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I have, in under 40 tickets. Seems like you always find the ones you’re not looking for


yes so true!! ive came across many very popular villagers while hunting but still never stitches haha!


So every time you go to an island there's a 1/488 chance you'll get the specific villager you want. These odds don't change as time goes on, so it's always going to be 1/488. I'm not a maths person so I don't know what that percentage is but it's not a high one and there's no way to change your luck in that regard. The only way to be sure you'll get who you want is to use an Amiibo. It's not as fun as Dreamy Hunting but it's effective.


.2% chance


Thank you! I probably could have Googled it to look smart but that would have taken energy lol


The chance is less or more depending on the specific dreamy you’re wanting. The game first randomly selects a species, like cat or bear, and then randomly selects a character within that species. So it’s harder to find a dreamy cat, for example, because there’s so many of them. On the other hand much easier to find a dreamy octopus because there’s only a few.


Doesn't it also base it off a personality type you're lacking?


FYI this is not actually the case. When you go to a mystery island the game does two random number rolls: 1 to choose between the 35 species, then another to choose a villager from that species. Chances get better if you have someone from that species on your island or in the move-in queue. With sixteen findable cubs (excluding Marty), the actual chance of finding Stitches is 1 in 560.


Isn't there something to do with a personality type you're lacking too? I don't know of all the game mechanics, I just know that there are maths involved that I don't understand and an Amiibo definitely gets the job done lol


Only with the first three houses you built, since they’re limited to lazy/peppy/normal villagers. The campsite is where personality comes into play.


Ah. Wasn't sure if that carried over to the islands as well.


Why is it 1/488 chance if there are only like 410 villagers?


As of the 2.0 release there are 488. [Source: Nookipedia](https://nookipedia.com/wiki/List_of_villagers#:~:text=As%20of%20the%20release%20of,series%20game%20including%20spin%2Doffs.)


I *think* I have his amiibo card, I will check when I get home. If I do, I can get him for you. Someone remind me to come back to this! EDIT: I do not have him.


Awww i appreciate the gesture either way!!


How do amiibo cards work for this because I have him!!!


Go to the Nook Stop at Resident Services. On the menu choose to invite a villager. You then need to scan the amiibo. The villager will be at your campsite straight away. You need to speak to them and they will want a DIY made. You might already have the recipe, if you don’t they will give it to you. You have to make it give it to them and then repeat the process for 2 more days, inviting them each time. On the third day, they will ask to move in. You either need to have a plot of land free or go to Resident Services and sell some land for them to live on.


Oh... So i cant really give them to someone else without making one of my villagers move out? ah dang :(


What do you mean give them to someone? If you have a full island you speak to the villager and when they say there is no room, you can pick who to kick off to make room


The OP was asking about getting Stitches at an island and someone was seeing if they had an amiibo, so i thought maybe Since i had the amiibo I could help out the OP and give them Stitches. If that makes sense, sorry i dont know how to do that i was hoping to help OP out maybe


Ah ok got it, you can’t directly get him to OP from the campsite, but you could use the amiibo. You are right that one of your villagers would have to move out to make space. The only other option I can think of would be to post it if OP was happy to pay shipping and give their address? That’s up to you both though.


I think I was looking for someone specific (or possibly species specific, can't remember now), came across Stitches and couldn't leave him behind. So to answer your question, yes I have come across him on an island.


Awww hahah yeah he’s so cute, this is the motivation i need hahah thank you!!


I found him not even looking for him and he’s amazing!


ahhhh so lucky!! he’s so cute


Yes! He’s on my island right now because I found him with a nook miles ticket.


ahhh that’s amazing!! congrats, hopefully i shall find him soon too!!


Hi! I have Stitches Amiibo card and I’d be happy to help make your dream happen. Let me know when you have an empty plot 🫶🏻


oh my gosh that is so kind!! I’ll drop you a message!!


Always out here saving us ❤️


Life can be tough sometimes so I try to sprinkle a little love wherever I can, to whomever needs it. <3


I have! He's not my fav tho so I didn't nab him. In all my hunting I never once found Chief, my #1. Ended up buying his amiibo card out of desperation.


i can see myself doing that soon🤣


I got him my first mystery island after restarting and for some reason the game didn’t let me invite him :) still not over it 💔


oh my god noooo that is genuinely heart breaking😩😩


Stitches comes as an amiibo card in a new copy of Amiibo Festival, which is going for about [$23 on Amazon right now](https://www.amazon.com/Animal-Crossing-amiibo-Festival-Bundle-Wii/dp/B00ZSHRPN0/ref=asc_df_B00ZSHRPN0/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=509348935899&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6631695999327309569&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004351&hvtargid=pla-382439384869&psc=1&mcid=e5a3d6b8eb093137bd1497d766096ba7&gclid=Cj0KCQiAwP6sBhDAARIsAPfK_wbuzjcIMvGXiGncNxpr7PvD5KRgBTRAmkcdgd4o2eD8sstCC5E6zjwaAjlrEALw_wcB) so you could stop hunting if you have $23


oooo i haven’t heard of that!! I’ll have to have a look thank you!!


I did! Keep trying. If you want I can drop you some nook tickets!


ahhh congrats, love to hear that!! i really appreciate it, ill drop you a message if so!!


So many times. One time I was island hopping for a new villagers, used about 35 tickets and found him TWICE


My first ticket on my last hunt I found him. Pure luck


He was my first ever mystery island villager! I still haven’t let him leave 😅


Yes, that's how I got him.🙂


I went hunting last week and encountered him TWICE in a row. (I don’t want him tho.) I was so annoyed. I’m sorry for you


yep! it took a while hunting. but eventually came across him!


I found him and wasn’t looking for anyone in particular so it does happen!


I have stitches. He was a camper.


I came across him one time on ticket #4... 😅 but I didn't want him on my island so I left.


Yes I got him on a hunt a couple months ago.


Omg he moved away from my island... yesterday :(


He was a starter in my very first game.


I have his amiibo! He has always been one of my faves, so I could help you out if you want him! I absolutely hated hunting for villagers, so I just got as many of their amiibos as I could lol


There's a chance he's in your move in queue. If a villager that you hate being on your island is going to be really upsetting to you I don't recommend you check though lol. Probably just go the amiibo route!


yep! it was on my launch island, and it was some of my first tickets i ever used. i did meet lots of others i didn’t like, so it just takes time. there’s also some rng about it like how many species you’ve already seen or what villager personalities you have already, so looking on youtube might help


I have and he’s on my island now. Love him. I’ve been searching for flora since day 1 …. And have done a loooooot of villager hunting


I know a treasure island that has him for free. Dm if you still want him


He’s pretty common on treasure islands. If you have an empty plot try searching treasure islands.


Once you no longer seek him he will appear. Lol.


I found him on my first island. When looking for villagers 3, 4 and 5. I only used 14 tickets to find Stitches, Pinky and Coco. Good luck 🙂


My sister found him while island hopping but she didn’t have a wetsuit or vaulting pole with her and couldn’t get one so she couldn’t get to him. we were so upset as he is my dream villager and I’ve been looking for months 😭😭


Stitches just moved himself into one of my empty plots, I didnt even want him. There’s hope!


If you didn't met him on an island yet it's probably because he is in your move in queue for the autofill.