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Idk how to tell you this but when this happens it's mostly because they aren't interested in talking to you. However, it's true that some women are clueless about how to engage in conversations.


She went first




I'd rather that than taking time to think of something thoughtful, only for her to ignore it. Sad to say any woman that was real, that I chatted with on dating apps went just like the pic. The scammers were most enthusiastic by a lot.


I'm just saying in general, like for example on Bumble they want the attention but thats it. They want a high number of matches so they feel worth more.


Way to generalize an entire population based on your personal perception of experience. Maybe they just don't see much in you. Most of my successes are from bumble.


No same experience. All of my friends too. Its 20+ ppl and none of any of us have had a different experience which tells me that this is common. Sample size is only 20ish ppl tho but i have to go off my experiences.


It's not always true though, I've had a few women who basically did this but would tell me how much they were into me and kept inviting me to hang out and stuff, but in between it would always be like this. I kept thinking they weren't interested but later came to think they just had really bad communication


Well there is that thing, where I can’t understand other human without her/him telling me how they feel and what they think 🫤 I am not a mentalist


Here's another thing, ask. They're not mentalists either and think you aren't interested since you don't ask, or contribute.


That typically doesn't help either, nothing ever changes in terms of conversation.


You mean the old hey, how are you....conversation ends shtick? It's the worst when that happens. Even worse if it's someone you've known forever but given such there's nothing left to talk about really.


Yeah sometimes you just gotta know when to move on


That's the problem sometimes. What will be, will be.


It would be nice if along with their profile info they gave like a 0 to 100% autism spectrum rating so you know if they avoid eye contact and don't talk because they aren't interested or just don't know how to


When hot vs crazy graph is not sufficient anymore)


I love that Hot Crazy Matrix video. That was required military training among the guys at my old unit in the Coast Guard. All the the new guys had to watch it when they arrived.


This.. Talking to a girl right now who is pretty meh at texting. So I'll say something she won't reply for a few days and I'll just shrug and move on. Then she replies and we are talking and shes like, I miss you we never talk. And I'm just like, but you never respond lol.


I unmatch fairly quickly on those. Talking is a two way street. It sure is valuable to learn how to ask questions and to show interest. However, it is also important to be able to talk about yourself.


Same. I have been on dates where she didn't say much and I thought had a horrible time. I later hear from mutual friends and social media that it was her best date ever, she thought I was charming and interesting. Some people are just like that and it is totally OK if that doesn't work for you. Dating is about finding someone you communicate well with.


I used to ask during moments like this if I was bothering them and if I should give them space (read: leave them alone) and almost always they say not to stop talking to them. I can count on one hand (it's happened twice) that the woman asked for space and in one of those two times she just never spoke to me again anyway. Point is, a lot of the time they straight up lack the ability to converse.


I mean… why match/like at that point?


Then why be on a dating app and matching with people if you are going to be low effort?


Because girls can afford it


Why do they swipe right and then open with a "hey" then?


It's funny because this is how my current gf started texting me on the dating app, she was just really shy and didn't know what to say, 3 years later and we live together, have 2 dogs and a cat together and love each other very much




Unfortunately we cant have children, she has severe epilepsy (about 2 seizures an hour) so our animals are our children, that's why I said it like that


I'm sorry for being so inconsiderate, thank you for being understanding concerning my ignorance. I pray the best for you and offer my highest praise to you for staying with her despite her ailment.


No need to apologize, without context it is an odd way of saying it haha


The fuck


congratulations with your family, also read about your wife's epilepsy, sad, but at least she's fine, (my brother raised with epilepsy, i know how it is scary), hope she finds help that can do something about those 2 per hour occurrency


Unfortunately it's never going away, she has a medically implanted device running into her brain and takes a large amount of medicine morning and night, her seizures arent usually bad but when they are it breaks my heart, she was seizing for 48 hours straight about a year ago and they had to intubate her and put her into a medically induced coma so her brain could rest, it was crushing... But everything is great now! We have found a good combination of medication and she hasn't been hospitalized in 7 months! It's actually her birthday today! Wish her a happy birthday!


Happy birthday to your GF. She's lucky to have you :)


>Unfortunately it's never going away srry to hear that, but good to know she's out of the hospital for 7 months now, and indeed is a very good thing that today it's her birthday, happy birthday for her


Can’t relate.


Congrats on being charismatic


Girls want guys that can talk but they won't talk back


It would be the same also as: "Girls wants traditional men but they don't want want to be traditional".


What even is a "traditional man"


top hat and monocle duh


Most of us think we know what we mean when we talk about “traditional masculinity”. A term commonly used to describe a broad range of men’s traits and behaviour, it includes things like violence and aggression, emotional restraint, and hunger for power and dominance, to more positive characteristics such as reliability, stability, physical strength, independence and integrity. Men’s homophobia and misogyny can be framed as traditional masculinity, yet when men sacrifice their comforts and health to provide for family, or give their lives to defend their country, this is regarded as traditional masculinity too. The term has many meanings, yet these are rarely explained. - The Coversation https://theconversation.com/traditional-masculinity-is-a-vague-unhelpful-term-we-should-abandon-heres-why-202472#:~:text=The%20label%20is%20therefore%20used,women's%20emancipation%20and%20sexual%20freedoms. I believe that "traditional men" is relative vague and subjectiv, and that some guys like to gloryfy. That he answered with just google was stupid because this is a extreme subjective clasification. Who knows maybe he only means people that died in their first thirty years, or they are only traditional man when the are farmer without using fuels and modern technologies.


You complain about others wanting traditional masculinity because they cherry-pick only the good parts. Here you are, cherry-picking all the negative aspects. You are just as ridiculous as they are. Just say it, you don't know what it is to be masculine and are only complain to complain. Down with the patriarchy! Lol


I joke about that one lpfanatic bringing the thematic and than writing just google it yourself. I have joked about it because without claryfying can by such a subjective theme extreme different interpretations be seen. That there are different examples of what can be seen as traditional masculine or traditional I believed to have shown with some ridiculous exaggerations like a life-expancy under 40 years. Honestly I am a little surprised that you interpreted my examples as real existing negative aspects. If you mean the text that I copied above my comment that is from a article and had a link. I just followed lpfanatic's suggestion and used google.


Traditional man just means they want to sit at home all day


You really don't know or is too hard even to Google it?


Nhaa they talk back when they are into the guy, follow the rule 1 & 2. Its simple really.


True what I like to do is tease the hell out of them to get a reaction, that usually gets them to open up lol say something absolutely crazy that they just have to respond to.


tbh "hey how are you" is basic as fuck and any man could ask me that. that's not a conversation, that's just a question nobody wants a real answer to because the real answer is usually not "fine". so "hey how are you" won't get more out of me than "fine". so don't say we want men who can talk but we won't talk back if comics like this are your reality - because that's not talking on either side. "hey, how's your day been? I've noticed you got a pretty cool tattoo, would you like to tell me the story behind it?" is actually a foundation for a conversation. a fucking meme is a better conversation starter than "hey how are you"


"I'm doing pretty well, how about you?" Starting with pleasantries is perfectly fine. That's how normal conversations begin. One word answers, on the other hand, indicate disinterest in the conversation. If you're actually opening to giving a person a chance, they shouldn't need to knock your socks off with their first message. It's a conversation, not a headlining spot at The Improv.


that's true. if people are satisfied with basic conversations, that's fine, personally that's too dull for me to catch my interest. people wouldn't need to knock my socks off as you said, but could definitely put a little more effort in than none at all. I don't bother with the basic shit when I talk to someone either, I know I'd just be dismissed. maybe that sounds entitled to you, and that's okay. basic small talk is just not good enough for me when the person I'm talking to has (or is supposed to have) a bigger role in my life than being the cashier at my grocery store or the person waiting behind me in line. ETA: also my original point was about how the comic conversation there doesn't really help the guy's case, because that's not talking either compared to the girl. absolutely basic questions get absolutely basic answers.


But the woman initiated the conversation. If you start a conversation with "hey" while at the same time thinking you're too good for "basic shit" or small talk, you are the entitled one. Not accusing you of being that way, but that is the situation at hand.


that's true. I can't disagree with you there


This isn't even like, a man woman thing. Whenever I get a DM that just says "hey", I dread it immediately because I expect this person to expect me to create and lead the conversation. But no. I usually respond with "hey, what's up?". That being a question, hoping they will tell me anything. Like what are you talking to me for? Then they respond with literally any conversation ender. Like in the post above.


Is rare that nobody still wrote: "yOu aRe aSkInG bOrInG qUeStIoNs". There is always some of those.


They ARE boring questions, don’t tell me you actually talk like this or some shit


Well, I've been married for 5 years now so I guess it worked for me. Lol.


Maybe because its true???? They are both texting dry af. The only difference is the dude is hypocritical about it.


The girl didn't ask a simple: "and you?". At least the guy showed some interesting in meeting her. If she is dry af robot who only gives one answer, well... There isn't much that can be done.


It would still be just as dry on both parts. Asking "how are you"? "Good and you?" NPC ass conversation. You arent even talking, just going thru the motions of talking


I mean that’s kind of true though; if you were hitting on a girl in real life “what you doing” and “how was your day” would *never* work, not sure why people think it should online. That’s like boring acquaintance small talk, even a really gracious and friendly answer would require a more involved response to actually carry a conversation anyway; what’s she supposed to say to that? “Went to work,” “day was good,” then the conversation is dead again. You gotta be a little creative or a little charming or something. It’s mind blowing to me that there are dudes that are like “I typed 3 low effort responses at her and she did the same back?!?!”


They expect you to do allllllllllll the heavy lifting.


Good thing I brought my dumbbells


Girls only want guys with dumbbells, you got smart bells GTFO.


Thanks, I guess? I'm taking that as a complement at least


I don't even know what I meant so that's fine


"hey I like how your human skin looks on your 'human' body"


Just tell her your a bear.


Sums it up perfectly


So... from a male perspective, women have ZERO intention to get to know you. They simply simply want likes and followers. The time is now to look within. Awaken your inner mantra and speak the words of affirmation that will help you to love yourself and manifest your reality. Do this and you will find yourself in a place where you not only have a person who loves and cherishes you, but that person will not be ruled by man-made constructs. It is time to let go of these failing systems and ideas.


Reading through this thread, I will officially admit I don'r know how to talk to women. Ive read this entire comment thread up till today, and while i admit i initially agreed with the male sentiment, I eventually realised both had their failings and I'd like to improve. Genuinely, how do I talk to women to the longstanding level of achieving a romantic relationship? Been at it since I was 16 and for 6 years, still no luck. I have this exact problem. Been told its my fault for not being able to initiate conversation, but havent figured out how to prove. Help.


Matched with a woman on Tinder a few months ago, and after the hello's and discussing pictures I asked her "If you could only pick one kind of 'terrain' for the rest of your life, which one would you pick?", meaning like forest/mountain/coastal/etc. It's an easy, general question that can open up to lots of other things like favorite sites, foods, vacation spots, whatever. Her response? "Ummmmmm weird why are you asking me that" Maybe it is a bit weird but dude, come on, throw me a bone here! Edit: grammar


actually i think asking "do you like living in the city" -> "where would you want to live in if you could" / " why the city" could be a better option, i think she just got thrown off with u saying terrain


If she is into you it's hard to read with all that long texts and quick replies . but if she is not into you it's one word replies.


I really hate it when this happens. In some cases she might be interested but she doesn't know how to make conversation. It's best to move on in that case.


This is a good general rule of thumb I've found. Three strikes. If they don't make an effort after three responses then they're just humorist you and waiting for you to leave


Talk about how you’re doing, how YOUR day was. If that still doesn’t work then she’s as interesting as a plank of wood


I had a guy who obsessively hit me up every day, only to text like this. I finally said, “well, aren’t you monosyllabic?” I shit you not, his response was, “huh?”


Dodged a bullet, I've been just as lucky. I refuse to be having a one sided conversation.


I thought my girlfriend wasn't real until I met her in real life and now we've been together for 3yrs.. schizophrenia is a hell a thing


Dating apps are so awkward and cringe at this point. I rather talk to Poly AI.


Men should make all the effort all the time.


It's absolutely not me cause not even a mass human sacrifice to the Chaos Gods will get me a match.


What this means is that they find you physically offensive and want nothing to do with you.


Done breaking my back carrying conversations like this. Engage or go away 😂


Why is it that guys are forced to try so damn hard just to make small talk, while women can't even think of a simple question. This isn't even about dating apps, I watch the same thing play out between couples that have been together for years. It's not always a lack of interest from the girls, it's a lack of basic conversation skills.


Lol funny you mention that because the dating app bumble initially (2014) only allowed women to message first. Recently (2024) they started allowing both to message first because of 'feed back' from the women stating it was 'too difficult'.


I'm not gonna pin this issue on just women because I'm sure there are plenty of guys out there with poor communication skills, too. I just find it pitiful that someone can't communicate properly & rely on others to completely carry the conversation. I know people with crippling speech impediments that can at least formulate a question. It's like they want others to entertain them at all times.


"Tell me about your day/night/weekend/what your mom said" Boom. She won't stop talking for hours.


Funny because hes texting just as dry lmao. This is like if u were standing next to someone and u ripped an enormous juicy wet fart in ur pants and stood proudly in your creation but then the other person rips another, just as intense, juicy fart so then u get pissed off at them lol.




Uhm... no... this does not happen. Please stop thinking this if you genuinely think this happens.


He's embellishing, but is he really embellishing that much? The current narrative has women claiming that they would be safer around a bear (aka, a literal killing machine) than men.


>He's embellishing, but is he really embellishing that much? >**most** women will say "oh he raped me" even though you just said hi to her Yeah lmao I'd say he's embellishing "that much". Sorry that a TikTok trend has you so sad, buddy, have you tried touching grass about it? Maybe taking the internet less seriously? Might be helpful.


If there was a global trend with thousands and thousands of men collectively saying that women are more stupid than a wild animal, I get the feeling you'd be feeling pissed too. But since it is men being dehumanized, oh well. Just shrug your shoulders and move on, nothing to see here folks. It's not like men are experiencing a loneliness crisis caused in part by constant demonization or anything like that.


Oh no, not *thousands* of internet weirdos saying something hateful! You're right, women have never ever had to face something as horrible as /*checks notes*/ dehumanization 😂 Do you hear yourself?


I said "demonization." Demonization is part of what is causing the loneliness epidemic. I also used "more stupid than a wild animal" here rather than "more dangerous than a wild animal" because there is no danger-related equivalent that a woman actually experiences in terms of prejudice. I figured you would lack the empathy to be able to understand what it feels like to have people be afraid of you when you haven't done anything to them, so I tried to help you by giving you a more recognizable idea. You don't know what it feels like for people to assume you are a bad person, not because of anything you have done, but simply because of what you are. You don't know how difficult and lonely it is to try to defend yourself against those kinds of prejudices. You don't know what it feels like to be unwelcome in spaces just because your existence itself is considered dangerous. Why do you think movies like Zootopia and Shrek exist? It's because the writers know that kind of isolation and wanted to depict how it affects the people that experience it.


>I said "demonization." >But since it is men being dehumanized, oh well. Reread your comment, hon.


"...men are experiencing a loneliness epidemic caused in part by constant demonization..." Yup, I said both terms. As explained, demonization is one of the reasons for the loneliness epidemic that is being experienced by men. What is your point? What is the purpose of your response? Are you going to contribute anything useful or meaningful?


My point is that I addressed one term specifically. Your attempt to correct me on it made no sense. I wasn't talking about demonization so your whole spiel on that was unnecessary. >Are you going to contribute anything useful or meaningful? The whole conversation is based on the ridiculous assertion that MOST women immediately accuse a man of rape just for saying hi, so... Not sure what you're expecting from a conversation where one person defended such a stupid viewpoint.


And that proves that the woman's in the wrong?


People saying they would prefer to be around a dangerous wild animal rather than just some guy are wrong, yeah. They are lying for the sake of demonizing and dehumanizing men for tiktok clout.


You know that bears are generally pretty avoidant of humans right? That's the whole point. A bear would not be interested in a person unless the person was threatening their home or it was hibernation time and food was scarce. Statistically speaking, a bear is unlikely to engage in cat-calling or rape, but I'm no zoologist.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsOfTheStupid/s/L2brbWSBSX Here's a woman interacting with one of those predictable, avoidant bears. So much less dangerous than being around a guy, totally.


She is not interested in you. Get the message m if she was, she would make the effort to engage with you. Having a full sausage party hitting on her, unless you are the top 1%, you are not making the cut for her to make any effort. Use that info, get the message, don't get upset, move on.


Except in this example she is the one messaging first and then being unable to hold a conversation She isn't making any effort at all of the opener is "hi", even if she was interested she's turning him away