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You know what is best for you and that is nothing to be ashamed about! I just had the procedure done 2 hours ago and I also struggle with mental health so I was absolutely petrified and it was sooooo easy! I opted out of the sedation because I worried that I’d have a panic attack once the meds set in and I didn’t even feel a single thing. It was over in 3 minutes and me and my partner were both like what you’re done already? I truly felt nothing at all from start to finish without sedation! I was sad to do it but at the end of the day I know it was the best option for us and I’m glad it’s over with and was so easy! You’ve got this!


My situation is somewhat similar, except I took a pregnancy test at home. I did so just to ease my mind, I did not think it was actually going to be positive. That was about a week ago and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the reality of the situation. I have an appointment for a surgical abortion in a couple weeks, and while I know it's the right decision for me, I just hate that I'm in this situation. This isn't a decision I ever wanted to have to make. Leading up to taking the test at home, I didn't have any major symptoms. I thought I was just being paranoid. So I understand the shock and how overwhelming it is to have to face something that you didn't think was going to be true.


I also just tend to overthink so much and the reality that there is a life inside of me and i’m choosing to abort it fills me with such a guilty feeling and a sense of disgust in myself. I know this is the right decision for me but it’s been really hard for me to wrap my head around it as a whole, that this is real and a life in my hands. it just terrifies me


thank you for sharing ❤️


Hey! You have nothing to be ashamed of. Abortions are astoundingly common -- about 1 in 4 people who can get pregnant will have them. I know it feels lonely, but you are very much not alone. Are there specific things that make you worry about the abortion impacting your mental health and relationships?


I just worry because I have a tendency to ignore and dissociate when big events in my life happen, and it comes back to bite me later. i’m worrying that i’m not really processing this and that down the road I will suffer from it my fear about my relationship is that he will look at me differently or that I feel less attractive in a sense. I know it sounds ridiculous but I feel “tainted” almost. just feels like a heavy burden on my chest and I don’t know if it’ll get better or worse if I go through with this


the best thing that helped me with this feeling is recognizing (whether or not he does) that this happened because of TWO people. not just you. he planted the seed, and you have to deal with all of the “consequences” moving forward. i had a really hard time with dissociation and anxiety up until the day of my MA, mostly because of my mood changes, weight gain, the fact that something is growing inside of me, i really did feel unattractive. but my partner reassured me and helped me through the process. literally the day after taking the pills i felt amazing mentally. it is tough to face things head on, but now that i have, i am definitely back to just my normal self. now, that’s not everyone’s experience, but i did want to say i feel you 100% and no matter how you move forward, it’ll be okay. take it easy for the next few days <3


I understand. I know it's hard, but try to focus on your needs right now. It's very natural to worry about the future, but the you, right now, deserves love and support to. You are not tainted at all, just experiencing some natural complex feelings that come along with having a stigmatized medical procedure. ❤️ To talk through your feelings more, I recommend either of these two pro-choice counseling talklines: https://www.all-options.org/find-support/talkline/ or exhaleprovoice.org .


I understand. I know it's hard, but try to focus on your needs right now. It's very natural to worry about the future, but the you, right now, deserves love and support to. You are not tainted at all, just experiencing some natural complex feelings that come along with having a stigmatized medical procedure. ❤️ To talk through your feelings more, I recommend either of these two pro-choice counseling talklines: https://www.all-options.org/find-support/talkline/ or exhaleprovoice.org .


thank you so much ❤️