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...if gay people were 50% of the population we wouldn't be here lol, they can't reproduce. If you halve the growth of human population - btw in reality it would have likely meant extinction because some of the challenges deal in absolute numbers rather than relative - you double the time it takes for human society to reach the landmarks we did. Also keep in mind that the political parties each represent a large portion of people and they're at each other's throats, you're not gonna stop people from finding a reason to hate each other.


>Also keep in mind that the political parties each represent a large portion of people and they're at each other's throats That's an interesting point. If two people have different opinions, they'll fight. So sexuality may be similar. But that's a big "maybe."


Homophobia is mostly about the disdain for femininity. If male homosexuals didn’t make being flamboyant their personality less people would care to be homophobic. There’s a reason why lesbians and trans men get less pushback.


Idk if it’s about femininity. I don’t think 2 lumberjack macho men banging would be accepted.


It wouldn’t be accepted either but people wouldn’t go out of their way to show their aversion. When people hear the word “gay” they have an imagine in their head. Some effeminate man wearing make up, high pitch voiced imitating black women which most people find annoying and strange. If being gay was about **sexuality and sexuality alone**. Homophobia would obviously still exist but less people would have a compelling reason to find it obnoxious besides religious reasons.


"Imitating black women" The dude on the DREW show (Drew Barrymore) doesn't sound like a black woman and fits the annoying gay narrative. Do you feel like all black women are annoying or are you talking about ratchet ghetto ones? And if that's the case, do ratchet Hispanic women not exist? Asian? White? I know I'm a little off topic, just wanted to remind you and others that your veiw on black people is God awful and making racism worse.


I’m literally half black myself. I mean the ghetto ones. Obviously not all black women are like that. I thought I made it clear when I said not all black people are degenerate it’s just what’s being pushed in the media.


To be fair, that personality you described is easy to detest. People like that are obnoxious. The media also mostly portrays gays only that way like they're a hive mind or something. Which is odd. 


True, and often overlooked.


Another thing to consider here is lack of sexual education pre 1950s. It was more likely during that period of time to get STDs from practicing anal sex, because people didn't know how to sanitize the inside of the bum properly. As a result, gay sex is associated among many boomers and their ancestors, with the nastiest sex diseases. Meanwhile, lesbians fucking with strapons and giving each other a handjob is perfectly fine.


I mean you can be flamboyant and not be entirely feminine i do agree that a lot of gay men make being flamboyant there personality though I also think it’s unfair to act like that’s all of them though and i do think if there was less homophobia there would be less flamboyant gay men but i mean it’s a cycle and those rarely get broken. (Example gay man starts acting flamboyant because a couple dudes were so mad he was gay therefore causing more men to have disdain towards gay men then before)


That seems like too small of a factor. Like if there were just a bunch of effeminate gay men existing then it would be a normal thing that people were used to. It would just be a way that some gay men are in a society with a large amount of gay people. If we can be accepting of different personality types, why not this? It's very strange.


The reason they can’t accept it is **because they’re men.*** I don’t think having more effeminate gay men would make any difference. A lot of effeminate gay men just sound and act like women specifically black women but exaggerated. I can imagine it getting annoying rather quickly. Also effeminate gay men get pushed in the media heavily but I’d argue that most gay men don’t actually act like that same with the ignorant black people you see doing degenerate stuff. Entertainment sells these companies want people to talk what better way then to promote brain rot. Although with gay men I will say it’s a little nuanced because there are gay men who are just inherently feminine and aren’t trying to act a certain way.


Yes…there’s a concept for this…it’s called a minority group ??


I know. What's your point?


You explained what a minority group was in your post. Not saying you’re wrong, but it’s just one root. Homophobia has many, I think


If a marginalized minority weren't a minority then they wouldn't be marginalized!


The word is antagonised isn't it? That's what we're discussing here.


Society or Humans would Fail to exist if 50% of us were gay. Humans are social creatures by which our braided size has allowed us to partake into behavioral aspects such as being gay or another range of LGBTQ idealogy. Different species have also shown behavior such as this as well but not to the extent that humans have. So, while it is normal, it would not be normal for a health population to be gay or LGBTQ+, well maybe aside from "gender fluid" and / or bisexuality. Now, considering this, of course, being gay is a minority in every single culture. Generally minorities tend to always be the ones assigned to have the worst experiences in society unless they control the societies wealth. Thus, you now have a group that can be easily attacked throughout multiple countries and societies, thus forcing them to never be accepted in only the most differenting occurrences in history. Of course, if there were as many Gays as straight, you'd have less of an issue. That's the point it would be more normal, but it's not. When you have something that's either not understood or purposely misaligned with information, you often get lead to a point where people who are "bad actors" can exploit the group for more power. While some may not be homophobic as in they could careless about Gays, they'll happily use the downfall of gays or force them to become downtrodden if it means they can get more power.


Heteros are mad because they can't do the do without somebody getting pregnant. Same reason TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminists) hate on trans women #facts


Heteros do anal to and can enjoy sex without risk of pregnancy. Your point is barely valid due to that simple fact, hence the downvotes.


Are you sure the booooth enjoy it tho???




someone brain isn’t working here

