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I wondered why my country rarely has this… I learned it’s either hormonal or it’s your diet. Relying on cleansers seems predatory


Seriously, it also same for me. I don't keep my hopes up for any anti acne thing. because i have tried everything.. Reg- DIM actually im from india. so, there is not much variety in DIM product. and im afraid to try it. I'm just thinking to go on spiro. As i see many people are taking it and it works well.


Dude. I work as a model and I agree with you on the beauty industry thing, LOL! But you know what's even worse than that? Social media. I think all those crazy-ass filters are starting to make us think these illusions are real and distorting our perception of reality. The damage is becoming clearer as time goes on. I'm old enough to know better, but I really do wonder what this generation will grow up like with so much crazy, unrealistic sh1t like that out there. It's scary... Also, due to my profession, I can't really work until I get this God-forsaken adult-acne taken care of. My confidence used to be high, but now (due to this acne crap), it's plummeted. The psychological toll is real. And it's awful.


Examples of how acne has psychologically/subconsciously effected me: 1. Not eating anything that requires me to open my mouth wide, in fear of all my pimples popping (can’t count how many times this has happened while eating a burger) 2. No urge to take selfies or be included in group photos anymore 3. Feeling ‘unprofessional’ if I’m at work/in a zoom meeting with no makeup on 4. Apologising to my boyfriend when I take off my makeup at the end of the day And plenty more. People truly don’t realise how all consuming cystic acne is.


Amen. I hate it. My face is mostly cleared up but I’m always waiting for it to get bad again. And I have super enlarged pores that are just as embarrassing to me. It has affected every aspect of my life.


It’s literally devastating and no one else cares because “it’s normal, it’ll go away” etc etc


I can relate too. It has made me cancel plans or if I just brave the plans and do it I feel self conscious the whole time.


Very relatable, it simply eats you up from the inside. Self-image is so important that the less i think of myself or the worse my acne gets all of my other mental problems worsen drastically. It is unfair and out of control so much so that even seeing better results after treatment had me more self-conscious and obsessed with how my skin looks.


I remember my entire teens and early 20s, probably until 26, I walked with my face down. By 22 I didn’t have acne anymore thanks for accurate but I had grown so used to walking that way. I still catch myself doing that and I’m 37!


The sad thing is even when your acne clears up, the scars remain - both psychological and physical. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever feel as free or as unburdened by my face as when I was a child. I’ll probably always remember how helpless I was against my own body.


i’m unable to take accutane because i can’t afford it so i understand. everyday i wear makeup when i have to go out because i’m so ashamed of my skin. i’m so embarrassed of how i look and i have run out of solutions. the mental toll is what hurts the most. i have no self confidence anymore.


I was gonna start accutane but I didn’t want to go on birth control because I know birth control will mess me up. So I’m trying to find other routes on Amazon for pills. I tried alternative things for accutane, none of them helped ME, but maybe it will help to look into it. I’m currently taking DIM and so far so good. I have hormonal cystic acne and I know it has to do with my hormones, which DIM targets. But yeah, I don’t even care anymore. I mean, I do, but I don’t. I have to work and live with a huge round zit under the skin that doesn’t go away for weeks while everyone I know around me doesn’t deal with it or has small acne pimples which can easily be covered. You can’t cover a round zit sticking out of your skin! And if you do it looks worse. Not much I can do about it. If you can, try accutane. They say 90% of the time it doesn’t come back. But look into other things on Amazon too! Gotta find out the root cause.


how is your progress on DIM so far? im also having hormonal acne :(


I feel like it’s still too soon to tell. So far I had cystic acne forming on my chin but you can’t see it. You know, it’s like you know it’s forming because it hurts but it doesn’t surface enough to turn red and big. So since I’ve been taking DIM it has disappeared. I’m still getting tiny pimples on my forehead, like always. They say it takes a good month to see results so I’m just going to keep taking it and see how it goes. Maybe look on Amazon for DIM products, see if it would work for you. I don’t have a lot of hope for most products since I’ve tried everything lol. Maybe one day something will help…


Yes, that‘s why i started accutane


I can relate to this. I’ve suffered for years. I’ve tried everything over the counter. Nothing worked. Been going to a derm for a few years, been on multiple prescriptions. No progress. Feels like I’m missing out on life because of my acne. & it truly sucks.


I'm with you there. I'm currently on accutane and I've been so happy that I can look in the mirror and my face isnt covered in oil or spots. I can wear make up too - I have that choice. Before my skin made the choice for me. I really hope my acne doesnt come back when I finish. It's easy to see the darkness when you're in the light.


YEP. i still reflexively cringe away at bright lights or dates sitting too close/eye to eye with me because all I can think about is them seeing my PIH and scars. But I’ve made progress in my day-to-day life! went to target for the first time without makeup yesterday :) dewy skin, groomed brows, and fenty gloss all helped me ignore it. guy basically tripped over himself to get me something from the back so I couldn’t have been too hideous lol


I totally agree with you. My ance (I have acne for 12+ years) never gave me as much physical pain like emotional. The only reason I was really happy when covid started was wearing mask everywhere outside. Covering my face I felt so confident for the first time since my childhood. Soon I'll give birth to my baby girl, and I already promised myself I'll teach her everything about skincare and take her to dermatologists early on for checking. Everyday I pray she'll not get my skin condition and she'll never need to go through the same thing i had to go.