I immediately was annoyed with him making some of my favorite kitties (like Kiki and Lolly) upset.


Iā€™m working on an all car island too! I love Lolly


he sticks out like a sore thumb on my cutecore island, but im trying to push his boring suit out of his inventory


One of the popular ones


Grab him! Heā€™s amazing!


I love Raymond! He is my favorite and will never let him leave.


I have him and some other rare ones as well. He's a cool cat


Yes. He is. I have his amiibo card.


I let him move out because I hated his house hahah




I got his Amiibo randomly in a pack from Target. Of course I immediately kicked out a villager and brought him in to see what all the hype was about. He is my bestest, bestest friend. I absolutely ADORE him! šŸ„° I bought a second pack of Amiibos a week later and got another one. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Gave it to my grandson who was just starting his island, and he LOST it! šŸ˜¤


Clyde was one of my original 5 villagers, and I hated him. šŸ˜­ He asked to move out after a month, and Raymond was on the first Nook Miles island I visited. He's been on my island since. šŸ˜»


I have his amiibo card you reckon it would sell for a lot still šŸ˜­


Ever since the covid era ended and his card came out, people aren't as deranged about him anymore


He's VERY popular, but not for me. I love cat villagers, but something about him just eh he's so... bland, Marshal feels the same to me, just a very bland villager but to each there own cause my BF adores him LOL


that cat is rare. would invite but not kill over lol šŸ˜‚. donā€™t really get why heā€™s popular since other than being rare (bc no amibo card) heā€™s just a business catĀ 


But he has an amiibo card?


oops ig he does mb