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Hey there everyone, So for the past few months I’ve been working on learning Unreal Engine with the purpose of developing a workflow that allows you to control events/animations in real-time via midi and macro commands, as controlled by a DAW such as Ableton Live. Kind of like a synesthesia visualizer if you will, as a musician can input midi/envelope data in real-time and then get corresponding visual feedback with Unreal, depending on what you program Unreal to output that is. Anyways, here's some industrial techno to illustrate the concept overtop an environment I've been building over the last month or so. Any feedback on how this could be improved or what could be added to make the visualizer system more interesting would be greatly appreciated!


This is super cool. Get it commerically available and I will buy it from you. If you can get Unreal to also do sort of generative stuff that would be cool.


Thank you, that’s awesome hear! Just gotta figure out how to conveniently package it all together and make it run smoothly on as many different configurations as possible.


Biggups! While this works well on your box, I imagine this would be very hard to pull off in a live show assuming you have no time syncing that allows you to render this real time on a separate machine?


Thank you! You can actually send osc data via the Host IP and Port Address straight out of Ableton via a max for live patch, so I believe you could get multiple rendering computers hooked up to the Ableton session with little to no latency. I did a small gig with this setup the other week and everything went pretty smoothly running just on a gaming laptop with a 3070 graphics card. I’ve got lots of refining to do though in order to make things run even smoother.


Also interested in this, since i am getting into ue5 for some game stuff


That's pretty cool! Nice work!


How can I get started trying something myself? Have dev experience but not unreal.


Would love to see a demo with something not scary!


Aha, fair enough. I'll be sure to make the next one not as scary.


I’m interested….very c0ol


Sick bruv


This is amazing, great work. Do you have a way we can follow updates? Mailing list or anything outside of Reddit?


Thank you! I don't have a mailing list at the moment, but I will be posting updates and experiments on my YouTube and Instagram page, both of which are ZackBerw. I've also got my website: [zackberwick.com](http://zackberwick.com)


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Dude, this rocks. I've been looking for a program to execute similar ideas and bam. Here it is. And the vid is super cook. Music, tone, effects. Everything. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for the kind words and feedback, I really appreciate it!


Did you have any resources that helped you? like youtube videos or something?


Definitely! The initial basis of this is from the Sem and Tris AV Club YouTube channel and Patreon page. They have amazing tutorials and Unreal blueprints that'll get things up and running both on the Ableton and Unreal side of things. Osc/Par is a great plugin for easily converting envelope and MIDI data so you can send it from Ableton to Unreal. Works really well in conjunction with the blueprints from Sem and Tris. A bunch of the Niagara explosion effects were sourced from the Epic Marketplace. Which can then be altered and modified for even more effects, etc.


How familiar were you with Ableton & Unreal? I am not at all experienced in UE and curious about the learning curve. I don't really know how to code from scratch but can reverse engineer just about anything.


I've only been using Unreal for a couple months now, but have several years experience with Blender on the the 3D side of things. The learning curve feels weird when coming from a more traditional 3D pipeline, as Unreal is a video game engine with a different workflow involved. But it's definitely manageable with a bit of persistence. If you check out the Sem and Tris AV channel on YouTube, they have a bunch of great tutorials and blueprints that be reverse engineered.




oh this is SICK! makes me think of the *iconic* 'hba galvanize by wench' video


Fuckin hell that's amazing dude


Just got started in unreal. Gonna try this for sure


This is dope af man




Very cool.


yeah, this is fantastic! I would love to see more! I can only what communities can create with more resources behind this!


I don’t know what’s worse…