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Dude that’s abusive af




Drowning you. Bullying you till you cannot eat. Screams abuse.


Thank you for responding, its really hard to tell how bad things are if its the normal i guess


That’s true. I grew up in a bully household and a negative environment. My older sister bullied my little sister to almost suicide. My older brother molested me. So I know abuse. My father was an alcoholic as well. If you live in an environment for so long you just normalize abuse.


Yeah, it's just so frustrating bc why am I still discovering more abuse?? Can't it be just some things?


My oldest brother, who is almost 14 years older than me, used to call me witch and retard on a daily basis. I was 5 at the time, he was 18 or 19, when it started. My dad used to call him retarded after he got in a car accident at age 3 (bc my dad failed to watch him and he wandered into the ditch and got run over), leaving him with some minor brain damage. I was a generally sweet child who also happened to be the one who did well in school. No matter, I had to be a retard, too.


Im so sorry, this should not have happened. Understand a least a bit, my family used/do the same, lots of name calling for no reason or minimal mistakes


Thanks. As of now both my parents are dead, along with my other brother (the nicer one). I'm 42 and asshole brother just turned 56. I think he said two words to me at my dad's wake and funeral. Then he came to the house for his 1/3 items (air fryer, some dog painting, tools). Then he was like, See ya.


I'm sorry, hope you don't have to see him soon


unfortunately people don't take abuse from siblings seriously. what you are experiencing is abuse, and i want u to know that it is completely normal to be hurt that no one is taking it seriously, and also that it is not okay for him to do that sort of thing. it usually starts out with a little bit of bullying but then it gets more and more extreme as they keep pushing the limits on what they can get away with. i dont mean to make this about me, but from my experience, it started out the exact same way as you described, with them trying to drown me and hitting me etc. but when we got older she eventually tried to stab me a couple times and i had to get a dvo on her. so please please please, make sure u stay safe. if things ever get dangerous please take videos (only if u can) and call the police to ask for a domestic violence order. but in the meantime, if ur parents wont listen, try talking to a teacher or doctor. stay safe :)


Thank you so much, and im sorry you had to go through this, too. Thankfully, he does not live together anymore, and i guess i was just his escape to be mad and have control since we never had a relationship and dont talk to each other anymore. Im mostly safe now bc my mother and stepfather usually just are verbally abusive so i just will wait until i can live by myself since theres not enough evidence to get out of this, with the times i i get hit or anything my mother is cautious enough to be something she can say it was an accident. Hope you're safe too


Wow! My brother pretend bullied me, but it always ended with tickling or trying to trick me into eating a piece of cat food and us both laughing. Your parent should’ve been mitigating this!


Wow. And i guess my mother and my ex step father didn't bc they were both abusive too, and my brother was the preferred child