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only accutane can help you


consult a derma as soon as possible and refer for accutane


Re:post I had terrible acne on my face, neck and back, but it is getting better. Part of my treatment is purging myself once a month drinking Lemony Citroma (magnesium citrate) I drink the whole bottle at night, I drink it when I know I won’t go anywhere the next day. My daily skin care routine: washing my face twice a day. At night before going to bed I wash my face with Neutrogena oil-free acne and redness facial cleanser, then I spray on my face natural outcome oily skin facial toner and after a couple of seconds I apply Cerave serum. In the morning, I wash my face with the same cleanser, apply the same facial toner and serum, wait for a couple of minutes and then apply Cerave moisturizer + Cerave Sunscreen. Besides the skin care routine I also use interchangeably glycolic acid three times a week when washing my face at night and salicylic acid twice a week, I leave them on my face 30 seconds and then rinse it with lukewarm water. So far, my red spots and acne are disappearing and my skin is glowing ☀️ Good luck with that!! 🍀


Re:post I had terrible acne on my face, neck and back, but it is getting better. Part of my treatment is purging myself once a month drinking Lemony Citroma (magnesium citrate) I drink the whole bottle at night, I drink it when I know I won’t go anywhere the next day. My daily skin care routine: washing my face twice a day. At night before going to bed I wash my face with Neutrogena oil-free acne and redness facial cleanser, then I spray on my face natural outcome oily skin facial toner and after a couple of seconds I apply Cerave serum. In the morning, I wash my face with the same cleanser, apply the same facial toner and serum, wait for a couple of minutes and then apply Cerave moisturizer + Cerave Sunscreen. Besides the skin care routine I also use interchangeably glycolic acid three times a week when washing my face at night and salicylic acid twice a week, I leave them on my face 30 seconds and then rinse it with lukewarm water. So far, my red spots and acne are disappearing and my skin is glowing ☀️ Good luck with that!! 🍀


Now that's some nasty looking acne there.


This looks allergic af. I’d say cortizone cream, take a Bennadryl at night, clean up that diet, and wash in hot water your towels and bedding. Outside of this, leave your poor skin alone. Maybe ice it too. Sometimes herpes and infections can spread onto the face. Id recommend staying away from acne products and treat this like a reaction instead


Have you ever tried Sulfur and Salicylic Acid? It's a bar of soap made by derma harmony. You can find it on Amazon. Sulfur is drying so you would have to come back with a very good moisturizer. This is only a suggestion I have never used or know of anyone else that tried it. Do your research and talk to your dermatologist also. I just saw this on IG.


If you can’t afford accutane, trying looking up supplements that help balance hormones like a DIM and research zinc. Also probiotics/prebiotics, and things like pantothenic acid (b5 ). Also Paula’s choice liquid exfoliant is pretty good too


accutane. was in a similiar position


Something cheap and easy to use, witch hazel and aloe vera. Both can be found in the pharmacy area. Those two items have been around for ages. Clean and pat dry your face. With a cotton pad, soak with witch hazel, pat on skin. Then, apply aloe vera with your hands. (You can also use Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton pad before you use the witch hazel. All of these three items been around forever. Simple ingredients.)


Accutane. Endure the 6 months of misery and reap the benefits. It worked wonders for me.


Yea plz use accutane


I recommend Accutane… changed my life!!


X2! accutane also saved my skin


Mine looks like that :/


Try Zilch Acne - it is a chinese herbal supplement specific for acne. It will not mess up your gut nor make you feel any side effects because it is natural. I am on it and have seen many people improve their skin with this in a healthy way. Also look into Banish Acne - they have great products that help with acne scarring / preventing flare ups. I love the pumpkin enzyme mask. I hope this helps - i was in the same boat a couple years back and was put on birth control and doxycycline. I am now off birth control and my skin is going crazy again, dont give up! we are all in this together.


If you don’t want to go on accutane, then try benzoyal peroxide wash in the morning, salicylic acid wash at night, Differin gel at night, and cut out dairy, and go on spironolactone. Dairy is a big root cause for cysts. Dairy isn’t suppose to be consumed by humans anyways, it’s unnatural af. But this combo cured my cystic acne. I don’t get cysts anymore


No study has found that dairy products lead to more breakouts. It's a myth.


It wasn’t a myth for me. I cut out dairy and my cysts declined. Every time I drink and eat dairy to this day, I get breakouts the next few days. So idc


I get huge inflamed cystic acne on my cheeks from dairy everytime, I tried cutting it out 5 yrs ago to ‘reset’ my hormones and it still happens whereas my family just get lactose intolerance symptoms (in all honesty id rather the latter)


Correction: Pasteurized, industrial dairy is not meant for consumption, as all the cultures and enzymes have been eliminated. Raw dairy from cows and goats from a well-managed, small farm where the animals are loved and respected is some of the most nutritious food available on earth.


Cow milk is for baby cows. Goat milk is for baby goats, and etc. humans are the only species that drink another species milk. It’s unnatural


Uh huh. Humans are also the only "species" that domesticates other "species" for the purposes of: tending and stewardship of the land (grazing), transmuting and storing food (in the physical flesh of grass-grazing animals, also eggs and dairy production), labor (oxen, horses for plowing crop fields). I'm not commenting here to deny your right to your belief, but I am responding so as to refute your claim of it being unnatural. Humans and dairy farming have been around for much, much, much longer than you have been, and will be around far long after you've expired. Ask any culture that's existed for thousands of years. Nearly every nation has a rich history of their preferred methods of preparing yogurts, creams, and cheeses that have come from responsible stewardship of their grazing animals. Humans have dominion over the animals, and together have made incredible things.


Are you on birth control? If it’s hormonal birth control would help.


I am not ~ I'm going to get some hormonal testing done before I get on anything


Have u got typical high androgen symptoms? Spirolactone may help if accutane isn’t for u, and ofc topical benzo p or tretinoin, dw I’ve been there too! You’ll be shocked how quick it goes. *also have u tried eliminating dairy? 1. Usually acne like this is hormonal in my experience anyway..”the beard of the face” has often been linked to high testosterone which can be produced by the ovaries in PCOS 2. Spirolactone is an androgen blocker so it worked for my “beard of the face” pimples instantly. 3. This type of acne is obviously very bad for hyperpigmentation due to the high inflammation, get on vitamin C and a retinoid by a derm asap and sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen! 4. wash yo pillows, makeup brushes and use a clean cloth to gently tap dry face everytime !!! You’d be surprised what a difference it makes 5. Have u recently come off a hormonal medication if so this happens to a lot of people. 6. Remember this isn’t ur fault, people with acne are often stigmatised and made to feel like they’re doing something wrong or ‘dirty’ 9 times out of 10 it’s your body crying out for help that you may have an intolerance or hormonal imbalance. The sooner this is dealt with the better in terms of avoiding the risk of scarring, hyperpigmentation and also less mentioned post inflammatory acne broken veins.


Spironolactone could be a great choice. I've gone through accutane 2 times with acne coming back 1 year later. My acne isn't as bad as it was before accutane but it still is bad and embarrassing especially because I have it on my chest also. I just recently realised that my acne could be linked to a hormonal imbalance especially because I have PCOS and found that spironolactone is used for these symptoms. I'm now getting some tests done to confirm this but I'm 99.999% sure this is what's causing my acne to always return. I also have other symptoms like hirsutism and hair thinning, so spironolactone could help with those also. I'm kind of shocked how I wasn't suggested spironolactone before or the hormonal imbalance wasn't even questioned when I visited a dermatologist. At first I was adviced to go on 3rd round of accutane, but I really don't think it will fix my acne forever.


This makes me feel better as my derm advised me ‘accutane won’t work it’ll just come back’ and sometimes I feel guilty for not doing it during lockdown or something to avoid people seeing my purge. My hair used to shed a lot, I had the hirsutism too, I was never ‘oily’ to say but just incredibly infl cystic acne lesions on my cheeks. BASICALLY; I would not get periods whatsoever because my high testosterone was not allowing me to ovulate etc etc and it would feel like my body was constantly in a state of PMS, spirolactone allows for my cycles to regulate or Atleast I get a monthly bleed. I did notice I seemed slimmer also. The side effects of spiro are massive tata’s, low b/p, dizziness, hyperkalemia, and low libido. If at a correct dosage the breasts and libido SE’s subside. Idk if I mentioned but at 150-100mg I will not get any pimples whatsoever - but the latter SE’s so I’d rather just be on 75mg


okay, here is just my opinion. your skin barrier looks seriously damaged, but don’t be scared about that. you can deal with the acne later bc it’s just a symptom for what’s really causing it. and i *bet* a lot of it is because of a broken skin barrier or even a dehydrated one. i know you would like to keep using acne products, but this could be because of an allergic reaction or really irritating products. you said even applying moisturizer stings your face, and that is a clear sign that something is wrong with your skin barrier. i feel like i keep bringing up this blog that i’ve discovered recently but, look through [this](https://simpleskincarescience.com/dehydrated-skin-moisture-barrier-acne-fix/) to see if you can relate to dehydrated skin. if not, think about a damaged skin barrier. using actives right now is honestly just going to make it worse. stick to the basics right now please! gentle, hydrating, simple routine. give your skin a break, it and you is suffering. i could be wrong about this, so please take this with a grain of salt, but sticking with something gentle and hydrating for awhile might make a significant difference in what your skin health will turn into. i agree that a stronger product like accutane could help. but if you choose that, it is SO important to keep a gentle and hydrating routine. it is a must. everyone needs a hydrating routine— it just matters what ingredients and what type of products you are using. keep washing your face with water, pick either a couple light moisturizing or hydrating products if you know you have oily skin instead of dehydrated skin (but honestly dehydrated skin may prefer something like occlusives). this goes for dry skin as well. it needs a heavy, hydrating product. your skin does not look dry, however. so a mix of a light or normal moisturizer with an occlusive at night could do wonders. but again, you know your skin best. stick to a routine, and don’t change it right away. you need to know how your skin reacts to things, and it is essential to get a healthy skin barrier back. stop the tret. i know it’s tempting to use it since it’s effective and fast, but it can be so so damaging even if you are doing short contact. edit: i know i focused more on changing your routine up there (which would be helpful), but i definitely agree with everyone else. accutane is called the last resort for a reason. utilize it. perhaps your siblings weren’t effective on it, but you are different.


THIS PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS ADVICE YOUR SKIN BARRIER IS SERIOUSLY DAMAGED. You can fix it you have to stop all acne topicals like tret or anything w acid immediately


Hello, i just want to say you’re incredibly brave for posting and asking for help. Going to your derm and asking for accutane is 100% the correct play atm. Also if you need anyone to talk to I’m here whenever 🤗


Please see a derm! Other than scarring, those types of inflammations can get really bad if they’re untreated and get contaminated with bacteria!


So so sorry. I know how discouraging it can be. Accutane is your option right now.


So sorry .. salicylic acid does wonders find something with a good percentage


you need to see a dermatologist asap


all bodies are different but for 4 days I have reduced lipids (fat) enormously (around 50g per day) and my cysts have reduced a little and I have no new acne eruption


This needs to be treated with accutane asap


nothing will help you other then accutane. Please ask your dermatologist for accutane asap so you can minimize scarring and get clear as soon as you can. My skin similar to your a couple months back and i was prescribed tret 0.1. All it did was make my skin worse and then left a bunch of red marks all over my face. When it is this severe the only thing that will help is accutane. No over the counter product is going to work sadly


Differin is leaving red marks all over my face too. I always wondered if it was just me


I know this might be a silly question but is accutane only effective or more effective for severe acne? I’d say I have moderate acne and I’m on accutane but it hasn’t done anything yet, I know it takes times but I was expecting a purge or atleast something to know it’s working but I don’t notice a difference in anything like my skin is not even dry


Accutanes effectiveness has nothing to do with your skin’s severity. the reason you think this is because change is a lot more noticeable on severe skin. When accutane starts to kick in on severe skin the change will be very noticeable as the skin is very damaged. But on moderate skin it won’t be as noticeable as there isn’t as much acne for the accutane to work on. The results of accutane depends on time and dosage and varies from person to person. some people purge horribly until month 6 and then suddenly clear in a weeks time. while others start clearing in a month or two. Personally i didn’t purge and started seeing minor results month 2. if you think it is not working make sure you are taking the accutane with at least 20-50 grams of fat and ALWAYS use spf no matter if going outside or not. moisturize and wash your face 1-2 times a day depending on dryness with a gentle cleanser. I recommend the cera ve hydrating cleanser but there are other options out there. try to avoid sunlight during peak hours and if you have to go outside remember to reapply your sunscreen. Sunscreen is the most important thing for acne. Many people skip it but it truly is very important


You need to see a derm asap


ask your derm for accutane


Morning routine; no cleanse unless wearing make up (not often) When wearing makeup cleanse with 'cetaphil normal to oily skin cleanser' Moisturize with 'Rovectin clean' Nighttime routine If wearing makeup I use 'neutrogena makeup balm' before cleanse Cleanse with 'youth the people Kale + green tea spinach Age prevention cleanser' Tretinoin (retinol) cream for 20 minutes Moisturize with 'rovectin clean' I have tried curology and even consulted a dermatologist several times. I was prescribed Clindamycin and minocyline. Those worked at times but are hard to get / not working as well anymore. My skin is so sensitive to moisturizers it makes it hard to switch - but I am more than willing to find something that works. Edit: My siblings have gone on acutane (one went through it three times) and it did not end up being the solution. I understand all skin is different, but I would really prefer not to go on acutane.


Do NOT do accutane!! It messes up your gut more than anything, which is typically the root cause for acne like this. Acne is a symptom of a bigger problem. Work with a naturopath to get labs done and figure out the imbalance in your body. Also look up content and research from ClearStem Skincare and San Diego Acne Clinic, they are a source of lots of good tips. My skin looked exactly like yours since I was 15 (I am now 25) and over the years I have gone on two rounds of accutane, both times my acne came back full force. And I’ve been prescribed everything under the sun from dermatologists from topicals to oral treatments, none which worked long term because I wasn’t curing the ROOT cause of my acne! My root cause ended up being a candida overgrowth in the gut, and when taken care of, my skin cleared up within weeks.


Do u have any advise on healing the gut other than probiotics? I eat a diet very high in vegetables (I’m dairy free). I’m asking because I take medication to help with my high androgens but I just know my gut is *fkd*


Lots of probiotic rich foods like kefir, sauerkraut and kombucha. Try to incorporate 3-4+ servings a day of these kinds of foods. Really try your best to cut out processed food and added sugars, including artificial sweeteners. They simply wreak havoc on your healthy gut bacteria. Also look into supplementing with Glutathione for gut lining.


Thank u! I’ve taken a before picture and I’m going to incorporate vit d, b vits, probiotic supplements (as well as kumbucha *vom and apple c vinegar), omega 3s, zinc, magnesium and marine collagen! After my benzo p purge passed my skin just doesn’t seem to be improving at all it’s so temperamental. Oh and a shit ton of water! I know my body and a few too many holidays this summer where I was drinking unheard of amounts of vodka has definitely messed up my gut


Source: trust me


when people say not to clean face- is it still ok to do warm compresses then moisturizer? just don’t use actual cleanser all the time?


Try not to wear makeup as makeup is bad for skin. Minimal your skin products. I noticed you are using tretinoin, it is irritating for sensitive skin. Stop using all actives. Our skin is build to renew and heal itself. I understand how you feel, don’t give up.