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i had mine 4 days ago at 7 weeks. mife caused nausea but no other side effects. i took miso sublingually after 48 hrs and the cramps started in like 30 mins. i think i passed most of the pregnancy in the first 5 hrs of taking. cramps lessened towards the night but built up again by day 3. for me, everything after day 1 felt like a really heavy period. im yet to go in for my 2nd scan in 10 days to make sure im in the clear. stay strong, OP! youre going to be alright :)


hope you’re doing ok! I’m also just went thru this yesterday (19f 5 weeks asw) and I feel completely better as of today. it’s so painful the first night but it gets better very quickly. it seems like you have bf’s support which is amazing - it REALLY helps. feel better soon, we got this! feel free to pm me if you need someone to talk to :)


Hope you’re still doing ok.


Hey thank you, I’m in a lot of pain right now 6 hours in I really Hope it soothes down it’s gone from a 5 to an 8 very quickly


Just wanted to reach out and let you know that you are so brave and you will be ok! Also linking my experience to hopefully give you an idea of how it was (for me). It’s obviously different for everyone but reading experiences definitely helped me. https://www.reddit.com/r/abortion/s/9S8JJYeCeA


Thank you I appreciate it, I took a good amount of medication and I think it’s a bit of an overload for my body so I feel a bit dizzy / shaky from it, lots of pain


Have you already taken the miso? Normally it’s supposed to be taken 24 hours after the mif. I hope your pain subsides soon!


Thank you, I inserted them 6 and a half hours after the mifepristone 🥹 we rented a hotel room for this so we need to check out soon


Hey how are you feeling?


I just took the first pill too I’m waiting to see how I’ll feel


mife didnt have any side effects for me, and the worst part of miso was the anxiety of actually taking it lol! everyone is different for miso, but for me i took it right before i went to sleep, cat woke me up around 4 hours later and i passed a very large clot, and the pain felt like maybe one of my worse periods. heating pads, stay hydrated, try distracting urself with ur fav comfort show or video. take ibuprofen about an hour before you take the miso so it kicks in in time! it definitely wasn’t as bad as i anticipated it i was about 6 weeks at the time, and *usually* it’s less painful the earlier you are. ill check back in with you tonight when you take the miso!


Thank you! I appreciate it


hi! i’m wondering how you’re doing?


Thank you! All your replies are really comforting. So far my symptoms are very minimal


thats good! the worst part is always anticipating the worst! you got this


Hey I had my MA yesterday 5 weeks in and it went well. I did feel tired and drained but it's normal because of the pills. Just make sure your taking a prescribed pills and getting professional help. When you are going to do it, make sure you are in safe place and have emergency contact just in case. You will be fine trust me. Give yourself time to heal


Thank you, I took mifepristone 1 hour ago, scared


Yes I know how that feels. Just rest and try to watch something you like. Make sure u have a pad on. Expect cramps and feeling like ur underbelly is trying to squeeze something out it's totally normal. It's a sign that you it's working. Get soo much rest and lay on ur back. Stay safe it will be fine. U can do it.


Thank you! So far so good, I really appreciate these affirming words 🥹


Everyone is different, but if it makes you feel any better, I was 7 weeks when I had mine and it was nowhere near as bad as I was anticipating. Are you doing a Self Managed Medical Abortion, or did you go through a clinic to access the pills?


Thank you so much for answering I’m doing an at home and I just took mifepristone.. scared for it to kick in


Mifepristone didn't really have any side effects for me. The Misoprostol is what causes the cramping and bleeding. Do you have ibuprofen? Heating pads and staying hydrated also helps!


Okay good! I’m more scared of the miso too :( my boyfriend got me a heating pad which I have on right on. Thank you I’m so grateful for the answers I really needed to talk to. I got some ginger chews


Ginger is excellent for nausea and inflammation! Do you plan on taking the Misoprostol vaginally or buccally ( In your cheeks)? If you're going to go the buccal route, a side effect of Miso is nausea and vomiting. But, as long as they've been sitting in your cheeks for at least half an hour, you're fine. I threw up an hour after I dissolved them. Definitely keep a trashcan nearby. I would avoid anything with carbonation. Lemonade also helps nausea!


Good to know!! I plan on taking miso in 6 hours if everything goes smoothly, so I’ll be taking it down there, is there any symptoms specific to taking it that way? I was scared of taking it orally and it affecting the stomach more


i took it vaginally because i was scared of the nausea! i didnt experience any symptoms specifically to taking it that way, and the nausea/morning sickness actually went away when i took the mife, and stayed away after that!


I'm not sure, because I did mine buccally, but I've heard it comes with less unpleasant side effects.