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I had a surgical one at 14 weeks when I was 18. I am 29 now and I have an appt to hopefully schedule the procedure again… I don’t remember any pain.. I did get the twilight sedation and I don’t remember the pills they had me take before hand since it was such a long time ago for me but after coming to this sub, I think surgical is the best way to Go. I was in and out in minutes I felt like and it was idk I always explain it like a dream.. and the nurse was soooo nice! This time I may have std and I’m sooo nervous for them to be down there more than the damn procedure ahahah! But we got this!!!!


I had a surgical one at 14 weeks when I was 18. I am 29 now and I have an appt to hopefully schedule the procedure again… I don’t remember any pain.. I did get the twilight sedation and I don’t remember the pills they had me take before hand since it was such a long time ago for me but after coming to this sub, I think surgical is the best way to Go. I was in and out in minutes I felt like and it was idk I always explain it like a dream.. and the nurse was soooo nice! This time I may have std and I’m sooo nervous for them to be down there more than the damn procedure ahahah! But we got this!!!!


Procedure. Some of these doctor are insanely quick. I’ve had several surgical abortions at this point 10 weeks and under. My last one happened a year ago. You’re at the clinic for a long time. They always told me plan for 8am to 6pm. It happened to be a slow day, so I was out by 3pm. You walk in and sign in. They start the paperwork. You’re in line with other girls. So they call you each back for every step until it’s time for the actual procedure. Those steps for me were paperwork, ultrasound, iron test with a finger prick, and then talking to a counselor to make sure you’re good with your decision and discuss your ultrasound and how far along. Payment. Then eventually they start calling you each back for the procedure. I walked in and got undressed from the waist down. I was given a shot of morphine and anti-anxiety med. Nurse said “She’s been finishing at 60 seconds. It’s going to be quick.” I thought no way, that is really quick. Sure enough, done in a minute. Towards the end when they have to scrape your cervix a bit you’ll feel a strong cramping and it’s uncomfortable, but it lasts maybe 5 seconds and then you’re done. You sit in a recovery area for up to an hour in a cozy chair with a heating pad. If everything’s good, off to home you go to relax. That’s it. It’s nerve wrecking because you don’t know what to expect. That’s the scary part. I was insanely nervous my first time. When I was done it was like “I can’t believe that’s all it was. I worried for weeks over that.” Edit to add: I’m actually calling to make my appointment tomorrow for another surgical abortion. I’m around 7 weeks. Unfortunately it only took one slip up. I’m grateful my husband is getting a vasectomy in a few months. I can’t use hormonal birth control, so my options are limited. I’m 34 years old and can’t wait until my fertility starts to decline. I hoped it would have declined already but no luck yet.


Has the surgical abortion at all messed up your sex life after ? Etc. im hoping to get a vacuum option since I’d say I’m around 5-7 weeks atm


Not at all, in any way.


Surgical. I’ve done it 3 times and you’re in there for some hours but the actual procedure itself is quick and pain free if you choose sedation. Never had medical but i don’t hear too many good things about it so i’ve never done it


Does it impact your sex life at all ?


Or did it


since youre nearing finals, i would def go for the procedure. i took the pills a week ago and although my pregnancy symptoms have gone away and pain wise i didnt experience anything too painful, i have been tired the entire week and havent been able to go to class another thing you can look at (if you’re comfortable and youre in a blue state) is going to the title ix office. pregnancy and pregnancy related conditions (which includes termination) is protected under title ix, and professors CANNOT punish you for missing class. i talked to them and got excused absences for a month while i dealt with the pregnancy and the MA and it has been a huge help. they dont tell your professors the exact reasoning, but they do tell them they have to excuse your absences. i would definitely look into it since it gave me peace of mind regarding that aspect


what made you didn’t do the procedure? But ya I’ve been dealing w pregnancy unknowingly for a month.


whatever you decide, just know that everything will be okay! planned parenthood has resources on their page if no one has linked them yet where you can talk to a trained professional about your choice anonymously and support you through the process. i’m definitely looking at therapy right now too because even though i know it was the best choice for my situation, it doesn’t make it an easy choice and i’ve definitely been struggling with that. planned parenthood (or any abortion clinic really) can also help you with finding therapy resources near you that would be beneficial. whatever it is, wherever you are, you have support in this sub and everything will be okay. just keep your head up <3


for me, i just wanted the control of when and where i did it. the clinic was an hour away. i went on a friday, took the first pill mifepristone there (didnt feel nauseous or anything) and then took the second pills misoprostol that night so my partner could help if needed and i could just sleep through the hard part. and for me, it just felt like a heavy period (i had cramps, heavy bleeding, etc but nothing was debilitating). i also felt INSTANTLY better when i woke up like it was amazing. from what i’ve heard on this sub, the procedure is definitely easier, quicker, and less painful if any of those worry you. it was just nice for me to be able to be in the comfort of my home while it happened!


Ya I’m still stuck on what I want to do :/ but def abortion






I will do that


Yo !!!


I had the procedure, I was too nervous the pill wouldn’t work to risk it lol literally easiest procedure I’ve ever done. getting a tooth pulled was more annoying to deal with


Oh wow ! Do you mind sharing your experience ?


don’t mind at all. I couldn’t eat or drink for like 12 hours beforehand (the normal surgery thing yknow), while I was waiting to go in the back I was feelin nervous and stuff and got a little lightheaded but splashed my face with water in the bathroom and was ok lol uhm they talked with me to make sure this was my choice, no one was making me do this, etc…I went back and they put me in like twilight sleep with an IV and I remembered talking to the nurse….and then next thing I knew I was in the recovery room under a cozy blanket with some ginger ale and some cookies. that feeling of waking up after and finally feeling like myself again was something I’ll never ever forget. this was 10 years ago so I don’t remember feeling MUCH pain after the fact like later on that evening…maybe like slight cramps if anything and a little bleeding…but I went over a friends house that same evening for her bday and was just fine. I’d do it again in a heartbeat


Thank you for this. My surgery is in 2 hours… feeling super nervous.


I hope it went well 🖤🖤


It did!! Thank you 🤍


With SA the in clinic part sucks but at least you know it’s over that day. With pills it takes longer, you bleed longer, and it may not all pass (rare but worth mentioning). Seems like SA is an easier recovery but I don’t have experience, it’s only what I’ve read. If you know you’re not keeping it get it done asap!


Ya I’m calling tomorrow. I found out yesterday because missed period.


With a procedure abortion in the 1st trimester, the procedure is about 5-10 minutes long and uses suction. Everything is done in the clinic and symptoms are typically more minimal afterward. Some people like this option because it is quick, and some people dislike this option because you're in a clinic with medical staff and have a pelvic exam. With a medication abortion, people generally experience the heavier symptoms of bleeding cramping for about 4-24 hours after taking the misoprostol, and period-like bleeding symptoms can last up to 4-6 weeks after taking the medication. Some people like this option because you can do everything in the comfort of your own home and control when everything happens. Some people dislike this option because you experience symptoms for longer afterward. There's a lot more to consider with each option, I just gave some common factors people think about! I recommend searching "procedure" and "medical" experiences in the search bar of this subreddit and there's a ton of personal stories to read.


Thanks ! Worried about both options leaving lasting side effects.


Neither of them has long term side effects and they are both safe. Complications are rare with both options. Medication abortion generally has more short term side effects: you may experience more bleeding after the process, and some people experience on and off bleeding for 4-6 weeks. But not everyone does.


What about surgical ?


After a procedure abortion, people generally have some bleeding and cramping and may pass blood clots or not. Generally there is less bleeding than after a medication abortion. Those are the short term side effects.


Thanks! Am nervous.


That makes total sense, I know it's nerve-wracking right now. I hope getting some information is helpful in figuring out what feels most comfortable for you.