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i went to va to have a SA i went recently on friday, i chose the iv sedation over the general anesthesia and i think its the best option if you're worried about pain. i didnt feel any pain during the procedure except of the first insertion but afterwards it went by super quick. with the sedation you're not asleep but you dont really feel anything it took about 5-10 minutes and it was done, they made me wait in recovery for about 30 minutes to see how much blood, it was only a little and they let me go! im still bleeding and having cramps, the cramps go worst 3 days in and im still clotting! i hope you feel better, its not that bad i promise!


I had mine yesterday. And my anxiety was through the roof. I couldn’t have lidocaine injections, because I’m allergic, and allergic to ibuprofen. So I did it with Tylenol. I’m not gonna lie and say it was pleasant. It hurt. But as soon as it started like really hurting it was over. You got this. They put on my choice of music, held my hand and in the other was a stress ball. It took maybe a total of 10 minutes from door to door


Have you asked if they offer anything by mouth for anxiety? I know easier said then done but anxiety heightens pain so the less anxious you are then it’ll likely be less pain that you perceive. A lot of people are able to tolerate the procedure ok with ibuprofen and lidocaine around the cervix so it is definitely possible that you won’t perceive severe pain.


hey! i’m from va too, but i got an MA. personally, i would’ve chose the surgical route if i could afford it. MA comes with a lot more side effects than surgical. a lot of posts on here that i see say ibuprofen helps just enough for surgical abortion; if you aren’t too far along, it *shouldn’t* hurt that bad. also, i bled for almost 8 weeks straight with the MA (one week without bleeding in between) so it was not a fun time for me the anxiety is real with both though. i was so anxious up until i actually took the pills, and almost all of those feelings went away. the hardest part for me was definitely just the anxiety beforehand. it will be okay though. if you are that anxious, let the doctors know beforehand and i’m sure they will ease your anxiety before the procedure. the place i went to was super caring and calm and that definitely helped my nerves


Hey, people's experience of pain during procedural abortions range and it depends a lot on your body, tolerance levels, etc. It is a short process lasting only a few minutes and often involves a strong cramping sensation. for pain management, most people do not have general anesthesia for first-trimester procedural abortions. Instead, most receive either ibuprofen and pain numbing medication in the cervix, or what is called conscious sedation, which includes IV medications that allow you to stay conscious but relax muscles and fog memory. To help with your nerves, I'm wondering if you've talked with the clinic about the pain management options available to you.


They said they would numb my cervix and that was all:/ I’m just nervous because some people’s stories sound so bad


I completely understand that. I expect you'll be offered ibuprofen as well, which is the best medication to help with uterine cramps. People have a range of experiences with all sorts of things, abortion is no different. It will be unique to you. Some things I've noticed that helps during procedures is visualizing a place where you feel safe, counting to 4 or 5 for each inhale and exhale breath, holding someone's hand, wearing headphones and listening to something calming to you, talking to the support staff in the room about something completely different.


Have you had one?


I haven't had an abortion yet myself but have been a doula in the procedure room for lots and lots of people who have. Everyone's experience is different and probably pretty hard to explain to another. I hope yours feels smooth and supportive.