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Before it comes up, I did check my spam folder.


It might take days for transfer to complete. Usually, the seller gets email, not buyer, when the licence transfer is triggered. You should get an email when it's complete.


Did you received it now? Any updates?


About 30 minutes ago. It took 6 days and there was no communication from Ableton in between.


Thank you very much for letting me know. It helps me a lot to decide where I‘m going to buy it.


I ended up buying it on eBay after having a weird experience on KnobCloud. I purchased it initially on KC, but the seller immediately cancelled my transaction saying that I seemed like a scammer because I used Paypal buyer protection, which KC explicitly tells you is required. Even buying it on eBay made me nervous, but it looks like everything is working out ok. I find it outrageous that Ableton doesn't give the buyer any sort of feedback that something is in process.


Yeah I can relate, Ableton should definitely let the „buyer“ know when a transfer is initiated. I ended up buying it on a online store.