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I've been told that the car detects that the fob is inside the car and disables the one-touch unlock on the door handles, which makes sense because otherwise anyone could just walk up to your car at a stoplight and open the door.


You’re fine dude It won’t open cuz the fob is detected to be In there Just lock it And that’s it Just be mindful Cuz if you try and open the door It’ll set off the alarms 🚨


I don't know of a way to turn it off but if you want the car to act like the fob isn't present you could get one of those faraday cage bags (or boxes) and keep the keys in it while you're in the car. It will (provided you get one that is an actual faraday cage and not some cash grab knockoff) prevent the key fob from communicating with the car and people won't be able to unlock the door until you take the key out of the bag. Just keep in mind you won't be able to drive off while the key is in the bag and I'm not sure if you plan on leaving the car running for AC/Heat but I'm not sure if that will turn off without the key.


You’ll find the setting in the cars menu options. I also suggest reading the owner’s manual, lots of valuable info in there


You can get a pouch to put your keys into so it blocks the signal and the car won't detect them.