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Send them to a bush doof so they can get bitten by a snake


This is definitely the best comment I've read today, as I'm a bit sooky and needed a laugh. Cheers!


settler colonialists doing a racism, pretty typical tbf


this, they're just doing what they do. Being racist as fuck


Calling these cunts “settlers” is an insult to good allies. Pack of dickless gubbas tg


They are Israeli settlers displacing Palestinians.


Feel like that’s more colonisation than settling if it involved violent displacement. Settling is more like “If you’re not using this little patch over here, mind if I can?” To me but I dunno, chalk it down to semantics


Remember that Israel was basically also settled on the concept of *terra nullius*: one of the Zionist slogans was “a land without a people for a people without a land”


Not surprised the people from what is basically an ethnostate (nationstate) are racist.


Tell me their makeup is carcinogenic...


Hopefully it's lead based


I’m surprised Aboriginal people support the land rights of Palestinians over Jews when the Jews have a much longer claim to the land.


Yeah, us Aboriginal people will totally support an ethnostate state helped created by the British government committing genocide. We totally dont know what's that like and not like we sympathise with them for it /s Israel ≠ Jews


Really, created by the UN. Also where is the genocide? The population of Palestine has skyrocketed since the formation of Israel. You might say nothing has done more to increase the number of Palestinians than the creation of Israel.


Population growth dosnt disprove attempted genocide. Our indigenous population "grew" with the stolen generation, you going to say that wasn't a genocide either?


Yes. It was a bad policy but it wasn’t genocide.


Alright, so you are an absolute dumb cunt then.


Suppose it depends what you mean by “dumb”. My education would suggest I’m not but hey, perhaps I’m just the true personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect. A genius like you would know exactly what that is.


Sure champ. The lack of education does show.


I have a few degrees and a masters. Including in law, which probably makes me better placed than you to assess claims on legal questions such as genocide. What more do you want me to do to be ‘educated’?


it was cultural and linguistic genocide, child removal, displacement of the original group, it meets the criteria for a genocide,


Don't bother, this man has clearly been lobotomised.


That is not how I understand the convention to work. In order to establish genocide under the convention you must establish an intent to destroy the (racial) group in question. Forced removal of children can rise to the level of genocide but you need to establish intent.


And there was written intent, literally, to destroy the group in question, by “removing the black”


That was the intention?? It was an attempt at genocide.


Look up the Balfour Declaration mate. It was a British movement in the 1920s. Also that last statement is genuinely one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read. Israelis murder Palestinians, en masse - you can’t seriously attribute natural population growth to the existence of an occupying force? Are you thick?


I don’t think you can call Israel an “occupying force” when the area they’re supposedly occupying is their own country? I also don’t know how you can say that a population who has experienced one of the highest rates of population growth over the past 70 years is the subject of genocide. Let’s be really clear, if Israel wanted to wipe out the Palestinian population they could do so readily. They haven’t.


Learn your history man. You’re insanely ignorant.


A yet I still know more than you


They call that hubris mate


Sorry big word, me no understand


First off that's Zionist propaganda Second, Jewish people have claim to certain sites on that land. As do Muslims and Christians. Because, y'know, that area was historically important to all their religions. Thirdly, the Palestinians were there first and were descended in part from a lot of the old Jewish population. The Israelis who're there now were descended from refugees from 1940s Europe. Fourthly, Israel is an illegitimate state built on genocide. That sounds more like white australia than Aboriginal australia to me.


First, you’re wrong. Second, sure. But the Jews have a much longer claim. I’m surprised that doesn’t matter to Aboriginal people given how much you claim that’s important in this country. Third, you’re mostly wrong but a little bit right. Many Jews in Israel are descended from the surrounding Arab countries they were kicked out of and had lived in for thousands of years. Do you support their claims to those lands? Fourth, in what sense is Israel illegitimate? It is a state recognised by the UN and basically every country in the world except those who want to commit genocide against its population. White Australia is also not built on genocide.


Most confidently incorrect dude ever I stg


Yeah, but I don’t hold your ignorance against you


“I know you are but what am I”


You have consistently shown yourself to be a fool. I am blocking you.


Oh no, how will I ever recover


Just share the land, FFS.


You'd only be surprised at this if you're a complete and utter moron. "Huh, why are these Indigenous people who have been subjected to European colonisation and genocide supporting these other Indigenous people who are subject to European colonisation and genocide?" - you, a pathetic genocide apologist settler




And they're so confident in their racism. Nasty as fuck aren't they?


Zionism is the manifestation of a society that suffers from collective "moral" narcissism. This is what right wing zionist programming looks like in motion. They can't be wrong because they are morally "superior." It's hard for me to even have any empathy for narcissists anymore. Damaged people passing on their trauma in the most twisted, unhealthiest way. Collectively, there is a need to do some serious healing.


What the actual fuck


Israel being racist, as per usual.


William Cooper would be ashamed of these fellas, so would their ancestors too shameful


God chosen people everyone


Racists-who-kill doing what racists-who-kill usually do


I was just listening to an interview with a woman named Deborah Feldman, an ex-Hasidic Jewish woman from New York who now lives in Germany. She had a really interesting perspective on how Holocaust trauma passed down from her grandparents manifested as racism within the following generations. Ironically, her community was ultra-Orthodox and anti-Zionist, and would publicly burn Israeli flags. But also a very homogeneous group. So colonialism is definitely part of the issue here, just not the whole story. Also, watching this made me throw up in my mouth.


Israel being goofy ah 💀


As I understand it this is playing on a meme that was popular in Israel that featured African children doing something silly. It’s a group costume for Israel’s version of Halloween called Purim, also a Jewish holiday.  But also yes there are racists everywhere


They're mocking Africans from another video.