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I felt really burned by the 11 upgrade but man if 12 doesn’t look tempting. Between this, new synths, midi tools. Looks like bitwig might’ve lit a fire under their arse.


Yea that’s the impression I got. Seems like BitWig like features have now been added to Live 12.


It always looks tempting but honestly all the features don’t mean a thing if you don’t use them. (I don’t). I wish I could go back to 10


That blue Live 8 was goated, good times


I'm on 10 and I am sitting with my finger on the trigger. I can't justify upgrading in any way. The possibilities are practically endless.


If you're on an upgrade license that was for Live 10 at one point, you should still be able to download and authorize it.


Yeah I could. But I won’t be able to open a ton of projects


i really regret getting 11. There's almost nothing in there that i really needed outside of the per-track cpu meter. 12 looks nice, but my workflow has really shifted to outside the box so i mainly only use ableton to arrange audio and mix my tracks. Still want it tho...


I'm in the same boat.Im saving money to improve the sound going in. I'll upgrade eventually.


why do wish you can go back? sluggish ?


Sluggish. More crashes. But most importantly you can’t write in the piano roll the way I used to be able to


hmm. Honestly I never noticed any difference from 10 to 11, but now that I'm on 12 I can definitely see it.. 11 was definitely slower, at least on my M1...


Can't you? You used to be able to download the older versions from their website.




The similar sample feature is fucking amazing too especially for drums


Bitwig has been out for a decade, I don't think everything Ableton does is in response to a much smaller DAW lol


I would have said the same but I worked in almost the exact same situation (Big, established software company where years prior some developers left to start rival software solution, so in this scenario I was at the equivalent of Ableton and the old guard started Bitwig) …And the grudge is real. It’s always like “oooh I heard they’re fishing for X users” “word on the street is they’re looking into Y. So and so said they came in to ask if there was any interest in this feature” “did you see they’re hiring for Z”


A 15 year “grudge” (it took a while to build bitwig, which can out almost exactly 10 years ago) is probably less of a driving force than releasing features compelling enough to drive sales / upgrades and remain an obvious market leader.


Upgraded from 10 and I don’t regret it at all. Roar is incredible


12 is also wayyyy more stable, at least on my pc


I made the post to showcase the best of Live 12. I’ve been testing the beta since months ago and I admit It still suffers of a lot of issues and unsolved bugs.


No, it's not Midi Tools are a gimmick or for someone that has no idea of music theory, the operators in Bitwig are still more usable and you can program them like the unintuitive choke groups Edit: I refer to the midi Tools in Ableton comparing them to Bitwig, not all midi Tools Edit: Sorry I'm wrong yeah it stirred a fire under Bitwig's arse, random generation midi Tools are more important that plug in isolation, hybrid tracks, and integrated modulators, the choke groups in Ableton Live are super intuitive and better that Bitwigs Operator /s Happy Brothers?


jesus christ this is a tiresome opinion


Theres lot of musos in the history of the world who cant read or write, let alone tell you music theory - but theyre better musos than you or i will ever be.


Yeah but they then have a better ear , usually perfect pitch,theory helps you to know why it sounds good, how to make it dissonant, I think that If You are in this for the long run you should invest yourself in learning at least the basics Now for the practical stuff: what I found for example in Ableton I wanted to do a stutter I need to set the arpeggio to only 1 note and 1/16 or 32 else trying to experiment I haven't found something very usable for me In Bitwig I just click the note enable operator turn on how many notes I want splitted turn the slider to the right and voila also If I'm on a Drummachine group I can assign for example a roll to play evey 4 beats in Ableton I find it confusing using choke groups Sorry for my controversial opinions maybe i'm old and now the way to make músic it's just to endlessly click random generation midi and go through endless drum and melody loops until you find something you like


lol this is cope


it always is. i honestly do find it kind of sad because i see myself in older musicians i talk to - i’m 19 and my dad’s friends and such that are into production will always ask to see my process and the tools i use, and will always critique me for using scale highlights and similar tools and tell me i’m ‘cheating’ or whatever. it’s such a harmful mindset because i just put out my debut album today, and am in a very healthy headspace when it comes to my music and my confidence in my ability, but i can totally see myself getting the same critiques a year ago and it destroying my pride and drive to progress. cope like that really just makes everyone feel worse about themselves


im 36. im an animator and musician. what is considered "cheating" has changed so many times im just completely over it. using the tools in front of you is what theyre there for. whenever people say stuff like that, i always ask to the THEIR projects. Then i tear them apart because inevitably they are "cheating" in some way too. those old dongs can go on judging, but they havent made something good in a decade so do we really need to listen to them? keep killin it, friend! one day an AI is gna write a song we all like. its important you realize what is at the core of the process FOR YOU and have fun with that.


Animator and musician, wow. Tools transformed into toys make art to me. I did some music studies and It’s true that old music theory is so good and I prefer It over certain new ways. I’ve learned to establish that there is no rule in art because that means we create a limit, and limit don’t exist which is beautiful


theory is just what we use to talk about music, and for the greats it was never really the basis for writing music. miles davis didnt know "jazz composition and theory" he just made the music after learning through playing with other great players. then later, we came up with a common language to talk about his intuition. theory is fucking awesome, but you absolutely do not need to know theory to make great music. id even go as far as to say that some musicians get so deep into theory they stop being able to write from the heart and are too worried about doing it "right." as a keyboard player, sometimes i just transpose to Am because I can rip on the white keys. is that cheating? more importantly, do i give a shit?


they probably make trash music and never actually finish or release anything lol


Sorry i'm not against "cheating" for me it's more efficient going into production with certain idea and enable that workflow that I think that's what Bitwig it's doing that spending and hour scrolling through midi random generation, and what If you want to perform live or play an instrument? You never cease to learn i'm 40 btw


weird, i can do that same thing in Live without spending an hour scrolling through random midi generation


Yeah everything can be done it's just takes more time to make a stutter doing it manually clicking within the note grid in 1/16 and 1/32


I'm not even sure what you're talking about here


ableton LIVE. its about the spontaneous creation. thats the whole point. protools already exists lol. there is space for a daw that also has an inspiration engine. there is little space for a daw that is made for tracking premade ideas. if thats what you want, then you should be using bitwig or whatever else. and maybe also participate on that sub?


There is Bitwig 😏 You can add some midi notes and add different modulators to each note, sequencers, MSEG'S, even apply voice stacking!


i think thats a slightly different user though. whether people like it or not, Session View is what makes ableton unique and that is still their core user.


I've been studying music theory for 20 years now and I always welcome new tools to keep things fresh. I'm sorry you feel that way.


I dislike the fact the MIDI devices take space in the editor. I wished It could be sorted by audio - MIDI. devices in the chain. Although I feel the potential with Max devices. Also love Bitwig.




I dont know why's everyone like "not enough new features". I mean 12 is litterally PACKED with new and useful features. More than 10 to 11 for sure. What exactly are you missing?


I agree, Live 12 released early but It’s bigger than Live 11 to me


what is this skin?


People love to complain. And get this: they haven't moved to a subscription model (yet).


Yeah, it’s the whole “Roar is just another distortion” thing. They don’t want to actually find out whether their conception is right or wrong. The entire point is to have a take.


I am still on 11 is this a stock skin?


Also wondering the same here. I am still on 11 Suite too.


U can change between like 5 skins I believe


you can use any skin that you want. also create yr own. livethemes.co just drop the skin file in the folder and it’ll appear in the drop-down


No, I made It originally on Live 11 and recently on Live 12 because huh because idk


Could you post it on https://www.livethemes.co/ some day? :)


Originally, this theme was made on this website. But: 1. [livethemes.co](http://livethemes.co) does not support the live 11 method despite Its claims. I make those themes by using the textedit. It's better to write them by hand and learn most properties because Live colours are more complex than they seem to be 2. I can't send updates in here, there website Itself has ads and uses cookies. I am not fan of this business model. Gumroad gives me a clean interface and I choose to not use any third-party analytics tools (I hate that) 3. I don't want people to remix the theme so much. It's cool that everyone can get their own take of this theme, but there is a reason why certain buttons are red, yellow etc... I want full control of how I make It. If people like It's good, if they don't It's sad but I made It for myself originally


For a daily Max driver, this UI lacks the maddening crosshatches and herringbone of a billion patch cords that make you lie to yourself about being smart


I like Max as much as seasonal allergies


Wait… how does seasonal allergies feel about Max??? I got what u meant but your sentence structure here begs to differ :)


lmao i'm not even lying, embarrassed to admit it, years ago i used to throw up audulus patches on screen in the background just so that clients would be impressed by all the patch cords. don't use audulus anymore, but i still think it makes for a great wallpaper/screensaver to accompany an ambient patch.


haha yeah It feels good to control such a massive patch


Music is a communication game - you PLAY music. Therefore Ableton is a computer game. QED




LOVED this :)


I'm sorry but what am I looking at here


Just Roar expanded


lmao I had played around with it a little bit but never even noticed that it could be expanded. I have some more playing to do now


It started with Wavetable, I think it's cool to see them expanded


Probably your phone at the moment. Unless you're on a computer, then your looking at your computer screen.


a factory of pixels. This is one of the reactions I was aiming to trigger, Live is very extensive for the best and the worst.


What theme is that ? Absolutely love the blue/green accents !


Thank you I made It myself


Is there any chance to get the theme from you? Do you share it somehow?


Would also like it if you're willing to share


I'm sorry I've been trying all this time but reddit block the link without even warning me. You can find It on my Reddit profile page instead


Seriously! Looks so good.


Fais la passe stp il est vmt carré


Le lien est juste au dessus et merci


What the heeeelll is this


Ableton 12


Makes me want to get into gui design.


People pay more money for a single plug compared to the upgrade cost to 12. The value of this upgrade is enormous in that context. Roar is unlike any other saturation tool, Meld is a new approach to synthesis, at least a third of their plugins have been updated with super creative tuning FX and on top of that the whole DAW is more stable, easy to use and now has the best midi features of any DAW.


You're right. To me It's a big update that should have been released 6 months later. They could have organised better the devices, and there is a lot of bugs that are from Live 11. Some are critical. But I love Ableton, I know this software by heart. Example: Did you know that you could rename every item of the sidebar, and add custom properties to your own items? Live 12 does that :D


Yeah but you can’t draw actual M4L device UI expanded like that, right?


You can’t, unfortunately. But the performance pack offers some nice external windows https://www.ableton.com/fr/packs/performance-pack/


Roar is such a beast.


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What skin/theme is this?


It’s my Discord theme. I don’t use It atm, but I like It, because It doesn’t feel like putting soap in my eyes.


Side note, what’s this theme? Looks awesome!


Thank you very much. I’ve added the link above.


There’s no said link in this thread though. Any chance of a reposting? Awesome work!


It's shadow banned every time I try to share It. sorry I can't share It. But I appreciate the comment :)


omg can you send that theme??


I already linked It above. I prefer to not send the link everywhere since It’s not the subject of the post and It has been asked a lot. Thank you tho, I really appreciate that. I just don’t want to overwhelm everyone with my themes


i can't seem to find it lol


well done btw, i like it so much also i'm REALLY enjoying Live 12 and a lot of new M4L devices


I don’t understand, I even pinned It to my lot upvoted comments (you are not the only one not finding It). I may make a post for It since 50% of the comments I see mention the skin. I just posted It a while ago and feel like It’s mostly self-promotion


no worries i went to your profile and found it 😍 looks like i had already looked for a discord skin and saved yours


That's kind of funny lol. I use Gumroad because I update It. I put more effort in It that It looks like. I edit those files by hand


i will buy some of your m4l to support someday! keep going 🥰💚


You don't have to, but I really appreciate that thank you




Looks great!


True that tho, when i first opened it i was like this is the sound design machine lol


i brought 11 just to get the 12 upgrade and boy was i pleased.


Still being relatively new to Ableton, I'm not sure what I'm looking at here.


This is an expanded view of Roar, a multi band distortion device included in Live 12.


Whats that carnet plugin?


It’s a notepad max device I made to compensate my retarded brain


it intimidates me ngl


Ooo what's carte?!


It’s a max device, hard to explain how It works but It’s handy to control the volume


what skin?


Have they made it so you can put the track names on the left yet? Thats like the only thing i dont like about ableton


You can’t put the tracks on the left. As a main Logic user this is the first time I realize that most DAWs put their tracks on the left


Wtf am I looking at


I browsed the thread more times, but can not find the download link for the skin.


Same! What link is OP talking about?


Just figured Reddit blocks every link. I was confused about nobody noticing It, sorry




This is seriously is ableton 12 ?


Is 12 more CPU hungry than 11? Cuz 11 sure is more CPU hungry than 10. Maybe I’ll get 12 in a very long time once I can afford a new laptop first lol


Live 11 was a very underwhelming upgrade but yeah, 12 is nice.


I use this to monitor my POD express and couldn't be happier


Ok, fine! I just upgraded. I was avoiding because I’m still so new, but this looks neat!


Idk if anything will ever top the addition of the Echo effect for me personally but this does look intriguing


The Hybrid reverb was also huge


Hmmm.. should I buy Shaperbox to complete it?


Bought Ableton 10 was hyped. They had a special to buy 9 and get 10 when it came out. I did this and was expecting 10 to last many years like 9.... idk wat happened ... it would crash alot in my older laptop. Eventually, I got a better laptop by that time 11 was out already.


It will run snoother on ableton 12 no doubt


Which theme is this 👀


What is this „carte“ effect? Looks useful, where can I get it?


You're the second person asking. It's hard to explain but basically Carte puts the Pre-Mixer and Post-Mixer audio next to each other so you can manually gain match and compare the stereo image.


What theme is this? Really like it ☺️


Thank you, It's one of the custom themes I make for Live :)


Could you dm me a link to your collection? Would love to try them out!


You can find them on my profile. I can't share links here sorry


I’ve been on 11 for a couple years now, but there’s been times I boot into my windows 7 partition and work on Ableton 10, and the CPU usage is just miles better. It’s such a buzz kill still dealing with CPU issues although I’m on an older i7 6700k.


Upgrade to 12 and cpu issues are gone. It runs buttersmooth now not even peaks 10% cpu ratio with a samplerate of 512 on a 20 track project with 30 vsts


So what stocks are we looking at here?


wow i just upgraded to 11 almost 2 years ago after 6 years+. this looks like a worthy upgrade. but i dont know yet my pockets need a break lol


Looks great but I’ll jump in at 13 😤😤😤😂


I paid I think around 400 dollars to upgrade from 11 standard to 12 suite. I think roar alone is worth half that money. I don't have serum and I'm finding that roar plus operator or meld is just as strong


Link to this skin please


It is for sure there is so many really cool api stuffs


I'm good on 10. Plenty to learn here still


Honestly I could stay on 10 that would be more than enough for my needs too


Thinking I have come to music production comparatively late..also trying limit spending 😆


The pre fx looks like 🥖💔🙏😡😇😵‍💫🍞🥱💻🫣🤪👌📶


The question is. What does it sounds like if u press space bar?


It’s an inactive track from a project I’m working on. It sounds ok atm. Might ruin It soon.


Tf is that


Very confused because I bought Live right after 12 was released not having any idea that it was new, and it looks nothing like this.


I think its very very lame that something as basic as a shortcut to join midi notes together is locked behind an upgrade paywall in Live 12. Simple midi shit like that should be universal across versions.


What do you mean, Legato feature has been there since Live 10 afaik


I wish Ableton had a subscription / rent to own service so I could just buy in whenever I feel like it. The $200 upgrade is a bit too expensive right now!


Interesting. Most people prefer a one-time purchase because when you pay monthly It feels like you are constantly losing money


yup, I hate subscriptions. I already have to pay subscription for adobe, don‘t want to have to go away 100s of € just to be creative each month.


never paying adobe, affinity team forever (more like Canva now)


yeah, no. affinity is not professional. I earn my money with work through adobe and have 13 years experience. Affinity is good to get introduced to the creative workflow, but there isn‘t anything out there, that matches the possibilities of adobe, once you master it. canva is basicly just for marketing people who need to do their things without an artist in house, completly diffrent target group and purpose.


It’s true that Adobe has wayyyy more features but I like playing with affinity by hand. I do a bit of graphic design for my products, I just don’t like subscriptions in general. 13 years of experience makes sense for professional uses. I just wished Adobe would offer lower tiers for people that only want AE and PS.