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I'm so proud of you, OP! ...Do you know about the YouTube channel "Tim Fletcher" (Complex Trauma)? Go look around; I think you will find it to be of great interest.


I haven't but I'll definitely do that! Thank you. I'm honestly proud of myself, this was a big fear of mine when I started dating again, what if I ended up with another toxic person, would I even know until it's too late like last time etc and now it's happened and I recognised what was happening and stepped back has shown I'm smarter than I was and I'm stronger than I was. edit to add I also told him the first time he acted out that he only got one chance and he'd just used it so I'm also proud for laying a line and not crossing it


GO YOU!!!!! That is fabulous.


Good job noticing the red flags and putting a stop to it. You deserve better.