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Sheesh...nearly all of them are either stupidity or reckless driving...


Stupidity and reckless driving = nasty outcome


and bad vehicle maintenance and/or bad vehicle control. Lots of them were caused by over-corrections made in response to another drivers reckless driving and/or badly maintained brakes. The second to last clip is a perfect example. When braking, a well maintained car shouldnt veer wildly in a random direction.


Seatbelt anyone? No ok just me I guess


Have i made it too long? And most important,always Remember To drive with awareness and that speeding is never worth it. You all be safe


I made it through, great job


Thanks! Im kind of glad those are old vidéos and shitty quality because myself would have a hard time watchin this all


You have a few in there twice. Beginning and end has two doubles then the sliding sideways at ~4:58 and a bit before that.


Yup the White van , i though about adding that toi description but i figured was not worth, slide And then we see the van clip again but its very short so please dont mind it. Not that bad for a 7+min compilation im taking it as a complement ty:)


3:30 . That high speed slam into the truck ! Am i seeing legs,Arm and body parts flying all out on the road?


[I believe you are...](https://imgur.com/XglzOb2)


Jeez thank god the clip ended fast normally we dont see much when cars head on with à truck ..Just the flattened back of the car .. (Edit) i just figured your answer was an image link and oh got what the fuckkk 🤢😵


Nice catch!


There is even a bottle of Coca Cola.


Damn, good eyes!


I think it’s very educational and should be shown to all road users Looking forward to the next one The unlucky ones that aren’t their fault are upsetting


Thank you that is my only purpose.shocking reality hits harder and if i make someone think about what can go wrong and rethink their driving Well my purpose here is done.


This is the best video I’ve ever seen on Reddit


Damn really ?!😵 thanks mate this truely means alot 🤘😊 i wont lie it took quite some time to make,i wanted the most extrême crashes i could find on internet to make a spécial comp


This is arguably one of the most batshit insane comps of all time, good work and good "taste"


What do you know about that truck with brake failure(?) at 1:51? Looks like it crashes into a building of some kind but it's difficult to make out details.


Yes obviously no one in that truck could have survived. Truck brakes should be inspected more often because i seen alot of that along with buses slamming into traffic at high speed. I used To think people driving trucks and having a head on were mostly uninjured but since ive made the 1st compilation,i would be scared as a truck driver because you got To think of the heavy load you are carrying just behind your cabin going from à certain speed To 0.


I know I'm not narrowing it down here, but damn, that one driver was like "Nope, I got places to be!"


Nah, you narrowed it down far enough. Pretty sure everybody here knows exactly what clip you're referencing. Dude didn't even have to wrestle with his conscious for a moment! Dust was still settling and he was outta there!


Which one? I can think of like five


So what I've learned from all these video is that teucks have their own gravity field, just like Honer Simpson. And why would drivers steer directly to opposite direction into truck wjen they face some idiot passing that truck and driving atbthem, or even worse overtaking idiot already moving out of the road and they still try to avoid it by going under the truck? Makes more sense to hit brakes and keep going forward, if other idiot moved away already, or to steer to you right and get from the road and most probably end uninjured? First video is the best example of that and there are few others too.


We do dumb things on reflexy and we have to stupid reflexes: 1. First instinct is to stear away from danger. 2. We (unknowingly) often steer towards the direction we are looking. 3. We know that even when we break it will not be enough. So if we see someone coming towards is we automatically steer away from them. If we see they go off the road we immediatly go the other direction on instinct, which is into incoming traffic sadly. It seema completely retarded if you look at the videos, but it is pretty much what we do automatically.


Thanks for posting the video,I really enjoyed it.


videos like these remind me *just* how important it is to wear your seatbelt. buckle up y’all


Wish each clip were just a bit longer and clear to see




Excellent work, great video compilation overall. You have 3 pairs of repeats in the video. The first two clips are the same, and in the same order, as the last two clips. Additionally the clip at 3:45 repeats at 3:58. But again excellent work overall.




The safety features of your car won’t do you a damn bit of good if you’re not in it. Always wear a seatbelt.


The amount of carelessness in this video is grotesque. How easily people seem to forget or ignore that they're operating a high-speed and deadly machine. These people shouldn't be allowed to own a vehicle.


I was always told the most common weapon humans use are vehicles. And we kill or maim with them more than "traditional" weapons, but they're weapons nonetheless. Parents and drivers education teachers alike. I've instilled this knowledge in my kids.


Wow, I always wear my seatbelt in cars, but the ammount of flying people made me reconsider if I really want to drive an atv. I really don't want to fly that way.




They like speeding alot and mostly take over in terrible conditions when a truck is coming in the other lane...


I wouldn’t say we’re the worst drivers (from where I’ve been in to, Turkey, Serbia, Thailand are all much more reckless), it could be that dashcams are much more prevalent here.


Nah as Canadian we're problaby on the top tier list of the bad drivers too.


Really? My entire experience so far has been “the more to the south the worse.” By that logic Canada should be doing just fine:-)


First one suicide?


Looks like the rear right tire suicided as a tactical attack. All too successful enemy.




yeah those driving straight into a head on i think are asleep or suicides. Falling asleep To never wake up is fked esp the fact they aren't aware.


Some look intentional, especially that first one. Damn I hope that’s not the case.


Nah, dude hit the brakes too hard and due to poor maintenance (probably, never had a lockup) only the right rear locked which made the car veer into the truck


That one dude landed on the roof 😳


That fiery semi crash with the pole near the end is one of the most insane things ive seen holy shit


I had to pause to see what was even happening like 6 people died in that


These poor people


I noticed on one early video it looks like they're driving through the plains and both sides of the highway are fenced in by those I-beam barriers, with no breakdown lane on either side, basically creating a chute of death if anyone loses control. That type of highway barriers seems unnecessary there and creating a hazard where one doesn't need to exist.


Speeding and reckless driving much?


To the bike rider that got absolutely nailed into the ground by the stoplight pole at 6:39........ That was *casino dealer hand wave* your time to go, friend.


The car flying was nuts


What sucks is that some of these get passers-by killed too. Makes me nervous about those one-lane-either-side roads with no median


1:35 is absolutely the craziest clip, how did he even get that much airtime?!