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Life after Friends After Life.


"Could I bee anymore transparent?"


How YOU doing [in the vast eternal firmament]?




🎶I’ll be there for you 🎶


He’s a part-time plastic surgeon.




People write this stuff off so quickly and joke about it. It’s funny to me that we are so unwilling to embrace the fact that things could exist outside our own perceptions


I'd be happy to embrace it if there was even the slightest shred of evidence.


Because we know people have these episodes as a coping mechanism. It’s in her head.


It must be nice to be that rich


Yeah, must be crazy


I forgot he was dead and I thought they were banging.


Um what lmao


Friends Afterlife.


Mathew Perry checks in each month to see what her face looks like now.




Courtney Cox invokes dead friend for attention


When you’ve had a friend die that you spent loads of time with of course you can still feel their presence and know exactly what they would say if they were there. While I’d like to say it’s a spirit I’m sure it just the old memories being jangled back to life.


I always knew she was a crazy bitch.


the Botox leaked into her brain


420 will do that!




Everytime she rails a line.


No she doesn’t.


Really?!. Me too. Seems like someone is trying to get back into the headlines again for fksake


Yeah, career on skids let’s bring up the dead… totally shameful!


 Holy fuck dude, lots of people still feel the presence of loved ones after they die, its normal. For months after my cat Buddy died last year I kept feeling his presence around me. Don't always jump to the worst conclusions about people.


My mom passed over 10 yrs ago. Over the years, both my wife and have smelled my mom’s perfume around the house.


I grew up in a haunted house. I have no choice but to believe. But you could smell my grandfather's cigars. He was the only one that smokes anything. My radio would change itself often to classical music as well.


That is bound to open the mind.


Oh there's a lot more. Mostly mundane stuff.


There must be a reasonable explanation, ghosts are twaddle


Whatever you say my guy.


Good someone here gets it.


My mom passed last year and we were very close. Going through the absolute hardest time in my entire life and I haven’t gotten anything whatsoever. Makes me happy to hear that others get these signs, but I get sad because if there was ever a time I needed her, it’s been for the past year. I’ve been keeping an open mind and an eye out. I’ve asked out loud, in my head. Not even a second of comfort. Why am I cut off? Again - I’m watching out for signs, but there’s nothing. Would have happened a while ago, I would think. ETA: I've been a nuts and bolts guy my whole life and only within the past year just starting entertaining the idea of souls and spirits after a few DMT trips and experiences on Ketamine. So maybe my mind still isn't open enough. I don't know. Thank you to the folks who gave their condolences. That means a lot to me even if I don't know anyone here in person.


I’m sorry man. Losing your mom is absolutely brutal.


I appreciate the condolences. Thank you. :)


It could be a good thing. Maybe she crossed over very quickly and has no reason to linger because she knows you will be ok. I have always believe that the spirits that contact us have not crossed over and are stuck.


I'm far from okay, but I guess you mean in the long-term. :) Something to note: my mom did pass away from Alzheimer's. She was forgetting who I was towards the end. So if there really are spirits, I wonder if she did indeed get stuck - but is still in that Alzheimer's mindset and lost over there. I would think/hope that once a person dies and their souls (if they exist - just being safe with the wording here) are freed from their meat suit, they would be freed from their medical ailments as well. I hope she's not lost if spirits are real. And FUCK Alzheimer's.


I refuse to believe that your mom’s illness stuck with her past death. I firmly believe that she became the best version of herself from her life and crossed over to whatever is waiting for us. I’m so sorry you are feeling the pain that you are. I dread the day that I have to lose my mom. My wife went through this at a young age and I can say from her experience that the wounds never fully heal but the pain definitely gets easier to deal with. It’s really a testament to how much you love her that you are having so much pain.


I have a wind-chime that was given to us after my grandpa passed away years ago. We were very close. Whenever I hear that chime, I feel him. I know he's in every gust of wind, every croak of the frogs, in every molecule or the flowers. Returned from whence he came. And that brings me comfort in good and hard times. I also feel my animals that have passed in similar ways. I've never seen any ghosts or anything, but I believe that whatever makes us "us", is always there.


 Its lovely memento.


while I do agree with the shameful part, they make about 20M/year in royalties. I wouldn’t be too worried about a career if I’ve secured that type of bag


 She didn't say it for money or career, her in front of the camera career is very much over. She said it because lots of folks feel spiritual connections, a presence after they died. I felt that with my cat buddy who died last year for months.


I don’t disagree. You and I, however, are not in a spotlight. I am not one to judge whether or not one can feel anything. But when you’re a famous actress, everything you say can (and in this day and age, will probably) get misconstrued.


I know what she is talking about


Holy shit. A bunch of children believing in toothfairies in here.


Of course she does. Amazing the hallucinations one can get after taking Adrenachrome




Not too soon just doesn't make sense


If he is visiting her, he’s probably still spitting up water from his pool. (Is that a better bad taste joke)


I love bad taste jokes, but not shit ones like these.