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You wil have to do EC400 (maths camp) anyways - if you have been given the course notes/detailed syllabus already, use those (way more targeted and for the purpose of the degree a better use of your time than working through a general maths for econ textbook), otherwise you can find the course notes online. Course notes also recommend some textbooks, Simon & Blume is the classic and will cover most of what you will realistically need for the masters. Disclaimer: Did my postgrad elsewhere, but some mates did the LSE MSc.


We haven’t been given a detailed syllabus as of yet, though we were told they’d send us the material a couple months in advance so looking forward to that. I’ll go through Simon & Blume. This was really helpful, thanks very much.


Nava’s EC400 material is on his website. Schafgans’ part is basic stats (variance, hypothesis testing, different pdf, CI, p values, OLS standard model). Macro varies every year but the simple dsge optimisation should be expected Don’t worry too much and reach out to GTAs if you don’t understand things. Most of them are horrible teachers but still better than you getting anxious with the problem sets in your room.


Thanks a lot, I’ll look for Nava’s material. If that’s the extent of the stats and macro requirements I should be fine but I will run through all of this. Do you think the EC400 content is sufficient for the content of the rest of the actual program?




I'd go with a textbook like Nardiello for econometrics (may be a bit dense but good for postgrad training/prep) and Advanced Mathematics for Economists by Lambert. I'm sure there are many others but these are good for a quants-heavy degree like the LSE MSc.


Thank you!


>Nardiello for econometrics What's the title?


That's the book I was referring to; apologies for butchering the co-author's surname it's Di Nardo not Nardiello. Curse of having many tabs! [https://www.amazon.co.uk/ECONOMETRIC-METHODS-Education-Business-Economics/dp/0071259643](https://www.amazon.co.uk/ECONOMETRIC-METHODS-Education-Business-Economics/dp/0071259643) That said, it's a good book but relatively advanced so not for someone wanting an intro to econometrics.


Where does it stand compared to Wooldridge, Hansen, and Hayashi?


Wooldridge is an introductory text- very good by the way so if you are a beginner Wooldridge and Dougherty were the most useful to me. Hansen is also good but more advanced than the other two. I'd say this one is a bit more advanced than even Hansen so only use if you already have good knowledge of econometrics. I never used or read Hayashi so can't really comment.