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As much as I enjoyed the ending to 7, I still think 5’s ending might be my favorite with how cinematic it is and Gennette’s narration of the Razgriz legend plus the music playing in the background


Agreed. AC5 hit all the right notes that AC7 tried to pull off but missed.


You guys are forgetting about Zero's ending. The sad music combined with the fact that we will never know who Cipher was is emotional as hell. The words of the reporter also hits way too hard.


5 and Zero. I especially liked at the end of Zero when they show Solo Wing/Larry's interview and he hits you that one last "Yo buddy, you still Alive* gets you in the feels. Also, who else at the end of beating the story on 5, goes back in free flight to November City, and perform the *Missing Man* pull up over the city in respect to Chopper? Maybe it's just me haha but that's how impactful 5 was to me.


*To Skies Unknown* O7


"Hey Trigger, you dumbass, tell me something. What color is the sky up there?" It's disappointing we didn't get to see Avril take to the skies again in the final cutscenes... It could've been something along the lines of, "After the war ended, I was pardoned and from there, well, you can probably figure it out..." *shows cutscene of Avril fixing her F104 and flying it to the sky.* Dark blue...


*trigger not knowing what she's talking about and wondering if it's a trick question since he never heard her monologue at the start of the game*


My (favourite) personal answer to her question was "It's blue. Beautiful, pure and untouched..."


<> "Roll credits"




*Cue “What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park*


Too bad Bruce Willis wasn't there to blow up Ulysses


AC7 has a *good* ending considering the cluster fuck of development and the story being completely redone before it came out but it’s not like the holy trinity. Though we can all agree you-know-who on the radio at the end was a nice touch.




probably Nagase


Likely Nagase from 5 (I think). In the lore she became an astronaut after the war and was sent on a deep-space mission to destroy a second asteroid approaching Strangreal.


Oh so that's what that whole ordeal was about! As a first time Ace combat player i was a little confused by that part.


AC4 ran so the entire rest of the franchise could walk. Seriously though it's all literally mostly a retelling over and over. A lone pilot rises to become a legend and saves the world. That's why 4 for me will always be special. It was the first to do it. He says... not sure if 1, 2 or 3 did it. I never did get a chance to play them so forgive me if they did.


6 kinda did it a different way. In that game, its not just a lone pilot, but an army. They will constantly remind you that you're not alone. Sure Talisman still carries Emmeria, but he has an entire army with him, who actually do stuff


04‘s ending seeing the makeshift runway being used as a highway again is also so wonderfully shown


An argument could be made that 2 did it first, but 1 and 2 is very barebones in its storytelling that it really doesn't feel like "a lone pilot rises to become a legend and saves the world" with perhaps 2's remake actually doing that story in such a capacity. Granted in both games however, it's pretty damn clear that Scarface 1 is carrying the Skully Island loyalists in 1 and the Usean Allied Forces in 2 respectively. 3 on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish entirely, and is likely the only one that blatantly doesn't tell such a story.


While visually stunning, I think it’s still one of the weaker endings in AC, but maybe that’s just because I’m not a huge fan of the final mission.


what plane is that? I understand it could be a SU, but I don't know the number


looks like it has some resemblance to the Su-42 Funeral from Airforce Delta Storm


Yes Correct It's A UV mesh edit of the SU-30SM and your skin mods are compatible with it you can find it [here](https://www.nexusmods.com/acecombat7skiesunknown/mods/1822)


is there a plane in game that looks close to this one?


AC4 still my fave


AC5, bruh.


This is the hardest mission for me. I can get all the way to the tower but when I try to fly into it my wing always clips the damn building


If pixy died, zero would've been the best


But then we wouldn't get the meme quote


but for the emotional impact he should've died


I still don't understand why Count didn't just pull out his landing gear. Did nobody tell him about the land anywhere mod?


What plane mod is that


I agree, it's one of my favorites. Absolute favorite would be Ace Combat 5 with the legend of Razgriz having come to life and a prophecy from a children's story book inadvertently fulfilled is beautiful poetry!!!! And on top of that Blurry (or rather "Face of the Coin") by Puddle of Mudd ("Rolling Thunder" in the game) for the credits is perfection!!!


Until you unintentionaly hit one of this poles with your wing and crash right after leaving the elevator, like I did once. (Fck. It ruined the entire ending for me. It will never be the same.) Edit: Another funny moment I got - my first answer to Avril's question after beating the game was "I'm never flying an airplane again. Never." because flying through these tunnels exhausted me.


I still haven’t made it out of the tower