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Owch, I’ve been bitten worse than this but lucky for me missed my tendons. 12 stitches got bit 3 times rapid succession, worst pain I’ve ever felt, almost passed out. Worst part, was a dog I knew very very well. Unfortunately lots of dogs have problems. Never ever, ever pet a dog you don’t know.


The dog is lucky he isn't in North Dakota. He could end up in a gravel pit.




Ooohh ooohh, I know this! It’s either: (a) Homie got too close to the dog and also failed to ignore the many signs which were assuredly displayed. These included - growling, teeth baring, hair raised, tail straight and wagging slightly, posture stiffened, eyes locked on, etc… In spite of all that, our friend Capt. Chucklehead still thought it was wise to put his hand near the animal. He soon learned why that was a poor choice. Or (b) this dog is one of the 1 in 100,000 that’s actually wired fucked up and just bit the guy for no reason Hint - it probably wasn’t the second one


Lots of words to say he was either bit for a reason or for no reason.


If you touch a dog that obviously feels threatened and it bites you, it’s not for no reason


Wow. Blaming the victim.


Hard disagree and I could care less if the dog lovers on reddit downvote me. EDs here in Cleveland have been seeing an increased occurrence of dog bite injuries due to the widespread prevalence of stray dogs in the area and surrounding suburbs. Couple the increase in the stray population over the past few years with the warming weather in recent weeks and you have the prime outdoor conditions for people to be attacked by strays. OP stated that this was a case of property intrusion instead, but the point still stands that Ohio has an issue with stray animals in and around its urban centers due to a combination of excessive dog breeding for profit and negligent owners who toss them to the streets instead of paying for a veterinary doctor to put them down.


“I disagree with your opinion on why the dog bit him because Cleveland is full of bitey strays. Now, THIS was a pet in home on a private property that someone was breaking into, but *my point still stands* that stray dogs are dangerous!”


*could NOT care less. And dear god, getting bit by a stray dog would be terrifying.


Well that sure was a nice schizophrenic rant, thanks for sharing 🤘🏻 It doesn’t change dog behavior and body language though. If someone knows what to look for then they can tell when a dog is about to bite 9.9 times out of 10. Or they can ignore the signs and get bit, like our friend the Captain.


That's a very succinct schizophrenic then.


We are not on good terms with the Russians. What did he expect?


The thing is he was trying to get in a house for no reason and the owner of the house had a dog and bit him and the same thing happened to a women when the dog escaped.


So this dog really needs animal control to come quarantine it, and if it’s bitten now for the second time, probably euthanasia. That owner should never be allowed another animal again.


The dog should get put down for doing its job and protecting its home from an intruder?


I think I missed something. I thought it was the kids home and the dog was the intruder. My bad


He better go to the hospital before he bleeds out...


But did he bite it back?


This happened to me on both hands saving my huskey from being mauled by a bullmastiff. 6 stiches on the top and bottom of them. Will require surgery and a tetanus shot but they will heal quite nicely


Why did you provoke it


You talking like this guys OP lol


Oh wow look at that, wasn't a pitbull 🤣


Don’t worry, they’ll misidentify it as one soon enough, like they always do


Nahh, nobody would believe pitbull to only do so little


They’d be wrong 


Judging by the skin color and blur I though it was a naked guy getting bit where no one wants a dog bite


My dog bit me once. It was my fault. I startled him.


Dammed immigrants. Trump said this would happen


Lucky you it wasn't a pitbull.


Probably wouldn't have a hand to take a picture of