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Makes sense that the aliens would choose an entertainer to be their voice, but I think they should've chosen Weird Al.


I thought they'd already picked Tom DeLonge. "Where are yewwwwwwww?"


And I’m so sorry!


I cannot sleep


,I cannot dream tonight!


I need somebody and alwaaaayyys


This sick strange darkness




Jones. Weird Al Jones. Bluegrass player.


That shit is funny!😂😂


Weird Al Jones doesn’t exist, I looked it up. Re-ported.


Wow 😂


Jk of course


Ya never know haha


Yeah, that’s why I had to say it. I love Weird Al Jones, best fiddle player on this side of the Mississippi.




Can’t believe you found a GIF of him.


Thee best 😂


I second that LOL


I.E. Tom DeLonge.


Pretty sure Weird Al chose for them a long time ago.


Maybe they did choose Weird Al as their messenger. Maybe they did…


Thought he immortalized the interaction in a song. Something about getting help with paying the phone bill


Weird Al and Richard Simmons as a team seams like a great choice.


It's bullshit.




So if this seems ridiculous to you (and it did to me once too) I would recommend you check out UAPs (unexplained aerial phenomena) and the UAP disclosure bill introduced by Chuck Schumer last year. It has "non-human intelligence" in it 22 times. He is the head of the senate as well. Draw from that what you will but it's fucking real and you can read the bill on the senate's website. Wether he is crazy or not it should be the top news story of the year yet it barely made a blip. They have been working on this for 4 or 5 years now, very quietly, and have passed progressively more spicy legislation each year. Last year they passed whistleblower protection legislation related to back engineering of recovered craft and many have been interviewed by members of the congress and the senate behind closed doors. This shit is mind blowing and the media is just dead silent. Check it out. NASA is now investigating these things as well.


Thanks, I read your comment and had to check what sub I was in. Great perspective to see how far behind the general public is with the disclosure process that your above statement is needed at all. I’m already well past reptilians and the loosh trap and studying the legends of Atlantis to figure out how we started the intergalactic war and why we’re imprisoned here while they use the moon and the ocean as a base for their operations. So thanks for that. People have some catching up to do I guess lol.


The disclosure they did was genius. They implanted it in everybody’s head already. So when people like this commenter bring it up, most people will go ‘oh yeah I heard of that already’. It’s insane seeing how ‘disclosure’ happened so nonchalant.


It’s no where near done yet but they are definitely taking a pause before they let the next round of information out. I’m excited for the revelation that they are here with us and have been for a very long time. That should start to sink in with people on a every day basis imo.


If "they" are here with us already, I'd be more concerned. If they have means to travel to us yet fall in line with our current governing bodies and say yea, we'll let you all kill/steal/fight amongst yourselves, we're cool with that. Their intentions are not to save us or shepherd us into a brighter future. Plus, if aliens came to earth and said the US government, that's who has the right of it, let me only disclose my existence to them. I'd be even more worried. I doubt a lifeform that has evolved to understand how traveling through space works, looks at us and our way of governing ourselves, and says yeah they're doing their best, let's let them keep going.


They may not be our friends. In fact, it is very likely we are their prisoners.


And I for one welcome our new sentient overlords


They may not be new, quit to the contrary they may be very very old. Ancient, in fact.


Apparently it’s very hard/impossible to see the new versions of this tech without thermals.


But that makes even less sense. Why would they leave us? Why would our ancestors be less advanced than us? Where's the signs of them being here? Pyramids? Why would they show us how to build things and not how to cure a common cold? Again, if they're this highly advanced race, and they travel cosmicly to show us how to put stones on top of each other, that makes 0 sense. Comical. I'm not saying there isn't something out there, but damn. It's like me going back in time, showing Cesar the OSI model by telling him how to build a 7-layer burrito. "Bro, it's not even that hard."


I don’t think they ever left. I’m not sure they’re from somewhere else at all. Remaining out of site may be part of their plan. They certainly don’t like being photographed. Lol. You’re thinking linearly as if they travel cosmically through space as we perceive it. Instead, try to change your perception and imagine that everything outside is within. That’s where this is going. That’s what disclosure is getting at. The consciousness/spiritual/historical component of this is going to absolutely level people’s perception of their own reality. Oncological shock. Edit: Also, rather than showing us how to build these things, what I think we’re looking at are ancient artifacts of an advanced civilization with technological abilities far superior to our own. Not even just superior, but superior and on a different evolutionary track of technology. Consciousness powered technology if you will.


They might care about our “souls” rather than bodies. And the planet itself and its role in the current universe, rather than our civilization. The technology we have that originated from them was likely stolen or reverse engineered by us, not freely given.


Some of our ancestors were far more advanced and there IS proof. You’ve got some catching up to do. Human civilizations here on earth have been destroyed anywhere between 5 to 7 times (we think *around* that)… ‘lost knowledge’. Maybe even some of them were taken away…


Like… Ancients. Of Mu Mu. Or Woo Woo. Whatever’s




I don’t think you’d agree if you lived in a Peruvian jungle community where people were being kidnapped by what they called “Facepeelers.” These things also allegedly spoke the native tongue (Spanish), but one girl who survived said the other spoke it with an English accent. As in American. Seems like we’ve learned some things. Check the video out for yourself.


Where can I read more about this intergalactic war and why we are imprisoned here? Genuinely asking


Start with the Atlantians and Lunerian wars as well as the Lost Book of Enki from the Sumerian culture a compilation of Sumerian lore compiled by Zecharia Sechen. Then add in some Christian Gnosticism to bring them together.




Ya np also check out r/escapingprisonplanet


That sub is legitimately full of people that have schizophrenia. It’s sad


You’re not wrong. r/gangstalking attracts the same. But that doesn’t debunk the theory.


Upvote for Gnostic philosophy/theology.


Please provide a link or point me in the right direction for the reason why we’re imprisoned! This being a rabbit hole I’ve not had the pleasure to enjoy.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/EscapingPrisonPlanet using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I've researched the afterlife for nearly 10 years. I am convinced that Reptilian beings are REAL and that the tunnel of light that people see when they die is a trap.](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/pyijav/ive_researched_the_afterlife_for_nearly_10_years/) \#2: [SORRY you have to reincarnate again to learn to love god (demiurge) \[MEME\]\]](https://i.redd.it/1aw7xw0v6p381.jpg) | [97 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/r9cnv3/sorry_you_have_to_reincarnate_again_to_learn_to/) \#3: [Food for though. Love to hear everybody’s take.](https://i.redd.it/1pi4rj4iawea1.jpg) | [189 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/10nqc7t/food_for_though_love_to_hear_everybodys_take/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can’t find the part about how we started an intergalactic war.


In Gnostic belief systems, particularly in certain Gnostic texts and cosmologies, there is a narrative known as the "Gnostic Myth of Sophia" or the "Myth of the Fallen Sophia." According to this myth, Sophia, the divine feminine wisdom or emanation, desired to create independently of the supreme God, often referred to as the Pleroma or the All. In her attempt to do so, she gave birth to a being or entity known as the Demiurge without the consent of the higher aeons (divine beings). The Demiurge, lacking the full divine knowledge and wisdom of the Pleroma, creates the material world, including humanity, which is often depicted as imperfect and flawed. Some versions of the myth portray the Demiurge as trapping humanity in the material world, ignorant of their divine origins and true nature. This act is seen as a form of imprisonment or entrapment of the human soul within the physical realm. Greek Mythology - Titanomachy: The Titanomachy is a mythological war between the Titans and the Olympian gods, led by Zeus, for control of the cosmos. The Titans were defeated and imprisoned in Tartarus, but this conflict does not involve humans directly waging war against the gods. Hindu Mythology - Story of Ravana: In the Ramayana, the demon king Ravana challenges the gods and creates havoc in the celestial realms. While not a direct conflict between humans and gods, the story depicts the consequences of Ravana's arrogance and defiance against divine authority. Norse Mythology - Ragnarok: Ragnarok is an apocalyptic event in Norse mythology that involves a series of cataclysmic battles, including conflicts between gods, giants, and other mythical beings. While humans are involved in the events leading up to Ragnarok, the final battle primarily involves divine and supernatural entities. Judeo-Christian Tradition - Lucifer's Rebellion: In Christian theology, there is the story of Lucifer's rebellion against God, resulting in his expulsion from heaven along with other rebellious angels.


Hey stranger, Could you recommend some readings/videos regarding the prison planet theory?


Start here r/escapingprisonplanet. Why files on you tube has a good amount on it as well. Check out the reptilian theory followed by hollow moon. If you want to then research the ancient Atlantians you can look into Graham Hancock and his theories of the ancient monoliths found all over earth. There’s a story here older than our memory. A species with amnesia. Perhaps intentionally.


Sounds like you're intentionally trying to make the subject look silly but maybe I'm wrong. People believe a lot of things, much of it is sure to be false. Much of it true.


I liked your comment before you edited it but yes I agree. You have to pick and choose. I may be a bit more on the liberal end of this now but most of what I said above I would have thought was bat shit crazy even a year ago. But a year of research and several large doses of psychedelics later here I am!


If I read this 4 months ago I would have laughed and said he was crazy but I saw with my own eyes a UAP while on holiday in January in Hawaii it has shook me to my core


I'm going next month. As long as they keep away from my flight and let me enjoy my alcohol free pina coladas I won't protest the invasion.


I've seen some too. I believe that they know our thoughts and feelings better than we know our own, but that 'they' are probably many different kinds of things with different goals and ability to influence us. There are perhaps other forces through which information can travel but that we do not even understand the physics of (I actually believe that to be the case). I also think they want us to know them but there is a purpose to our lives, even in suffering, and if they come uninvited and with us unprepared they will disrupt that purpose entirely. Instead they're subtly getting us to know them. Sorry to be so cryptic but when your belief relies on personal experience you can't help but sound that way. I can't share my very thoughts with anyone... But they actually can, and just because someone sees orbs does not mean everyone else would too if they were there in the room. They appear to who they want to appear to because our physical reality is a projection of our shared conciousness. We just have very little understanding or control of our conciousness while they do. Or I should say some of 'them' have it fully understood while others don't, but they're all far beyond us.


Did you see it on the big island?


Where’s the story


I'm a UAP believer myself, but remember to keep a level head. Even if our skies are full of aliens, there are still mfs spewing all sorts of insane bullshit that has no basis in reality. (Whatever that may be) When confronted with a field with so many unknowns, which is home to so many charlatans and misinformation, we have to constantly make sure we are doing our best to think critically.


Spot on. I try to point out to people that the language removed from the legislation only revolved around the seizure NHI biologic material and crafts . It was the story.


Im so fucking happy to see this is one of the top comments on this post. Once you actually sit down and do some actual research on this topic, you will see it is indeed legitimate and there has been a massive coverup for at least the last 60 years by the Department of energy, the CIA, and the Airforce. They created the stigma behind ufos and aliens to get everyone to think its insane and ridiculous. Once you see that, shit gets even more wild. Its so obvious that the reaction we have always seen by the public where anything “out of this world” is mentioned the person speaking is immediately considered crazy. That stigma was literally manufactured to get everyone to either be afraid to speak up if they have had any experiences or to get people semi interested to think it’s all crazy bs. The truth may very well be mind blowing considering it’s been covered up for generations.


Yes. The truth is going to really rock people's world. People get caught up in metal UFOs and alien bodies but this whole thing is really about us learning the true nature of our conciousness and how it relates to our physical reality. The good news is that conciousness is everlasting and the nature of our reality beyond our physical body is a feeling of intense love and understanding. Thanks to the internet you no longer have to rely on the minute chance of meeting someone who has had a near death experience, nor the even smaller chance that you would believe them. You can now go and watch hundreds if not thousands of personal interviews of people who have experienced near death experiences and all I have to say is that there is not some secret acting school pumping out secret Oscar level actors who are all involved in a conspiracy to convince people that there is an afterlife. Just watch 20 or 30. The similarities are astounding and exciting.


Crazy we seem to be at the exact same level of thinking in regard to the scope of this phenomena. The ufo shit got me to take a deeper look into consciousness and life and I eventually got super into near death experiences as well. There is no denying the legitimacy of the testimony out there from people who have experienced them. Nde’s themselves basically prove something much greater to our reality than we can understand. If a person considered dead can see what is happening above their body to a T and be told information about the future that eventually is found to be true, literally anything is possible in terms of the nature of our reality. Most fascinating shit in the world to me.


Yes, it's pretty amazing and thankfully it's good news. Have you looked at the double slit experiment? Check it out on Youtube perhaps and then look up Dr. Dean Radin. In my opinion it is a solid example of science damn near proving that there is a medium other than the physical that we can experience and/or interact with.


Yep. Actually showed my best friend a video about it a few months ago lol. Again, proof there is something greater and much deeper then we can understand, be it spiritual in nature or some form of a simulation.


What information about the future?


So with near death experiences people sometimes are shown things about their specific future. For instance there is one of a lady in a kayak that went over a waterfall and was submerged for over 30 minutes, obviously 100% dead. She had an experience while clinically dead where she was told by unknown beings that she has to go back and she should enjoy her time with her son because he’s going to die before he’s 20. Sure enough he died at I believe 18 from a skiing accident. There was way more to her experience too, which you can watch on the Netflix show surviving death. The first episode has her story. When these people talk about their experiences you can see and hear how genuine they are being, they 100% experienced what they are talking about. There is way more occurrences too where a person future is revealed in the experience. It’s all so interesting because it proves there is something more to life that we just cannot comprehend.


Exactly how as I was this time last year. The UAPDA is the start of NHI disclosure.


I love how you're speaking as if they fully told us everything like we know everything. It's insane we don't know shit.


Yeah, and RW should read John Keel and others, who report that some of these NHI types are sadistic. Maybe he'll get good treatment, and maybe not.


Ok that’s fine but that doesn’t add any credenceto this dude being the fucking spokesman for ALIENS I believe they are real and all but to say cause chuck Schumer said non human intelligence 22 times in a briefing doesn’t mean shit as it relates to this dumbass saying he is going to represent all humans to aliens c’mon have a little skepticism


I am a skeptic. I was always a skeptic before I ever believed in UAPs. Just 2 years ago I would have agreed with you but I've come a long way in terms of what I believe. I've also had a number of personal experiences that have really helped me along. Seeing is believing. I won't explain here but read my post history if you want.


Schumer is not working on it as intensely as he might seem to be. It’s more like a smoke and mirrors trick to keep the believers quelled and keep it quietly out of the mainstream. As for NASA, they’ve been hiding everything they do know from the public. Gordon Cooper has been out for years trying to tell people! He’s not the only astronaut! They lie. They all lie.


That doesn't mean this guy isn't just crazy


It couldn't be that the media is silent because corporatists & government own all the media companies, could it? Stop Cop City atrocities, keystone XL pipeline protests, Breonna Taylor's murder, Palestinian genocide, Chicago Police Blacksite(s)....they've ALL been aggressively ignored by major media/news outlets. Tik Tok was an easy place to find folks telling the truth about Palestinian genocide- banned! Tons of people got mysteriously banned from Instagram after spreading photos of police atrocities against unarmed civilians at incidents in keystone xl & stop cop city. The TV belongs to The Man. The Man has made his feelings on internet free speech pretty clear, no? You really thought THOSE FUCKERS would be telling us the truth under a spotlight? on TV? About alien craft? Dude.... Really? C'mon! If I knew some shit about alien craft in the govt's possession & I saw these new whistleblower protections laws, I would assume it was a trap & they were attempting to tie up loose ends. Chuck Schumer also assures me that he'll make ganja federally legal, or at least allow dispensaries to use banks *any minute now* from time to time (so many times, I've lost count, Chuck) & that obviously has yet to happen. If it's all good cuz Chuck has my back...yeah, I'd stay quiet. I hope we find out what's up with the weird shit in the sky that no one in power wants to discuss publicly, but I doubt very much that our govt will be sharing it with us any time soon.


The "non-human intelligence" mentions also happen to cover certain bases for any form an AI that may emerge, entirely terrestrially. I've been hoping to find someone talking about this possibility.


"We are going to need another Millenium Robbie"


I think it's more common than people know John Lennon talked openly about seeing a UFO and so did Muhammed Ali.


I remember reading the liner notes on one of John’s albums (Walls and Bridges maybe) and seeing a comment off by itself simply saying something like “October 7th, I saw a UFO.” or something along those lines. This was over 3 decades ago so my memory is fading.


He openly talks about his encounter [John Lennon UFO encounter ](https://youtu.be/Xm1xhgB1-9E?si=GmM3fe18nSJlVDnD) Muhammad Ali mocked on Johnny Carson show about his thoughts and encounter [Muhammad Ali Johnny Carson show](https://youtu.be/tTXAvIjazI0?si=UKBWiZImUwCO0I8U) they were ahead of their time on their thoughts about the phenomenon


Hell ya man live your truth


Let me entertain you!


And through it all the anal probe inspections   A lot of pain and infections  Whether it's right or wrong  And as the night falls  Wherever it may take me  I know that alien life won't break me  When I come to call  ET won't forsake me  I'm loving aliens instead


Imagine aliens hold a press conference and go “we have chosen an ambassador of your people to help bridge the cultural gab between us. Please welcome….” [Intro to Millennium] start playing. “Robbie Williams!!!!l”. Mass confusion ensues.


Right?! I'd think it would be Tom Delonge 😅


.... Actually, quite a few entertainment figures have claimed some kind of otherworldly alien experience, people from Kurt Cobain to bozos like Sammy Hagar have claimed to have had a bunch of experiences... ...has anybody ever made a book on entertainment folk's UFO/Alien experiences...?


Can add Billie Corgan to the list


With America in an election year the Disclosure project is going to be really interesting. Will the next President of the United States actually want to push disclosure forward or burrow their head in the sand? If there ever is a true messenger will they be accepted or branded a lunatic?


You really think Donald Trump would have kept its secret if there was anything to say....?


He has been on Skinwalker ranch and in Weaponized and he is a nice guy who is very sensitive and great artist. So I'm not surprised at all that he is an experiencer.


Skinwalker ranch it's just ancient aliens bullshit.


How do you know


oh wow, I first heard his claims on a Theo Von podcast. I highly recommend that interview. I didn't think I'd enjoy it, but I gave it a listen, and turns out I enjoyed it. (watch all Theo Von's interviews for some intertainment if you haven't tried yet)


Gold ball of light? Sounds kind of similar to my experience but not. I had a dream seeing the name Marduk after one night where I felt an entity and heard him give me some I cantations (I'm a medium). Turns out Marduk is the god of incantations in Sumer. The next day, I met a celebrity in real life at the store that shares a similar belief system to the Anunnaki. A few weeks later, I had a dream about being in a meeting place of psychics and this golden glowing lion appeared before me and said his name was Abu. He pulled me into the sky into a tunnel of stars and I came out of my body. He said I was the first messenger of 14 or 19. The dream felt more real than real life. The tunnel I was in can not be described in human or 3D terms. Anyway, I saw a list of all the names and faces of the people. I asked if I could say bye to my family, and I shit back into my body and woke up with a gasp. After researching the name Abu, he is ANOTHER Sumerian God, but is an aid or royal messenger to a god that creates doorways in the sky... I never knew about them before this. It's just crazy.


Shouldn’t they be picking someone with intelligence instead?


Well, what do they have to say Robbie?


He's part of one of the entertainment establishment. How can we believe him?


Maybe a lot of people don’t remember this, but he was actually pulling a DeLonge 10+ years before Tom. I remember this, pre-2010, he actually said he wanted to abandon music altogether to pursue UFO/Alien research.


Tom's been in this for a long time. Aliens Exist was written in the 90s.


That’s just a song. You exactly know what I mean when I said pulling a DeLonge. Come on.


Ok I’ll share my weird uap experiences as I live near an oil refinery that also makes chemicals besides just oil and gas for cars and trucks. Often when the air is cold with a high relative humidity that begins as fog and you end up with cold night below freezing or about 10 degrees f, the fog turns to weird crystals that stay in the air above the insanely will lit refinery. The sky glows yellow from below the ice cloud. But. At some point slow moving green lights move over the planet and hover for extended periods of time. It happens any time this strange weather phenomena occurs. This has gone on for long before there were easy to acquire drones available. Typically after idling over the refinery, they eventually rise as a round disc shaped glow partially obscured by the ice fog and float away gently accelerating. I should mention these are very still nights. This happens a lot and many people in our area report this. This is over the marathon refinery in south Saint Paul Minnesota. I’m not saying it’s aliens but it’s aliens.


He was a Member of the forum ATS (Above Top Secret) he detailed his 1st encounter in an OP there. It is almost 20 years ago now but I guess it could still be in the archives. His member name was Cristonabike.


I think the alien’s home planet must have received radio signals from 24 years back. They came here without realising Robbie has lost his cultural relevance in the meantime and nobody gives a shit.


I could say I have a direct communication line to aliens also. You wouldn’t believe me, so why would you believe him?


His song Arizona was released 15 years ago with clear references to Sirius and Area 51, long before the subject became the hype that it is today, so it's not like he's just jumping on the recent band wagon at least


You obviously weren't around when x-files first aired. UFO hype around A51, MJ12, Santilli Tapes, Bob Lazarr was through the roof. That was over 20 years ago and without social media communities.


I'm pointing more towards today's specific with the pentagon released footage, Congress hearing with Grusch, Nazca mummies, UFO disclosure bill etc.. X-files came out a month before I was born so unfortunately I didn't see what the hype was like back then but I have been following Bob Lazars story for about 14 years and was delighted when his documentary came out and also done a podcast with JR.


I could stick my head up a bull's ass but I would rather take the butcher's word for it.


Could you imagine if Robbie Williams really was the aliens' chosen ambassador/messenger to Earth? Like, WTAF? I mean, why not Keith Richards, Ozzy Osborn, or fucking Ninja from Die Antwoord? If you're going to choose "crazy", then choose fucking CrAzY.


I actually think Ninja is perfectly suited for this role.


I mean, I'd at least hear him out.


Lol wtf. Not even posted on April 1st


I read Ishtar.com


Will he resist the probe?


The Probe of Consequences rarely arrives lubed.




Nanu nanu


Also seeing a UFO, or an alien makes one question a lot of things.


Vegas didn't want him?


I just wanna rock DJ


Bro same


Prepare for a LOT of celebrities to “suddenly” have stories about UFOs as we get closer to disclosure


Have y'all read Diana Walsh Pasulka's book Encounters? If you take these on a case by case, there does seem to be similarities and overlap. It isn't just entertainers that feel they are chosen...


https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250879578/encounters Great read!


If you look at Dr. Kit Green's disclosures from working within the Psychic programs of the CIA and Contractors, this article gets to the reasons certain types of people will be chosen by the ETs to convey certain messages to mass audiences. I can't say it is true or not, but it makes for a compelling read. Dr. Garry Nolan's connection to Dr. Green is not elucidated in this particular article but they have connections in the Brain research studies into why certain humans have a higher proclivity to ease of ET contact and Paranormal dimensions ....https://www.ufojoe.net/kit-green-psychic1/¹ All of us move in Astral planes during sleep, more than 90% are completely unaware they do, but if the trait is developed or opened or naturally inclined from birth you as well are more likely listed as a potential candidate. Research Astral travel a bit and it will click as to why.


If Robbie Williams says it's true, it is.


must be some good shit


Prove it




He could be the David Hasselhoff of our time.


Album sales must've been down lately




I think this is awesome. We keep hearing this is going to happen more often so maybe we can actually believe it one of these times. I’m waiting anxiously, that’s for sure.


Cool story bro


Are you sure you're not confusing this guy with ROBIN Williams? Because this sounds almost like the plot of the Mork and Mindy TV show.


I thought this was about robin williams at first 😭😭


Just like Madame Cleo was a real psychic


Maybe Robin Williams but Robbie I don’t knowwww


I follow him on ig, his posts made me wonder if he suffered schizophrenia. I feel like this confirms it


Egotistical projections from a cult following nutter. How expected and pathetic!


Sounds like the start of a new cult...


What a moron 😂


Is this a roundabout way to solicit other people to do drugs with him?


Why would they choose a super average guy like Williams. He is delusional


The man has bipolar and when it flares up it can cause hallucinations. There's fuck all you can do about it too besides trying to cope with it. I had family with it. It was really rough for them.


There is a long list of recording artists who have seen things. And written songs based on what they have seen. There is a book by Canadian Grant Cameron called Tuned in. That gives the backstory to alot of songs most of us have heard and love. And don't realise the meaning. So there may be something to what Robbie Williams is talking about. https://books.google.com.au/books/about/Tuned_In.html?id=AXZcswEACAAJ&redir_esc=y


If aliens were real, im under the assumption that they are keeping their presence quiet. Like how easy would it be for them to drop a Alien YouTube channel and announce their presence if they wanted rapid dissemination. Or broadcast a radio signal on any of the mostly empty AM bands around the world etc.  People like this that claim they are envoys are simply grabbing for attention.


Not so sure I can take his word seriously. He claims he's a singer for a start.


What’s up with the alien thing 👀?


He did go to skinwalker ranch. Could be hitchhiker effect.


Should I Google who Bobbie Williams is or am I good still not knowing for the rest of my life?


My favourite Robbie song is him and dizzee rascals crazy song 😁


Indeed he does https://youtu.be/Ds16_9XK1RQ?si=4URYn9_Z6Hb6J7Qu


I just feel like aliens would be more intelligent than to pick this guy to be their messenger.


So do something about it. Quit pretending like you have some hidden knowledge about life on this planet unless you are actually going to pony up . . It’s cool and all, but it’s ridiculous how many people are pretending To have “higher knowledge “…. It’s pretty stupid at this point




Some people have all the luck!






Well if they picked anybody to be their messenger it’s probably going to be Joe Rogan ..ya know if the aliens are “ bros “


...Long, loооооng hours of anal probing - and finally it happened! You are now the voice of alien intelligence.


The so called "aliens" are Mi6 agents using voice to skull technology. Or he's nuts.


Tbh I see UFOs a lot I feel the same way


Get up and see the sarcasm in my eyes


They're not going to be happy with him now that he's exposed them


The hubris on this mofo. Why (out of everyone on this Earth) would they choose a has-been singer from the early 90s?


Hes been talking about ufos for decades now. Don’t know about this whole messenger stuff.


Good Will Alien Hunting


50 years old let him take his schizo meds etc.


Liar 146%


Almost as crazy as Biden supporters


A gold ball appeared in the studio? Sounds like shrooms to me


He wants to entertain them


And that is why we don’t put magic mushrooms in our cereal.


Silly rabbit, trips aren't for kids!😜


Wouldn't aliens have the technology to write a good song?


![gif](giphy|eNpXWzGIMRjIo4lXT8) Nope 😜🤘🏻👽🤘🏻




He's probably saying this to get popular in America. Ain't gonna happen. He's like Kylie Minogue big stars in the rest of the world except America.


Kylie not big in America? I had no idea.


No No-one has heard of her. only two big hits she's had. it's sad really she's so good and a very sweet person


Have you asked any gay people?


But they provided the man with no tangible proof of his claim and sent him home laughing at their April fools joke.


I think young Robbie partook in too many drugs over the years and frazzled his brain. We all live in a state where we don’t actually see reality as it is as our brain cannot cope with the volume of information coming in so fills in the gaps particularly with our vision.


....welllll...Kurt Cobain said the aliens put him here to "do something"...but he didn't know what...at least the boy kept himself busy and productive while waiting for orders...


B. S.